Twilight Gamer

Chapter 24

'What the fuck are you doing' Jack thought as he stared at the scene.

Edward who had just been walking beside them had completely ignored the one rule that they said should never be broken, the one rule that they had used as an excuse to practically kill him, and gone ahead to save Bella Swan.

To say that Jack was furious would be an understatement.

He wanted to shout at him, to go and rip his throat apart but he didn't, in fact, his expression which had contorted to one of shock for a split second, quickly returned to a calm facade.

As if nothing had happened at all and he was simply going about his day, that was the look Jack was giving off.

Inside however the turmoil continued as he processed and analyzed the entire scene before him.

'Humans wouldn't have been able to see him and even if someone did who would believe him when he says that Edward just ran at supernatural speeds and stopped a truck with his bare hands, people would rather call him mad man' Jack thought as he stared as the entire parking lot got engulfed in chaos, people rushing towards the scene of the accident.

Whether they were there to actually help or would they simply stare wasn't something Jack cared about.

'I have to remain calm, these bastards aren't to be trusted at all, they can go back against their own words at the flick of a finger. At the moment I'm alone, i can't fight against seven vampires on my own though I've noticed that currently im stronger than them. From what Carlisle said it's because I'm a newborn vampire and newborns usually have greater strength than older vampires.' Jack thought as he stared at the faces of the Cullens around him.

It looked like it wasn't just him who had whiplash from Edward's actions.

Rosalie had a shocked expression on her face which quickly turned into a furious glare that she sent directly to her own brother.

However, the others seemed strangely fine with it, strangely fine with breaking the rules with this girl when they had been so adamant on keeping them when it was him that was the cause of concern.

'It doesn't matter, I still don't have enough information but what can be determined for sure is that Bella Swan, Edward's mate as the system calls her is someone with great significance to Edward Cullen. This could be used to my own benefit, I'll just have to learn how to maneuver this so it turns in my own favor. As for me speaking up against this injustice? That's simply illogical, I have no standing in this family of theirs.' Jack thought as he saw someone call emergency services.

Edward could be seen still holding Bella's head though he had moved farther away from the truck and van and was now sitting on the sidewalk.

'Do I go now? No, it's not a great time. Something I could do later is become close friends with Bella and slowly manipulate her however that option completely relies on my charisma stat and it's still only a four, though it's a vampire four so I'll have to test that out as well just in case.'

"Let's get goin', we should go to the hospital ahead of time and talk to Carlisle" Jasper who had stayed at the back silently finally spoke up for the first time as he turned and walked to the silver Volvo.

"What about Edward?" Jack asked curiously.

"Don't worry, the ambulance will take him to the hospital as well, we'll meet him there" Alice was the one who answered this time as she followed Jasper to the car.

Jack nodded slowly before turning toward Emmet and Rosalie.

"Should we get going as well?"

"Yeah lets go" Rosalie answered strangely. He had expected Emmet however it was a small but welcome surprise.

Jack and Emmet nodded their heads simultaneously and together with Rosalie went inside the car.

Rosalie was behind the wheel this time as she reversed out of the parking lot quickly and into the road. Driving ahead towards the Forks Hospital.

'She drives like an insane woman on cocaine.' Jack thought as he looked at her, taking curves at speeds that no one with a brain cell left in their head would try to do.

'Though considering that even in a car crash at this speed, nothing will happen to us. It's understandable that she has no fear, still a car crash would cause unnecessary complications' Jack thought as he rubbed his temples.

Already felt like his own brain was being fried just by being in the presence of these vampires.

'They haven't forgotten what it's like to be a human as I suspected, they're all simply dumbasses.' Jack finally came to the conclusion.

The driving though highly risky managed to bring them to the hospital at record speeds.

Rosalie quickly parked the car and unhesitantly rushed out of it, walking at a fast pace directly into the hospital.

"She doesn't seem to be in a good mood" Jack mumbled, so Emmet could hear him.

"She isn't, Rosalie takes family very seriously and she absolutely hates anything that could threaten our peace, so it's understandable that she's furious at what Edward has done," Emmet said with a frown as he got out of the Jeep as well.

Jack nodded and followed him behind as they both headed into the hospital.

'At least one of them isn't a hypocrite it seems' Jack thought as he released a small sigh at the situation.

'I could use this to cause chaos amongst the siblings, I'll have to nudge them a little beforehand to see just how and where they stand however if they are really well knit together then my attempts would be thwarted quickly and I'd be found out.' Jack thought as he walked down the halls of the hospital.

Their direction was Dr Carlisle Cullens office, it was in the left wing of the hospital, and the very last door in the long hall of that part.

'It sure is well maintained for a small city though. I haven't been here much thankfully' Jack thought as he and Emmet arrived in front of the office door.

Inside Jack and Emmet could already hear Rosalie and Carlisle talking.

"He can't be serious, he's going to endanger us all for a human girl?" Rosalie said, her voice thunderous as she stared at Carlisle.


Hey, here's the daily chapter for Twilight Gamer. You can expect another one today :)

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead and help me keep the lights on and keep writing then check out my Patreon at:

I know a lot of people wanted Jack to blow up in rage but that's not really logical considering he has max intelligence and knows that it would be useless. Instead, I'm going the cold revenge route, so it will take a bit longer but I'll make the payoff great.

I hope you guys liked it.

Lots of Love

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