Twin Soul

Chapter 10: (10/10)

Andrella whispered into Kain’s ear, “Kain, you can use your true form now, and don’t forget to put on a mask.” Kain put on a mask and quietly deactivated his [Shapeshifting] spell to turn back into his true form.

Nanya saw Kain turned into a figure of a man, she asked, “Wow... Little sis, are you a level 25 Blood Black Mage? That is the only way you can use the [Shapeshifting] spell. But why did you use [Shapeshifting] to turn into a man?”

Kain answered, “I am a man. I was using [Shapeshifting] for the past few days as instructed by Master Whistler.”

“Did you mean… you were a man this whole time?”


“But I have… bathed you.”

“Yes, and you have my thanks for it.”

“You! Wait, that mask. Are you? No. That Senior was a Blood Conjurer Mage.”

Kain whispered into Andrella’s ear, “Master Whistler, why did you make me transform into a girl for the past few days? I kept thinking about it but couldn’t figure out the reason for it.”

Andrella cooly answered, “There was no special reason. I thought you would have a better chance to conceal your true identity if transformed into a girl instead of another man.”

“I… understand.” Kain was speechless. Because of his complex thinking, he thought there must be some kind of special reason why Master Whistler asked him to transform into a seventeen years old girl.

Two days after traveling using the seaway, Etgar gave the orders for five ships to drop the anchors to set up waiting for the Vessel of the Red to arrive. Some trading ships were upset when they saw five ships dropped anchors on the pathway blocked them from moving forward and they had to go around those ships. The smart captains of those trading ships just kept their mouth shut and continued moving but there also were stupid captains of some trading ships yelled out to cursed at Etgar’s five ships which ended up being sunk to the bottom of the sea by some Blood Mages. Needless to say, Etgar made sure no one in those ships survived after their ships were sunk. Their blood was collected for the blood pools in Etgar's Blood Equipment. He didn't want to massacre humans for no reason, but those stupid humans didn't want to value their lives, who is he to say otherwise.

Three hours after that, the time had finally come. A giant vessel that could easily carry more than ten thousand people bearing the crest of the Red arrived. Etgar gave out commands to his Blood Mages using [Whispering Wind], “There are more than twenty members of our Guild on that gigantic vessel, they will be joining us when the time is right. They won’t attack us so feel free to go all out without worrying about fighting with the wrong opponents.”

One of the Executioner Master-tier Wind Mages that served the Red on the vessel casted [Whispering Wind] when she saw five tiny ships blocking the pathway. “Move out of the way! This vessel belonged to Lord Hardy of the Red! We will be traveling through!”

Etgar and two hundred forty six (246) Blood Mages heard it. Etgar responded using [Whispering Wind], “Tell that bitch Vonda to come out and meet me!”

“Blasphemy! How dare you?!” The female Executioner Master-tier Wind Mage responded in an angry voice.

“You are a little bitch too. Now be a good bitch and go tell the boss bitch to come out and meet me.” Etgar responded in a mocking voice.

Etgar didn’t want to waste any more time. He activated [Infused Blood] to tap into the Blood Pool of his Magical Blood Ring then casted [Wind Walk] on all Blood Mages and himself. Two hundred forty six Blood Mages flew toward the vessel of the Red while activating their [Infused Blood] spells to tap into their Blood Equipment and so they could immediately start the battle as soon as they landed on the vessel. Kain had been waiting for this moment for too long. This will be his first real battle where no one will interrupt him. After all two hundred forty six Blood Mages landed on the vessel, Etgar deactivated the [Wind Walk] spells that were casted on them to reserve his blood pools.

“I can finally use all of my power.” Kain thought to himself while casting [Demon Anatomy I] to transform into a human-size demon.

Kain took out his two Blood Magical Daggers and started the massacre while refilling the nearly depleted blood pools inside his Blood Daggers. As an eighth-tier warrior, Kain’s physical strength was pumped to be on par with a tenth-tier warrior under [Demon Anatomy I] form. One by one, Kain slew those warriors until he couldn’t count how many of them had fallen under his daggers. But suddenly an Ice Gargoyle appeared and swung its Ice Scythe toward him. Kain blocked the scythe attack from the Ice Gargoyle using his daggers then jumped up to throw a powerful spin kick to push it back.

“Blood Mage, I will execute you on the spot in the name of the Mages Council.” A male Executioner Conjurer Mage said while looking at Kain.

Kain carefully observed the Conjurer Mage and saw the robe he was wearing bear the crest of an Executioner. On top of that, the Executioner Conjurer Mage was holding a steel Magical Staff embedded with six Magical Conjuration Stones and a small-size Magical Mana Stone. “Executioner Conjurer Mage? You have to be a Legend-tier then. Weakling, show me what you got!” Kain screamed while casting [Shadow Step] to go into invisible mode while activating [Bloodlust] and then casted [Sanguine Tide].

“Ignorant brat, let me show you the power of my Conjuration Magic!” The Executioner Conjurer Mage screamed while casting [Conjure Celestial Angel]. After that, he began chanting for the [Conjure Earth Golem] spell.

[Bloodlust], level 15 Blood Magic spell. It will tremendously increase the power of the next Blood Magic spell casted by the Blood Mage who activated it. However, the next spell would cost double the amount of blood requirement before it could be cast.

Unlike the Magical Elemental Stone which is small enough to be embedded on a robe or a glove, a small-size Magical Mana Stone is about twenty-five (25%) of the average human-size head. A medium-size Mana Stone is approximately fifty percent (50%) of the average human-size head. And a big Mana Stone is about one hundred percent (100%) of the average human-size head.

Similar to Magical Blood Stone, Magical Mana Stone also has a mana pool but it would be much smaller if compared to the blood pool of Magical Blood Stone. The mana pool of a big Mana Stone could be equally large if compared to a small Blood Stone. However, Mana Stone can automatically refill its mana pool while Blood Stone requires the human blood to refill.

[Conjure Celestial Angel], level 35 Conjuration Magic spell that will conjure a Celestial Angel. The Celestial Angel can only cast [Health Regeneration], and [Mana Regeneration] spells only the Conjurer Mage that conjured it. However, Celestial Angel is immune to all types of damages. Therefore, Celestial Angel won’t die but only fade away until it uses all mana in its mana pool. Because of this, [Conjure Celestial Angel] is considered to be the most dangerous Conjuration Magic spell regardless of whether the Celestial Angel can only cast two Light Magic spells on its conjurer.

[Conjure Earth Golem], level 40 Conjuration Magic spell that will conjure an Earth Golem. This Earth Golem can not cast any magic spell but its physical strength is on par with a tenth-tier warrior and it has a passive ability of [Stone Skin] spell automatically activated. The Earth Golem can not be damaged until the opponents can break through its [Stone Skin] passive ability. Even when the opponents can break through its [Stone Skin], if the Earth Golem didn’t get killed within two minutes then it will automatically heal itself to recover from all injuries. Its passive ability [Stone Skin] will also be renewed. Earth Golem is the strongest protector in all conjured creatures from Novice-tiers to the Legend-tiers. As long as the Earth Golem is alive, their Conjurer Mage will never die.

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