Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 3 (1/7)

A male Vice-General opened his eyes widely and said, “Wait…! Shota Empire. Are they delaying us and Grand Duchy of Macmalian while launching full force at the Shota Empire?”

Jandar asked, “Why would they do something stupid like that? Executioner Rose Embers won’t stand idly to watch them invade the Shota Empire. Legends have said many strong female Great Generals have reached the Eleventh Stages in Warrior Arts and are living in the Shota Empire as well. There is no seaway in the Shota Empire. The Demi-Humans will have to defeat the Commonwealth of Mapmawia if they want to attack the Shota Empire in both directions.”

“General Verardi, do you think… perhaps…”

“What are you trying to say? Just say it.”

“Perhaps the Emperor of the Dryardian Empire commands a grand war campaign to invade the Shota Empire. This is not just an average war but an actual massive invasion.”

“Are you talking about Emperor Lucius Flavonius Acilianus? He hadn’t attacked any country for over a hundred thousand years but I have heard great legends about him. He almost wiped the Sungaria Kingdom off the world map.”

“Do you think he is planning to do the same with the Shota Empire?”

“This is not good. If he successfully invaded Shota Empire, the Grand Duchy of Macmalian will be isolated. There is no way they can withstand the Dryardian Empire by themselves.”

Meanwhile, in the magical forest near Redkeep city. “F**k yeah! Finally broke through that barrier of level 30. Damn… how long has it been? A couple of months? Haha… I am a true genius muahahaha…” Kain praised himself as he successfully stepped into level 31 of Legend-tier in magical training.

Are you ready for another time skip? No? Two thousand years later… Just kidding. Ten days later...

Inside Grod city belongs the Shota Empire located to the far North of that nation. The Dryardian Empire will have to defeat Grod city before they can go deeper into Shota Empire. This is why Grod city had never had less than fifty million warriors to fight against the threats of the Dryardian Empire. The Shota Empire had been preparing for the invasion from the Dryardian Empire which was why they were not surprised that it finally came. Great General Nambra Furivel, the Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior, has been stationed in Grod city for more than eighty thousand years waiting for this invasion to arrive.

Excited seeing the Demi-Humans have brought more than a hundred forty million warriors, Nambra couldn’t keep the smile off her face and said, “It had been too long… too long. Come on and attack my city...“

Queen Kavrala Fellmirr asked, “Great General Furivel, should we ask for aid from the Emperor?”

“I have already sent out a request to Emperor Tarsis asking for a hundred million warriors. One of my Intermediate Mages is on the way to Bifjorkian Theocracy asking to let Executioner Embers assist us in our defense against the Dryardian Empire invasion.”

Emperor Keya Tarsis, Eleventh Stage Saint Warrior. She resided in Oltuz city, the capital of the Shota Empire. Keya has lived for more than three million years and she inherited the Shota Empire from her mother, Emperor Valindra Starnar, who advanced into God-tier Warrior and was forced to travel into the higher realms.

Unlike the Demi-Humans who can be specialized in their warriors training arts to use different types of skills including bare hands and no armor such as Monk Warrior types. The human warriors have to wear armor and use weapons because their skins and hands aren’t strong enough compared to the Demi-Humans.

“Ah, you have always been ahead of me, Great General Furivel.” Queen Fellmirr praised Nambra for her cleverness.

“I unmistakably deserved such praises, dear Queen Fellmirr.” Nambra humbly stated.

Queen Fellmirr also trained in the warrior arts but could only advance into the tenth-tier and couldn’t break through the barrier for Saint-tier. She had been living for more than sixteen hundred years so basically she is kinda old and will probably die within the next four hundred years. Unless she can find a way to advance into Saint-tier to live eternally.

By the borderline outside of Grod city. Emperor Acilianus asked, “Ateia, is everything ready?”

Prime Minister Ordia said, “Yes, my dear Emperor.”

“Kakaka… immediately gives an order to launch a full-scale attack. I won’t give them enough time to wait for backup.”

“As you wish, Emperor.”

Prime Minister Ordia gave out an order to the Five Great Generals of the Dryardian Empire, “Four Great Generals each take twenty million troops to attack North, South, East, and West gates. Great General Melamid, take thirty million flying troops and escort the Emperor to fly inside Grod city. I will take the other thirty million troops ready to assist any side that is needed. All tenth-tier and Saint-tier warriors idly stand by and do not attack without my signal!”

Emperor Lucius Flavonius Acilianus, Blue Dragon-kin, Eleventh Stage Dragon Knight, specialized in fighting using one sword on his right hand while using the claws of his left hand as the shield.

Prime Minister Ateia Ordia. Tiger-kin, Eleventh Stage Saint Warlord, specialized in fighting using one greatsword. Ateia is a battle tactician master who Emperor Acilianus trusted the most.

Female Great General Larisa Melamid, Hawk-kin, Eleventh Stage Saint Skirmisher, specialized in fighting using javelins and a heavy shield.

Male Great General Val Gachot, Bull-kin, Eleventh Stage Saint Barbarian, specialized in fighting using a big battle-ax.

Male Great General Pierino Palermo, White Dragon-kin, Eleventh Stage Saint Dragon Knight, specialized in fighting using spear and shield.

Female Great General Elvia Cirullo, Bear-kin, Eleventh Stage Saint Paladin, specialized in fighting using hammer and shield while wearing heavy armor. She had an active ability to heal herself from minor wounds without costing her any stamina.

Male Great General Tito Castaldi, Rhino-kin, Eleventh Stage Monster Knight, specialized in fighting using dual weapons such as a great sword on one hand and a big battle-ax on the other hand.

Tito led twenty million troops to attack the East gate. Val attacks South gate, Pierino attacks West gate, while Elvia attacks North gate. Emperor Acilianus flexes his wings for three seconds then flies up high into the sky followed by Larisa and her thirty million flying troops.

Back inside of Grod city. Great General Furivel was so excited to see the Demi-Humans have begun to attack. She commanded two million Novice-tier magic casters who were stationed in Grod city, “All Novice Mages, stay on the wall and ready to cast magic spells to assist the archers. All of my Generals listen carefully. Be ready to protect all the gates with your lives! If Grod city falls, Demi-Humans will be able to go deeper inside our Empire. More importantly, Queen Kavrala Fellmirr will be fighting with us. That is why you have to protect this city at all cost!”

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