Twisted Realm

Chapter 332 - recovery

Leonard and the others looked at the pictures on the light curtain, and they all showed shocking expressions.

One is that they did not expect that the “eye of the true self” in front of them would have such an impact on the life form of Shahe City that it could bring power to any individual at will, and it didn’t seem to have too many side effects. It has the power of a god.

On the other hand, they were also shocked by Shahe City’s fanatical attitude towards the True Self and the True Self. It didn’t take long for them to have reached this level of trust and worship, which made people feel terrified.

With the injection of Meng Xuan’s mobilization of the power gathered on the magic net, the situation in the entire Shahe City has become better. A large number of people were successfully evacuated to the open area, but the strong wind, dark sky and frantic lightning still made people feel frightened, and the drifting heavy rain also made the residents of Shahe City feel very uncomfortable without any protective measures. Only shivering in it.

However, just after most of the people had been evacuated, the bright or dark white light shrouded in everyone turned into little stars in the sky, densely moving towards the huge true self in the sky. Shadows converge.

The phantom gradually transformed from the illusory to the real, when it almost solidified into a reality. boom! !

A thick white light shot up into the sky, straight into the terrifying black cloud.

All the citizens looked up at the sky, and they could clearly see that the dark clouds above their heads seemed to tremble.

Then, they saw that with the white light column as the center, the black clouds and frantic lightning were slowly spreading out around the light column, as if the black cloud had exposed a huge hole.

Bright and soft sunlight projected from the hole. Soon, the hole in the cloud layer opened up by the white light became bigger and bigger. Finally, the sky above the entire Shahe City was clear, but the world outside Shahe City was still covered with black clouds and pouring rain. ,Thunder and lightning.

This is an extremely stark contrast, which is even more shocking.

In fact, this kind of thing is not difficult to do. As long as you have the strength of a saint, and you can use the underlying information of the world slightly, you can easily cause changes in the celestial phenomenon, just because most of the saints in the extraordinary world and The sage-like envoys are devastated by the secret realm that is about to be shattered, and there are not enough people to support the secret realm.

And Meng Xuan, through the collective subconscious and his own strength, it is not difficult to influence the surrounding environment of Shahe City.

However, he can only affect the surrounding area of ​​Shahe City. When the True Self Society has not been able to expand further, the scope of his power is not very wide.

But even so, the citizens of Shahe City cheered enthusiastically. They almost regarded Meng Xuan and Zhen I as their patron saints and saviors. That fanatical emotion and will was quickly swept away by the demons that permeated the entire city. Captured by the net, he quickly replenished the strength he had consumed before.

The creatures in this world are the best source of power.

“Did you see it? Did you hear it? Their cries, their pleas.”

“Compared to the incompetent you who can only stand here and can’t even clean up your own mess, who is more like the opposite? Who should they trust?”

Meng Xuan said slowly to Leonard and the others.

Several people fell silent.

“What do you want to explain?”

Leonard asked in a deep voice.

“It’s just a simple explanation that you made my path a sorcery and a forbidden law.”

“What is right? What is evil?”

“There is no such thing as good and evil in this world. The so-called good and evil are just the definition of thought.”

“Those who have power, interests, and power often proclaim themselves as justice, and under the guise of morality, they wear a glossy cloak, and in long-term self-hypnosis, perhaps even they themselves think that what they have done In order to represent justice, any person or thing that is inconsistent with their opinions and paths will be labeled as ‘evil’ and ‘heretic’. In fact, they may not know that the path they are taking is long overdue. Being eliminated, what they do simply can’t really achieve that lofty goal and bring real benefits to the world.”

“No, maybe, they themselves know this truth deeply. It’s just that, compared to the risky self-criticism and self-correction, it’s more comfortable to stick to the inherent world and inherent interests, isn’t it?”

“If I say to the citizens of Shahe City, you are evil, or even, I say to all ordinary people in the world, you are evil, you are the rulers who trample on everything, depriving them of the right to enjoy peace and freedom , and give them the power they can dream of, do you think, who will they think is evil and who is right?”

Meng Xuan said lightly.

“Are you trying to convince us to join you? Be part of your vast system?”

Claire asked bluntly.

“No, I’m just giving you a choice. Your addition or not has no fundamental impact on me. Even, I don’t care much about whether the entire Chinar Nine Life Palace has goodwill towards the true self.”

“The world is facing huge changes, and the expansion of the Real Self Society will become inevitable. You can’t stop it, just like you can’t stop the wheel of history.”

“But if it really goes that far, killing and war is inevitable, and it will greatly deplete the power of the real world.”

“I see a bigger crisis, so I don’t want you potential people to fall and die in the internal war. Helping and guiding you to make the right choice is also something I should do. After all, in In the near future, our enemy may not be in this world.”

Meng Xuan said to Clayt lightly.

“A bigger crisis? Our enemy might not be in this world? What does that mean.”

Reynard, Clayt and others were keen to grasp the key words in Meng Xuan’s words.

“The secret realm is broken, the foundation of this world is shaking, the world will usher in chaos, and something is secretly guiding all this.”

“The stars are chaotic, the forgotten world will come again, and those ancient beings that once dominated human fears will return to this world again.”

“What they bring will only be conquest and chaos. This world needs the power to fight them, and you don’t have that power.”

“Go back, there are still many things to deal with in Shahe City. I hope you and the people behind you can make the right choice.”

Meng Xuan explained a little to a few people.

“Another world, an ancient existence that dominates human fears?”

Leonard and others repeated these words in their hearts. Suddenly, Leonard seemed to sound something, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

Just when he was about to ask the question, he saw the black-robed man standing opposite them waving at them.

A strong sense of trance struck, and the intense light fascinated their sight.

After a whirlwind of weightlessness.

Reynard and Bossiri felt as if they were pressing down on a mountain, and the surroundings were damp and dark, full of the smell of soil soaked in soil.

It was only then that the two of them discovered that their bodies had been crushed under the rubble of a high-rise building at some point.

If it wasn’t for the fact that their own strength was already extraordinary, even in an unconscious state, the body’s self-instinct could defend against most of the shocks, and now the terror would be severely injured.

Boom! !

The powerful “ring” power burst out from the two of them, forcibly propping up a space in the ruins, and then the two of them slammed their legs and rushed out of the ruins in an instant.

The streets are empty and messy, and most of the citizens have taken refuge in the open areas and areas protected by supernatural beings, and no one remains on the streets.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

A large amount of colorful mucus overflowed from the pores on the surface of Bo Xi Rui’s body, freezing the dirty clothes and hair, and then she shook her body slightly, and a large number of crystal shavings scattered from her body surface to the ground, making her body and Clothes were clean and dry again.

On the other side, a large amount of iridescent light also appeared on the surface of Reinard’s body, which directly evaporated the filth and moisture and returned to its original state.

“What do we do now? What did that last sentence mean?”

Bo Shiri looked around a lot, frowned and asked in a deep voice.

“This matter is a long story. This operation has actually been quite successful. We have already understood the strength and attitude of the other party. We can go back to the headquarters as soon as possible. Now that such a big thing has happened, they should also It is when we are needed, and the rest of the decision is left to the high-level meeting to discuss.”

Reynard said after being silent for a while.

“Okay, then contact Lilina and the others to evacuate together. The other party has more control over the city than we imagined, and we won’t do anything if we stay here.”

Pohiri nodded.

“They should be evacuating too.”

Leonard said.

“You said… are the words that the true eye said true?”

Looking at the ruins and messy Shahe City around, thinking of the picture I just saw in the “sanctuary”, thinking of what the terrifying figure said, Bo Xi Rui suddenly said.

“I don’t know, in fact, many things cannot be changed with our strength.”

Leonard shook his head and said with a sigh.

Bo Shiri nodded silently, all of which were related to too many issues of pattern and interests.

Just like what Sigourney said, it is not so easy for those strong men who hold powerful powers and stand at the top of the world to be willing to give up their freedom and become part of some existing forces because of simple words. matter.

The final solution, I am afraid, still has to talk about violence and war.

Bo Xirui looked at the calm sky over Shahe City, and at the dark and terrifying environment outside Shahe City, which contrasted sharply with Shahe City, and suddenly felt that Shahe City might really become a pure land.

“When will the war end?”

Bossiri sighed and was about to leave Shahe City with Reynard.

Roar! ! !

Suddenly, a frantic beast roar appeared not far from Shahe City through the whistling wind and rain.

Citizens on the edge of Shahe City, through the environment of lightning and thunder, could faintly see that in the dark depths illuminated by the lightning, there seemed to be some huge, terrifying, and ferocious monsters standing. This kind of body shape and momentum brings a huge sense of oppression.



Changes in the weather and natural disasters caused by earthquakes are just the first hurdle facing the world. Next, there are more and more terrifying disasters waiting for everyone.

The secret realm is completely broken. Originally, there are many dangers and strange places in the secret realm. In these areas, there are often terrifying things and life forms, some of these extraordinary things and extraordinary life~www.mtlnovel .com~ did not die and disappear because of the shattering of the secret realm, but because of the shattering of the secret realm and the dissipation of the power of existence, they found an opportunity to enter the real world through this chaos.

The most ordinary extraordinary creature, to the ordinary world, is also a terrifying existence that can almost destroy half a city.

Although they are inferior to humans in terms of intelligence and strength, their bodies are much stronger than humans of the same realm, and their endurance is not comparable to that of ordinary human transcendents. Once they impact the city, they are simply terrifying monsters that are difficult to defeat.

It is not only these extraordinary beings and things that come to the real world with the fragmentation of the secret realm. A large part of the peculiar terrain, buildings, etc. have also descended into the ordinary world in this fragmentation and fusion, resulting in a huge terrain. Scope changes.

As Meng Xuan said, this world is undergoing extremely terrifying changes at an extremely fast speed. This is the re-integration of the entire extraordinary world with the real world and the ordinary world. The world seems to have returned to the chaotic scene of the original era. .

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to use the words of the gazer Sigourney.

In this world, myths are reviving.



In the whole world, the only one that has not been affected is Elna, where the black magic world is located.

hum! !

Within Elna, countless beams of light rose into the sky and plunged straight into the sky. These beams of light unleashed a powerful force, they stabilized the tremors of the ground, dispelled the terrible catastrophe in the sky, and kept Elna calm at all times.

Moreover, under the control of Tutanlodia, she used the huge ritual group arranged in the world for nearly 20 years, which is pulling the entire black law world that is about to be broken. country.

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