Twisted Realm

Chapter 49 - endow

What Meng Xuan didn’t expect was that he didn’t find diary-like notes on the black-robed mummified corpse at the beginning, but he found something similar in this black-robed corpse.

Meng Xuan carefully picked up the note.

The leather note was slightly wrinkled and yellowed, and the first page was gently opened, revealing dry, yellowed paper, in stark contrast to the brand-new experimental records in the folder.

It seems that not all papers have that kind of always-new feature.

Meng Xuan felt that the best paper was used because the documents were very important.

He carefully flipped through the notebook in his hand. After thousands of years, the paper had become very fragile. He was afraid that he would destroy any key information with too much force.

After simply flipping through the notebook, he felt that it was probably something like a diary, because the content was divided into many sections, each with a Nelson code similar to the date.

Unfortunately, Meng Xuan still couldn’t understand the contents of the diary.

I have to find a way to translate again…

Meng Xuan now has a headache when he sees these complicated Nelson characters. It is because the translation progress is too slow, and now he does not have so much time.

He continued to turn back and found that something seemed to be bulging at the back of the diary. Anyway, he couldn’t understand the content in front of it, so he turned directly to the last page of the diary.

I saw a folded thin leather paper between the last page of the diary and the cover of the book.

Meng Xuan took out the paper and unfolded it.

The leather paper unfolded into a square shape, about an arm’s length, and felt very tough and smooth to the touch. After unfolding it, Meng Xuan felt a little dizzy.

Because on this leather paper, an extremely complex ritual circuit is actually drawn with gold threads. There is still a slight light flowing on the golden threads. Even after thousands of years, it has not stopped, exuding an ancient and mysterious breath.

Meng Xuan’s eyes lit up immediately. This thing is not simple at first glance. After so many years, there is still a mysterious power attached to it. It must have been very valuable in the Nelson civilization back then.

Is it a magic secret scroll?

Meng Xuan looked at the pattern on the leather paper over and over again. This seemed to be a relatively complicated ceremony, but he didn’t know how to start it, nor what effect it had.

There should be corresponding answers in the notes…

Meng Xuan turned his attention to the note in his hand.

Because the Nelson character above is handwritten, it is more difficult to distinguish and memorize than that type of print. If you want to memorize the translation, I am afraid it will take a very long time.

Meng Xuan pondered for a while and felt that it was still necessary to translate the contents of this note as soon as possible.

After all, the mysterious ritual pattern on the leather paper should look like the orthodox Nelson ritual. This ritual is much gentler and safer than the twisting secret medicine ritual, and maybe I can use it now.

However, I am afraid that we need to change the translation method.



The next day, at night.

The world in the mirror, the experimenter’s room.

Meng Xuan appeared in the room with several tomes in his arms.

There is no way. If you simply rely on memorizing characters and then go out to find a dictionary translation, it will be too time-consuming. With the appearance of the woman in white, Meng Xuan feels that he does not have much time to spend on translation.

So he chose a more convenient method.

He found Xia Kerou, and obtained a few rare and unpopular dictionaries that he needed through the black market channel. The price he paid was only 5,000 yuan, and it was still an account, and then it would be directly deducted from the 200,000 yuan reward.

The convenience of having power is manifested.

He entered the mirror world with a dictionary and directly entered the mirror world for translation work.

The speed of translation is thus increased countless times.

It only took about three or four hours for Meng Xuan to translate two or three pages of content.

Unknown character) calendar December 31, 196, today is the first day to enter the (unknown character) world, the distortion and mutation here is much more serious than I imagined, if there is no holy rune bestowed by the Holy Envoy, I don’t even dare to walk in the outside world, I don’t know how long I can live, it is said that thousands of researchers have died in the (unknown character) world, just one day apart, I have already started to miss my dear (unknown character) ) and my baby’s (unknown character), my baby will be one year old in a month, but I can’t be by her side, this is the biggest dereliction of duty as a mother…”

“But I have to fight for a better future, the world is changing drastically, (unknown character) the world is in need of researchers, as long as there are enough contributions, I can get better for my baby Excellent gifting ceremony, he will definitely be stronger than his father, wiser than his mother, he is everything to us, I am willing to give everything for him, even in death…”

Unknown character) January 1, 196, my God! What the **** are they doing?! They’re trying to get humans to merge the power of those monsters!! I can’t believe those ugly Like a devil, full of twisted and malicious monsters, who were originally my compatriots!!!”

“They say it’s the only way to save the world! I suspect they’re all crazy! They’ve been twisted and infected with their brains! If turning into a monster like that is the only way to survive, I’d rather die!!”

“Oops! Damn, what am I thinking! This is a decision made by Seventy-two (unknown character), and I am questioning the supreme god! The new roommate (unknown character) seems to have found my emotions, she Reminds me! I must be infected by the pervasive twisting forces, they magnify the fear, anger and anxiety in my heart, and if this continues, I will likely be ‘selected’ by them to be the next to be installed in the incubator Ugly monster in , I must calm down as soon as possible…”

Unknown character) On January 7, 196, I calmed down and learned to restrain my inner emotions. I was assigned to the (Unknown character) group, (Unknown character) is a powerful scholar, the highest A member, he is a seventh-level citizen of the empire, and has the rights granted by wisdom. I must work hard and win more (unknown characters) in exchange for a higher gift ceremony. I only got the second-level gift at the beginning, let me I took a lot of detours, I can’t let my baby make the same mistakes…”


This seems to be the diary of a Nelson mother, for some reason, she had to enter the mirror world and become an ordinary researcher at the experimental base.

Judging from the description in the diary, the owner of the diary should not be the black-robed mummified corpse, but probably the roommate of the black-robed mummified corpse.

“Wisdom endowment ceremony?”

Meng Xuan noticed this term that appeared repeatedly in the diary.

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