Uchiha Patriarch

Chapter 02: Why wishing for everything abuses the writer!


Fugaku's wish had finally been granted, and as he took his first steps in Konoha, he was blown away by the sheer magnitude of his new senses and the strength of his body. The world around him was nothing short of breathtaking - a peaceful and picturesque landscape that seemed to stretch out before him as far as the eye could see. Fugaku couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and excitement as he began his journey in this new and fascinating place.


As I strode past the guards and made my way towards my family's estate, my thoughts were consumed with the weighty decisions that lay ahead of me.

I found myself deep in thought about my future.

Should I aim to become a Genin and work my way up the ranks, or should I set my sights on the more prestigious goal and join the Military Police Force?

My mind raced with possibilities, and I couldn't help but wonder what my father Uchiha Tenjō, the current patriarch of the clan, would think of my decision.

How will it affect my relationship with my father, Uchiha Tenjō, the current patriarch of our clan?

So many conflicting emotions swirled within me as I approached my home.

Despite the Uchiha clan being entrusted with the responsibility of the Military Police Force, we were still excluded from the power center of Konoha due to the policies of the Nidaime Hokage. Some of my fellow clan members seemed content with this arrangement, but I knew better. It was just another tactic to marginalize and isolate our clan from the rest of Konoha.

The question remains, which of the two paths would provide me with more advantageous outcomes in the long run?

Becoming a Genin under a Jonin Sensei will allow me to broaden my network beyond the confines of the Uchiha clan.

On the other hand, being a member of the Police Force under my father's command will grant me a quicker path to power and real influence, albeit limited to the clan's sphere of influence.


A sound of exasperation escaped my lips as I struggled with the difficult decision before me.

"Ugh, this is such a headache," I grumbled under my breath, feeling the weight of the decision on my shoulders.

"What is a headache?" My father's voice jolted me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, it's just the price of having a complex mind," I chuckled, turning around to face him.

He gave me a knowing smile. "Ah, I see. You're thinking about the future again."

I nodded. "Yes, I can't help but wonder what path I should take to ensure success."

He walked closer to me, his eyes scanning mine. "Well, that's a question every Uchiha must face at some point. The path of the shinobi or the path of the Military Police Force?"

I sighed, feeling the weight of the decision on my shoulders. "Yes, and I can't seem to find an easy answer. Being a Genin would allow me to make connections outside of the clan, but being in the Police Force under your guidance would give me a faster route to power."

My father nodded thoughtfully. "Indeed, both paths have their advantages and disadvantages. It all comes down to what you value more, personal connections or influence within the clan."

I furrowed my brow, deep in thought. "It's a tough choice to make."

He put a hand on my shoulder. "Just remember, whatever path you choose, make sure it's one you can live with. And don't forget, you have the Uchiha bloodline in you. That alone makes you great."

I smiled, feeling reassured by his words. "Thank you, Father. Your guidance means a lot to me."

He nodded, a proud expression on his face. "Of course, my son. That's what family is for."

As the night wore on, I found myself lying on my futon, gazing up at the ceiling and pondering my second wish.


The powers of the Seven Deadly Sins in Fullmetal Alchemist are based on the seven sins recognized by the Christian faith: pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed, and sloth.

As I now possess all the powers of the sins, I find myself in a quandary. Each sin is embodied by a formidable being with its own set of unique abilities and traits, but unfortunately, the devil did not provide me with a manual on how to use these powers effectively.

Without any guidance, I am left to figure out on my own how to harness and control these extraordinary abilities. It's proving to be quite a challenge, but I am determined to master these powers and become unstoppable.


[1. Pride:]

[The leader of the Homunculi, he was the first of their kind to be created.]

[Pride's Powers and Abilities:]

1. Can exist within a given area - his black multi-eyed shadow is his actual form, with his physical body acting as a "container" for him to move around in.

2. Can shape parts of himself into tendril-arm-like appendages that resemble those of Father's actual form and those of the Eye of God.

3. He can only create dark extensions of himself if shadows are near his body.

4. Cannot use his power in complete darkness or if his body is engulfed by intense light.

5. Does not bleed when injured.

6. Has an extremely resistant container.

7. Can spread his essence throughout shadows and sense everything around them.

8. Can manipulate, slice through, or devour anything that comes in contact with his black shadow, which can become resistant/invulnerable to conventional physical harm.

9. Can control others' bodies by inserting extensions of himself inside them.

10. Can consume living things and assimilate their abilities and strengths, along with their knowledge.


[2. Envy:]

[Envy is a Homunculus with the ability to shape-shift into any form or person and replicate their abilities.]

[Envy's Powers and Abilities:]

1. Immortality: Envy does not age, and his true form's physical age is unknown, cannot be killed by any normal means, and will continue to live indefinitely unless sealed by a specific method.

2. Rapid Regeneration: Envy can regenerate incredibly quickly from otherwise fatal injuries, even from being destroyed or disintegrated.

3. Contamination Immunity: Envy is immune to all poisons, toxins, venoms, viruses, bacteria, allergens, diseases, etc. This includes any type of contagion that can affect living organisms.

4. Self-Sustenance: Envy does not need to eat, drink or breathe to stay alive. He can go without sustenance for an indefinite period of time.

5. Enhanced Physiology: Even in his much smaller, preferred form, Envy possesses strength, speed, reflexes, stamina, durability, senses, agility, and coordination superior to any human, chimera, or animal.

6. Shapeshifting: Envy can shape-shift into anything or anyone, whether it be real people, animals, or human aspects that they made up. He can transform into anything that doesn't exceed the size and weight of his true form. This power allows Envy to travel unnoticed, blend in with a crowd, and even transform individual parts of his body into weapons.

7. True Form: Envy's monstrous true form grants him enormous strength and durability. His weight allows him to crush rocks under his limbs or in his jaws. Envy can manipulate the human remains that cover his body, make them appear and disappear, and elongate his tongue to use it like a harpoon or binding rope.

8. Impersonation: Envy is proficient at imitating the personality and traits of other people. He can disguise himself as a different individual without arousing suspicion.

9. Possession: Under his true, parasitic, original form, Envy's only remaining ability is to take control of the body of a human or Homunculus host. The host then becomes an extension of Envy's parasitic body, being able to take control of additional host bodies, using the host's soul to resupply Envy's strength.


[3. Gluttony:]

[A large, simple-minded Homunculus with an insatiable appetite. He can eat anything and everything, even non-organic material. He has the ability to open his stomach like a portal, allowing him to store and retrieve anything he has eaten.]

[Gluttony's Powers and Abilities:]

1. Acute smell, voracious appetite, and ability to consume relatively large objects.

2. Enhanced Physiology: As a homunculus, Gluttony possesses strength, speed, reflexes, stamina, durability, senses, agility, coordination, willpower, and instincts superior to any human.

3. Digestive Enzymes: His power to eat hard objects, like steel, stems from his ability to produce a variety of digestive enzymes that act on specific substances, making them easier to chew and digest.

4. Enhanced Senses: Gluttony's senses of taste allow him to instantly analyze the compositions of various foodstuffs and even detect substances. His senses of smell are so strong that he can detect specific persons, objects, and substances, and track targets with nothing but his nose.

5. Regeneration: Any injuries he suffers immediately heal, even if he is decapitated, disintegrated, blown up, or completely incinerated, he will still return to life in perfect condition.

6. Immortality: He does not need to eat, drink, or breathe. But he eats anyway because he feels hunger due to embodying gluttony.

7. Gate of Truth: Gluttony can use his Gate to swallow enemies from a distance.

8. Interdimensional space: Gluttony's Gate is in a space that lies between reality and the Gate and is full of all the objects he has eaten within a massive sea of his victims' blood.

9. Energy beam: Gluttony is capable of generating a large beam of energy that will force anything through his gate into his dimension.

10. Extending Bones: Gluttony's bones are capable of extending outwards large distances at high speeds.


[4. Lust:]

[A Homunculus with the power to extend her fingers into long, sharp blades. She is also able to manipulate people's desires and emotions.]

[Lust's Powers and Abilities:]

1. Immortality: Lust does not age beyond her youthful prime.

2. Contaminant Immunity: Lust is immune to all poisons, toxins, venoms, viruses, bacteria, allergens, diseases, etc.

3. Self-Sustenance: Lust does not need to eat, drink, or breathe to stay alive.

4. Enhanced Physiology: Lust possesses strength, speed, reflexes, stamina, durability, senses, agility, coordination, willpower, intelligence, and instincts superior to any human, or animal.

5. Rapid Regeneration: Lust's injuries heal almost instantly, allowing her to regenerate from decapitation, disintegration, explosions, and other severe injuries.

6. Ultimate Spear: Lust can extend her fingertips into long, flexible, and sharp claws that can cut through practically any substance, with undetermined and seemingly infinite range and speed.

7. Enhanced Beauty: Lust possesses a level of physical attractiveness above that of most humans, which she uses to manipulate weak-willed individuals for her purposes.


[5. Wrath:]

[A Homunculus with the power to see beyond what a mortal eye sees.]

[Wrath's Powers and Abilities:]

1. Enhanced Physiology:

2. Superhuman Agility: Wrath has flawless coordination, equilibrium, and dexterity. He can manipulate all his bodily rotations, allowing him to move his body in any way or direction, escape any restraint, and avoid any attack from any direction.

3. Superhuman Reflexes: Wrath's reaction time is lightning-fast, allowing him to react to danger and events far faster than others.

4. Superhuman Momentum: Wrath can control the acceleration of his own body, allowing him to attack or dodge anything without warning and at peak perfection.

5. Ultimate Eye: Wrath's eye grants him extra-sensory vision and precognition, allowing him to anticipate all variables and his opponent's attacks with absolute efficiency.

7. Intelligence: Wrath is extremely intelligent, a perfect military field strategist, able to adapt perfectly to all factors achieving maximum efficiency in offensive and defensive strategy in any situation.


[6. Greed:]

[A Homunculus with the ability to transform his body into an indestructible substance. He is also able to create a shield around himself that can repel attacks.]

[Greed's Powers and Abilities:]

1. Immortality:

2. Rapid regeneration:

3. Contamination Immunity:

4. Self-Sustenance:

5. Enhanced Physiology: Greed possesses superior strength, speed, reflexes, stamina, durability, senses, agility, coordination, willpower, intelligence, and instincts compared to any human. He has limitless physical energy, stamina, vitality, and virility, and his muscles remain brawny and perfectly shaped without training. He can see perfectly even in low light conditions or total darkness.

6. Ultimate Shield: Greed can convert his skin into prehensile graphene, leaving everything else underneath malleable. He can partially strengthen the density of selected parts of his body during battle or extend the effect to his entirety. His razor-sharp nails can slice through rock and metal, and he can choose to convert his skin into other substances. While in its Ultimate Shield form, Greed's body is indestructible and has no internal or external weakness, making him immune to any kind of damage and capable of surviving and adapting to any environment for an unlimited duration without discomfort.

7. Charisma: Greed possesses a magnetic quality that allows him to easily make loyal allies/friends with anyone. His persuasive abilities are so powerful that he can convince others of anything remotely believable, making him an effective and respected leader.


[7. Sloth:]

[A Homunculus who appears lazy and unmotivated but is actually incredibly powerful.]

[Sloth's Powers and Abilities:]

1. Physical Strength: Sloth is physically the strongest of the Homunculi, capable of crushing objects and people with ease.

2. Endurance: He possesses immense endurance, allowing him to dig through solid rock for decades without stopping effortlessly. He has tough steel-hard skin that can resist most forms of damage.

3. Physical immunity: Sloth has a very high threshold for damage, weapons such as bullets cannot damage him, he can only be damaged by alchemic means.

(A/N: Chakra based attacks!)

4. Speed: Despite his enormous size, Sloth is the fastest Homunculi, capable of charging at his target like a missile. His charges are devastating, though lacking in accuracy, and he can increase their range by spreading his arms and legs.



Each of the Seven Deadly Sins in Fullmetal Alchemist has unique and formidable powers, making them formidable opponents to anyone who stands in their way, and now I am the one possessing all these Powers!

I may go around calling myself the original sin, or the sinner, or maybe just Homunculi.

I seriously need a good name for my Bingobook entry, can't have something idiotic.


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