Ugly Bastard

Chapter 187 – Tool for a strong independent woman

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After the discussion, Noah walked out of the Beastwomen's living quarters with a thoughtful expression while sighing deeply.

“Is something bothering you, Master?” Asked Dahlia walking a few steps behind him.

“Well, this was the easiest talk of today. But now we need to face your Mother.” Said Noah.

“If you are worried about her reaction to our relationship, then don’t be. She approves.” Said Dahlia with a happy smile.

“That’s not the most worrying issue.” Said Noah sighing once more. “But oh well. No use dwelling on it. I’ll just have to face whatever reaction she would throw at me.” Muttered Noah.

“Umm. What are you talking about?” Asked Dahlia raising her eyebrow.

“Anyway. Please lead me to the audience room. I need to talk with The Dryad Queen.” Said Noah straightening up, taking a firmer posture.

Dahlia gazed at him in silence wondering what made him so serious.

“I will be able to lead you out of Core Forest freely. There is no real need to ask my mother for it.” She said. 

Noah could easily notice the worry in her eyes. She was afraid he was going to have face-to-face discussions with her mother about the issue they discussed at night and spilling that she chose to go against her mother's will. Which would make her look untrustable in Dryad Queen's eyes. Although he promised not to do that for now.

“There is a problem that I need her help with. The one you could not solve last time.” Said Noah.

“The branch?” Whispered Dahlia.

“Yes.” Answered Noah curtly bowing his head slightly as if in defeat.

“I am deeply sorry, I was unable to help.” Said Dahlia walking in front of him and looking Noah in the face. “You said that the entity inside you did something to it. It’s gotten that bad?”

“Yeaah.” Said Noah with skittish eyes, looking as if he was trying to avoid meeting eyes with her.

“Then you are right to ask my mother for help. Let's go.” She said feeling as if Noah was trying to hide something but did not try to press him for answers.

The throne room of an audience hall was not a new place for Noah. He visited this place twice already. Once by accident not long after awakening his system with a full intention to die fighting and destroy as much as he could before he succumbs.

Another time just a few weeks ago as a friend of their race and a respected guest, invited here by the Dryad Queen herself when she heard that he wanted to train for a month inside her Labyrinth.

As he thought this over, it only now dawned on Noah that this was the Core Forest of The Dryad Kingdom. The Legendary place all men dreamed of visiting, yet none has ever stepped into. The true Paradise to all men.

And Palace Tree was the very heart of it. The deepest part of that Paradise. It was a place that many dream of ever taking a peek at. Noah was sure that if any adventurer ever heard of him coming here, they would murder him out of spite and jealousy with the words: ‘Son of a bitch that should've been me!’

Yet every time Noah came here he seemed to be always pressed for time or under the pressure of important issues and did not have a good opportunity to indulge in the true beauty of it. A sacrilege! Would shout any man at him. That was a true heinous crime to come here twice and not even enjoy it. He had to imbue in its beauty and most of all, its dwellers.

As Dahlia walked him through the wide wooden doors that seemed to be made of solid pieces of wood and had incredible life-like flowery patterns, he looked around enjoying the view as a gawking tourist.

Beautiful wooden hall with a huge wooden throne where the Queen of the Dryads sat in her gorgeous flowery dress spreading to the sides. Elegant and prim yet lustfully sexy. Stoic cold face yet with notes of mischief on her lips. Mysterious yet dressed so revealing she looked like a wanton woman. She exuded an aura of maturity and wisdom yet had the presence that beckoned to care for and protect her as you would a child. She seemed Regal and at the same time sweet and fragile. Like a flower that you wanted to admire for eternity, she was no doubt the center of attention inside this flower garden-like throne room.

From all around the hall she was surrounded by greenery, bark, and flowers as if she truly sat in a garden. Yet there was no other life. No birds, no bugs or butterflies as if the garden was sterile.

Shining in the dancing light, flowing through the wide portal window behind the throne, her hair seemed to glow with a warm golden green light. Yet as the sun beans shone into the room they cast the shadow of her figure that seemed to darken the room so much that magic lanterns had to be turned on at the furthest side of the room.

The throne room seemed like an ideal picture of peacefulness, serenity, and warmth. Yet all around the hall stood Dryads exuding deadlines from their elite warrior-like presence. Their icy gazes promising a world of pain to anyone they found just a bit threatening to their Queen. Right now they gazed at Noah, watchful of his every move. 

These cold gazes would send shivers down the back of anyone who came here for the first time, Noah, however, did not seem to be bothered by their scrutinizing gazes at all, joyfully looking around as Dahlia led him inside the hall and toward the Queen. 

As he walked through the room studying it carefully, some intuitive feeling passed through his mind pointing out how everything in that room seemed to exude duality.

There seemed to be two sides to everything. 

Even the cold and deadly Royal Guards of the Dryad Queen who looked disciplined and reliable, seemed less so if you took in what they wore. Dressed in a mimicry of a knight's armor with open visor helmets yet an almost naked torso. Heavy armor like gloves and boots yet anything above that was simply missing, exchanged with a few simple strings. They looked like girls at a beach party.

Noah never understood the people of CS who screamed that bikini armor was the best armor. What protection could it give? Just a dumb fantasy of eroticism made up for pubescent boys who knew nothing of fighting. Yet there it was the true form of bikini armor knights, standing ramrod straight as if finding nothing wrong with being almost naked.

However, that too was just as dual as everything in this room. Bikini armor may have been a joke worn by anyone else, but for Dryads it was not the same issue. Their bodies had all the womanly shapes that were barely covered by any material, making them seem to be wearing exactly what Noah would call bikini armor but it did not mean they were as unprotected as women Noah saw in erotic pictures in CS wearing skimpy underwear on the beach. 

The very skin of these creatures was the toughest bark that no sword could cut with ease. Their body part could change, split, and sharpen as they wished, becoming deadly at the simple force of will. The reason they wore just a few parts of knight armor was because that armor was merely a decoration on the body that served as a weapon.

So if anyone had the right to be the wet dream of all bikini armor lovers, it was the Dryad Queen’s Royal Guards. And this time, Noah made sure to indulge in the view to remember as best he could as he walked into the audience hall, sliding his gazes over each and every one of them as if licking their every curve only with his sight.

Just as in the dreams of Paradise this place was majestic in its beauty. However, Noah could not fully enjoy the feeling of achieving every man's dream by stepping here. The sense of controversy irked him ever since he stepped inside that room, making him wary and for some reason lighting up his sense of self-preservation.

“Young Noah, a pleasing yet very rare occurrence for you to visit. It almost makes me want to think up official business just to make you visit me more often.” Said Dryad Queen smiling softly yet Noah had no doubts that part of that smile was gloating at her daughter's success in seducing him, Dahlia’s smell heavily exuding from him as a big glowing sign.

“There is no need to think up issues, Your Majesty. I would be most pleased to accompany you in your leisure time. You need to just ask. Unfortunately, the pressing issue of my training does not allow for it at the moment. Perhaps after I finish my training?” Said Noah bowing.

“I await with trepidation. It would please me most greatly to sip breakfast tea in your wonderful company. Nothing better than a tea brought to bed. Anyways it is official business yet again today?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Said Noah yet again passing her undisguised innuendo through one ear and out the other. She made it a ritual to speak all official and business-like, in the presence of her subjects, yet didn't avoid being crudely flirtatious, including a few most obvious innuendos that any Noble lady would find shockingly vulgar. As if this official talk was just a comedy or a theater play for her.

“I heard your talk with the guests, residing in the palace, have gone quite well. Truly a charming man you are. Your enchanting presence seems to be working not only on our race but on all females. If only you could tone it down a bit. I am afraid this forest has not been made to withstand floods.” Said Dryad Queen with an innocent look.

“I believe honesty is a key to people's trust in you. I merely spoke sincerely with them and they were appreciative.” Said Noah not commenting on her implication of his delicious for the Dryad smell that Dahlia told him about or her innuendo of pussies so wet they would flood the forest. “However, to solve some of the issues I may need to return to the human world for a time.”

“That is of no problem. As long as my daughter is with you, you may come and go whenever you want. But that is not the true issue you wish to discuss, am I right?”

“That…is indeed so. Your Majesty. There has been a problem that I could not find a solution to and I wish to ask for your sagely advice.” Said Noah scratching his cheek feeling quite uncomfortable.

“Do speak freely. It pleases me mostly that you wish to turn to me with yet another problem.” She said smiling at him yet again. This time however he felt it having a hungry wolf tone instead of gloating. The more he turned to her for help the more he owed her. And he was sure that she would wish to ask from him all his debts one day. But luckily not for this. If Ugy was right, then this might make her indebted to him instead. It was a big IF however as Noah felt scared to just imply what Ugy has suggested. How she would really react would be seen in a minute. This may very well sour their relationship greatly as well, but there was no turning back now. The plush bastard made sure of that.

“Some time ago, I received a present from one being. However, with my mediocre knowledge, I am lacking in expertise to… keep it in a good condition.” Said Noah gulping as he was choosing words.

“Oh? Most interesting.” Said Dryad Queen leaning forward. “If I may take a look at the object before I could give a definite answer, whether I am capable of helping or not.”

Noah glanced at Dahlia for a moment before taking out a long intricately carved enchantment case that Tessa had prepared for him in a hurry just before his departure. It was meant to prolong the life of the Doonpine’s branch while it was inside the case.

Once the case was out the knights visibly tensed, but Dahlia’s shake of the head abated their tension to a degree.

Dahlia stepped up to Noah, receiving the case into her outstretched hands before bowing and walking toward Dryad Queen holding the case in front of herself the whole time, before standing on her knee in front of the Queen presenting the case.

“Wonderful pattern.” Said Dryad Queen putting her hand gently on the lid and stroking her fingers over it thoughtfully. “A bit hurriedly made, yet no doubt by a true master's hand. Enchantment of preservation and slowing of decay. Both are beautifully integrated into a single spell. Elegant yet simple. Who might be the creator of it?” She asked, raising her gaze to look at Noah.

“My mate and Guardian of Tween Creek Valley, Duchess Theressa Threadweaver. It was indeed a hurried work, made on the fly. She was pressed for time. You have a keen eye for it, Your Majesty.

“Theressa Threadweaver…” Said Dryad Queen thoughtfully. “It is a shame we have never met in person. I would love to discuss enchanting with her. It is one of my weaknesses and a small hobby of mine to develop my own enchantments. This one is no doubt self-developed as well. It is rare to meet someone with similar interests. Unfortunately, both of us are territory-bound and a meeting would be unlikely. Such a shame.” Said Dryad Queen with disappointment in her voice.

“If I may be so presumptuous to ask? May you ask her if she would allow one of my daughters to learn under her tutelage to pass some of her experience this way to me? I would love to exchange some knowledge and ideas with her as well. Maybe one of her daughters would be able to come visit me in return?” She asked hopefully stroking the pattern with her fingers the entire time.

“I will ask, Your Majesty. However, I can’t give you any guarantee in her stead. It is entirely up to her.” Said Noah bowing.

“Understandable.” Said Dryad Queen. “Well then, let's see what issue you have to deal with here…” She muttered intrigued, opening the lid and taking a look inside the case.

“Oh, my….” Exclaimed Dryad Queen, her voice shaking a bit as her eyes went slightly wide with surprise. A picture of a man from a comment section exclaiming exactly the same words in a badly played theatrical way occurred in Noah’s mind as he saw the smile and glean of interest in her eyes quickly change into surprise, then confusion and stopping in thoughtfulness. Had she not made all those crude innuendos before, Noah could swear he saw her blush for a moment.

Her eyes trembled staring at the object in the big case before she closed back the lid. A second later she opened it again, as if she did not see it clearly, before closing it again.

“That…ummm…is indeed a tool that needs special care, young Noah, but…is this some kind of joke?” She asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

It’s not an outright anger. That’s a good sign right? Thought Noah in his head. He was sure that had he presented that object in front of any normal lady of upper class she would have outlashed at him with righteous anger. 

“Tell her to touch it.” Said Ugy’s voice in his head.

“The fuck? You out of your mind?” Exclaimed Noah.

“She won’t understand unless she does.” Said Ugy. “She needs to touch it.”

“Umm…” Voiced Noah looking at her face frozen in an enquiring expression. “Please touch it, Your Majesty.”

“Ara. Count McDaniels, do I seem such a desperate woman?” She said, staring back at Noah with an unreadable expression as if measuring him with her gaze. Noah noticed the way she called him by the title now instead of his name. 

“I see you as a strong and independent woman, your Majesty.” Said Noah drop of cold sweat passing over his back.

“Mmmm. Well said. Strong and independent woman.” She said mussing the meaning of the words. “You know how to charm women, young Noah.” She said, licking her lips before gently opening the case again and softly pressing her fingers at the object inside the case. 

The moment her fingers touched the object, her eyes went wide in shock before she sharply pulled her hand away, huffing as if she was suffocating. 

“My, my. Count. That indeed seems to be…the tool that a strong and independent woman like me might know how to care for.” She said gulping loudly before closing the lid of the case with shaking hands.

“Why don’t we have a more private talk.” Said Dryad Queen standing up from her throne which startled her Knights.

“Your Majesty!” Exclaimed a Dryad nearest to the Queen but was silenced by her simple gesture of raised hand.

Dryad Queen slowly stood up from the throne making a soft whimper resembling a moan of pleasure, while biting her lips sexually, in what Noah perceived as a lustful expression. As she slowly stood up she patted her dress as if trying to straighten it but it seemed to Noah as if she was stalling for time.

His glance slid over her dress down to the Royal throne and Noah could swear he saw something on the seat when the Queen stood up before that something disappeared a second later as if submerging into the seat. His mind wished to discard what he saw as misconception but Ugy’s words last night played out in his mind. 

“Maybe…the plush bastard was actually right?” Thought Noah in his head standing silently with a poker face.

Once she was done patting her dress, the Queen walked through the room reaching the wall and waving her hand. A second later the wall opened as if curtain opening a passage, before glancing back at Noah and beckoning him to follow after her. 

“Yet another contradiction.” Thought Noah. “There’s such a grand door leading into the hall, yet they do not need doors as they can command the structure of the tree as they wish. Why does this room feel so unnatural?” Thought Noah as he walked toward the passage.

Dahlia walked into the passage right behind her with Noah following close behind the entrance to the passage closing soon behind them.

They walked for just a short time before entering a spacious room with couches and a table that seemed to grow out of the floor, still in the process of taking shape when they walked.

“Please have a seat, Noah.” Said Dyad Queen as she dropped on the couch opposite from the one she pointed at, before turning to Dahlia and pointing her to place the case on the table.

As Noah sat down, Dahlia placed the case on the table between them with great care, before stepping aside to the wall, standing at attention as a disciplined maid.

“Now then.” Said Dryad Queen reaching for the lid of the case and pulling it open before leaning back into the couch while staring at Noah with a raised eyebrow in a questioning expression. 

“Why don’t you explain fully what kind of….tool…this really is.” She said pointing with her eyes at the big wooden dildo lying on the soft velvet pad inside the case.

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