Twisted Realm

Chapter 339 - ability


“It’s not like the knowledge and vocabulary you can master at your age.”

Hearing Meng Xuan’s words, the old priest turned his head and gave Meng Xuan a strange look.

Meng Xuan did not explain much. He was looking at the world carefully, perceiving this magical world that only existed in ancient times.

This gave Meng Xuan a very strange feeling, like a gap between reality and nothingness, in a wonderful state.

Among the tribes where things are relatively stable, Meng Xuan can feel the relatively weak power of the natural ring, but if the perception extends to the tribal scope shrouded by some kind of enchantment, he can perceive the very strong and huge power of the natural ring , it is this natural power of the ring that makes everything in a state of reality and reality. Anything looks similar to what a human being drunk only sees. It is a scene where order and chaos are intertwined. It’s like a mosaic. “Only those who can perceive the existence of ‘hidden’ power can change their perceptions and feel the existence of this world. In addition, other ordinary people, even warriors who have mastered the power of qi and blood are no exception. “

The old priest did not worry too much about this issue. Perhaps in his opinion, it is normal for him to have such a strong resonance with the secret world in the night sacrifice ceremony, and to go to Eggers in an unknown place. .

“What state are we in relative to life in the real world?”

Meng Xuan asked the old priest.

“This is a good question, in fact, as I said just now, we are not divorced from reality, but we have transformed our own state of existence through special methods, with the help of ‘hidden’ power, into the In fact, if you can operate it proficiently, the real world is on our side.” The old priest nodded and answered Meng Xuan’s question, and then saw him stretch out his hand and wave the whole tribe’s scene. Suddenly there was a tremor, like the distortion of the picture when the signal was unstable while watching a TV program.

But soon, the picture of the whole tribe stabilized again, but this time, the whole tribe was no longer as full of unreal and desolate feeling as before. There were illusory figures coming and going on the streets of the tribe. The tribes have come alive.

One of the illusory figures passed in front of the old priest and Meng Xuan, seemingly unaware of the two of them at all, and penetrated directly from the two of them, as if they were in parallel time and space. Overlapping but not touching.

“We are roughly in this situation relative to reality. Perceptual transformation, whether it is from touch, hearing or vision, we have transformed into a state where they can’t touch, can’t perceive, and can’t locate.”

“But we are the same life as them after all. As long as we are proficient in this state, we can be proficient in transformation, which causes us to perceive their world, but they cannot perceive our existence, except in special circumstances. under.”

The old priest said that Meng Xuan can probably understand what the so-called special situation means, and it is probably almost the same as ordinary people seeing a ghost.

“Can you touch it?”

Meng Xuan asked the old priest.

“Of course, the power of ‘hidden’ is a bridge between the secret world and reality. By consuming this power, we can not only exert a stronger power in the secret world, but also borrow this power to affect the real world.”

“for example······”

The old priest explained to Meng Xuan, and then he looked at Sisiya, who was sitting beside the curtain of the luxury tent, bored and squatting on the ground and playing with stones.

The two walked in front of Sisiya, who was squatting on the ground. Sisiya’s figure was translucent. She was boringly fiddling with the pebbles on the ground, pouting her mouth, looking a little cute.

Since Eggers was called the priest’s heir, due to the close relationship between the two families, Eggers had no reliable friends since he was a child, so Sicily became Eggers’ exclusive female bodyguard, and usually followed Eggers’s side, since then. In terms of force, Eggers, who has not mastered the “hidden” power, is probably not the opponent of this little girl.

This has also directly led to the rapid rise in the status of Sisia and their family in the tribe. Sisia gets a period of one-on-one teaching from tribal warriors every day, as well as high-quality beast meat to help her develop better. , to improve your strength faster.

In this short period of time, Xixia’s strength has made great progress.

Of course, the purpose of arranging Sicily by Eggers’s side is definitely not as simple as making her the exclusive guard of Eggers.

“The child of the Podaya family has a narrower pelvis and a thinner body. It may be difficult to give birth to a boy… But it doesn’t matter, when you master the hidden power, you will be able to control the child’s gender choice a little bit. You are also an adult, you need to have a child earlier and leave your bloodline for the tribe. This is the task that the tribe gave you, you know? With a little more bloodline, the tribe will have one more chance to be secretly selected to become a priest.”

The old priest looked at Sisiya up and down, and made some comments, with an ugly smile on his face.

Old priest, I just wanted to ask how many people have you peeped at? I usually thought you were an old otaku, but secretly I’m afraid you’ve seen all the “secrets” in the tribe, no wonder you don’t usually go out at all…

Meng Xuan was speechless when he heard the old priest’s words.

Then, he saw the old priest stretched out a finger, and a wisp of smoke-like ring force gathered at his fingertips.


He lightly touched the top of Sisiya’s head with this finger wrapped in the power of the ring.

Sisiya’s head shrank instinctively, raised her head and looked at the top of her head in confusion, then stretched out her hand to touch the top of her head, and finally mumbled something inexplicable, and continued. Pick up stones and draw circles on the ground.

“See, that’s about it. In fact, I can activate the power of the ring under any circumstances to interfere with the real world. You can imagine that anyone walking on this road, no matter what his body is in the real world. How powerful, as long as I want, I can use the difference in perception to penetrate their hands into their bodies and activate hidden power in an instant.”

“I can easily destroy any of their bodies, crush their hearts, brains and organs.”

“Of course, if the opponent is a powerful warrior, because of the power of qi and blood, there will be great interference with this ability, but in any case, as long as we master the hidden power, we are naturally invincible. , and almost no one can beat us except the same beings as us.”

“That’s the power of a priest.”

The old priest said to Meng Xuan.

“However, in this secret world, in addition to us, there are many other dangers. Some beasts with ancient bloodline are born with the ability to enter this world.”

“So, do you know how important a priest is to a tribe?”

“If there are no priests who use various abilities to guard this existence within the range of the secret world where the tribe is located, as time goes by, the people here will inevitably be killed, swallowed by the dangerous existence of the secret world, and become their nutrients. .”

“If I die, but there are no new priests in the whole tribe, the barrier I set up can last a day or two, but if no one repairs it, it will eventually be destroyed, and then our giant bear tribe will be destroyed. On that day, I will tell them to run as far as they want, to join other tribes with priests, this is their only hope for survival in this world.”

“Once upon a time, our giant bear tribe had nearly ten priests, and the number of the tribe exceeded 10,000 people. How powerful, but because there are no successors, it has been withering. With my strength, it can only maintain the scale of thousands of people.”

“So, you have to know how important you are to the tribe, and you must protect your own safety at all times.”

The old priest said to Meng Xuan in a serious tone.

At this point, Meng Xuan completely understood why the role of priests in a tribe was so important.

Because of the existence of the so-called secret world, if a tribe does not have the protection of priests, it may soon be swallowed up by the unknown threats in the secret world, and from the perspective of the attributes of the two, ordinary people who cannot perceive the power of the natural ring Humans hardly have much resistance.

It can be said that priests are the foundation of the existence and prosperity of a tribe. This ancient mythical world is more dangerous than imagined. Most of this danger does not come from reality, but from the unknown.

Has this world been so cruel since ancient times?

Ordinary people never have any way out.

Meng Xuan couldn’t help thinking in his heart.

“Okay, don’t think too much and don’t have too much pressure. If there are no accidents, I can live for about twenty years. During this time, it is enough for you to grow up. Then you will have a few more births. Big fat boy, maybe there will be a new secret caregiver, these are all up to you, I’m old, I can’t do it anymore.”

The old priest said with a sense of generality.

Listening to the old priest’s words, Meng Xuan suddenly felt that he was urged to marry by his parents in his previous life.

This body is only fourteen years old…

Fortunately, I don’t need to live in this body all the time.

“For the stability of the tribe and to reduce the coveting of unknown creatures in the secret world, most of the hidden power was excluded from the tribe by the barrier I arranged, so if we want to start practicing, we must leave the range of the tribe’s barrier.”

The old priest said, and started to walk outside the tribe with Meng Xuan.

Soon, the two had come to the edge of the tribe.

Meng Xuan could clearly see that there were intricate traces on the edge of the tribe, and among these traces, he saw something special.

Some resemble feces, some resemble intestines, some resemble claws, some resemble fur, and they look strange.

A pale white mask shrouded the giant bear tribe. In the tribe, everything was like a replica of reality, which could be clearly perceived and filled with the breath of order.

But outside the mask, everything is blurry, it is a conceptual thing that exists in substance and nothingness, like seeing flowers in the fog, and like a mosaic, some realities are separated from each other. The things in the world, when they reach the secret world, are deformed and distorted, full of some symbolic meaning.

“Come with me, don’t be nervous, don’t be afraid, keep your inner calm, many times, inner fear and emotional fluctuations are like delicious food, which can spread in the secret world and attract unknown existences.”

“This time, we are on the edge of the barrier, and I will show you how priests can absorb the power of ‘hidden’.”

The old priest grabbed Meng Xuan’s hand with his old palm and took him across the mask.

hum! !

A sense of trance and dizziness similar to the one when he was taking drugs poured into Meng Xuan’s brain, making him a little unable to stand up straight. Everything in front of him was twisting and shaking, just like what he saw when he was drunk The world is full of abstract paintings.

And he and the old priest are like two realistic figures walking into this abstract painting.

At the same time, he felt the incomparably strong power of the natural ring, which he could absorb as long as he easily used his will.

“Sit cross-legged on the ground, recalling the method recorded on the ancient scroll, and I will stand by your side.”

The old priest whispered to Meng Meng Xuan nodded, sat on the ground, and began to pull the surrounding natural rings according to the meditation method he saw on the ancient animal skin scrolls. force into your body.

boom! !

I don’t know if Meng Xuan’s own willpower is too strong, or because Eggers’ body’s talent is too terrifying, the first time he used the meditation method, it actually caused a great change.

The power of the natural ring in the entire surrounding space was violent, as if a vortex was formed, continuously pouring into Meng Xuan’s body.

“This is?!”

The old priest standing beside Meng Xuan was shocked by the vision and his pupils shrank. He never thought that a rookie who used the meditation method for the first time would actually cause such a violent riot in the power of the ring. Even now, he cultivated. , the power of the ring is not as good as 1% of Eggers.

“not good!!”

The old priest, who was shocked by the vision caused by Meng Xuan’s possession of Eggers, quickly changed his face.

Boo! !

From the depths of the vague scenery in the secret world, there was an unknown and terrifying howl, and it seemed that the huge movement here attracted the attention of some dangerous existence.

The old priest hurriedly started preparations. He wanted to pull Meng Xuan back into the barrier, but he was afraid that it would affect his current special state and cause unknown consequences, so he could only take out all kinds of strange objects from his robes. , as if setting something up.

dong dong dong! ! The sound of heavy footsteps came, and the abstract scene in front of him was suddenly propped up, and a clear, stable and huge ferocious head was exposed from the abstract scene.

Antlers, dragon whiskers, pig nose, snake eyes, wolf teeth, black skin, a monster with a similar appearance to the legendary “dragon” appeared in front of the old priest. Under the gaze of the huge pupils, the old priest couldn’t help but Feeling cold all over.

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