Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 2 (6/7)

Inside the magical forest near Redkeep city. Kain Bersk was meditating while his Second Soul stood close by to guard him. Kain had advanced into level 30 of the Master-tier and was trying to break through the barrier to step into the Legend-tier. Kain’s advancement in magic training remained at the normal pace while his advancement in warrior arts had greatly improved. His strength, agility, endurance, and stamina have far surpassed regular ninth-tier warriors and will soon advance into the tenth-tier. Was it because of the constant fighting with Master-tier magical creatures using only his physical power? Or was it because Kain ate those Master-tier magical creatures after granting them their peaceful deaths? Anyhow, Kain doesn’t know and didn’t care about it. The Master-tier magical creatures taste well but not as good if compared to Vedas, the Legend-tier Black Panther. If eating those magical creatures can grant Kain his boost in warrior arts training, then that would be a win-win situation for him.

Kain had never stepped deeper into this magical forest where the Saint-tier magical creatures could be lurking around. The reason the Army of General Verardi couldn’t find him was that Kain killed one of the warriors and then used [Shapeshifting] to transform himself into that warrior for disguise. Even when Kain couldn’t cast magic spells while using [Shapeshifting], his physical power was on par with an Eighth-tier warrior at that time and that was why no one suspected him of being a faked warrior.

Every time the Warriors got into battles with Master-tiers and Legend-tier magical creatures, Kain helped them out and then stayed behind after all the warriors have moved on to collect the blood of fallen warriors using [Life Drain] after deactivated [Shapeshifting]. Therefore, Kain didn’t run out of the blood pool in his Blood Ring and could easily maintain his disguise for three months. Some warriors were friends with the warrior that Kain has transformed into. To better disguise himself, Kain just simply transformed into another warrior or silenced anyone permanently for suspecting him by granting them free tickets to the afterlife.

The Army wiped out too many magical creatures before they left and that made it easier for Kain to live here after that. If Kain can breakthrough level 30 to step into Legend-tier, he should be able to survive against other Legend-tier magical creatures without using Blood Magic. Even better, if Kain's can advance into tenth-tier in training warriors arts then [Demon Anatomy I] cast by level 31 Legend-tier could enhance his physical power to First Stage Saint-tier Warrior.

Aureshield city, approximately six hundred miles to the North of Redkeep city. Sergeant Fallon Ithruen was on duty patrolling the borderline between Aureshield city belonging to the Commonwealth of Krorg, and Shadowmere city belonging to the Dryardian Empire. Fallon is a ninth-tier warrior. He is thirty-seven (37) years old and commands ten thousand warriors in the North Army. Fallon and his warriors patrol the borderline once every other month to gather information to better prevent surprise invasions from the Demi-Humans.

Corporal Angwil Srinshees asked, “Sergeant Ithruen, do you want to dispatch a scout group out tonight as usual?”

Fallon said, “No, sent out three groups tonight. I received a report a week ago about there were many sightings of Demi-Humans lurking around the borderline near Dravew city. If these Beast-Mans want to invade our country on land, they will attack Aureshield and Dravew first.”

“Well, if they dare to step into our land again, we will just drive them off as always.”

“I don’t mind about their casual small scale battles with us at the border. I am afraid that they are going to launch a grand war campaign for an actual invasion.”

“It had been too long since they last invaded any country. Do you think that they will start now?”

“As you have heard, the Lord of the Red was ambushed by the Rogue Mages a few months ago and the Mages Council sent out many powerful Executioners for revenge. If I am the Emperor of the Demi-Humans, I will take this opportunity to invade other countries considering the Mages Council won’t have enough Saint Mages to expedite aid. The new President of our country just arranged a massive budget cut to the military funding too despite objections from the Great General and Grand Admiral. I won’t be surprised if the Dryardian Empire launched a massive invasion against our country either by ground or marine battles.”

Later that night, Fallon commanded half of his remaining warriors to go back to sleep for several hours while the other half was on duty for the first watch of the night. He then sent out three scout groups to scout closer to the borderline to obtain more information about the Demi-Humans' movements. Five hours later, the scout groups came back and reported to him that there were at least two million Demi-Humans spotted on the other side of the border. Two million isn’t a big number and couldn’t be considered a massive invasion. Fallon sighed in relief then he gave the commands to a hundred of his warriors to head back to Aureshield city and report the information they had gathered to General Jandar Verardi.

Fallon thought to himself, “Just two million, seem like they are just preparing for another small scale battle.”

They slept well for that night. The next morning, the warriors were eating their breakfast rations when they suddenly heard loud noises coming toward the borderline. Fallon got up and said, “Look likes those Beast-Mans can’t wait to get their ass whoop. We should get back inside the city to team up with General Verardi’s Army. Leave all personal belongings here and follow me.”

Fallon thought to himself, “Just two million, seem like they are just preparing for another small scale battle.”

They slept well for that night, no surprise attack or some bullshit like that. The next morning, the warriors were eating their breakfast rations when they suddenly heard loud noises coming toward the borderline. Fallon got up and said, “Look likes those Demi-Humans can’t wait to get their ass whoop. We should get back inside the city to team up with General Verardi’s Army. Grab your weapons, leave all personal belongings here, and follow me.”

Under the calm and clear instructions of Fallon, his warriors safely made it back toward Aureshield city's North gate. But then a warrior from the city approached him and said, “Sergeant Ithruen, General Verardi wanting to speak with you.”

“Understood. The Demi-Humans are coming, please give commands to close all gates.”

"General Verardi has received your report and predicted the Demi-Humans will be attacking today. All citizens were evacuated. South, East, and West gates have been closed. We were waiting for your return before closing the North gate."

"Hoh? I see. Please take me to the General."

“This way, sir.”

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