Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 2 (5/7)

“Lord Fasketel, do you have any other ideas on how to find Lord Hardy?” Gwenn asked.

Wrenn quickly answered, “Holy Mage, if the merchants were not lying about the five suspicious ships. I believe Lord Brish and his members will be able to find the Red Vessel at the bottom of the sea. We still don’t know whether it was the Rogue Mages or Blood Mages who may have done it. But we can’t rule out that some higher entities such as Archangel or Devil who may have traveled to our realm and killed Lord Vonda just for fun.”

“Wrenn, now you believed about the five suspicious ships huh? I will go to Heaven Realm to check with the Archangels. Kath, are you gonna go to Hell Realm to check with the Devils?” Noe was picking his left ear as he asked Lord Donoghan.

“Gwenn, would you like us to go?” Kath asked Gwenn since only she has the key to unlock the portals to the other realms.

“Yes, dear Lord Donoghan. I would like for you and Lord Clerico to make these trips. Lord Fasketel was right about we can’t just rule out there could be some higher entities dared to kill Lord Hardy.”

“If an Archangel or a Devil admitted to killing Vonda, what do you want us to do?” Kath asked.

“Arrest and bring them back here for a fair trial. If they resist, you have my permission to go all out and do not need to hold back.”

“Great!” Noe slammed his right hand on the table then continued to say, “Kath, it’s been too long since we have to fight in another realm huh.”

“Noe, I will go to the Hell Realm then. Please don’t cause trouble in the Heaven Realm without a proper investigation.”

“Muahahaha… Nah, no worry.”

After the meeting was over, Noe and Kath each brought two hundred levels 100 Saint-tier Mages including both members of their Colors and Executioners who swore to serve them. They were then traveled to other realms through a secret portal that could only be opened by using the Holy Seal of the Holy Mage. This portal can be connected to Heaven Realm, Hell Realm, Norelf Continents, and all other realms included in the same universe. Higher realms could only be traveled to after advancing into God-tiers because they are located in another universe. God-tiers are forced to leave Toria Continents and won’t be allowed to reside in any other lower realms.

Lord Clerico led a hundred level 100 Saint Conjurer Mages and a hundred levels 100 Saint-tier Executioners to the Heaven Realm. After walking through the portal, he looked around to see which area they were transported to.

Two Ten Wings Angel flew toward him and asked, “Intruders, state your name and the business you have for visiting Heaven Realm. Ah… Lord Clerico, long time no see.”

“Y'all Angels look alike so don’t mind me for not remembering who you are. I’m here on official duty, take me to your Archangel so I can discuss it further. Which Archangel are you serving anyway?”

“We served Archangel Seraphiel. Please follow us and we will guide you to him.”

“Wait, Seraphiel is a male? I thought I saw bo...obs... I meant, I thought Archangel Seraphiel is a female.”

“Such a typical human mistake. Archangel Seraphiel is a man, not a woman. He is too beautiful and the humans often make the mistakes of thinking that he is a woman.”

“Yeah, big boobs too.” Noe thought to himself without saying this out loud. He shouldn’t disrespect an Archangel especially when he is here to gather information.

Lord Brish and his members found the Vessel of the Red at the bottom of the sea. Human remains who wore mages’ robes and warrior armors were also located. Vonda Hardy was officially marked as ‘deceased’. Lord Clerico came back to Toria Continents from his trip to Heaven Realm and the same goes for Lord Donoghan’s trip to Hell Realm. Noe and Kath confirmed no Devil or Archangel have killed Lord Hardy. Only Archangel Zerachiel had recently visited Toria Continents but he didn’t have anything to do with Vonda Hardy’s murder. Holy Mage Bigham sent out all six hundred forty seven (647) level 100 Saint-tier Solo Executioners to hunt down all the Rogue Mages and Blood Mages they could find.

Four months later. The news of Lord Vonda Hardy together with more than two thousand magic casters, as well as more than ten thousand warriors were slaughtered have spread throughout Toria Continents as the Mages Council sent out all level 100 Saint-tier Executioners to hunt down all Rogue Mages and Blood Mages.

Inside Benil city, capital of the Dryardian Empire. Emperor Lucius Flavonius Acilianus, Eleventh Stage Saint Dragon Knight, was sitting on his throne wondering if this is a good time for the invasion he had been planning. He asked, “Ateia, are you certainly sure the Lord of the Red was killed?”

Ateia Ordia, Prime Minister of the Dryardian Empire, Tiger-kin, Eleventh Stage Saint Warlord replied in a humble tone, “My Emperor, I am positive about that.”

“This is tempting, very tempting.”

“We are ready anytime, my Emperor.”

“How many Saint Warriors do we have now?”

“Seven thousand two hundred and twelve (7212) Saint Warriors. Six million nine hundred eighty six thousand three hundred seven one (6,986,371) tenth-tier warriors. Total troops have surpassed a hundred forty million (140,000,000+) warriors.”

“We have that many Saint Warriors already? How many have reached the Eleventh Stage?”

“Last time I counted which was a week ago, we had nine hundred and three (903) Eleventh Stage Saint Warriors.”

“Yes! At this rate, the Mages Council won’t be able to interfere with our war as they have done last time. We have been at peace with other countries for too long. It has been over a hundred thousand years since the Dryardian Empire invaded other nations. Ah… I missed war so much. Ateia, give the order to all Kings and Queens to ready their troops. I wanted them to focus on protecting their kingdoms to prevent being invaded by other nations while my army invades the Grand Duchy of Macmalian, Commonwealth of Krorg, and Shota Empire. Especially Shota Empire, the name of that country irritated me.”

“Yes, Emperor Acilianus.”

“Tell Nerius and Pescennia that they can join me in my campaign. They will be keeping Grand Duchy of Macmalian and Commonwealth of Krorg occupied while we attack Shota Empire two weeks from now.”

“Understood, I will send mail to them immediately.”

Nerius Pacuvius Denter, Black Dragon-kin, Eleventh Stage Saint-tier Monk Warrior. He is the King that controlled four cities to the North of the Dryardian Empire.

Pescennia Agapta, Lion-kin, Eleventh Stage Saint-tier Berserker Warrior. She is the Queen that controlled eight cities to the Southeast of the Dryardian Empire.

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