Twilight Gamer

Chapter 12

Finished with looking himself in the mirror, Jack handed it to Carlisle and waited for him to put it back in his drawer once more.

"All right shall we head downstairs then?" Carlisle asked as he looked at Jack.

"Sure" Jack answered and waited as Carlisle opened the door and then started following behind him.

The walk to the living room wasn't long but it wasn't short either, the Cullen mansion appeared to be much larger on the inside than what one might think its size was from the outside.

Finally, after a minute or so of walking, Carlisle and Jack arrived at the living room.

Jack saw Alice, Rosalie, Emmet, Esme, and Jasper were already there waiting.

"The mind reader isn't here," Jack asked as he glanced at them.

"No, he had a problem in school and had to go cool off at some people we know up in Alaska, he should be back by next week" Carlisle answered and sat down on the couch.

Jack followed his lead and sat on the couch in front of Carlisle, right next to Jasper and Alice.

"Weren't we going to go get blood?" Jack asked Carlisle once he sat down.

Carlisle nodded and turned to Esme.

"I think it would be better to give you a blood bag for the first time," Carlisle said as he looked at Jack.

"I already said I didn't want to drink human blood though," Jack said as he looked at the man.

"We have animal blood stored as well, we keep some in the freezer, it's not as good as fresh blood but it should be easier for you to drink it considering you aren't used to being a vampire yet," Carlisle said as he turned to look at Esme.

"Would you mind going to get some for him dear?" Carlisle asked Esme who nodded her head and gave him a smile.

Turning back toward Jack, Carlisle asked him.

"Do you have any other questions you would like answered now that you are a vampire?" Carlisle asked as he looked at Jack.

The rest of the Cullens around them were silent, simply listening to the conversation between the two.

"Who exactly are the Volturi? That's the only question I have at the moment" Jack said as he looked at Carlisle, his brows were furrowed as he made the question.

'It's because of those bastards that the Cullens had to turn me, I should at least know who they are.' Jack thought to himself, at the moment his thoughts were in English and not in the coded language that he had made since Edward the telepath wasn't nearby.


Releasing a soft sigh, Carlisle started his explanation.

"The Volturi are a coven of vampires based in Italy, they are the strongest coven of vampires in the world and could even be considered as the government that reigns over all of us. They make laws that we vampires have to follow and they punish those that break those laws. One of those laws is about not letting humans discover about vampire existence" Carlisle said as he gave a brief explanation about who they were and what they were to all vampires.

Jack nodded and then said with a scowl.

"So they're basically Judge, Jury, and Executioner huh?"

It was a rhetorical question so Carlisle didn't bother to answer besides nodding his head slightly.

"We can't do anything against them, they have hundreds of vampires under their reign, fighting against them is simply a death sentence," Jasper said from Jack's side.

"Right," Jack said.

Jasper still kept looking at him and for a moment started using his empath powers.

The rage he was currently feeling inside of Jack was large, it almost engulfed him as well.

Jack turned his head to look at Jasper the second his powers started taking effect.

"You're able to affect my emotions?" Jack asked as he looked at him in the eyes.

Jaspers and the other's eyes widened as they looked at Jack.

"How did you know?" Jasper asked, his voice clearly tinged with confusion.

Alex could finally understand the slight emotions that were being carried through as people talked, when he had only one charisma yesterday, he felt blind and could barely understand the other's emotions unless they were to such a high degree that they could be seen clearly like Carlisle pity when he had started transforming him.

"I felt my emotions change and then I came to the conclusion that it wasn't my doing when I analyzed the situation I was in, when that happened I started to feel a shallow connection and it was comming from you so I came to the conclusion that it was you who was calming my emotions down" Jack explained and then turned back to face Carlisle.

"Don't do that again, I don't like having my emotions manipulated" Jack said.

Jasper didn't have time to reply as they heard Esme come into the room.

In her hand was a large thermos which she placed right in front of Jack.

Before taking it, however, Jack turned to Carlisle and questioned him.

"If I'm able to control myself before blood would I be able to come back to school sooner?" Jack asked as he looked at the man.

"If you are able to but even if you are, I'll still monitor and do tests on you for a week before being able to let you go," Carlisle said as he looked at Jack seriously.

Jack nodded and then took the thermos in his hand, noticing that it was warm to the touch.

'She probably warmed it so that the blood would unfreeze, I still don't know how they keep it from clotting however, there must be some kind of chemical they put into it or something' Jack thought and opened the thermos's lid.

Immediately Jack felt its scent, it was overwhelming.

It smelled like the best meal he had ever had, no it smelled even more heavenly to him, he didn't think he had ever smelled anything as delicious as the blood before him.

He didn't move however and remained on the spot simply looking at the blood inside the thermos.

[ Intelligence Check ]

[ Intelligence Required 9 ]

[ Intelligence Check Passed ]

And then the overwhelming need that had been growing in him stopped.

It was a sudden, almost too sudden in fact as one moment Jack felt like he would lose his mind if he didn't drink the blood and then the next second he felt no urge to drink it.

That wasn't to say that the scalding and burning feeling in his throat was gone, only the mental urge was gone, not the physical one.

Jack quickly processed all the information and came to a conclusion.

'I need to drink blood to survive, that's what the feeling in my throat is, similar to when your stomach growls as a human. The urge is only mental but because of my intelligence stat that seems to have been nullified, so I seem to have already overcome the urge to attack humans without even trying' Jack thought.


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Lots of Love

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