Twilight Gamer

Chapter 28

'Finally' Jack thought excited at the new skill he had gained.

'With this, I don't have to worry about my thoughts or emotions being read, and whatever other ability there is. I could also nullify abilities by touch, which will definitely be a useful tool in combat,' Jack thought as he noticed the car slowing down.

They had arrived back at the Cullen's household.

Jack didn't like the place, sure it was nice and it was a damned mansion for millionaires, but these days he missed his old apartment where he didn't have to look at these vampires.

'At least Emmet is bearable.' Jack thought as he looked at the large man with the edges of his eyesight.

'Rosalie however much of a bitch, is also all right considering she stands by her words. As for the others...' Jack didn't want to think what he would do to them if given the chance.

'I somehow understood the fact that I had to become a vampire, it was a law that shouldn't be broken even though it was them that broke it. It was them that confirmed the fact that they were vampires to me and not the other way around.' Jack thought as his frustration grew.

The rumble of the jeep finally stopped and Jack, Emmet, and Rosalie got out of the car.

Heading into the house, Jack saw Esme who was the only one left at the house, the others had all gone to the hospital.

Jack gave her a light smile.

"I'll be heading to my room, I'm feeling a bit drained today," Jack told her, and before she could give him an answer he headed upstairs.

'I have to keep up the act that I've gotten used to them, that I don't hate them, and neither do I hold a grudge against them. Only when the time is right will I be able to finally gain true freedom.' Jack thought as he walked up the stairs.

'You can leave us anytime you want now since you're a vampire Jack. We won't hold you back. Fucking bullshit. How am I supposed to know how to deal with being a vampire in society? I'm sure I would manage especially with the help of my increased intelligence but then what? These guys just stay here and live happily ever after?' Jack's thoughts continued as his mind spiraled into a whirlwind of anger.

'As if, no matter what, I'll see to it that I at least get a little payback for your actions'.

Opening the door to his room, Jack headed inside and closed it from behind him.

The room was entirely white with only one window next to the bed which was also white.

'Do these guys have some kind of white fetish or is this an asylum room.' Jack thought as he stared at the room he had used for the past week.


Releasing a soft sigh, Jack lay down on the bed and continued planning his next actions.

After an hour or so he had come to multiple decisions.

'If they hold the law and do to Bella Swan as they did to me then there's not a problem. If they decide to be hypocrites then it's time I take that law into my own hands isn't it?' Jack had a smile on his face as he thought of all the ways he could mess with the 'Mate' of Edward Cullen.

'What would he do if he found her dead on the floor because she accidentally learned of the vampires? I would just be the good guy following the rules then wouldn't I? Just like they had been and Edward said it's better to die than to become a monster right?' The smile on Jack's face kept widening.

These thoughts and plans that he was thinking of, were something Jack merely one week ago would have considered sickening however times and circumstances had changed.

Jack wanted revenge, wanted at least a little payback for what they had done to him.

'I thought that I would never be able to get revenge, at least not soon or in a few years for that matter but didn't this Bella Swan just give me a chance on a silver platter'

Judging from the sounds downstairs, the rest of the Cullens had already arrived and it looked like Rosalie was having another argument with Edward.

Getting up, so he was sitting straight on his bed, Jack pulled up the skills menu once more.

'Is there a way for me to stop a skill from functioning for a period of time, similar to pausing it.' Jack thought as he looked through the menu and at the bottom left of the skills panel he saw a gear icon.

Pressing it, another panel, this time a dark gray one showed before him.

[ Skills Settings ]

[ Vampiric Observation ] [ On ]

[ Killing Intent Sense ] [ Off ]

[ VideoGamer ] [ On ]

[ Ability Negation ] [ On ]

'So that's where my killing intent sense went, I never touched the settings, however? Do glitches exist in the system?' Jack wondered before turning Killing Intent Sense on and Ability Negation off.

[ Killing Intent Sense ] [ On ]

[ Ability Negation ] [ Off ]

'I can already hide my thoughts from Edward though I have to use my own made-up language and make sure that I don't think of any pictures or images in my head, as for Jasper, I'll just have to use my intelligence stat to crush my emotions once more. So it's much better that I keep this ability secret until the right time and place where it is needed.' Jack thought as he got up from the bed and started heading to the door.

'Time to see them, I'm so curious what expression Edward will make when he sees me, the one who he denied a choice while now not even a week after he is giving it to someone else' Jack thought as his mouth twitched.

A moment later, however, all emotion left his face. It wasn't that they were nonexistent, they were simply too muted to be noticed or read.


Hey, here's the daily chapter for Twilight Gamer, a chapter that shows Jack's true thoughts for a bit and shows another part of the system and where the Killing Intent Skill went.

Will probably release another chapter today but don't hold me hostage with that probably xd.

If you want to read 10 chapters ahead and support me then check out my Patreon.

This volume is about to reach the climax phase on there.

Thanks for all the support.

Lots of Love

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