Uchiha Patriarch

Chapter 01: Fugaku’s first day.


Our protagonist was sound asleep when they suddenly woke up in a strange place. Confused and disoriented, they were confronted by Bailed, the self-proclaimed "failed god." Despite the initial shock of the encounter, our protagonist quickly recognized Bailed for who he really was: the devil himself.

Intrigued by the offer Bailed presented, our protagonist made a decision that would change their fate forever. Without hesitation, they accepted the devil's deal, sealing their fate and setting them on a path that would lead to unknown dangers and uncertain outcomes. But one thing was clear - nothing would ever be the same again.


The devil looked at me with amusement. "Enjoying your new body, my dear?": he asked with a chuckle. "And what is your second wish?"

"I would like to for my second wish, that I acquire the complete set of powers possessed by the Homunculi from the Fullmetal Alchemist series.": I exclaimed, brimming with excitement.

The devil raised an eyebrow at the boldness of my wishes but maintained his composure. "Transmigrating into Uchiha Fugaku and possessing the powers of the Seven Deadly Sins from Fullmetal Alchemist, quite the ambitious requests. Very well, I accept your terms.": he said with a sly grin.

The devil waved his hand, and I felt a sudden surge of power coursing through my body. I felt myself being transported through time and space, and before I knew it, I was standing in the body of Uchiha Fugaku in front of the academy.

As I looked around, I realized that my first wish had been granted. I knew that I had become easily one of the more powerful ninjas in the Naruto world, but I was not satisfied with just the power of the Uchiha clan. I wanted more. I wanted the powers of the [Seven Deadly Sins] from Fullmetal Alchemist.

The devil appeared before him once again, offering him the powers he sought. "Are you sure you want to go through with this? It is going to hurt!" the devil asked. "The powers of the Seven Deadly Sins come with a heavy price."

But I was not deterred. I know what I wanted, and I was willing to pay the price. "I'm ready," I said firmly.

The devil smiled, and with a flick of his wrist, I felt the powers of the Seven Deadly Sins coursing through my body. I felt myself becoming stronger and more powerful than I ever thought possible. And with this newfound power, I knew that I could achieve anything I desired.

Within mere moments, I felt an indescribable surge of power course through my veins. However, it was not long before an excruciating sensation of my blood boiling, bones shattering, and then reconstituting, the pain overtook me, leaving me writhing in agony.

The pain in my body gradually faded, and I started to relax. However, I noticed something different - I no longer felt in control of my body, like I was floating away from myself.

As the darkness consumed me, I realized that I was dying. My life flashed before my eyes, and I felt a sense of regret for all the things I hadn't done and all the people I hadn't said goodbye to.

Despite facing death, I felt a strange sense of peace. I knew that my time had come, and I was ready to face whatever came next.

With a fierce determination burning in my eyes, I refused to accept the fate that was laid out before me. "Not now, not like this!": I roared, my voice echoing through the darkness that was consuming me.

I would not allow myself to be snuffed out like a candle before I even had a chance to shine. With every fiber of my being, I fought against the grip of death, struggling to hold on to life with all my might.

"As I gaze upon you, I must admit, I am surprised and even a bit impressed. You have survived the baptism of the Philosopher's Stone, and for that, I offer my congratulations.": The devil said, his tone tinged with a hint of admiration.

"Be on your way!": The failed god, Bailed, declared, and suddenly, time and space unfroze around me, overwhelming me with my heightened senses.

As the frozen time and space around me broke, I was suddenly assaulted by my enhanced senses. The crisp air was almost palpable as I took a deep breath, savoring the fresh scent that filled my nostrils. My Uchiha bloodline gifted me with incredible eyesight, allowing me to perceive even the smallest details with absolute clarity. The world around me was sharp and vivid, every color and texture rendered in stunning definition.

But my enhanced vision was just the beginning. My ears were also attuned to the bustling sounds of the world around me, picking up on every footstep, every rustle of fabric, every excited chatter. Even the faintest sounds were amplified, allowing me to discern the location and distance of each source with pinpoint accuracy.

My sense of touch was equally heightened. Every sensation was amplified, from the gentle brush of the breeze against my skin to the texture of the ground beneath my feet. My sense of taste and smell were also elevated, allowing me to savor every flavor and aroma in exquisite detail.

With my senses in overdrive, I was acutely aware of everything happening around me as the new graduates of the academy rushed out excitedly, ready to embark on their new journey as shinobi.

The sounds of excitement surrounded me as the newly minted shinobi left the academy, ready to embark on their journeys.


[Date: 20 Minutes after graduation]

[Location: Konohagakure]

As I walked through the bustling streets of Konoha, the sound of vendors hawking their wares and the smell of fresh food filled the air. It was all so familiar, yet different at the same time.

The journey was not long, and eventually, I arrived at the entrance of the Uchiha compound.

The Uchiha compound was situated a bit outside of Konoha, surrounded by lush green forests that extended as far as the eye could see. As I made my way through the winding paths leading to the compound, the breathtaking scenery only intensified. The vibrant colors of the flora and fauna contrasted beautifully against the white walls of the buildings, which were adorned with intricate designs and symbols of the Uchiha clan.

Despite the beauty of the surroundings, the compound itself had an air of seriousness and solemnity to it, befitting of the renowned Uchiha clan. The silence was only occasionally broken by the sound of training or the voices of clan members going about their daily routines. As I reached the entrance, guarded by two imposing Uchiha shinobi, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and belonging wash over me. This was my home, and I was ready to start my new life as a member of the Uchiha clan.

The gatekeepers recognized me immediately and let me through without question. Walking through the familiar stone archway, I was surrounded by the lush greenery that adorned the Uchiha estate.

The sight of the towering buildings and the sound of children laughing and playing in the distance brought back memories. It felt like nothing had changed since the last time I was here, yet everything was different because I am a different Uchiha Fugaku.

As I walked towards my family's home, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. The familiar cherry blossom trees swayed in the gentle breeze, and the sound of birds singing filled the air.

'No wonder the Uchiha are arrogant!': I thought to myself with a hint of arrogance when I took in everything, and yet, I couldn't shake off the haunting memory of my clan's demise.

The Uchiha are indeed a great clan, but we will also be victims of a cruel fate. The pain and anger still simmered within me, reminding me of the tragedy that befell my people. But despite that, I couldn't help feeling a sense of pride and superiority as I walked through the streets, knowing that the Uchiha are a force to be reckoned with.

As I strode past the guards and made my way towards my family's estate, my thoughts were consumed with the weighty decisions that lay ahead of me.


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