Twisted Realm

Chapter 51 - wisdom

The next day.

Jinhui Middle School, Class Three and Two.

In math class, the whole class was silent.


An increasingly loud snoring sound came from the back seat.

The whole class saluted the location where the snoring came from.

The bald math teacher, Lao Wang, who was writing on the blackboard, turned around abruptly, and saw a student in the back row who was lying on the table, soundly asleep, and the slack flowed to the math test paper.

“Hey!! Wake up!! Old Wang is watching you!!”

On the side, Liu Yuran called to Meng Xuan in a low voice, her feet under the table were not idle, and she stepped on Meng Xuan.

Meng Xuan didn’t respond, and still slept soundly.

“Meng Xuan!!!!”

Pharaoh shook the entire classroom with a powerful lion’s roar that did not match his appearance.

In his sleep, Meng Xuan seemed to dream that a beast was screaming in his ear, as if it was about to bite off his head, causing him to jump up in shock.

It turned out to be a dream…

Meng Xuan rubbed his dazed eyes, yawned, and was about to stretch himself, but stopped just in time.

His psychic abilities sensed a strong danger.

Wait, this looks like a class? !

Meng Xuan finally remembered where he was now.

He looked around, and both male and female classmates cast admiring glances at him.

Looking at the podium again, he immediately met Old Wang’s fire-breathing eyes.

An embarrassed yet polite smile appeared on Meng Xuan’s face at the right time.

“You, go out and stand up!”

The old king growled.

Meng Xuan was helpless and had no choice but to walk out of the classroom and stand outside the corridor, feeling a little pity in his heart that he could no longer sleep.

Standing in the corridor, Meng Xuan couldn’t help yawning again.

I stayed up all night last night and translated Nelson’s text all night. The consumption was too great.

There was no way, he couldn’t sleep any longer while standing, so Meng Xuan had to cheer himself up and continue to digest the gains from last night.

The harvest last night was really great, unprecedented.

The Fourth Wisdom Endowment Ceremony is like a small Nelson Encyclopedia.

He closed his eyes and concentrated, and a golden ball of light suddenly appeared in his mind.

Use consciousness to touch the ball of light.

“The Fourth Wisdom Granting Ceremony is in progress…”

A piece of Nelson’s words appeared directly in Meng Xuan’s mind. Meng Xuan didn’t even need to translate it, he directly generated the corresponding word meaning in his mind.

Next, the text gradually blurred, and what appeared in front of Meng Xuan was a series of directory information.


common sense…

the law…






It’s almost everything.

The Nelson civilization has an extremely strict hierarchy. They divide the citizens of the empire into ten classes, and each class of citizens has its corresponding rights, benefits and obligations.

They value and control knowledge to a very extreme level. They believe that knowledge is the most precious wealth and the most powerful force. The control of knowledge is even stricter than the control of firearms in modern times.

Citizens of different levels are eligible to purchase knowledge rituals of the corresponding level and obtain knowledge of the corresponding level. If lower-level citizens have made outstanding contributions to the empire, it is also possible to exchange for higher-level knowledge through contribution points.

Selling knowledge privately is a serious crime.

Because knowledge represents power.

And ritual is the application of knowledge.

The Nelsons have used their extensive knowledge to design various wonderful rituals. If technology is a tool for modern society to analyze nature, then rituals and patterns are the tools for the Nelsons to understand, analyze and control nature.

They almost exerted the power of rituals to the extreme. They were even able to open up unknown spaces through powerful rituals and store huge amounts of knowledge and information in them. They called such spaces ‘knowledge spaces’.

Through various rituals, knowledge and information in the knowledge space can be elicited, and the transmission of knowledge can be completed. This is the knowledge ritual.

There are some storage functions similar to computers, but the ritual consciousness transmission technology of the Nelson people is obviously more advanced.

For example, in reading activities, rituals basically replace the use of books and paper. Any book published by the Imperial Publishing Administration will transmit the information expressed in the book to the knowledge space.

People who buy books will directly get a ritual pattern. By starting the ritual to communicate the knowledge space, they can directly get information instilled. After that, they can read the corresponding books as long as they sink their attention into the sea of ​​​​the mind.

This is true of books, as well as some entertainment activities like operas, movies, and TV shows.

Only some important knowledge that has not had time to transfer into the knowledge space will be temporarily saved in the form of files.

They also used rituals to achieve various magical functions such as virtual reality conversion.

This is also an important reason why the Nelson civilization has almost no relics and documents left.

Most of their lives have been replaced by rituals. As long as they enter the dormant cabin and sink their consciousness into the sea of ​​​​the mind, they can read various books, even watch movies, watch TV series, play games… and realize all entertainment activities .

For them, nothingness and existence have long been inseparable.

The Wisdom Granting Ceremony is actually a kind of initiation ceremony of the Nelson people, usually prepared for children.

The ceremony contains Nelson’s words, language, common sense, history, law, practice, and many other information. It is also divided into ten levels, and different levels contain different levels of information confidentiality.

The higher the level of wisdom-giving ceremony represents the more knowledge and information injected into the sea of ​​children’s minds. Except for some language information, this information cannot be immediately integrated into their memory, and it takes a long time to learn Only then can they truly master it, but this has given them enough knowledge reserves.

This allows them to grow up for a long time in the future without worrying about where to learn the corresponding knowledge. Just like the rich children, who have thousands of books in their family, naturally don’t have to worry about where to learn knowledge, while the poor children , read a book, but also worry about where to find the next book.

In the Nelson Empire, knowledge is the most precious wealth and the most powerful force.

It’s no wonder that the owner of that diary would rather desperately enter the Twisted Lab, and also strive for a higher-level wisdom-giving ceremony for his children.

This is indeed a way to let children win at the starting line.

It’s a pity that in the end, Meng Xuan was cheapened in vain.

The Fourth Wisdom Endowment Ceremony probably represents the level of knowledge that Level 4 citizens can master.

By slightly reading the information on the common knowledge of the empire in the golden ball of light, Meng Xuan knew the corresponding standards for citizen classification.

Level 1, the lowest level of citizens, the overall quality of ordinary people is only slightly higher than the lowest level of slaves.

The second level, also known as the elite human, is almost equivalent to the comprehensive quality level of the amateur human being mentioned by Servia before.

The third level, also known as the warrior human, is almost equivalent to the comprehensive quality level of the professional level.

Level 4 is equivalent to the mortal extreme level.

That is to say, the fourth wisdom-giving ceremony includes not only language, history, common sense, laws, etc., but also the practice methods from Level 1 to Level 4 and the corresponding part of the ritual knowledge!

The way from ordinary people to the limit of mortals!

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