Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 3 (2/7)

After that, she turned toward the Queen and said, “Queen Fellmirr, please go inside my palace to rest. I don’t want any kind of harm to come to you.”

“Nambra, sorry but I can’t do that. My warriors are fighting to protect my country, I won’t allow myself to be a coward.”

“Very well, then do the best you not to be killed.”

Nambra gave the order for an Intermediate Wind Mage, “Prepare to cast your [Wind Walk] spell on me.” After the Intermediate Wind Mage acknowledged Nambra’s commands, she then gave commands to the hundred thousand Intermediate-tier magic casters who have sworn to serve Queen Fellmirr, “All Intermediate Mages listen up, start chatting your magic spells and ready to cast it on my commands.”

“Emperor of the Demi-Humans, do you think that your surprise airborne attack will work against me? You have no idea how long I have been waiting for this battle. Any move you are going to make has been long predicted by me!” Nambra said out loud while withdrawing her platinum scythe preparing to attack.

Approximately twenty minutes later, Emperor Acilianus started flying down into the center of the city followed by Great General Larisa Melamid and her thirty million flying troops attempted to massacre the citizens to create some chaos. Nambra knew Emperor Acilianus would do so, she just didn’t know where he would be targeting. Too bad though, all the citizens were instructed to stay inside their houses and lock their doors long before the battle started. The citizens can’t come out until Nambra allows them to. Nambra pointed at the Intermediate Wind Mage and gave commands, “You, cast [Wind Walk] on me now! All other Intermediate Mages started casting spells toward the flying Demi-Humans. Flint, prepare to shoot your bolts nonstop on my commands!”

Flint Duril is an Eleventh Stage Archer-Warrior. He had been serving Nambra for over two million years as her special bodyguard. One of his bolts could easily kill a Master-tier magic caster before they can finish chanting for a magic spell. Flint has mastered the Way of the Crossbow and can shoot out twenty bolts every two seconds with a range of up to seventeen hundred (1700) yards and have an accuracy of one hundred percent.

Nambra then flew toward Emperor Acilianus and swung her scythe at him using all of her power. It was a potent attack that could kill even a Third Stage Saint Warrior, but Emperor Acilianus could easily block it using the claws of his left hand then returned with his powerful sword swing at Nambra. Nambra dodged it in mid-air, flipped, then swung her scythe again at full force.

“Flint, now!” Nambra yelled out loud. Flint shot out twenty bolts, then almost instantly placed in another twenty bolts to shoot out again. Ten seconds later, a hundred crossbow bolts hit Emperor Acilianus in his heart.

Great General Melamid saw Nambra and the crossbow-wielding warrior targeted Emperor Acilianus. She smirked and continued leading thirty million flying troops toward the Intermediate-tier magic casters because they have been casting magic spells toward them that killed more than a hundred thousand of her troops in an instant. She and her troops have to kill those magic casters before they can cast another spell. Great General Melamid turned back to look at Nambra and thought to herself, “Weak humans, I pitied you. You have chosen the worst enemy to fight with. If the two of you can take down Emperor Acilianus, then I will personally cut down my head and give it to you as a gift.”

Flint’s crossbow bolts have hit Emperor Acilianus in the heart. His bolts have penetrated through Lucius's armor but couldn’t penetrate through his thick skin and bounced off like it hit a wall of steel. Even so, Flint can tell Lucius received some kind of pain as his face color is changing. Lucius is a Blue Dragon-kin, but his face is changing from blue to red. Flint continued to shoot out another a hundred bolts in ten seconds targeting Lucius’s heart again.

“Hmm? Not just his face is changing to red, but his body too. Why is that?” Flint asked himself while he was shooting out another a hundred bolts targeting Lucius’s heart. “No. He wasn’t changing his face or body color. Flaming Aura? No! That can’t be… Demi-Humans can’t use magic.” Flint advised himself out loud when he saw Emperor Acilianus had a flaming aura surrounding him.

Flint was right. Demi-Humans can’t use magic. But Emperor Acilianus is a Dragon-kin and he had lived long enough to breathe out fire from his mouth. If Lucius wanted to, he can even manipulate the fire to surround him to create a temporary flaming aura that could help him burn objects that come within ten feet of himself. After realizing his bolts were burned before it touches Lucius and won’t be able to harm him, Flint stopped targeting Lucius and started shooting his crossbow into the flying Demi-Humans that were shooting arrows toward the Intermediate Mages. Every ten seconds, he can take down a hundred Demi-Humans with his exceptional accuracy in using the crossbow.

Great General Melamid was very irritated after Flint changed his target from attacking Emperor Acilianus into attacking her troops. Larisa commanded her troops to continue shooting arrows toward the magic casters while she headed to fight with Flint. Larisa could see Flint was standing around big baskets containing many crossbow bolts. Ignoring him would be a very stupid decision because Flint can easily kill at least a thousand of her troops every two minutes. Larisa activated [Acceleration] ability and to improve her flying/movement speed to 200% then withdrew one of her javelins and threw it toward Flint.

“Skirmisher?” Flint saw the javelin was flying toward him, he took out his steel shield and attempted to block it but it went through the shield and hit him in the stomach. Due to Flint’s platinum armor, he wasn't injured but Larisa’s javelin knocked him rolling on the ground for seven feet. At the time Flint got up from the ground, Larisa already threw another javelin toward him. Flint used the platinum dagger he had on his hip to block the javelin and managed to push it to fly in another direction. “That strength of that javelin is incredible. Looks like this enemy isn't too easy to kill.” Flint thought to himself.

Larisa flew in front of Flint and asked, “Human, you have survived against two of my javelin attacks. I applaud you for that. Tell me your name so I can write it down in my good-kill list.”

Flint chuckled and asked, “Good-kill list? Is this some kind of joke?”

“I loved to remember the strong humans whom I have killed. You are strong. I wanted to know your name before killing you.”

“My name is Flint Duril. Would you tell me your name as well? I wanted to know who I’m about to kill too.”

“Great General Larisa Melamid. I'm serving Emperor Lucius Flavonius Acilianus.”

“Ah… allow me to add some information then. I am serving Great General Nambra Furivel.”

“Is she the one fighting with my Emperor?”

“Yes, she is.”

“Uhm, she will die before our battle is over.”

“I’m sad to inform you that you will be wrong because you won't be able to see the result.”

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