Twisted Realm

Chapter 406 - The essential

“I also don’t agree with the practice of directly using the ability to go ashore. Since in the system introduction, the behavior of ‘landing on the island’ is considered to be the purpose of the mission, so it must be difficult to complete this purpose, otherwise the landing behavior will not be Might be seen as a mission.”

“In an event of this difficulty, since it is regarded as a ‘task’, there is a great chance that even if you try your best, there will be a life-threatening crisis in this event. If this task It can be easily solved simply by liberating the restrictions by one person, which is not in line with the task intensity of such a difficult event. If you ignore this, you may fall into the pit.”

Jin Jiao nodded, cautiously he also disapproved of Hong Luan’s proposal.

“What do you mean, even if we use our abilities to land on the island, we can’t escape the flayers? Or even more dangerous?”

Hong Luan wrinkled looking at Meng Xuan and Jin Jiao and asked.

“It’s very possible, if the mission of this incident was so easy to take advantage of, there would not be so many holy envoy teams falling here. If the skinner incident encountered this time is some kind of self-defense method for this island, Don’t shut down this defense…”

Having said that, Meng Xuan’s eyes turned to the huge waves that were set off by the strong wind, and the dense corpses that were looming up and down with the waves.

He has not underestimated the difficulty of this dungeon, so he thinks that this method of exploiting abilities is not desirable, otherwise this dungeon will not be so difficult.

There were countless floating corpses in the sea that were sleeping and could be revived as skinned people, which made him have a lot of conjectures.

He felt that if he really did what Hongluan said, instead of solving the recovery of these floating corpses, but using his abilities to board the island, the ending would definitely not be very good.

At that time, what they will face is likely to be the attack of countless floating corpses in all the seas that have revived and become skinned people. These floating corpses will step out of the sea. No matter they escape to any corner of the island, these countless floating corpses will not be able to chase after them. Give up, never die.

At that time, their liberation will be limited for a limited time. In the face of this kind of monster with strong vitality, very infectious to ordinary people, and the number of monsters is similar to that of ants, it will be a matter of time for the event to fail.

As the saying goes, one step is wrong and one step is wrong. I don’t know how many of the holy envoy teams that entered this dungeon were planted on these details.

Should be no less.

No matter how many items, no matter how powerful, under such a big restriction, in front of so many skinned monsters, it will always be exhausted.

Hongluan and Jinjiao followed Meng Xuan’s gaze. She was also a senior dungeon player in Black Dead Paradise. She immediately understood, and she felt shivering unconsciously.

The thought that the countless floating corpses in this sea will turn into monsters with extremely strong vitality makes people feel a little scared.

Sure enough, there are crises hidden everywhere in events of this level.

“So, what do you think about finding the source of the ‘defense mechanism’?”

Yun Meng looked at Meng Xuan and asked.

Meng Xuan’s eyes were also staring at the undulating sea.

Since it is a dungeon event, the dungeons in the Black Dead Paradise are all manifestations of various game-related phantom information hidden in the collective subconscious. Since it is a game, then there must be no mortals in the process involved. There must be a way out.

From the perspective of the current event background, scene, setting, etc., this game is somewhat similar to the large console games that Meng Xuan played before, and it should be realized by extracting and combining the subconscious information in this area.

This type of game is often designed with a main storyline. If you think about the design of the game’s storyline, the main storyline of this type is very likely that this mobile task force team composed of ordinary people at the elite level has spent tens of thousands of dollars. Ku, after paying a certain amount of casualties, he used the magic-breaking props of the Special Affairs Administration to fight against evil worship and supernatural things. He experienced all kinds of difficulties and dangers but finally completed the task, saving Handel City and destroying this city. an extraordinary power.

Maybe there will be some suspense in the plot, and then there will be a second game.

All in all, if you think about it this way, as long as you find the key point, even if you don’t have the ability to liberate restrictions in the dungeon, you can still have the opportunity to complete the task with this ordinary person’s body, but the level of danger is not enough. to describe.

This at least shows that as long as the key points are found, the difficulty of the dungeon will be greatly reduced. Judging from this powerful restriction on strength, this dungeon is not a type that can be rushed at will.

Ordinary people who are incapable can do it. Those who have the ability to liberate restrictions should be able to avoid death to the greatest extent possible as long as they understand the mechanism of dungeon events, are cautious enough, and do not let go of clues.

boom! !

Suddenly, just as Meng Xuan was thinking, an explosion sounded from behind everyone, and a strong wave of air blew everyone’s bodies.

“Did you guys get it over there? These things are almost piled up, and they’re about to climb out!”

Xianglong’s voice rang in everyone’s ears.

Ka Ka Ka!

At the same time, the skinners who climbed up from the four walls of the control building also climbed to the top of the rooftop. The fish-eye-like raised and stiff eyes were staring at everyone maliciously.

“Ready to fight!”

The expressions of the members of the Golden Cloud Brigade and Asuka’s teams became solemn.

Originally, they thought that the restrictions could be lifted, and many problems seemed to be solved easily, at least temporarily without encountering a fatal crisis, but they did not expect this incident to teach them a lesson from the beginning.

“Leave it to us here, and find out where the ‘source’ is as soon as possible.”

Hongluan said to Meng Xuan with a calm and pretty face. There was some kind of terrifying light in her eyes. She grabbed the six-pipe Gatling that was almost as tall as a man on her back, lifted it to her waist, and moved towards the control building. The skinned man who climbed up the four walls walked away…

chug chug! !

Not long after, there was a dense sound of firearms firing around Meng Xuan, sometimes accompanied by some unbridled laughter…

Meng Xuan ignored the few people who seemed to be having a good time and the skinned monsters, but continued to stare at the sea.

The storm, the waves, the floating corpse, the revived skinned man… Then the key to the matter should be why the floating corpse was revived into a skinned man.

Why does the floating corpse revive…

Thinking of this, his eyes quickly swept across the sea, and began to look for clues about the resuscitation of the floating corpse.

Soon, he made a discovery, and he noticed that the floating corpse was not in a state of large-scale recovery.

He saw a corner of the sea, where a floating corpse was slowly recovering, and his body moved stiffly. Meng Xuan keenly noticed that the floating corpse in the whole sea area was “calm”, but only the floating corpse in that water area had. Movement, is recovering.

Is there something in the water that is prompting the floating corpse to revive?

“Have you found it!! There are more and more skinned people!! It seems that the recovery is getting faster and faster, and if this continues, the number of these ghosts can bury us all!”

Hongluan’s shouts entered Meng Xuan’s ears.

“Xianglong, come here, change someone to guard the entrance.”

Meng Xuan turned his head and said to Xiang Long, who was carrying two cannon barrels on his shoulders.

Xianglong was changing shells for his bazooka, and was about to fire a few more shots at the entrance when he heard Meng Xuan’s cry.

He did not immediately respond to Meng Xuan’s words, but turned his inquiring eyes to Hong Luan.

“Tengu! Go and replace Xianglong!”

Hongluan held a huge Gatling in both hands and sent out a series of flames. The silver-white metaphysical bullets swept across the area ahead like a violent storm.

At this time, it was not the time to care so much. Seeing that Meng Xuan seemed to have discovered something, Hong Luan simply obeyed Meng Xuan’s dispatch.

Hearing Hongluan’s words, Tengu and Xianglong acted quickly. After Tengu held two submachine guns in place of Xianglong to guard the entrance, Xianglong walked to Meng Xuan’s side.

“What’s the situation? The one who just drew the number was the next one to do it.”

Xianglong looked at Meng Xuan and frowned.

“You don’t need to liberate the restriction, just borrow your weapon to use it. Look at the sea over there, have you found that the floating corpse in that sea area is recovering?”

Meng Xuan pointed to a sea area where the floating corpse was recovering in the distance, and said to Xiang Long.

“It looks like that’s the case.”

Xianglong looked at the direction Meng Xuan pointed, frowned, and seemed to understand something.

“Two shots with your weapon towards the sea in that direction should be able to do it, right? I want to see what’s under the sea.”

Meng Xuan asked Xianglong.

“No problem, just wait.”

Hearing that he just let himself use the cannon barrel to face the sea twice, not to lift the restriction, Xianglong simply agreed.

After Xianglong quickly loaded the ammunition, he put two dark rocket launchers on his shoulders, took aim slightly, and pulled the trigger.

Whizzing! !

The two rocket launchers made a harsh air blast, dragging a long tail flame, and quickly flew towards the sea where the floating corpse was revived.

Boom boom boom! !

The silver-white rocket made of Silver Gu plunged into the undulating sea surface, and after a third of a second, it exploded violently.

The water splashed all over, Meng Xuan could see that the floating corpses were blasted out of the water by the strong explosion and flew into the sky. Pieces of shrapnel made of silver Gu penetrated into their bodies, which resembled the roots of plants. The thread suddenly soared.

At the same time, a large hole was temporarily blown out on the water surface, revealing the scene under the water surface.

Squeak! !

A sharp cry was heard in everyone’s ears. Meng Xuan looked at the source of the scream, and saw a pale and huge face floating up and down under the sea where the bomb exploded.

The face was at least five or six meters in size, pale like snow, and the facial features were a little painful and distorted, and it looked feminine. Correspondingly, its thin but bright red lips, against the background of the sky storm, lightning and thunder, against the endless dark sea and the deep sea of ​​countless floating corpses, looked extremely strange and terrifying.

If a person suffering from deep-sea phobia, suddenly see this scene, I am afraid that their feet will be soft.

“Sure enough, there is something different!”

But the people present were all experienced veterans. Not only did they have no fear when they saw this scene, but their faces showed joy.

The existence of abnormal life forms means that they are likely to find the right direction, and as long as they find the right direction, it is possible to resolve the incident as soon as possible.

With their current strength, when the restrictions are lifted, most of the problems can actually be solved as long as they find the right direction.

“How about it, am I accurate? I’ve played this thing in other events before, I’m impressed.”

Xianglong grinned at what Meng Xuan said, and his face was a little smug.

“This is likely to be the key to this incident. The skinned people are waking up more and more. Our ammunition will soon run out. You liberate the restriction and solve it as soon as possible. We will protect you when you are weak, you can rest assured!”

Hongluan shouted to Meng Xuan.

“Don’t worry, I have my own measure.”

Meng Xuan’s expression was calm, and the next moment, he used the ability to liberate restrictions.

boom! !

A strong qi was revealed from his body, and a pure white light enveloped his body, and even the surrounding darkness seemed to be illuminated at this moment.

In an instant, Meng Xuan became the focus of the entire sea, shining like a star.

Unconsciously Bai Guang formed a white robe on his body, and a pure white long knife was condensed in his hand.

Meng Xuan waved his hand and slashed toward the sea.

boom! !

The terrifying white sword light was vertical and horizontal, and the sea surface was instantly divided by a powerful force, revealing the true appearance of the human face.

It turned out that the human face was only a small part of this monster, and there were more things hidden under the deep sea.

This is a huge jellyfish. Under the sea, the human face is only a part of the top of his head, and there is a soft body of more than ten meters below. The floating corpse is injected with some kind of energy.

This energy may be the key to the alienation of the floating corpse into a skinned person.

It seems that you have found the right direction!

Meng Xuan narrowed his eyes, he didn’t say much, and swung out again at the human-faced jellyfish.

boom! !

The strong sword light almost dimmed the world, and even the dark clouds in the sky were directly cut open by this sword.

The huge human-faced jellyfish was cut in half with a single blow.

He continued to wave the long knife in his hand, wielding an afterimage.

Boom boom boom! !

The surrounding sea surface was violently stirred, and in just two seconds, together with the sea surface, the jellyfish was chopped into a dozen small pieces. This time, it didn’t even have time to let out a whimper.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

A large number of water droplets fell from the sky, Meng Xuan was not at ease, a white light stretched out, and directly picked up the jellyfish that had been chopped into a dozen pieces, and threw it on the roof.

Then, the white light on his body completely dimmed, and the whole process did not take more than five seconds.

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