Twisted Realm

Chapter 407 - task 2

Sure enough, Meng Xuan’s worries were not wrong.

Although the huge human-faced jellyfish was chopped into a dozen pieces by him in a short period of time, it did not die. It showed a stronger vitality than a skinned human. The chopped pieces were constantly squirming. Tiny tentacles stretched out from the meat, as if trying to re-bond the other parts of the meat.

Squeak! !

At the same time, these pieces of meat also made a high-frequency high-pitched scream that made people numb. This sound was like some kind of call, which made all the skinners around the hull become violent in an instant. , rushing towards the rooftop of the control building one by one more frantically, as if wanting to **** back the flesh of the human-faced jellyfish.

“Use a weapon to tie it up!”

Meng Xuan restrained his own white light, released the state of using ability, and sat softly on the ground, his face was pale, slightly panting, and he looked weak, as if he had encountered the sequelae of using ability.

However, this was actually his disguise. In fact, after releasing the ability to use the ability, he did not suffer from a weakened state like the others, and the cooling time for the next ability to use the ability was not marked in the system bar.

Sure enough, because of its own unique characteristics, this skill was already disrupted when the restriction was generated, causing some restrictions to fail, so that he would not suffer from the weak state and cooling time after using the ability, which is extremely big advantage.

The Golden Cloud Brigade and the Flying Bird Squad separated one person from each other, pulled out the cold weapon around their waists, and began to slash the massive pieces of meat that fell on the rooftop. Soon, Meng Xuan also joined the slashing ranks. He only uses his abilities for five seconds, so there is no doubt that he will recover quickly.

Brush brush! !

Three cold weapons made of silver gu turned into afterimages in the air, and slashed frantically at the meat on the ground. The magic-breaking effect of this cold weapon was actually not much different from the metaphysical bullet. From the particularity of its own material.

clap clap clap! !

The slashed part of the human-faced jellyfish flickered with fluorescence, and a large number of thin lines like plant roots erupted from the wound. These roots seemed a little insignificant to the huge human-faced jellyfish, but they couldn’t stand the crazy slashing of the three of them. , constantly slashing the existing meat pieces into smaller pieces.

This seems to make the jellyfish feel the danger of death and make a more harsh sound. Even through the protective clothing, everyone can still feel the evil power in this sound, and their hearts are like being pierced. Usually, the heart beats violently, and the blood vessels move as if they are alive, as if they want to break the skin.

If it weren’t for the isolation of the silver gu material layer inside the protective suit, the evil power might make the blood vessels in the bodies of ordinary people like them jump out of their bodies.

However, what doubled the pressure on everyone was the skinned man mutation caused by this cry.

The stiff blood vessels in the bodies of these ugly and terrifying individuals popped out, and it looked like layers of long red hairs had grown on their bodies, and their attack intensity, madness, speed, and strength all increased by a whole grade.

Buzz! !

The hull swayed under their violent attack, and more and more skinners came up.

“It works! No more skinners awake! That jellyfish is the key!”

However, in the face of a more violent siege, Hong Luan cried out with joy.

She has been paying attention to the recovery of the surface skinners, and clearly saw that after Meng Xuan chopped up and salvaged the human-faced jellyfish, the number of skinners who joined the battlefield did not increase.

As long as the source of the problem is solved, everything can be said. This sudden rampant attack is just like the dying struggle of a creature before it dies.

“Here we stand it!! If not, the next liberation ability, you will kill that jellyfish as soon as possible!”

The gentle and elegant Golden Horn also let out a roar at this time. He was holding two submachine guns in his hand and kept rushing. Worse than that.

About a minute later, Meng Xuan and the three cut the ten-meter-long jellyfish into thumb-sized pieces. Such a small piece of meat was finally unable to resist the magic-breaking power of the silver Gu weapon, and those tiny roots grew from the wound. Completely wrapped, and gradually lost all movement.


The three of them couldn’t help gasping for breath, and their arms were a little sore. After all, they are only ordinary people’s bodies now, and their physical strength is limited. It is inevitable that they will be unable to maintain such high-intensity, precision, and speed swings.

It’s been a long time since I exercised like this…

Meng Xuan twisted his sore arm, and looked at the skinners who were surrounding him. They had hair-like blood vessels lying softly on their bodies, and their attack power was decreasing in all aspects. Lost some kind of power supply and looked a little weak, but these monsters did not stop attacking, and still stubbornly climbed towards the top of the control building.

Looking around, although the number of skinned people is no longer growing, there must be one or two hundred left.

“What about the rest?! The source is dead and won’t stop? It’s almost out of bullets!”

Then Meng Xuan heard Hong Luan’s scolding.

“There’s no good way to leave these estimates, and they shouldn’t be able to wake up other floating corpses, as long as we keep their numbers out of the way of ships.”

Meng Xuan said, grabbed the two submachine guns behind him, and opened the insurance.



About half an hour later, Meng Xuan and his group of eight sat tiredly on the deck, surrounded by a mess.

All kinds of bright red blood and rotten flesh were mixed with dark red blood scabs. Under the scouring of the rain, the deck was dyed red. Some broken body organs were scattered randomly on the ground, and some were still tenacious. The peristalsis, the fluorescent root system gushing from the wound tightly entangled them.

The vitality of these skinned people is terrifyingly powerful. If they are not cut into thumb-sized pieces, the magic-breaking effect of the Silver Gu weapon cannot completely kill them, but can only limit their movements.

However, asking Meng Xuan and the others to chop every skinner into pieces the size of a thumb would simply be difficult for them. They had to be exhausted to death. They were not willing to do such a thing.

With the death of the jellyfish, the clouds in the sky are no longer so aggressive, the wind and waves are much gentler, and the ship is not obstructed by the skinners, and is following the established route towards the distant island. Drive slowly.

Tired is a bit tired, but I don’t have much use ability.

“This is the first time I have encountered such a special incident. It was so difficult at the beginning, and you can’t play dead people later?”

Xianglong sat against the wall of the control building and cursed in a low voice.

Even though this crisis seemed to be solved very cleanly, only Meng Xuan used his ability for five seconds, but this was only on the premise of finding the right direction.

If they go in the wrong direction and use their abilities to land, they may be waiting for thousands of skinners to kill them.

Even if they are aware of the trap of landing by tricks, if the speed to find the source is slower, and it takes four or five minutes longer, there will probably be two or three times more skinned people who have recovered. At that time, even if they can solve it. The danger of this mission, I am afraid that there will be a few people who will be consumed for a long time.

You know, this is just the opening mission, and this mission is just to let them land on the island, but there are so many traps hidden.

“This difficulty, coupled with the level of this event, is understandable, and the higher the difficulty, the higher the reward.”

Hongluan said that she felt that the protective mask covering her face was a bit of a hindrance, and she wanted to take it off, but she thought that there were shredded corpses of skinned people around, and she didn’t know if there was an unknown virus spreading, so she immediately gave up this work. thoughts of death.

“The characteristics of this incident are very strange. It is difficult to say difficult words. No matter how strong the strength is, under this level of restraint, it is impossible to rampage like in other incidents, find the wrong direction, or step into a trap. Live and die.”

“But it’s not difficult to say that it’s not difficult. We have magic-breaking props in our hands. As long as we can find the source of the incident and deal with it correctly, even if we don’t liberate our ability, we can still complete the task, just like the human-faced jellyfish just now. Under the premise of liberating strength, if you can hit it three to four times with a rocket launcher, it should be able to restrict its movement. Then we will remove the skinners around, and finally drive the boat to the vicinity of the jellyfish and salvage it. If you kill it completely, you can successfully complete this task, but it will be much more difficult.”

Meng Xuan said.

“Yes, so now, we need to change our minds and regard ourselves as ordinary people in the event, not an extraordinary person, and seek clues and clues of tasks from the perspective of ordinary people, rather than relying too much on our own abilities, That would hurt us instead.”

Jin Jiao said something and glanced at Hong Luan at the same time, obviously referring to her proposal just now.

“I was careless just now, but this also gave us a warning. This incident really requires the sincere cooperation of all of us, and our personal strength and wisdom are very limited.”

Hongluan did not refute, but nodded and said.

The group rested a little and continued to explore on the boat. They found the disinfection room and the sterile room, and ate some reserve rations to replenish their physical strength. After about half an hour, the coastline of Hermons Island was already in sight. .

Meng Xuan and the eight people sorted out their equipment, replenished ammunition, and brought combat medicine that can temporarily replenish nutrition and restore injuries, and maneuvered the ship to dock not far from Hermons Island.

Pfft! !

The safety valve was put into the water by everyone, and the eight people got off the boat to the safety valve together, rowed the oars, and slowly approached the shore.

Whoa whoa whoa! !

The waves crashed against the coast, and the safety valve ran aground, making it impossible to move forward. Meng Xuan and others got off the safety valve and walked towards the beach by the water.

As far as I can see, it is an ordinary deserted island beach. It seems that because it is uninhabited and not polluted, this beach looks very clean, and the soft sand forms lumps in the rain.

Behind the beach, there is a forest. Because the weather is still gloomy, it looks a little shadowy and a little formidable.

Meng Xuan and the others were on full alert. Although the current environment seemed safe, they could not guarantee that there would be no danger at all. Ordinary people’s bodies were too fragile, and any mistake could lead to death.

Finally, they landed on the beach.


The moment their protective shoes stepped on the beach, everyone received a system prompt at the same time.

“Mission 1: Successfully land on an island that does not exist on the map.”

“Task status, completed.”

“Unlock task 2: Find the entrance to the cave.”

The entrance to the burrow?

Everyone couldn’t help frowning. It was such a mindless task again, and there were no clues. From what they saw when they came, it was estimated that this unknown island had a diameter of tens of kilometers at least, and they wanted to find it. How difficult is an entrance from nowhere, not to mention that there are many dangers on this island.

“Looks like we need more clues.”

Golden Horn said.

“Yes, given such an endless task there must be clues to be found, and running around will cause unnecessary danger.”

Hongluan nodded and said.

“Where to look for clues? It’s an empty place, all beaches, and nothing else. Do you want to go into the woods to find it? It doesn’t look like a good place.”

Xianglong frowned.

“The woods are really not a good place to go. I think we can walk along this beach first and see if we can find something.”

Tengu suggested in a hoarse voice.

“I agree, the mission does not stipulate our time, the beach is empty, and danger can be detected in time.”

Jin Jiao nodded in agreement. He agreed, which means that his team agreed. There is no difference.

“I agree.”

Meng Xuan pondered for a while, and after thinking for a while, found that the current situation did not have any clues and directions, so he also agreed with Tengu’s proposal.

“Okay, then let’s take a walk along the beach on the coastline to see if we can find any useful clues.”

Hongluan nodded.

Then the team formed by the crowd chose a direction and began to explore along the coastline and beaches.

What everyone didn’t expect was that after walking about ten kilometers or so, they really found some clues.

On the sea surface more than 20 meters away from the shore, a stranded cargo ship is docked crookedly. Against the dark weather and dark sea water, it looks dead, dark and strange, as if a ship forgotten by the world the ghost.

Judging from the degree of corrosion of the metal on the surface of the cargo ship, the cargo ship has been stranded for at least decades.

This discovery immediately cheered everyone up.

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