Tutoring the Spoiled


This wasn’t at all what Kouji wanted. Guess that’s what happens when his only friends are a bunch of rich girls, who don’t understand the word, ‘proper’. Even if Anastasia was one of the nicer ones, she still acted with quite the mind of her own.

Doesn’t she understand that this wouldn’t look good, he thought to himself. To go into a boy’s house, where he lived alone, to sleep there. That sounds like a good idea if you wanted a scandal, especially for a girl of her status.

Still, no one has to know. And he’s not about to expose her, seeing as he’s her friend.

“I am back!” She yells as she bursts through the door. Maybe he should’ve locked it, and pretended to go to sleep. Too late to come up with that plan though. Anastasia is giddy like a schoolgirl, as she walks in with her sleep wear, along with some essential items for personal hygiene.

Obviously, the eye catch here is her pajamas. It’s lavender colored, with vertical strips. Nothing too special with the designs, what makes it stand out, would be the girl that’s wearing it. He swore, this girl always had clothes that were at least a size too small for her body. That much was very apparent around the chest region.

“This is going to be so much fun.” She was really excited for this, as she commandeered the bathroom to get cleaned up. “Kouji…” She spoke to him, while brushing her teeth. “Have you gotten cleaned for the day?”

He shook his head to that question. Normally, he’d go to the public bathhouses when there was time. While he wasn’t that sick, it still was his excuse for why he was still a bit of a mess.

“That is no good.” She said, spitting out the toothpaste. Both because she had finished, and because she was shocked to hear that. “You need to freshen up, no matter what… Or how.” Again, as was common with their relationship, she pulled him by the arm to force him in the bathroom.

He had a tiny bathroom, which made it a tight squeeze with her in here as well. She got some soap she brought along, and got it wet with the sink. The suds built up in her hands, until she was satisfied with the result. That was when she rubbed her hands all over his face.

“Ah, careful.” He complained to her, worried that it would get into his eyes.

“Do not worry.” She assured him with a smile. “This soap is designed to not harm the eye.” That’s not his only problem, but at least that wouldn’t be so bad. However, it was also uncomfortable that she had her hands all over his face, and that wasn’t the only place either. “Okay, now put your head under the sink.”

Is she trying to kill him? Even if that’s not her intention, he was worried about the end result. Despite his reservations, Kouji did as she asked of him. He put his head under, and she turned on some really hot water. It’s not her fault, his facilities were always lacking in being just right for him.

She got water all over his head, and started to brush on some more soap. He really didn’t need to be shampooed by a girl, he was very much capable of doing that. But it was kind of nice to feel Anastasia’s soft hands move along his hair.

Those hands were the type to make poison out of a meal. But they were magnificent when it came to grooming, it seemed. He never felt the grease and grim washing away from his head like this.

When she was finished, this was the most clean he ever was. And it wasn’t even a proper bath, but it was like a weight was lifted off his shoulders as he got back up.

“Thanks.” He expressed his gratitude. This girl really did find a way to surprise him in the positive for once. He’ll have to do something to pay her back for that.

“That is good to hear.” She glowed from the praise. “Now, if you could give me some privacy.” She suddenly got bashful in front of him. A bit odd, since he was sure she’s already dressed with what she was going to sleep in. Oh well, he’ll never figure out these girls.

“Okay.” He walked out the room, as she closed the door behind him. Kouji wondered for a moment what she was doing in there, then dropped it from his mind. It was starting to get late, and he had a plan on getting up early tomorrow. So he went to his futon and laid in it.

As he was getting in it, Kouji realized that there was no place for her to sleep. Sure, she could pull what Isako did and just lay with a blanket, but it felt unfair for him to force someone to do that two days in a row. Maybe he could have her sleep in his futon, while he slept on the ground. Though judging by the way she’s been acting, that probably wouldn’t be allowed.

“Guess I’ll just wait, for when she gets out.” He decided that he’ll just ask for her opinion on the matter. So he waited… And waited… And waited even longer, which was taking a while. What was taking her so long? Getting impatient, Kouji got up and knocked on the door. “Is everything okay?”

“Ahh!” She let out a yelp, like he caught her doing something. Not sure what, since he can’t see her past this door. “K-Kouji, I am sorry. I will be right now!”

“I’m not trying to rush you, just wondering what-” Before he could finish his sentence, Anastasia rushed our the door like a bull. She collided with him, causing the two of them to collapse onto the floor.

She laid on top of him, in a close manner. Cliche, but if she wanted to grab his attention, this was certainly the way. Her big breasts rested on top of him, as he felt her full weight on his body.

Their faces were centimeters apart, and he could see her bright red face very clearly. Trying not to get flustered himself, Kouji tried to look behind her. Though it was also to see what she was up to. But he couldn’t see anything that stood out to him.

“What were you doing?” He asked her, as she took her time to get off of him.

“N-nothing!” She yelled as if louder noises made it a true statement. That girl was really bad at hiding her intentions, but even at this point he had nothing to get her on. So he let it go.

“Okay…” He said slowly. “Anyway, um, about our sleeping situation.” He explained the lack of accommodation he had for her. Though these were all things she wasn’t concerned about. Unfortunately for him, her solution was a bit ridiculous.

“That is easy. We will simply share it.”

“What?!” Maybe he should’ve made his decision without her after all. “I don’t know about that.”

“But we are friends, no?” She counted him. “I used to do this with my friends back at home, It does not mean anything that you might think it is.” Well, if she didn’t think much of it, then Kouji could breath a little easy. Maybe he was just blowing that out of proportion.

Too bad for him, that he didn’t realize she was lying. Anastasia never did this with friends at all, and she did see it exactly the way he thought it was like. The only problem that the girl had with this plan, is that she didn’t get the chance to finish what she was doing in the bathroom.

“G-go ahead.” Even though he tried to act as if this was normal, Kouji still had his reservations. She laid down first, followed with him right next to her. At least his futon was big enough that they didn’t have to be bunched up together.

Of course, not having to, is different than her wanting to. Anastasia made no attempt to hold herself back from him. Perhaps if she wasn’t interrupted before, she might not be so in the mood.

Every time she got close to him, Kouji moved away from her. This seemed a bit much to him, but it wasn’t like he had anywhere to go. Eventually, he ran out of space to smudge over, and then popped out of it.

“What are you doing?” She asked him, puzzled that he was now out in the cold.

“Heh, I guess I just rolled out.” He lied, and reentered their sleeping arrangement.

Anastasia had her arms around him, giving the boy a tight embrace. He sighed, it was a good thing that Himawari wasn’t here to see it. This sight would drive that girl mad with a rage of a thousand suns.

He just needed to move past this day, so that he could properly make moves with Himawari. But… It’s hard to ignore Anastasia. That girl was always so kind to him, even if a bit air headed. She’s very beautiful too, and if he wasn’t already interested with someone else, he would consider her.

Actually, thinking about it now. He would be pretty overjoyed if… No, what’s he thinking? That was a terrible thought he had for a moment, there was no way he’d ever betray someone’s feelings for him.

But, then again, he’s not in an official relationship. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to consider his options. Yuma’s a wonderful girl too, who’s always tends to his needs. But he can never tell how she’s feeling, because no one can tell with that girl. Yuma’s an enigma that needed to be cracked somehow.

Then there’s Waa. As much as the boy hated to admit it, he did find her a little attractive. That thought sounded so absurd to him, considering that she’s not really pretty. At least, not normally, but there’s something that only he’s ever seen from her. A side that she keeps hidden for some reason.

But right now, he’s got plans for tomorrow. Important plans, that require getting up early for. Hopefully, it’ll work out for him.

With that all squared away, Kouji put those thoughts away. All he needed was sleep, for the adventure he was about to have.

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