Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 3 (5/7)

Lucius activated [Endeavor], one of the Dragon Knight’s unique abilities to burn the dragon blood inside his body which temporarily grants massive enhancement on strength and agility of up to ten times (1,000%). However, [Endeavor] ability comes with two side effects. It will damage the Dragon Knight's organs every second until the ability is disabled. The second side effect is the Dragon Knight won’t feel any pain until they disable [Endeavor] ability. There have been Dragon Knights that accidentally killed themselves for keeping [Endeavor] activated longer than their bodies can endure.

Lucius continued to use his left hand blocking Nambra’s scythe swings while slashing down his sword toward her. Nambra used the long snath of her scythe to block Lucius’s sword slash but the attack was so powerful that it broke the snath of her scythe in half and continuously cut through her platinum armor until her body was cut in half. Lucius immediately deactivated [Endeavor] to prevent any more damages that could be done to his organs. Lucius saw the 'surprised Pikachu face' on Nambra's facial expression because she couldn’t believe what had just happened. Lucius coughed out some blood and said, "I have to activate[Endeavor] ability to kill you. I have given you two chances to serve me, but you’re too ignorant to take it. Even so, you still earned my respect.” Lucius then seized Nambra’s corpse and flew back toward his war camp to prevent Nambra from being able to resurrect. Even though the Mages Council won’t allow any Master-tier Light Mages to serve any nation including all countries inside the Shota Empire, it's better to be safe than be sorry. If Nambra receives resurrection, Lucius won’t be able to take her down again since the [Endeavor] ability had taken a big toll on him.

Flint witnessed how Nambra was slain, he screamed out very loud, “No! Great General Furivel!” And when Flint saw Lucius seize Nambra’s corpse before flying away, he couldn’t control himself anymore. Flint pointed at an Intermediate Wind Mage nearby and politely asked, “Honorable magic caster, please cast [Wind Walk] spell on me so I can fly. I needed to get Great General Furivel back before the time for [Resurrection] passed.”

“But sir, we don’t have any Master Light Mage here.”

“We do have one. She is in the dungeon cell.”

“Do you mean… the Rogue Mage we have recently apprehended?”


"But she won't help us."

"She will if I offer to release her after that."

"What about the Mages Council?"

"I will explain it to them later."

After the Wind Mage casted [Wind Walk] on Flint, he immediately flew toward the war camp of the Dryardian Empire in an attempt to get Nambra’s corpse back. Before Flint landed on the war camp area, he saw more than seven thousand Demi-Humans were standing idly by. Flint checked for the bolts’ pouch that he used to carry the crossbow bolts and noticed it only had around two hundred bolts left. He withdrew two of his daggers planning to slay his way through those seven thousand Demi-Humans before using his crossbow to kill Lucius in order to get Nambra’s corpse back.

Seven thousand two hundred and twelve (7212) Demi-Human Saint Warriors haven’t received any order from Prime Minister Ordia to attack yet while the six million nine hundred eighty six thousand three hundred seven one (6,986,371) Demi-Human tenth-tier warriors were already dispatched. As highly trained warriors, that was why they were still standing idly waiting for an order regardless of noticing a human had flown through the wall and landed on their war camp. They weren’t supposed to attack Flint. But when they saw Flint took out two daggers and started sprinting toward them, all 7212 of them withdrew their weapons and charged toward him as well. Flint was not just good at shooting crossbows, his daggers skills are also unpredictable.

Flint had slain more than seventy Demi-Human Saint Warriors using his daggers and crossbow. Flint started to lose focus and his movements were getting slower and slower as his stamina pool was reaching depletion. Those Demi-Humans were too strong from what he had expected. If he uses his last remaining stamina to escape, he may have a chance to survive. But if he does so, Nambra will forever be dead.

“Twenty-one minutes had passed. I can do this. I will rescue you, Nambra Furivel.” Flint thought to himself. This is the first time Flint referred Nambra through her full name instead of her title as the Great General. He didn’t know why but the thought of losing her was too painful for his heart to endure. Flint had married countless times and had children all over the Shota Empire. But Nambra is the woman that adopted him from the orphanage, cared for him, and trained him to be a great warrior as he is today. Nambra treated Flint even better compared to her own children. “I can’t let you die, Nambra Furivel. I won’t allow you to die.” Flint continued to tell himself as he fought with the Saint-tier Demi-Human Warriors.

The cloud in the sky started to form into a big circle then a thunder explosion could be heard hundreds of miles away. To be actual, that wasn’t just a big circle but an actual hole was opened in the sky. All movements within five hundred square miles were stopped. Humans, Demi-Humans, animals, birds, insects, no one or nothing could move. However, they can still think, see, and hear but couldn’t talk. “What is going on?” Everyone started asking themselves this question. Flint had reached the brink of exhaustion as he fell on the ground while one of the Demi-Humans was about to swing his battle-ax onto him. Flint closed his eyes with tears running down from his eyes knowing the time for a resurrection had passed and he would never be able to rescue Nambra anymore.

Flint opened his eyes again and saw all the Demi-Humans were in a frozen-like state. He managed to stand up but his hands could no longer swing a dagger toward anyone. Flint looked into the hole that appeared in the sky and saw two people, one male, and one female was flying in his direction. The male said, “Flint Duril, congratulations on your advancement into God-tier Warrior. We are the Watcher’s Messengers. And we are here to escort you into the higher realms. Please pick a pair of wings you like and follow us.”

“My...duty… isn’t over yet. I can’t… leave.” Flint explained.

The female Messenger yelled, “This is not a choice! God-tier Warrior can’t live in the lower realms. This is the rule made by the Creator. Does a mere human like you dare to go against it? If you refuse, we will erase you from the history of Toria Continents.”

Knowing he can’t refuse to leave Toria Continents, Flint said, “I want the Dragon Wings. This will remind me of my failure today.”

“Strong and sturdy, good choice.” The female Messenger then granted Flint a pair of Dragon Wings.

Flint looked around once and thought, “My journey in Toria Continents was over. What will happen to the Shota Empire? To Grod city? To my family?” Flint shook his head as he followed the Messengers and flew toward through the hole opened in the sky to get into the higher realms.

After the hole in the sky was closed, everybody can resume their movements again. Not just the Saint-tier Demi-Humans know it was Flint Duril who advanced into God-tier Warrior, but everyone in the five hundred square miles could have heard the conversation between the Watcher’s Messengers and Flint Duril.

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