Twisted Realm

Chapter 333 - separatist

Boom! !

There was a huge movement in the sky above Elna in the real world. Everyone looked up and couldn’t help but grow their mouths.

In the otherwise clear sky, they saw another world.

That world had a pale golden sky, lush and vital vegetation, splendid buildings, and a lot of peculiar life. It looked like a world in myths and legends. Today, this world is rapidly fragmenting, and every corner of the world is covered with cracks like a broken mirror, and it seems that it will fall apart at any time.

This world is falling like a meteorite, getting closer and clearer, and finally it seems to be completely connected with the real world, and people feel close to that magical world.

This is an extremely shocking sight. The beams of light erupting from all over Elna became even more fiery, and the fragmented mythical world revealed countless intricate and complex combinations of ritual patterns. The countless beams of light that erupted seemed to penetrate the key nodes of these ritual patterns. Among them, it has reached a docking with the ritual group in the fallen and broken black law world.

A large number of white rune chains penetrated from these beams of light, tightly entangling the ritual of the black magic circle, preventing it from continuing to shatter, and pulling the huge black magic circle to gradually integrate with the real Elna. .

“Preliminary integration is complete.”

At the top of a landmark high-rise building in Elna, a man wearing a black robe can see the face of Tutanlodia with a lot of white bandages wrapped around the face of the robe.

At this moment, she is raising her head and looking at another world that has fallen in the sky. In the pale yellow eyes, countless ritual rune chain data flashes. Her brain, like the most advanced quantum computer, is processing huge amounts of data all the time.

Tutanlodia itself has a special ability called “Sisi”, her brain and thinking can operate in an extremely fast way, at certain moments, it is like time has no effect in her brain, and it is delayed until Extremely general.

This allows her brain to process a large amount of data, which also allows her to show an unmatched talent in ritual patterns.

Now, she is completely relying on her own ability, the extraordinary power of the angel level, and the general trend and the pre-established ritual group, so that the black magic world and Elna are truly integrated.

“Next, is the real fusion.”

“The pre-determined territory…will increase Elna’s area by almost one-third due to the fusion of the black magic world. This is the limit that this continent can endure…”

In her pale yellow eyes flashed an extremely detailed map of Elna and the Dark Realm, and there was also a new map of Elna that Signetti had made for her in advance.

“The main part of the continent remains unchanged. The airspace zone that has been sorted out in advance is used as the completion site of the main buildings of the Black Law Realm, and the settlement of extraordinary beings, major secret places and dangerous places are placed around the continent…”

Boom! !

There was a slight sense of shock in Elna’s homeland, and the huge shock brought by the fusion of the black magic world and the real world was mostly offset by the preparations made in advance for decades, and there were still superhumans who were prepared in advance to stand by at any time. , did not cause undue harm to the native population of Elna.

The shaking lasted for about a day.

Elna has undergone tremendous changes as a whole. A large number of mysterious buildings have appeared out of thin air in pre-planned areas. Residents on the edge of the continent can also see some huge land plates falling from the sky, which are different from the original Elna. The continents are connected, and sometimes you can see huge monsters and hear terrifying roars from these continents.

Elna’s superhumans, who were also well-prepared, had already stayed within the established range. As soon as the new territory came, they rushed in immediately, controlling supernormal life and certain dangerous things in a relatively safe range.

Compared with the disasters and panics in the world, everything seemed orderly in front of Signetti and Elna, who had already made full preparations. Although the sudden arrival of the world must have caused panic in the ordinary world, there was a long time ago. The prepared Elner executives have done a good job of propaganda and did not allow panic to develop into turmoil.

This is definitely a special day for the Elna people.

“The integration is basically completed, each project has reached the predetermined layout, and the plan for the next project will be implemented.”

Many pictures began to flash in Tutanlodia’s eyes, which was the feedback from her “Skynet” that spread all over the world to her.

It was an apocalyptic scene, and life seemed so fragile under natural and extraordinary disasters.

“What are we doing right or wrong?”

A trace of confusion flashed in her pale yellow eyes, and her ability to run the ritual group was slightly stagnant, but she soon returned to firmness.

Up to now, it has reached the current level. There is no turning back when the bow is opened. If it is not carried out as planned, all the previous efforts and all the sacrifices that have appeared in the world will be wasted.

“The next stage is to extract the power of existence around the world.”

“Skynet, bye.”

Countless ritual lights flashed again in her pale yellow eyes.

boom! ! !

All over the world, a large number of hidden magic circles that Tutanlodia had arranged before and that had been solidified as part of her ability in the promotion of the Messenger, all began to burn violently at this moment.

Tutanlodia burned almost two-thirds of her powerful abilities, activating the last part of the plan.

All these ritual formations burst out with great power, and a lot of existence power escaped from all over the world because of the fall of the secret realm. At this moment, it seems that they have found a vent, and they are constantly attracted by these ritual formations. absorbed by them.

Then, these forces of existence used Tutanlodia’s own powerful ability as a medium to communicate with the exclusive channel of the Zero Realm, and connected with the countless ritual groups that were erupting a lot of white light at this time.

The white light has changed. From the original white, it was gradually dyed with a layer of light gold, and the color gradually deepened. Finally, it became a pure and dazzling golden beam of light, which shot up into the sky.

The entire sky was stained with a golden yellow that was divine and domineering, and countless rich powers of existence surged out, gradually filling every inch of Elna’s air.

Everyone in Elna felt that they were undergoing slight changes.

Most felt refreshed, physically and mentally comfortable, and full of strength.

And some people who are sick, some minor problems have recovered directly, and even some dying patients have been suppressed and calmed down. Everyone is bathed in the golden light swayed by the beam of light, just like bathing in under the brilliance of the gods.

Most of it was in devout thanksgiving and prayers, and at this moment, a massive propaganda offensive prepared by Signiti came overwhelmingly, covering all areas of Elna with great speed, making people aware of the great era in which they lived. , and he had a deep understanding of the great achievements of his assistants and his assistants, and carried out a thorough brainwashing.

Finally, the grand vision of “everyone is extraordinary” is promised to announce the arrival of a new era to all the people of Elna.

“I feel it… did it work?”

A lot of blood flowed out of Tutanlodia’s eyes, and she looked to the sky, where she saw Elna’s countless lifeforms being ignited, like a fanatical spark, converging in the sky, A huge willpower was formed, and this willpower gradually formed a faint shape of Nelson’s Eye.

Signetti, because of his feat of changing the times, is gaining the approval of countless beings in the entire Elna and the black law world. This power will propel him to a higher realm.

“Is the power of existence absorbed in the end about 60% of the world?”

“However, it was a success after all, a new era…”

In the starry sky room at the top of the Stargazer Tower, Signeti felt a lot of power injected into his eyebrow mark, quickly replenishing and strengthening his strength, his body full of skeletons that could not be restored here. In a moment, a large number of blood vessels and tiny muscle fibers are growing, and they are being reborn rapidly.

“At most half a year, I can completely enter that realm, Zero Realm Apostle…”

A smile appeared on Sigourney’s face.

Several shadows burst out from the infinite starry sky, and half-knelt in front of Sigourney.

“The order goes on, the plan is successful, let all the reformers stop the war, get rid of the entanglement, return to Elna to improve the strength, the next expedition, we will truly integrate the world!”



Compared to Elna’s grand scene, the situation in other parts of the world is extremely poor.

The secret realm was broken, and the elusive and mastered power of existence was actually absorbed by Elna, and the power of existence around the world was weakened by at least half, which brought extremely serious consequences.

Without the power of existence, it will take more time to recover the worn out extraordinary power, unless it is a gifted wizard with a strong ability to perceive and absorb the power of existence, most ordinary extraordinary people cannot pass ordinary methods at all. After absorbing enough energy to continue practicing, the growth of strength will inevitably stagnate.

Although the major forces are urgently making ritual formations that gather the power of existence, but because things happened too suddenly, many materials in the secret realm did not have time to evacuate in time, and many were damaged with the fall of the secret realm, or Falling into every corner of Chinar, the collection will become a huge problem.

The most important thing is that a large number of extraordinary life and magical things scattered along with the secret realm are also scattered in every corner of Chinar.

In these secret realms, even the most ordinary creatures are stronger than ordinary human physiques, and as the power of existence is greatly reduced, they must eat a lot to ensure their energy reserves and supply.

And now, a large number of ordinary world cities that have just been hit by natural disasters have become their primary targets.

For ordinary people, this is undoubtedly a more terrible disaster than a natural disaster.

In all parts of Chinar, the Nine Life Palace urgently organized a large number of personnel to clean up, but because of the huge losses caused by the fall of the secret realm, there is a huge gap in terms of manpower and materials, and it is simply powerless.

I have to say that Sigourney’s plan this time is really beyond the world’s expectations.

Although everyone thinks that Signetti does not play cards according to the rules and has a big conspiracy to rashly start war with the whole world, but no one can imagine that this guy can truly surpass the one that no one has been able to break through for more than 6,000 years. To the limit, exert the terrifying power of that level, and fundamentally shatter the secret realm of the world in one fell swoop.

Even the holy messenger, possessing incomparably extraordinary power, never thought that anyone could achieve this level.

Just like before the advent of nuclear bombs, no one could have imagined that this little missile would have the power to destroy the world.

I have to say, Sigourney, it really succeeded.

Except for Elna, the extraordinary powers in all parts of the world have suffered heavy losses and entered a very low period.

If it weren’t for the fact that there are still a large number of saints who can draw a certain amount of power from the Zero Realm and have not really entered a weak state, the current Elna is fully capable of conquering the whole world with his own power.

However, happier than Sigourney, there are many people.

Standing on the huge ruins of the tallest building in a certain city, Wan Rog and Ashke Warwick quietly listened to the cry of despair, looked at the doomsday-like weather environment, and looked at the maddened bird. A look of comfort flashed in his eyes as the extraordinary beast charged into the city, causing massive destruction.

“This is more and more like the environment we live in. Sure enough, this environment is the most comfortable.”

Ashke Warwick exclaimed.

“The ‘magic species’ all over the world should have taken action, and we can’t afford to be left behind.”

“Signetti’s plan has been successful, he will be promoted to the realm of the Zero Realm Apostle in a very short time, if he really succeeds, within this world, the seventy-two king pillars are self-sealed in the Zero Realm. Deep down, no one can be his opponent, and at that time, once he really conquers the our plan will have no chance of success.”

“Although I don’t know what method the leader used, the impact on the bottom layer of his subconscious should be very slight. It is not easy to make him make the choice that best suits our interests within a reasonable range. Next, We must lead the incarnations of the supreme beings to come and completely stabilize the situation in this world before he is truly promoted to the Apostle of the Zero Realm.”

Wan Roger said.

“Isn’t this a very simple thing?”

A smile appeared on the corner of Ashke Warwick’s mouth, and countless shadows began to pour into his body. His human shell swelled violently, and was quickly broken by countless shadows. His terrifying shadow body was twisted like a monster. Rapid expansion, getting bigger and bigger.

He is like the shadow of death faced by countless lives in this city, suspended above the heads of all beings.

“Look now, this world is full of chaos and despair.”

“Look at the faces distorted by despair and pain.”

“They need redemption.”

“And Distortion is undoubtedly their best home!!”

Countless shadows surround Ashkwarwick’s huge shadowy body, violently forming substantial ravings and pollution emanating from his huge body, washing the entire city.

The countless despair, pain and darkness have become the perfect soil for the power of distortion to multiply at this moment.

Those who lost everything, in the terrifying emotions and ravings, gladly, even scrambled, to accept the alienation of the distorted power. Compared with this desperate world, becoming a monster is undoubtedly a better choice.

After an unknown number of years, the terror dominated by distortion finally returned to this land.

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