Twilight Gamer

Chapter 19

Turning around, Esme, Carlisle, and Jack started walking back to the mansion.

Jack was deep in his thoughts as he tried to analyze everything that had happened in the last few minutes.

Meanwhile, Carlisle and Esme were still going through their shock.

They had never seen a newborn vampire react like Jack, he was truly a first. A one of a kind you could say.

[ Ding ]

Suddenly Jack heard the sound that he both dreaded and waited excitedly for these days.

[ User has completed the Vegetarian Vampire Achievement ]

'Vegetarian Vampire achievement? What the hell is that' Jack thought as he looked at the blue holographic panel in front of him.

[ Calculating rewards ]

[ 1%.. 16%... 56%.. 89%... 100% ]

[ Rewards have been calculated ]

[ User has been granted access to emotion control skill ]

'Emotion control skill? Is it because I managed to control myself in front of the blood? That's the only logical explanation' Jack thought as he quickly opened his skills tab and clicked on the skill.

[ Emotion Control Skill ] [ Level 1 ]

[ Each level in the skill increases the user's control of their emotions by 10%. ]

'Seems basic enough, though it should be useful in stressful scenarios where I have to keep a cool head' Jack thought and nodded to himself as he followed behind Carlisle and Esme.

'I got it for free either way' Jack thought as he tried to stop himself from feeling disappointment at the reward.

However, it seemed the skill was too weak and his disappointment couldn't be held down.

'Shit ass game' Jack thought finally as he stomped whilst walking down the forest path.

Turning her head around, Esme stared at Jack confused by his antics.

"Is something wrong Jack?" Esme asked oblivious to Jack's inner turmoil over what he called 'Bullshit Rewards'.

Lifting his head, Jack gave Esme a smile.

"I'm completely fine Miss Esme, I just stomped on a bug," Jack said, softly while still holding his smile.

[ Charisma Check Failed ]

'This...' Jack thought to himself before his mind was once more engulfed by vile words that would cause even a wolf to whimper.

After a while, they arrived back at the mansion, Esme headed to the kitchen whilst Carlisle headed straight into his Office, leaving Jack in the living room unsure what to do.

He wasn't really feeling playing games at the moment so he sat down on the couch and stared at the white walls of the mansion.

"Why did you paint it all white? It would have looked more interesting if there was a bigger variety of colors." Jack mumbled, knowing full well that Emmet who was on the couch in front of him watching the tv would be able to hear him perfectly fine.

"We were going to paint it but just never had the time, maybe we'll do it sometime in the future," Emmet said as he shrugged.

Time passed by quickly as time waited for no one.

The days went by fine with Jack being tested every day by Carlisle but just like the first time, no it could be even called better than the first time.

From the second time onwards, Jack didn't even twitch his eyebrows not to mention not being able to move because of the urge.

Carlisle for the first time got shocked each time they did the testing, to him it looked like Jack was either a genius or a complete monstrous anomaly.

By the end of the week, Carlisle had even done a checkup on his body to see if he truly was a vampire or not, that was how unbelievable of a thing he had done.

However, that was last week.

It had already become Monday and Jack was tying up his shoelaces in front of the front door of the Cullen mansion.

"Stay close to him, even though he has completely controlled the urge we don't know when an accident can occur," Carlisle said as he looked at Emmet seriously.

Out of everyone, Emmet and Jack had spent the most time together.

It felt like the two had instantly clicked and were able to even understand each other's thoughts as if they had been friends since birth.

Emmets happy go lucky and loud attitude at first was a complete contrast to the introverted attitude of Jack but that was only on the outside.

Even Emmet had thought that Jack was shy at first.

That was until they had played World of Warcraft on his computer.

Jack had been killed by some players about four times.

And that resulted in Emmet losing his computer.

'Shy? As if, he's like a little gremlin' Emmet thought as she stared at Jack who stood up from the ground, and finished tying his shoes.

Turning to face Emmet, Jack nodded toward him.

"All right I'm ready let's go."

Emmet nodded back and the two headed to Emmet's Jeep.

"Where do you think you two are going alone," A voice was heard and Jack saw Emmet visibly shiver.

'I guess the only way you can make a vampire shiver is by fear since they don't feel the cold.' Jack thought as he turned his head to look at what Emmet had been staring at.

There on the stairs heading to the front door was Rosalie who was looking at Emmet as if she wanted to rip him apart piece by piece.

'Still can't get over how beautiful she is, life is just unfair isn't it' Jack sighed as he thought.


[ Name: Rosalie Cullen ]

[ Race: Vampire ]

[ Age: 90 ]

[ S.P.E.C.I.A.L ]

[ S: 7 ]
[ P: 7 ]
[ E: 6 ]
[ C: 9 ]
[ I: 8 ]
[ A: 7 ]
[ L: 5 ]

[ Background Information - Rosalie Hale, A vampire of the Cullen Coven whose leader is Carlisle Cullen. Turned into a Vampire in 1933 at the age of 18. The mate of Emmet Cullen ]

'Old hag' Jack thought to himself in his old language, which he had started using whenever he thought, completely replacing English with it especially now that Edward had come back from Alaska.

Ello, here's the chapter of the day for Twilight Gamer, I hope you liked it and I decided to show Rosalie's stats as well.

Some really interesting stuff going to be happening in the future, so stay tuned.

If you have any questions just leave a comment and ill respond. <3

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Lots of Love

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