Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 3 (4/7)

Meanwhile inside the magical forest near Redkeep city. Kain had been mediated for over twelve hours but he didn’t know that because he was too focused on meditating. Kain’s Second Soul was standing guard as usual. Twenty-four Master-tier Fire Wolves started to surround Kain and his Second Soul in an attempt to ambush them. Kain’s Second Soul didn’t bother to fight with all those stupid beasts, he cast [Puppeteer] to shootout twelve strings from his fingers to take control of twelve Master-tier Fire Wolves. Kain's Second Soul then commanded them to fight with the other twelve Fire Wolves. Less than four minutes later, twenty-two Fire Wolves were killed as Kain concluded his meditation. There were only two Fire Wolves still alive but Kain's Second Soul commanded them to kill themselves as well. Kain had broken the record of meditating as no human being had managed to meditate for more than twelve hours. Even so, Kain didn’t know that because he didn’t keep track of time ever since he decided to stay inside this magical forest to hide from Etgar Revenmar.

Kain casted [Conjure Fire Demon] four times and [Conjure Skeleton Warriors] ten times to conjure two Fire Demons and ten Skeletons. Kain then commanded the Skeletons to skin the Fire Wolves' corpses for the Demons to cook them. After making the Fire Wolves Jerky and placed it inside his Storage Ring, Kain deactivated [Second Soul] and went asleep while his Fire Demons and Skeletons continued to guard him. Approximately twenty minutes later, a strong earthquake occurred and woke Kain up. This is the first time Kain witnessed an earthquake but it didn’t surprise him much. Kain was about to activate [Soul Bridge] for Finwe to come to carry him to fly around until the earthquake was over. But then Kain saw something was rising from the surface. It was the door. No, it was a gate. Yes, it was a gate that had the number 7 written on it.

“Magical Dungeon?” Kain asked himself out loud.

Yes, that was a Magical Dungeon that just appeared in front of Kain’s eyes. Kain thought to himself, “This Dungeon’s difficulty is rated at seven. That means the Dungeon Raiders are required to be tenth-tier warriors and/or Legend-tier magic casters. Normally a group of a tanker, a healer, damage dealers, and supporters are needed before entering the Magical Dungeon. But that doesn't apply to me since I can tank using [Demon Anatomy II], heal using [Life Drain]. Damage dealers and supporters can be done through the creatures that I'm going to conjure. Uhm... I can solo this Magical Dungeon all by myself. Hehe… What if I find some great Magical Equipment or some Magical Blood Stones in here? Or even better, ingredients to create an advancement potion that can help level 50 magic caster break through the barrier to step into Saint-tier easier. I should raid this Dungeon now before the Mages Council find out about it.”

Kain then walked into the Magical Dungeon while chanting for [Conjure Ice Gargoyle] spells.

Magical Dungeons are portals generated by Dungeons' Guardians that are connected to other lower realms in the same universe as Toria Continents. Dungeon Raiders will receive awards such as Unique Magical Equipment, Magical Stones including Elemental, Blood, and Mana Stones. Ingredients to make potions such as Healing, Mana Recovery, and Advancement Potions can be found in Dungeons with the difficulty rating of seven and above. The Dungeons' Guardians serve the Watchers and Magical Dungeons are like mini-games for the Watchers to watch and bet on for their entertainment.

Healing and mana recovery potions are extremely rare in Toria Continents and they won't be sold in public magic shops. Only the Holy Mage can get access to use those potions. Advancement potions are exceptionally expensive and won't offer a hundred percent success chance. The maximum chance the advancement potion can enhance a magic caster in level up is twenty percent.

The minimum difficulty rating for a Magical Dungeon is one and the maximum is ten.

The difficulty rating explanation:

One = Ninth-tier warrior or Master-tier magic caster can solo.

Two = Recommended at least two ninth-tier warriors or two Master-tier magic casters.

Three = Recommended at least two ninth-tier warriors and/or two Master-tier magic casters.

Four = Recommended at least four ninth-tier warriors and/or four Master-tier magic casters.

Five = Recommended at least two tenth-tier warriors and/or two Legend-tier magic casters.

Six = Recommended at least four tenth-tier warriors and/or four Legend-tier magic casters.

Seven = Recommended at least four tenth-tier warriors and/or four Legend-tier magic casters.

Eight = Recommended at least eight tenth-tier warriors and/or eight Legend-tier magic casters.

Nine = Recommended at least eight Saint-tier warriors and/or eight Saint-tier magic casters.

Ten = Required Thirteenth Stage Saint Warrior or Level 100 Saint Mage. Solo only. No team.

If you don’t understand my explanation, reread it ten times. If you still don’t understand after that, You can just skip it because it’s not important anyway.

Back at Grod city. Nambra and Lucius were still fighting strong but the tide of battle is leaning toward the Demi-Humans as they have broken through all four gates and are fighting their way deeper inside the city.

“I can do this. I just have to kill their Emperor and this war will be over. I can do this…” Nambra told herself as she activated [Empower] to temporarily boost her physical strength up to two times and swung her scythe toward Lucius. Instead of dodging, Lucius also activated [Empower] and collided his sword slash with Nambra’s scythe swing. These attacks were so powerful that they pushed both of them back twenty feet in mid-air. Lucius wasn’t holding back. He went in full force but still didn’t manage to kill Nambra. Lucius nodded his head as he acknowledged Nambra to be one of the strongest opponents he had ever fought.

“Human, it’s still not too late if you decide to serve me now. I will make you Queen of this nation and let you rule other humans under my name as your Emperor. The Shota Empire will soon be nothing but history in the Toria Continents. You can save countless human lives as their Queen and all you have to do is swear your loyalty to me. Think about it carefully before you decline me again.” Lucius opened his kind heart and gave Nambra this precious offer once again.

Nambra shook her head and said, “There are warriors who are much stronger than I, and they also resided in the Shota Empire. If you can not defeat me, how can you defeat them?”

“There are warriors stronger than you? How can this be? You have reached the maximum stage of the warriors training arts, no?”

“Yes, I have reached the Eleventh Stage in warrior training. There was no improvement in my training for the past two hundred thousand years. But some people were born with unique special abilities that I can not compete with. Such as him.” Nambra pointed her finger toward a direction.

Lucius looked toward the direction Nambra was pointing and saw Flint Duril was holding a freshly cut head in his left hand. “That head… Great General Larisa Melamid?” Lucius surprisingly asked with his eyes widely opened.

Nambra chuckled then starting to explain, “I adopted Flint when he was only five years old after recognizing his incredible senses. Just like me, Flint advanced very quickly in warrior arts training but his skill of using crossbows has surpassed any Saint Archer-Warriors I have ever known. Flint will soon cut down all of your Great Generals’ heads and this war will be over.”

“That human killed Great General Larisa Melamid proved that she is weaker than him. This is war. Casualty is a must. So, have you thought about my offer? Will you serve me?”

"I will never serve you."

"Is that so? Too bad… I will have to kill you now." Lucius shook his head in disappointment.

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