Twilight Gamer

Chapter 23

'That Fucker' Jack thought as he stared at Edward talking to Bella with a smile on his face.

"Isn't that something he shouldn't do Alice? He's clearly putting the secret at risk by talking to her isn't he?" Jack asked as he turned to face Alice who still had that same emotion on her face.


Releasing a small sigh, Jack quickly stomped on any growing emotions he had and watched the scene clearly.

One thing he was thankful for was his hearing, after becoming a vampire he could hear what people on the other side of the room were saying so he could hear the chat between Edward and Bella quite clearly.

And that bastard.

'He's totally flirting with her, and then he says but I'm not good for you. Is that what they call the hard-to-get strategy.' Jack's thoughts whirred as he looked at the two.

The lunch hour passed fast with Jack focused on hearing every single word being spoken out of Edward's and Bella's mouths.


'I learned jack shit, I already knew the reason why she came to Forks with the observation skill. I guess it won't be that easy to clear this quest huh? I'll just have to try again tomorrow.' Jack thought as he looked at the two one last time before he got up and followed Emmet, Alice, Jasper, and Rosalie out of the cafeteria.

"We have the same class I think Jasper," Jack said to the blonde next to him who seemed to always be in pain when he went in public spaces with humans because of how close to losing control he was.

'They shouldn't have even allowed him to come to the damn school if he's always on the brink of causing a goddamn genocide' Jack thought as he stared at the man with the corner of his eyes.


[ Observe has been used ]

[ User's perception stat is lower than the target ]

[ User hasn't been noticed due to luck ]

[ Luck has caused the observe skill to pass through though at a lower effectiveness ]

'Finally, fucking finally I got something out of this shitty luck stat' Jack thought to himself as he read the blue holographic panels quickly.

[ Name: Jasper Hale ]

[ Race: Vampire ]

[ Age: 161 ]

[ S.P.E.C.I.A.L ]

[ S:? ]

[ P:? ]

[ E:? ]

[ C:? ]

[ I:? ]

[ A:? ]

[ L:? ]

[Background Information: Jasper Hale is the mate of Alice Cullen, stepson of Carlisle Cullen, and Esme Cullen. ]

'I guess that's what it meant when it said that its effectiveness was lowered, the only way I can think of that this happened is that Jasper has a higher perception stat than mine so he is likely a 9, a reason for that could possibly be related with his empathy powers since he can sense and perceive other peoples emotions, does that mean that I can't really use perception on Edward as well? Something to check out Jack's thoughts quickly whirled into action as he absorbed every piece of information before him and came up with a couple of theories of what could have possibly happened.

'But damn he's 161? Guy's old enough to have been reborn and died twice by now' Jack thought as he almost felt the need to whistle but stopped himself.

Jasper who was next to him finally gave him a reply with a nod of his head.

"Yes, Spanish," Jasper said in a stereotypical southern accent.

"Yeah" Jack nodded and the two split up from the group as they headed to the Spanish class.

Once the hour started, Jack soon learned that, unlike Emmet, Jasper was closer to a damned brick wall and he couldn't even form the beginnings of a proper conversation with the man.

It wasn't that he hadn't seen Jasper have a proper conversation, however.

'This likely means that he still doesn't trust me enough to have a conversation with me which is pretty annoying or it's simply that he's awkward around new people which I hope is the case. Though my luck doesn't seem as effective as my charisma when it comes to people behaving like I want them to.' Jack thought as he released an inward sigh at the situation.

The hour thankfully passed quickly and so did the last two classes of biology and history.


The Bell signaling the end of all classes for the day finally rang and Jack hurriedly got out of the chair and started heading out of the classroom with his backpack slung over his shoulder.

'I have way too much stuff I want to read about in Carlisle's library though I have to be careful when he's around so that he doesn't see me reading certain topics.' Jack thought as he walked outside of the front gate and headed toward the silver Volvo and the Jeep in which he, Emmet, and Rosalie had come in within the morning.

Waving at Emmet and the others, Jack joined them with a soft smile.

"Hey, guys what's up," Jack said as he looked at them, however only Emmet and Alice answered him with the same enthusiasm.

Jasper and Rosalie at least gave him a hi however but Edward seemed too focused on something else.

Turning to face and see what he was looking at, Jack heard the sounds before he saw it.

A white van was heading toward the new girl that he had seen Edward talk to.

Toward Bella Swan.

Jack didn't move however as he simply stared at the situation unfolding.

Until he saw Edward running toward her at superhuman speeds.

Jack's expression crumbled in an instant.

'Humans can't know about vampires otherwise they have to die. Then what the fuck are you doing right now you son of a bitch' Jack thought furious as he stared as Edward blocked the Turck with one hand and held Bella's head with the other.


Hey decided to release the Twilight Gamer chapter a bit early today.

I hope you liked this chapter, it was pretty fun to write and some cool stuff is coming in the future as well so stay tuned.

If you have any questions then leave a comment and ill reply if it does contain some big spoiler I cant talk about. <3

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and help support me then check out my Patreon at:

Lots of Love

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