Twisted Realm

Chapter 50 - start up

“Wisdom endowment ceremony?”

Meng Xuan noticed a phrase repeatedly mentioned in the notes.

Judging from the first few pages of the translation, this diary was written by a mother.

Meng Xuan got some useful information from it.

The Nelson civilization at that time should have discovered that the power of distortion has come to the mirror world, and the outside world may have undergone serious mutations, and it is difficult for ordinary people to survive in that harsh environment.

The Nelson civilization established an experimental base in the mirror world, and recruited a large number of researchers from its huge empire to the mirror world to assist in research.

However, due to the existence of the distortion force, ordinary researchers in the experimental base bear great risks, and there are often cases where they cannot resist the temptation and mutate. Thousands of ordinary researchers die of mutation, helpless The Nelson civilization can only continuously recruit a large number of ordinary researchers from the real world to the mirror world, and offer high compensation.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man. The owner of the diary should be such an ordinary researcher. Her child is about to turn one year old, and she has to leave her husband and child and come to the mirror world, risking her life, for the sake of The main thing is to be able to earn the reward of a higher-level wisdom-given ritual, so that their children have a better foundation for growth.

Pity the hearts of parents all over the world…

Meng Xuan shook his head, wondering if the mother finally got the high-level wisdom gifting ceremony as she wished…

Wait, isn’t that what was drawn on that leather piece of paper was the Wisdom Gifting Ceremony?

Meng Xuan suddenly thought of this possibility.

He hurriedly resumed the translation. This time, he skipped the ordinary diary content and specifically looked for the part containing the phrase “wisdom-giving ceremony” for translation.

after an hour.

Unknown character) told me that he could give me the right to use the ritual of the Fourth Wisdom, but I also had to give the equivalent in exchange, which was a respect for knowledge. My God! To me this is It’s already the best situation! My original goal was only the third wisdom gifting ceremony! (Unknown character) Tell me, if you want the fourth wisdom gifting ceremony, you must use 100,000 (unknown character) or equivalent items are exchanged.”

“This amount may require me and (unknown character) to suffer for most of my life in the empire, but now I am in the twisted laboratory! As long as I take some dangerous experimental tasks, maybe a year, or even half a year, I will It is possible to exchange for the Fourth Wisdom Granting Ceremony! I will definitely do it, I will not die, I will bring the Fourth Wisdom Granting Ceremony back to the Empire!”

“Perhaps, with such a good starting point, our baby can also have the opportunity to master the power of (unknown character) and enter the Supreme Palace! I really want to share this good news with (unknown character) now, but it is a pity that the communication ceremony between the two worlds Too expensive and only free for the middle of the month…”

There is not much useful information in this part translated by Meng Xuan. At this time, he can’t take a rest and decides to stay here all night for translation work. Anyway, there is a lot of time to rest in class during the day, so he is not in a hurry. .

Three hours later, Meng Xuan finally found useful information at the end of the diary.

“Thank you seventy-two (unknown character)! Today, I finally collected 100,000 (unknown character), and exchanged it from (unknown character) to the Fourth Wisdom Granting Ceremony. I succeeded, I really succeeded!

I persevered, God knows what I’ve been through, the friends around me have mutated one by one, the distortion has become more and more serious, I feel like I’m fighting against madness every moment, even the always calm (unknown character) during this time The inner city is mysterious and seems to be hiding some secrets.

But what does this have to do with me? I succeeded. As long as I wait for the monthly communication ceremony between the two worlds to start, I can send the ritual scroll back to the empire. As long as the ceremony can be sent back, all the costs can be paid… I miss you, you think Am I… Maybe someday I’ll be a twisted monster too, but my spirit will be with you…”

At the end of this diary, Meng Xuan found a series of ancient Nelson notes similar to the primal phrase.

In the back of this diary, there are about three or four days of diary equivalent, and there are still a lot of words. I am afraid that some clues before the hostess and the experimental base are recorded.

But Meng Xuan, who had stayed up all night to translate for seven or eight hours since ten o’clock, was suffocating at this time, and he felt nauseous when he saw Nelson’s words, and he had no energy to continue translating the following content.

“Anyway, according to the records in the diary, this thing can be activated with the activation language, and this is the activation language. Is it possible to test it through the Wisdom Endowment Ceremony?”

Meng Xuan yawned and rubbed his swollen head. At this moment, there was only one word in his mind, and he was done.

Although he didn’t know from the diary what kind of effect wisdom gave the ritual, he was not worried that the ritual would have too much risk.

Because this is the most orthodox Nelson ritual, it is very different from the weird and dangerous twisted ritual, and it is a type that even young children can use, and the risk is extremely low.

As he said, Meng Xuan unfolded the leather paper and spread it on the ground. This thing should be similar to a magic scroll. There are faint rays of light flowing in the complicated golden ritual lines on it. Power is injected into the ritual, providing the initiation power for the ritual itself, saving many ritual steps.

Meng Xuan sat down in front of the ceremony drawing, and placed his right palm in the center of the ceremony pattern.


According to the results of the translation of ancient notes in the dictionary of Nelson’s series of civilizations, he thought in a low voice a series of inexplicable activation words, and looked solemnly at the golden pattern in front of him.

After five seconds.

“No response?”

Meng Xuan was confused for a while.

Isn’t this really the pattern that the Fourth Wisdom bestows on the ritual? But other rituals?

Meng Xuan took the diary, and seriously re-translated the knowledge about the initiation language of the fourth wisdom-giving ceremony.

It turned out that the activation language was mispronounced, no wonder there was no response…

Meng Xuan was a little speechless. This time, the introductory words were longer and more difficult to say. It is understandable to read them wrong.


Meng Xuan put his right hand on the ceremony, and UU Reading read the starting words again in a low voice.


This time, as soon as the activation language was finished, the ritual blueprint responded.

The golden lines radiate blazing light.

“This is······”

Meng Xuan’s pupils shrank and saw a miraculous scene.

It is no longer a trance hallucination, but a peculiar phenomenon of real existence.

The golden lines on the leather ritual drawing began to rotate and reorganize like a sophisticated machine. These lines, like living things, kept compressing toward the center of the drawing and slowly clinging to Meng Xuan’s palm.

The golden pattern ran along Meng Xuan’s palm, passed through his arms and neck, and climbed up Meng Xuan’s head, and then climbed to the other side of the body along the head. It looked like a large, bizarre tattoo.

Meng Xuan’s eyes were almost occupied by golden light, and he couldn’t see anything clearly.

The golden pattern gradually covered every corner of his body and stopped spreading.



All the golden lines, following Meng Xuan’s eyes, ears, nose, and nose, quickly poured into his head.

A huge flow of information drilled through Meng Xuan’s mind like a diamond drill, almost bursting his mind, causing him to roll all over the floor in pain.

When the golden pattern completely flooded into his mind, a golden ball of light appeared in his consciousness.

He subconsciously focused his attention and touched the golden light ball in his consciousness, just like the unknown information that triggered the blood source consciousness at the beginning.

“The Fourth Wisdom Granting Ceremony is in progress…”

An unknown piece of information appeared in his mind.

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