Twilight Gamer

Chapter 14

Looking around him Jack saw the woods surrounding the Cullen mansion, the entire area looked like it was from some movie or some fantastical story.

Especially when you took into consideration that there were Vampires living in the area.

'My entire life got flipped upside down in a matter of two days.' Jack thought as he started walking down the stairs and toward the forest.

Emmet followed closely behind him though he didn't say anything.

Maybe because of the increased charisma but Emmet could clearly see Jack's emotions much better, and he quickly realized that he should keep his silence.

Walking through the woods, Jack thought back to his life.

'Since my heart has already stopped, I could it could really be called that I'm looking back on my life, I'm already a dead corpse walking' Jack thought jokingly to himself though it didn't really increase his mood.

Thinking back he had never truly had that great of a life.

Being abandoned in a backwater town like Forks by his mother and only receiving a small allowance each month that he had to save if he wanted to pass the month and have enough money to live sure wasn't that great of a life if he thought about it.

To get away from the miserable life he held he had immersed himself in games, trying to distance himself from reality, he hadn't thought that was what he had been doing but now that Jack looked back on it he could clearly tell that it was what he had been doing.

'Maybe it's the increased intelligence stat doing its work?' Jack thought as he walked through a dirt path, all around him his senses could perceive the wildlife.

They strayed far away from him and Emmet as if the two of them were apex predators and they were.

'I don't think anyone stands above vampires in the jungle law chain if I think about it but I haven't met any other supernatural creatures and if vampires are real then who says they aren't?' Jack thought as he continued walking in silence.

He had never had a lot of friends, James had been the one real friend that he had but even that was ruined because of his low charisma stat.

'So I guess it's not that bad that I became a vampire, it could even be called a lucky encounter. I became immortal and have basically superpowers for strength, speed, endurance, and perception. It just feels kind of annoying that I was forced into it' Jack thought as he remembered how the day had gone when he had been found out by the Cullens.

'I understand that they followed a law but was it really needed? Couldn't they have just told me to not say a peep and left me alone? I don't think anyone would even believe me if I said that vampires were real, I'd just look like a madman.' Jack thought as a trace of fury started bubbling up in his mind.


Releasing a sigh, Jack quickly stomped on the growing emotion and sat down on a fallen down tree he found.

Turning his head, Jack looked at Emmet and asked him.

"So what was that about territory that Esme said you should tell me about?"

Emmet sat down on a stone a few meters away and looked at Jack.

"Vampires aren't the only supernaturals around Forks," Emmet said as he looked at Jack waiting for a reaction.

Jack showed none, however.

Scratching his head, Emmet gave a chuckle.

"I thought you would be at least a little surprised," Emmet said as he looked at Jack who shrugged his shoulders.

"My whole life turned into a game and then a day later I lost said life and became a vampire who's living a game? Is it called living when I'm kinda dead? There should be a word about that." Jack said and then stared at emmet, telling him to continue.

Another chuckle later, Emmet nodded.

"I guess that does make sense, well let me just get on with it then. Besides us, there are also wolf shapeshifters around forks. They the indigenous Quileute tribe of this area. We have a deal with them which states that we don't hunt or go into their territory and they also don't come into ours." Emmet said as he started motioning with his hand.

Nodding his head Jack asked.

"Wolf shapeshifters? You mean werewolves?" Jack asked as he imagined the wolves he had seen in the movies and read about in books.

Emmet shook his head.

"No, they are shapeshifters, not werewolves, they're completely different. While I heard Carlisle say that werewolves exist but I haven't seen any of them so I can't be certain. Wolf shapeshifters basically turn into huge wolves and don't transform into half human half beast monsters, and they also don't need the full moon as werewolves do." Emmet said as he explained the differences.

"Right, so I just have to stay in you guys's territory, and I'll be fine?" Jack asked as he looked at Emmet who nodded and continued talking.

"That's right, also Carlisle will be telling them that you are part of our coven now so they will know you aren't going to attack them or something, it's just so you can be a little safer. I'll show you our territory now so that you know where you can't step into." Emmet said as he got up from where he was standing and motioned for Jack to get up and follow him.

"Sure," Jack said as he got up from the tree trunk and started following behind Emmet.

"We are going to start running, so try to keep up with me, and this way you will also start practicing how to use your super speed as well so two birds with one stone as they say," Emmet said with a grin and then started running.

He was fast, insanely fast for a humanoid being but Jack could see him clearly, as if it was all in slow motion.

A split second later, Jack started running behind him. His figure turned into a blur just like Emmet's had.


Here's the daily chapter I hope y'all liked it, it's a bit early today as I'll be going out for a few hours.

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