Twin Soul

Chapter 10: (9/10)

Aber Hardy doesn't even know what his future wife would look like, but it doesn't matter anyway. Aber has advanced into the Legend-tier of the magic caster, he will be able to live up to two thousand years. He can marry another female after his wife dies of old age. Even better than that, Aber knows for sure he will advance into Saint-tier in the future and live indefinitely like Vonda Hardy. Aber will not quit the Blue not because he doesn't want to become an Executioner for the Red. But because he wanted to create his legacy by becoming the next Lord of the Blue. Aber doesn't want to stay in the shadow of Vonda forever.

Got back to the cabin reserved for him on the vessel, Aber took off his pair of white gloves embedded with three Magical Ice Stones on each glove and placed them on the table. He sat down on the chair and thought to himself, "One day, the Hardy Clan will look at me as the head of the family. By that time, no one will be able to control my life!"

"Knock, knock. Little brother, are you in here?" A voice called out after knocking twice on Aber's cabin.

"Sister Violet?" Aber asked.

"Who else would come to your room?" Violet opened the door and walked in after confirming Aber was inside.

Violet Hardy, a tenth-tier warrior, is two years older than Aber Hady. Aber was now twenty-eight years old which means Violet is thirty years old.

Violet said, "Congratulations on your advancement into Legend-tier. Now you can live up to two thousand years, just like me. We will be able to see our parents die of old age before us."

"Thank you, sister Violet. I am looking forward to that."

"Aren't you excited to finally meet your future wife?"

"Yes, I am excited." Aber said that while maintaining an emotionless facial expression.

"You don't seem like it at all."

"What about you, sister Violet? You seem to be too happy about getting away from your husband."

"Uh-huh. I had no feeling for him at all. I hope he will die soon so I can marry someone else."

"I can't understand why people like us who were born in a powerful Clan have to be dealing with arranged marriages. Why can't we choose who we want to build a family with?"

"It is what it is, little brother. At least you are marrying the Prime Minister’s daughter. From what I have heard, she had just turned eighteen years old. Unlike me, I have married a sick and ugly man that could die anytime soon."

"I envy you for that, sister Violet. Soon your husband will die then you will be able to find your love for another marriage while I may have to deal with the Prime Minister’s daughter for the next eighty years."

After several seconds of silence, Aber asked, "Sister Violet, what do you think about creating our Clan?"

"What do you mean, little brother?"

"I know for sure you and I will both advance into Saint-tiers in the future. We will live indefinitely. It would be amazing to rule our Clan instead of being a member of this Clan, don't you agree?"

"Lord Hardy won't allow you to do that."

"If I can become the next Lord of the Blue. She won't be able to stop me. I won't allow any of my future great-grandchildren to have arranged marriages. It's bad enough that Vonda Hardy screwed up our lives, I don't want our future generations to be dealing with her as well."

Violet sighed softly and said, "Little brother, I believe you can become the next Lord of the Blue. But that would be millions of years from now. By that time, maybe Vonda had already become a God and traveled to the higher realms."

"With my talents in magic training, I have a strong feeling that I will make it to level 100 in just a couple hundred thousand years. Even if I will still be just a member of the Blue, I can definitely create my Clan as a level 100 magic caster. I will rule my Clan with compassion. Arranged marriage won't be a thing in my Clan!"

"Such an ambitious, little brother. If that time ever comes, you know that I will fully support you."

"Thank you, sister Violet."

Twelve days later. Inside Kain’s hotel room.

“Kandice, Vonda Hardy is expected to arrive in Crowbay city four days from now. Do you want to tour around the city today? You have been staying inside the hotel room ever since we got here.” Nanya said.

“I don’t want to.” Kain softly answered.

“Come on, little sis. It would be fun!”

After being nagged by Nanya for several minutes, Kain agreed to tour the city with her. Kain secretly prayed to the Watcher that they wouldn't run into other Twin Soul children that needed to be rescued. Kain knows how Nanya is. She would have exposed their identities as Blood Mages just to rescue another Twin Soul child in need of rescue. Nanya was thirty-six years old when Kain first met her. Now, three years later, Nanya is thirty-nine years old. However, Nanya is not a talented magic caster. She had been stuck at level 20 of Intermediate-tier and couldn’t break through into Master-tier since the age of twenty-five. After the tour of the city was over, Kain was happy because they didn’t run into any problem that could expose their identity. However, they were surprised to see Andrella Whistler was waiting for them inside their hotel room.

“Master Whistler, sorry to keep-” Nanya was about to apologize to Andrella for keeping her waiting.

“Shut up! Where did you go?”

“We were touring around the city.”

“Why? What if you expose yourself as a Blood Mage? This could jeopardize our entire operation.”

“Sorry, Master Whistler. I just wanted to show Kandice around. She must haven’t been out of the Guild that much.”

“Kandice?” Andrella turned to look at Kain. Kain nodded to confirm that she didn’t hear it wrong.

Tried to keep the cold facial expression, Andrella continued, “Pack your personal belongings. We will leave immediately.”

“Is everything okay, Master Whistler? Has the plan changed?”

“There is a minor change of plan. We will attack Vonda Hardy at the sea. There are more powerful magic casters currently residing in the Kingdom of Winharfia than we have expected. This could be a problem since we don’t have enough manpower to handle them all. Our original plan was to massacre the entire city of Crowbay to prevent the news about the existence of the Blood Mages Guild to make it back to the Mages Council. After thorough planning, the Guild Leader had decided to attack Vonda Hardy at the sea.”

“We have understood. Please give us two minutes to pack up our belongings.”

After Kain and Nanya packed their personal belongings, they followed Master Whistler into the ship that was assigned to them. There were five ships in total. Each ship could hold up to fifty people. Kain, Nanya, Master Whistler, Master Weaver, and their pupils were on the same ship.

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