Twilight Gamer

Chapter 20

Edward had come back from his trip to Alaska last night and the first thought he had heard from Jack was calling him a "Shitty bastard came back huh".

When he had given Jack a smile whilst his eyes twitched, Jack immediately knew to change the language of his thoughts.

'You've learned a neat trick huh' Edward had said as he looked at him.

'It is a neat trick, you telepathic creep' Jack thought to himself as he remembered the encounter as he sat on the back seat of the jeep.

"Why aren't you sitting at the front" Emmet questioned confused.

"So that your wife can kill us both? I don't think that's a smart idea dumbass" Jack said as he sighed.

'An intelligence stat of 5 is too high for this dumbass' Jack thought as he waited for Rosalie to join them inside the Jeep so they could start driving off to school.

Looking at his own reflection in the window of the car, Jack was confused about what to think.

He looked handsome, very handsome in fact if he compared himself to other humans, there still were humans in the same category as him in terms of that, however.

But when he compared himself to the vampires, he felt like the ugly duck.

'When I was a human surrounded by humans my stats made me ugly, now that my stats make me handsome amongst humans, I don't have any around him but I have vampires, and I'm still ugly. What is this life' Jack thought as he released another long sigh.

"What's wrong, scared of going back to school. You can just stay at home if you want and never go back you know." Emmet said as he turned his head to look at Jack.

"No ill go, I don't want to just stay in the same room forever though the offer is quite tempting if it's your game room," Jack said as he turned to face Emmet.

Emmet laughed out loud at his words.

"I know right, my room is awesome"

At that moment, Rosalie joined them inside the jeep.

"Why don't you two just get married at this point," Rosalie said, her tone cold but one could quickly infer that she was teasing them, especially Emmet.

"I wouldn't want you to kill me," Jack said as he shrugged his shoulders.

Rosalie turned to face him and asked with the coldest tone, Jack had ever heard anyone talk in, or maybe that was how she always sounded but his dumb charisma stat had made him unable to hear it.

"Do I look like I would kill you?" Rosalie asked her face a stone wall to Jack.

"Yes," Jack said straight to her face immediately.

Rosalie's expression changed but Jack couldn't infer what it meant, and then Rosalie gave him a nod and turned to look ahead.

The Jeep turned on with a rumble and Emmet reversed out of the mansion garage and onto the road.

Finally driving off toward Forks High School.

'I thought she would say something more. Whatever' Jack thought as he looked outside the window at the forest.

Even when he first came here in the silver Volvo it had looked outright majestic but now with his vampiric senses and sight, Jack could truly see its entire beauty.

The small critters, the birds perched atop the tree branches and the trees themselves soaked in rain water gave off a serene feeling to whoever took their time to observe the sight.

'I guess that's also one of the reasons the Cullens chose this place' Jack thought.

The drive was silent throughout, but thankfully it was also quick.

A short while later they had already arrived at Forks High School.

The parking lot was already half-filled as the students rolled in with their cars.

The Cullens however stood out quite a lot from the rest.

Whilst the other students had old and beat-up cars, the Cullens had shiny brand new ones, and that was just the cars when you didn't take the Cullens themselves into account.

'And they thought they were doing a good job at hiding themselves.' Jack thought as the Jeep parked itself.

Opening the door, Jack finally stepped out, looking around him he saw all of the other students, he heard their heartbeats and the blood running in their veins.

'I wonder how hard it is to control yourself if you don't have the system like I do. Must be quite the pain.' Jack thought as he saw the silver Volvo park next to him.

Out of the Volvo came Edward, Jasper, and Alice.

Jack quickly turned around, deciding he didn't want to look at the emo bastard's face even a single second longer.

Suddenly he noticed someone who was looking directly in the same direction he had been.

On the other side of the parking lot, Jack saw a pale woman with brown hair going down to her midsection.

She was beautiful, not anywhere near close to Alice and Rosalie but amongst humans, she truly stood out.

"Tch" Jack tsked as he looked at her and turned his head the other way.

'Even a human looks better than me' Jack thought to himself, however, a thought suddenly came into his head.

'What happens if I use observe on a human now that I'm a vampire' Jack thought and sneaked a peek at the girl.


And the blue panel immediately appeared before him.

[ Name: Bella Swan ]

[ Race: Human ]

[ Age: 17 ]

[ S.P.E.C.I.A.L ]

[ S: 3 ]

[ P: 3 ]

[ E: 5 ]

[ C: 8 ]

[ I: 6 ]

[ A: 2 ]

[ L: 5 ]

[ Ability: Mental Shield ]

[ Background information: Bella Swan, daughter of Police Chief Charlie Swan, was born on September 13th, 1987. She is extremely clumsy and is head over heels for Edward Cullen. Also the Mate and Bloodsinger of Edward Cullen. ] [ More ]

Looking at the information Jack was quite shocked, The first thing that shocked him was the fact that she had a special ability. The second thing was that she was the mate and bloodsinger of Edward, whatever that meant.

'And there's a more button next to her background information' Jack thought and mentally thought of clicking it.

Then about forty blue pages appeared in front of him, quickly scanning over them Jack found that it was basically Bella's entire life trimmed down and written on the panels.

'That's a lot of words, too bad I ain't reading them' Jack thought and closed them all.


Here's the daily chapter for Twilight Gamer, I've seen a lot of support for this fanfiction, and I'm glad you guys like it.

The time is near for when Jack's true thoughts will be revealed, and the catalyst for it is also close. I'm sure you all know what it is if you've read or seen Twilight.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and help me keep the lights on then check out my Patreon at:

Thanks again for the support.

Lots of Love

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