Twilight Gamer

Chapter 29

Walking to the first floor, each step that he took seemed to be almost louder than usual at least to Jack's ears.

Finally, when he arrived at the living room a few moments later, he found the Cullens looking at him.

It wasn't just one or two but the entire coven of vampires was looking at him.

'What's up with their expressions? ' Jack thought for a second before figuring it out.

[ Charisma Check Passed ]

'They're sizing up my expression, they want to see how I will react to the fact that they are willing to spare someone after just one week has passed from the time when they decided to rob me of my life forever' Jack thought, and he had expected this outcome.

This was the reason he had come downstairs after all.

For Jack, it all felt like a shallow joke at the moment, he wanted to laugh out loud in their faces but he held back.

The time would come soon, he had made a vow to make it happen.

"What's wrong?" Jack asked as he gave them a small smile and walked to the couch to sit down next to Emmet.

"Nothing." Edward was the one who replied as he turned his face away from Jack.

"So what's going on with the Swan girl? What is the plan?" Jack asked as he looked at Edward, his eyes not moving an inch from his face.

Edward turned back in a slow motion and shook his head.
"She doesn't know anything, we're leaving her be," Edward said with a serious voice, almost as if he didn't want any refutation to his words and he probably didn't.

"Isn't that too carefree? I say we bring her here." Jack said as he looked at Edward, his lips twitched upwards imperceptibly for a split moment before returning to normal.

Jack was enjoying this, it was finally his time to toy with the vampire.

"No, I said she knows nothing. This is the end of this discussion Jack" Edward said, his voice becoming harsher as he almost snarled in Jack's face.

The others meanwhile kept silent as they listened to the two.

"Really now, she knows nothing when you went and saved her from across an entire parking lot? When she saw you stop a moving van with your bare hands? I thought you would be more careful than that Edward. At least you were more careful last week weren't you?" Jack said to Edward, his tone sarcastic and demeaning as he looked at the vampire who almost took a step backward at his words.

Edwards's expression crumpled however he remained firm in his decision of not touching Bella as she knew nothing about them.

"All right Edward, I was just asking some questions. I didn't really plan on refuting your words or anything, I was just curious. I'll let you and Carlisle decide what to do." Jack said as he pulled his hands up in defeat and gave Edward a closed-eyed smile.

Jasper meanwhile was focusing his entire power on reading Jack's emotions, however, all he found was a calm serene lake. It looked like he really meant his words and he would respect their decisions.

'I thought this would go much worse than it did' That was the thought that went through every Cullen's mind at the moment and Edward had even glanced at Jasper for a moment and after receiving a nod from him he had finally released his guard.

Jack wasn't going to do anything out of anger as they had thought was likely to happen. In fact, Carlisle had warned Edward of the fact as soon as Jack had gotten out of the room.

He had told Edward that he wasn't being fair and that he shouldn't do this but Edward wouldn't, no he couldn't listen. He couldn't make someone like Bella into a vampire. It just couldn't happen.

Time passed as the cullens dispersed and each went to do their own thing.

The only ones left in the living room were Carlisle, Esme, and Jack.

"I'm sorry about Edward, but don't worry we won't allow our and your safety to be risked under any circumstances Jack," Carlisle said with that soft voice of his.

Jack had even started to question himself if Carlisle actually had an ability related to his voice as he just couldn't imagine someone evil to sound like he did.

"That's right, I'm sure this will all pass over and nothing will happen so don't worry dear," Esme said as well as she gave Jack a soft smile.

Jack felt thankful that he had muted his emotions because he was angry at the moment, it was only slightly considering how much he had muted them however if he hadn't...

'I would have probably wanted to bash their heads in' Jack thought before closing his eyes and giving the two vampires another smile.

"It's all right, I really don't feel anything about the matter, I was just concerned about us being found out by humans. I trust you guys to be able to handle things." Jack said before he got up from the couch.

"I'll be going to study for a while as I wanted to catch up on some of my studies. See you guys later!" Jack said as he walked back toward the stairs.

"All right," Carlisle said as both he and Esme nodded their heads, finally they had lost the slight tension in their bodies.

As Jack walked up the stairs, Jack felt slightly conflicted however he had already made a solution to this problem he had thought of.

'I don't want to become like them, if Bella Swan really saw nothing or forgot about the thing altogether then I won't get her involved in this shit but if she found out or knows then...'

A smile grew on Jack's face.

'You were the cause, the fault, and initiator of me turning into a vampire Edward. I wonder what expression you will make. It sounds so good just thinking about it. Revenge sure is sweet huh.'


Heres the second chapter of the day!

Just a chapter to finish up the last one and from the next one we will start out with more new stuff.

I hope you liked it, it was quite enjoyable to write though I felt like I turned Jack a bit too insane. However considering the amount of pain he has gone through and the fact that he has actually lost his entire life because of Edward mostly, I felt it wasn't too much of a stretch to make him act this way.

If you want to read ten chapters ahead and help support me further then check out my Patreon at:

Lots of Love

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