Twilight Gamer

Chapter 11

Carlisle came and dragged a chair that was next to the bed and sat in front of Jack.

"Seems like the turning has been completed successfully, how do you feel Jack?" Carlisle asked as he looked at Jack.

"I feel fine I guess, it's a bit disorienting, however," Jack answered honestly as he stared at the man.

Carlisle nodded.

"I'm sure it is, it will take a while for you to get used to your new strength and speed but I'm sure you will manage. Now I have a question, Jack." Carlisle said as he looked at Jack, his facial expression seemed to dampen when he came to the question.

"What?" Jack asked as he stared at the man.

"Do you feel thirsty?" Carlisle asked, his question brought Jack's mind to his throat and then he felt it.

A burning pain in his throat.

It felt like had never drunk anything in his entire life, his entire body was screaming at him to drink to get something, anything down his throat.

This realization caused Jack's expression to change quickly as he grimaced at the pain.

"It sure does feel like my throat is a desert," Jack said as he looked at Carlisle.

A moment later, Jack asked a question.

"I don't need water right now do I doctor?"

Carlisle shook his head slowly, his expression dampening further turning into what Jack thought was a sad smile.

"No, only blood will be able to take that pain away, and even then animal blood will only partially get rid of it, make it bearable. Only human blood can truly remove it" Carlisle said as he looked at Jack.

"I see..." Jack said, stopping his words in the middle as he thought of his future, of what he would have to do.

Carlisle nodded and then continued.

"Our family lives on animal blood and we want to blend in with human society that's why we drink Animal blood only, I have done so for hundreds of years now. But I can't stop you if you wish to drink human blood to remove that pain entirely Jack. That decision is up to you." Carlisle said as he looked at the boy in front of him.

When he had first met Jack inside the house, he had looked like a broken stone statue.

He had held almost no expression and his tone had been flat even when he had appeared to be enraged at Rosalie.

Now after transforming into a vampire however he looked different.

Carlisle could finally see the young boy for what he was.

A kid, someone who had been stripped away of his life because of an unfortunate circumstance, because of meeting them.

Carlisle felt a sharp pain in his heart even though it had been dead for centuries now.

"I'll stick to animal blood, I don't want to hurt humans," Jack said after a moment of contemplation.

'First of all, I really do not want to hunt humans down, and second, I don't want to end up in a mess and being investigated by the police and the government' Jack thought as he imagined them finding and capturing him and then doing all kinds of experiments on his body and mind.

A slight shudder went through his spine at merely the thought of that happening.

Carlisle nodded, his expression once more turning into a smile as he looked at Jack.

"All right, then how about we go and get rid of that huger of yours?" Carlisle said as he stood up and then extended his hand to Jack.

"Ok," Jack said as he nodded and grabbed the hand.


And with a harsh slapping sound, Carlisle's hand was pushed back.

Jack looked at his hand which had slapped Carlisle's hand away and thought.

'I got rid of the Charisma problem but now I have to deal with this shit?' Frustration bubbled up in his gut and even showed in his expression as he looked at his hand as if it were his greatest enemy.

Carlisle who was looking at him barely held back a chuckle.

"Slow steps, try to move your hand as slowly as possible and treat everything around you as if they are eggshells," Carlisle said as he took Jack's hand and lifted him up.

Once on his feet, Jack looked down and took a step as slowly as he could.

Even then, his foot moved as if he was trying to run forward instead of walking.

Trying once more, he finally managed to put his one foot forward normally.

Lifting his face, Jack looked at Carlisle and said with a twitching smile.

"This is going to take a bit to get used to"

"It's normal, in fact, you are doing much better than any of us had when we were first turned," Carlisle said as he nodded towards Jack trying to encourage him.

Jack only nodded and tried once more.

One step after another, Jack walked all the way to the door and by the time he had, his steps were much more stable and he wasn't even needing to look at his feet.

"Actually never mind, it's not that hard," Jack said as he turned to Carlisle.

Carlisle meanwhile just stood there in mild shock as he looked at him.

"Well, that certainly wasn't something I was expecting," Carlisle said and then walked to his desk and took something out of a drawer.

It was a small mirror, walking to Jack he gave it to him.

"I thought I should tell you but your looks have changed a bit as well, it's a normal part of becoming a vampire," Carlisle said as he waited for Jack to finish looking at himself.

The mirror reflected Jack's face, it looked similar to when he was a human but also completely different.

With dark brown hair that bordered on being black, a sharp jawline, and a nose. Jack looked like a model.

He also looked completely human besides the fact that his skin was pale as a white stone and his eyes were bright red.

'I don't look as handsome as them though' Jack thought in disappointment as he glanced at Carlisle and remembered Edward, Emmets, and Jasper's faces.

'Damned Charisma'


Here's the daily chapter, I hope you guys like it. It was pretty fun to write, though that might just be because I'm addicted to games.

What's sad is I haven't played any in the last two months almost. Sadge.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and help me keep the lights on then check out my Patreon.

Thanks for reading to the end!

Lots of Love

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