Twisted Realm

Chapter 338 - Secret world

Meng Xuan’s attention was instantly attracted by the ancient animal skin scroll in front of him.

Perhaps it was because of some forced subconscious indoctrination in the misty island. Although Meng Xuan did not know these strange words in the real world, he still read out the meaning of these words.

What was recorded on this animal skin scroll should be some kind of peculiar cultivation method.

This ancient scroll said that beyond the inherent perception of human beings, the world presents another scene, and that scene, for ordinary people, can only be discovered by extreme coincidence. Only those who are favored by “hidden” powers can adjust their perceptions, come into contact with a world that is completely different from reality, and gain more “hidden” power and knowledge from that world, and become more and more powerful.

That world is often referred to as the “Secret World”.

“Looking at this description, it seems to be somewhat similar to the virtual world… But in this era, the virtual world and the real world should not have been separated, otherwise it would be impossible to produce the natural ring called ‘hidden’ power. The power, perhaps, this so-called ‘secret world’ is the prototype of the virtual world in the future?” Meng Xuan touched his chin and guessed in his heart.

He continued to look at the animal skin scroll at the back. The contents recorded on the back of the animal skin scroll seemed to be some cultivation techniques, which should be the method of absorbing “hidden” power in the so-called “secret world”. This method of going up is somewhat similar to the meditation method, but requires a lot of peculiar and mysterious movements, which is different from the meditation method Meng Xuan practiced before.

Continuing to look back, he saw some pictures with very chaotic depictions. The backgrounds of these pictures were like mosaics, blurred, and he could only vaguely see that they were in a forest.

The subject of the portrait is a peculiar and weird monster. These monsters are extremely prominent and clear in the blurry background that seems to be in a mosaic. That kind of peculiar drawing method is like the monster will be in the next moment. Leaps out of the hide roll.

Meng Xuan looked at the first monster. This thing looked like an extra-large worm. It had huge mouthparts that took up the entire head. The mouthparts contained rows of extremely fine and sharp teeth. Dozens of ugly triangular eyes can also be seen from the worm’s profile, which are vividly painted, revealing cunning, wickedness and cruelty.

Meng Xuan tried to quickly change the angle to look at the picture, and found that the giant bug seemed to come alive under the change of perspective, and its body was wriggling slightly.

When he stopped the rotation of his eyes and perspective, the picture stopped again.

What a fun way to paint.

Meng Xuan sighed and looked at the text below the picture, which seemed to be an introduction to this big bug.

“Blood mouth worms are good at digging and attacking. They are soft and can hide in extremely small holes. Suddenly attacking, it is very difficult to catch, but the meat is delicious and suitable for eating after boiling…”

edible, delicious

Meng Xuan looked at the appearance of the hideous and disgusting worm, and was a little speechless in his heart.

As expected of a primitive man, he eats everything.

He continued to look down and found that these pictures probably introduced some creatures that might appear in the so-called “secret world”, as well as some basic knowledge about this world.

Humans in this world basically have very strong physical qualities, and their physical limits are different from those of modern humans. Their physical upper limits are raised very high thanks to a power called qi and blood.

Warriors who have understood the power of qi and blood can even fight head-to-head with some fierce beasts without falling behind. Their skin and muscles are as hard as armor, and their attacks can easily smash boulders. They are the main force of the tribe’s daily beast hunting. , If it weren’t for the existence of “warriors”, these primitive tribes would not have survived in this dangerous wild.

The other is the tribal priests who have mastered the power of “hidden”. Their abilities are very strange, and their status in the tribe is extremely high. Even the most powerful warriors must obey their commands, but about Where they are specifically strong, there is not much record in the animal skin scroll.

Meng Xuan can only know that priests are the foundation of a tribe’s existence. If a tribe does not have priests, no matter how powerful the warriors are, they will not be able to escape the fate of extinction.

“Lord Eggers! Lord Priest asks you to hurry over there!”

Just then, a soft female voice came from outside the room.

Meng Xuan recognized from memory that it seemed to be the voice of the girl named Sisiya.

He frowned, opened the door curtain, and walked out of the hut. The purpose of the memory fragments contained in this foggy island is definitely not just for him to read these ancient animal skin scrolls.

When she walked out the door, she saw Sisiya, who looked somewhat similar to her mother, was standing outside the door waiting for him. When she saw him come out, Sisiya hurriedly did a more cumbersome tribute in a tribe. After the ceremony, the originally arrogant girl lowered her head and did not dare to look into his eyes.

Some new information emerged from Eggers’ body. Since the last night sacrifice, he was directly designated by the old priest as the next priest. In the whole tribe, his status has changed from An ordinary orphan instantly rose to a level second only to the old priest. Even the most powerful warrior of the tribe would bow politely when he saw him. This huge change made it difficult for Sisiya to change.

Meng Xuan nodded and responded casually, without being polite, let alone the thought of letting Xixia not be so polite. After all, these people were all tool people in his opinion.

Under the leadership of Xixia, Meng Xuan walked in the other direction of the tribe.

This tribe has a population of thousands and is not small in size. It is almost equivalent to some small villages and towns in previous lives. When passers-by see Eggers and see his unusual clothes, they will give him a slight salute to show respect.

It can be seen that as long as the word “priest” is used, the status in the entire tribe will be completely different, and the expressions of these tribesmen do not show any reluctance, they are very sincere, like It is to sincerely thank the priest for everything he has done for the village.

But what exactly did the priest do?

Meng Xuan recalled the memory of this body, and finally found that in the memory of the body, the old priest seldom showed up except for the important moments of the tribe, or to solve the problems of some tribe residents’ diseases. There are very few shots. In this way, the priests can enjoy the best food and the highest power, which makes Meng Xuan very puzzled.

On the way, Meng Xuan seemed to see the figures of Kakabuni and Polanka. These two guys changed their faces when they saw him. After a quick salute, they ran faster than a rabbit, and they didn’t have the arrogant look they had before. .

Meng Xuan didn’t bother to care so much with these little guys.

Under the guidance of Siciya, Meng Xuan quickly came to a tent. The surrounding area of ​​the tent was decorated with human skeletons, the skulls of beasts, as well as some unknown colored feathers, furs and herbs, which looked very “luxury”.

Meng Xuan lifted the tent’s curtain and walked into the tent.

As soon as he entered the tent, Meng Xuan smelled a very pleasant smell.

Afterwards, he saw the old priest sitting in the middle of the animal hide carpet in the empty room. From a small jar on the side, he took out a slime-like snot monster with eyes all over his body, and put the medicine on the side. In Gu, use a small mallet to smash and grind it.

Pata! Pata!

The eyeballs on the snot monster burst like popping pearls in milk tea, overflowing with peculiar juice and a strong taste.

Can you not throw everything into the medicine Gu and smash it up…

Meng Xuan opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

“You’re here, sit down first.”

The old priest raised his slightly cloudy eyes and glanced at Meng Xuan, with an ugly smile on his wrinkled face like a chrysanthemum, and pointed to the position beside him.

Meng Xuan sat down beside him, watching the old priest put all kinds of strange things in the medicine gu, smashing and grinding, and finally took out two wooden bowls and poured the strange juice in the medicine gu. He entered two wooden bowls and handed one of them to Meng Xuan.

“Drink it.”

The old priest said to Meng Xuan.

I knew it······

Meng Xuan was speechless looking at the wooden bowl in front of him.

He has now somewhat understood the routine of this civilization.

All in all, it’s drugs.

Forget it, anyway, if you don’t drink to death, then drink to death.

Meng Xuan held up the wooden bowl without changing his face, and drank the liquid in it.

Seeing Meng Xuan’s determination, the old priest flashed a glimmer of admiration in his eyes. This young man is not bad. Even someone who has been drinking like this for decades can’t be so resolute in drinking such a bowl of food.

He picked up another wooden bowl, looked at the liquid in the wooden bowl, hesitated for a long time, and finally made up his mind, pinched his nose and drank the potion.

At this moment, Meng Xuan felt that he was flying.

This thing is dozens of times stronger than the bowl you drank at the last night festival?

Without using his own willpower to forcibly break through the influence of the medicine, Meng Xuan couldn’t even control his gaze.

His eyes were dazed and floated all the time. Everything around him became blurred. His whole person entered a state of high trance. 

Meng Xuan recalled that this scene seemed to be the background of the monster he saw on the animal skin scroll just now!

“Humans are short-sighted and we can only see what the world wants us to see.”

“Many times, we are like fools who simply think that what we see and hear is correct and that it is real.”

“But in fact, these existences that make us tangible and can be strongly felt are not necessarily true. They are very likely to be a scam, the biggest lie that nature and the world have told us.”

“This lie binds us firmly in reality and loses the ability to pursue the ‘truth’.”

“Change your concept and look at the world from another angle, and you will find that everything is completely different.”

“Follow the guidance of ‘secret’, let go of your body and mind, and look at the world from another angle.”

A chanting-like babble came into the ears of Meng Xuan, who was in a trance. He felt a familiar feeling of traveling through the world, but that feeling of traveling was far from the time when he shuttled from the real world to the virtual world. as distant and intense.

Soon, the dizziness slightly weakened, and Meng Xuan regained some basic perception abilities.

Everything around was the same, but Meng Xuan felt a familiar sense of solidification and unreality, just like when he first realized the shuttle between the two worlds and entered the twisted laboratory.

“Is it successful once?”

A slightly delighted voice came from Meng Xuan’s side, and only then did he realize that the old priest was sitting beside him and watching him.

“Welcome to the ‘Secret Realm’.”

The old priest continued to have an ugly smile on his aged face.

“This is the ‘Secret Realm’?”

Meng Xuan frowned and got up from the ground.

“Look carefully, how is this world different from before?”

The old priest said with a smile.

Meng Xuan continued to look at this and found that although this room was very familiar, but if he carefully compared his previous memories, he would find that there were many things in the room, such as a pair of golden meshes, such as A shield-like thing, etc., these are not in reality.

“follow me.”

The old priest stood up and walked out of the house.

Meng Xuan rubbed his bloated head and walked out after the old priest.

“See, what’s the difference?”

The old priest turned around and said to Meng Xuan.

Meng Xuan looked at the surrounding houses and tents, and everything was no different from the normal tribe, except that the entire tribe was empty, and no one seemed to know where to go.

He looked up and found that the entire tribe’s sky seemed to be covered with a mosaic.

No, it should be that the entire tribe seems to be shrouded in an unknown enchantment. Those blurred, chaotic, and blurred mosaic backgrounds are all excluded by this enchantment. Only this tribe remains true and complete.

Seeing this, Meng Xuan seemed to understand something.

It seems to understand why a priest is so important to a tribe, and although priests are rarely seen, the status of priests is still so high.

“We are now in the ‘secret realm’, but I have driven away the surrounding ‘secret realm’, leaving an area where the tribe can survive safely.”

“The ‘secret realm’ overlaps with reality, or in other words, the ‘secret realm’ is always by our side, it is just the way of perception of ordinary humans, unable to perceive the existence of the ‘secret realm’, we are now in reality, It’s not in reality, how is it, can you understand?”

said the old priest. “paradox.”

Meng Xuan said lightly.

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