Twin Soul

Book 2: Chapter 3 (6/7)

Queen Kavrala Fellmirr thought to herself, “Great General Furivel was killed. The infamous Flint Duril advanced into God-tier Warrior and was forced to travel into higher realms. The Mages Council and Emperor Keya Tarsis haven’t sent any aid toward Grod city yet. What will happen to my country and my citizens? If Grod city falls, three other cities under my control won’t have enough troops to defend against those Demi-Humans.”

Queen Fellmirr’s nation contained Grod, Nirrer, Megrigud, and Radagvic cities with a total of three hundred ninety six (396) villages surrounding it. More than a billion citizens will be enslaved by the Demi-Humans. As the Queen, Kavrala doesn’t know what else to do except fight her way until death to protect her country. Despite her dedication to fighting, Kavrala was captured by Great General Val Gachot ten minutes later.

Val was too excited to show the Prime Minister what he had caught. He pulled Kavrala’s hair and dragged her all the way to in front of Prime Minister Ateia Ordia and said, “Prime Minister, I have caught one of the Queens in Shota Empire.”

Ateia looked at Kavrala carefully and saw her head was still bleeding due to her hair being pulled by Great General Gachot. Ateia sighed lightly and said, “Val, that female human is still a Queen of a nation. We should treat her with respect.”

“Right… my bad.” Val apologized then continued to pull Kavrala’s hair higher to help her stand. Val noticed Kavrala was not opening her eyes, he slapped her in the face once in an attempt to wake her up.

After seeing Kavrala didn't respond, Ateia rushed over to check on her to see if she was still alive. After making sure she was still breathing, Ateia yelled at Val, “I told you to treat her with respect. Release her hair!” Val immediately released Kavrala’s hair and Ateia held Kavrala in her arms. Val gave the commands, “Tell the humans that we have captured their Queen and they needed to surrender or we will behead her as an example.”

Great General Gachot screamed out loud, “Weak humans listen up! We have captured your Queen… whatever her name is. Surrender now or we will behead her as an example!”

Some warriors stopped fighting as they heard that while the majority of the warriors and magic casters continued to fight with the Demi-Humans despite knowing their Queen was captured. Kavrala woke up from Great General Gachot's scream. She chuckled and said in a soft voice, “Capturing the Queen doesn’t mean anything. This is the Shota Empire, ruled by Emperor Keya Tarsis. You can just behead me now since I won't be any of use to you.”

Ateia nodded in acknowledgment and asked, “As the Queen, you are just an idol, aren’t you?”

“That’s correct. I am just an idol, nothing more.”

“In our Empire, Kings and Queens rule their own countries. All the countries are united under one banner, the banner of the greatest living Emperor Lucius Flavonius Acilianus. But you, as the Queen, are just a tool of the Shota Empire. I am ashamed of you.”

“I don’t need your pity, ugly beast! Just kill me already!”

Ateia wasn’t feeling offended when Kavrala referred to her as an ugly beast. She warmly smiled and said, “Join us, Queen Kavrala Fellmirr. You can continue to rule your people inside the Dryardian Empire. As you have known, we have taken over sixty percent of the Sungaria Kingdom and captured over two billion humans. The captured humans are still ruled by a Human King. Come and join us, you will continue to be a Queen and have the ability to truly rule a nation.”

“You… you allow humans to rule over humans?”

“Of course. All the humans we have captured were turned into slaves. We needed a slave King or a slave Queen to watch over them.”

“I see.” Queen Fellmirr softly laughed. And then she said, “You wanted me to be a high slave to rule over other low slaves?”

“Yes, exactly.”

“What if I refuse?”

“You will be beheaded and we will appoint someone else to take your place. But we rather allow you to continue ruling your people instead of appointing someone else since you know your people better. Nevertheless, if you give us no other choice, then we will have to kill you.”

“You can just behead me now then. I won’t become a slave for anyone.”

“And you dare to call yourself a Queen? Have you ever thought about what will happen if you die? Who will protect those pitiful humans? Not just this city but all the cities under your rule will share the same fate. My army will continue to enslave whoever surrenders and kill whoever refused to join us. If you are truly a Queen, then join us. Become a part of the Dryardian Empire to better protect your people!”

After Ateia knew that threaten Kavrala’s life won’t be useful, so she switched to threaten the other human lives instead. A good Queen will rather become a slave to protect her people from being massacred. If Kavrala still refused, then Ateia will have to kill her and massacre this entire city to make an example for other cities to learn from this.

Ateia continued to persuade, "Queen Fellmirr, your people will listen to you better than if I appoint someone else to take over your place. We don't want to mass murder any human city. We just want to enslave them. Join us and persuade your people to prevent any more bloodshed from happening."

“I will accept it.” Queen Fellmirr softly agreed. She continued, “But you have to promise me one thing. You can’t kill my people if they agree to surrender.”

Ateia was very happy to hear this, she said, “I won’t kill them as long as they know that they are slaves. Slaves have to obey their masters. We, the Demi-Humans are the masters. If they don’t rebel against us, we won’t kill any of them. I can promise you one more thing, no Demi-Humans will kill any human that you rule without a valid reason. We would rather live in peace with the slaves than wasting our time killing them.”

“I wanted it to be documented that I am allowed to rule over my people. The Demi-Humans can’t kill my people without a proper reason.”

“Deal. Welcome to the Dryardian Empire, dear Queen Fellmirr.”

Ateia screamed out loud for an order, “Dryardian Empire warriors! Cease fighting immediately and return to the war camp to wait for my further instructions!”

All the Demi-Humans who were fighting immediately withdrew back to the war camp without any question. Ateia turned toward Kavrala and said in a happy tone, “We will give you an hour to persuade your people. You still have more than ten million troops left, they should have no problem explaining your decision to the four hundred million humans who live in this city. If any human refuses to join us, we will have to kill them to make examples. I will see you in an hour from now.”

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