Twilight Gamer

Chapter 15

His figure turning into a blur, Jack started running behind Emmet.

As he ran behind the man, he looked around, his speed and perception were matched so he could see the world just the same as if he was only running at human speeds, so he could control where he was going easily.

'If I had lowered my perception and increased my agility to be higher than it at the beginning would that have meant that I wouldn't have been able to see well at my max speed?' Jack wondered as he ran behind Emmet.

Because of his increased intelligence stat, any sight he saw was ingrained directly into his memory and he wouldn't have to worry about forgetting it at all.

The run took them about fifteen minutes before they arrived at a small stream of water in the woods.

Stopping in place just before he crossed it, Emmet turned to face Jack who had stopped right behind him.

"You're fast, not as fast as Edward but pretty close," Emmet said as he looked at Jack and then turned back toward the stream and motioned with his hands.

"This stream of water is where our border ends, beyond this, is the Quileute tribe territory, don't cross it. Ever" Emmet said.

"Would they attack me on sight if I crossed it?" Jack asked curious.

Emmet turned around to face Jack and nodded.

"They will try to kill you as soon as you cross that stream so I wouldn't suggest you do, shapeshifters are weaker than us vampires but if there are two or three of them then even we can't do anything," Emmet said, and then started walking back.

"So I just don't cross beyond this point in this direction? The city is open territory for everyone?" Jack asked as he started following him once more.

"That's right, and yes the city is a free territory, you can go anywhere that is roads even if it's beyond this point, of course not in the Quileute reservation but anywhere else is just fine," Emmet said as he started running once again, his speed this time was a little slower, however.

"All right," Jack said as he nodded and ran behind him.

Whilst they were running, an idea crossed Jack's mind.

'Since my perception is much higher as a vampire, how will my observation respond?' Jack thought as he stared at Emmet's back.


[ Observe skill has been used ]

[ Perception check ]

[ Perception needed 7 ]

[ Perception check passed successfully ]

[ Name: Emmet Cullen ]

[ Race: Vampire ]

[ Age: 90 ]

[ Stats ]

[ S: 9 ]

[ P: 7 ]

[ E: 9 ]

[ C: 7 ]

[ I: 5 ]

[ A: 7 ]

[ L: 5 ]

A/N - ( S- Strength, P- Perception, E- Endurance, C- Charisma, I- Intelligence, A- Agility, L- Luck. I'll just be using single letters from now on. )

[ Background Information - Emmet Cullen, A vampire of the Cullen Coven whose leader and adoptive father is Carlisle Cullen. He was turned into a vampire in 1935 by Rosalie Hale who noticed that he was her mate. ]

Looking at the detailed information, Jack was shocked, before turning into a vampire he had at most gotten the age and race of someone and very little tidbits of background information and that was only if it was used on a human and not a vampire.

'So the higher perception I have the more effective observation is, that makes sense but now the question is how do I increase my stats further? A change in race has increased them drastically but there should be another way to increase them right? And then there are skills, I unlocked observation so there might be other stuff I can unlock as well. Maybe something like Edward's Telepathy or Jaspers Empath powers?' Jack thought as he ran behind Emmet.

Emmet took him around the whole territory and explained where the edges of their territory were though he also said that none of the borders besides the one with the shapeshifters mattered and he could also go beyond them.

Nodding his head, Jack sat down on a large stone cliff he found while they were running.

"Thanks for showing me around Emmet," Jack said and then looked into the horizon, the stone cliff being quite large allowed him to look over the treeline and see way farther than he could have ever thought was possible without binoculars.

"It's no problem," Emmet said as he sat next to him.

"So I'm part of your coven or whatever that is now right?" Jack asked as he gave Emmet a side glance.

"Yeah, if you want to stay that is, we can't really stop you from doing anything now, the rules only state that humans shouldn't know about vampires and you aren't human anymore so you can do whatever you want," Emmet said as he looked ahead in front of them.

"I see, well I guess ill stay for now, I don't really know how to function as a vampire or how to do all the hiding you guys do so I'm pretty sure I'd mess up," Jack replied without turning his head toward Emmet.

"Alright, you will always be welcome amongst us Jack, while you can do whatever you want, I think it's still our responsibility to look after you after what uh we did," Emmet said as he almost stumbled on his words at the end.

Jack nodded his head slowly after a few moments.

'After you killed me...' Jack thought for a moment before releasing a slow sigh.

'Keeping a grudge is just stupid at this point, It wasn't that bad of a deal either way, being a vampire doesn't seem that bad right now' Jack thought and finally, his expression eased into a calmer one.

"So, what do you do for fun Emmet?" Jack asked as he turned his head to stare at the large vampire.

Emmet turned to face him as well and said.

"I usually just play video games these days. There's this new game called World of Warcraft, that's what I play the most" Emmet said as he looked at him.

Jack froze for a split second and then a small devilish grin appeared on his face.

"World of Warcraft you say?"


The Daily chapter, is quite a bit late, it's 5 am at me when I'm releasing this but I had to study as college exams are next week, nevertheless, I'm sorry.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and help me keep the lights on please check out my Patreon at:

If you see any place where the name Alex appears it's just my brain switching Jack with Alex as Alex is the name of my other fanfics mc. Please leave a paragraph comment if u see it so I can fix it.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the support and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Lots of Love

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