Ugly Bastard

Chapter 188 – Going incognito

Every time someone leveled up their system opened new functions or skills. For Noah, this however worked differently. This was because usually systems already had a full package of skills, settings, and functions that they would be giving to their user from the very beginning. The full database of their system was somewhere within them from the moment they awakened their system. 

The reason they were given that knowledge in a step-by-step system, was because the mind or body of the user had to adjust to prepare for it. Evolve through the gradual use of divine energy. If not the user would have perished from simply gazing at the divine skill inside his mind with his mind as it was from birth. The human body and mind were not made to use that power from birth.

For Noah however, the situation was different. His system did not have a database of knowledge. It was an empty slate upon awakening and was filling in that database on its own. Learning from specific sources. Such as the comment section. People interacting there shared a myriad of knowledge and to access that knowledge system needed new functions. This way Noah gained a function to go to other sources of information through the links. Then he gained a search function to search for the knowledge he wanted. 

However, the knowledge in the source was too abundant and it was hard to find the needed information. The system noticed that just like in the library all knowledge on the so-called web page where they studied was grouped with tags. So the next function Noah found was the filter by tag function that allowed them easier navigation to the needed knowledge. 

Every new level made access to knowledge easier. But in his last adventure, Noah had to binge level up and had no time to check which new functions were opened. 

It was when he studied the ways to save the Doonpine’s branch with Tessa and decided to turn to the comment section once again in the hope that its dwellers might give some useful advice, did Noah found that there was a new function available.

Shortly after posting a comment asking for a way to cultivate a spirit tree creature, he received several replies that he did not understand. It was some kind of code containing six digits. He saw such replies before and when he asked what it meant, people did not give an answer. Some people simply laughed at him. Others went into sophistry saying if he did not know it, then he was better off not knowing, or that he was not yet ready to know and would naturally find out once he is ready. 

So once Noah received a bunch of these codes instead of answers he was about to despair but Ugy came to the rescue.

“User! Have you forgotten about the additional functions I add at every level up? When did you last check the new functionality of your comment section screen?”

“Could it be, Ugy? You solved this six-digit riddle?” Asked Noah hopefully.

“Indeed. I’ve been analyzing the patterns of these codes and information that commenters let slip about them and finally learned what they mean!” Said, Ugy smugly.

“Alright! So what does it do?” Said Noah excitedly.

“These six-digit codes or what they also sometimes called - nuke codes, are similar to address codes used in another - hidden library! And with the new function, you can use these codes to access that hidden library.”

“New function how do I…” Said Noah looking around the window and noticing a new sign. “Oh. Is this it?” He asked, pointing at a small picture of a person in a fedora hat and large black sunglasses, placed near the Search bar function.

“Yes. To open the library it is needed to use the so-called Incognito mode search. This mode will activate once you click that picture of a person in sunglasses.”

Noah clicked the picture and was startled as the search bar went black. 

“The black color means that the Incognito mode is active. Now you can write this six-digit code into the search bar and it will lead directly to the hidden library that these CS dwellers were hiding from us.” Explained Ugy.

“Alright. Let's try these codes that I got recommended as the ones that might be helpful for growing the spiritual tree creature.

And that was Noah's first introduction to the world of Hentai.


Noah appeared on the hilltop gazing at the night city below. A beautiful view of the brilliantly shining streets highlighted by the street lights, glowing buildings rising high into the sky like spires and car lights. Blinking lights of the green and red stars rising into the sky from the distance.

“Airplanes, Cars, street lights, and high-rise buildings. This is a city far more advanced in technology than our world.” Said Noah aloud.

“These are technologies that the people of CS live with. Is this the so-called modern age story?” Said Ugy’s voice.

“Yeah. Looks like it. But if it’s an advanced technology story there’s probably no magic, right? What use would it have for growing spirit tree creatures?”

“We’ll have to watch it to find out.” Said Ugy.

Noah heard some sound from behind and turned around noticing a young man climbing the hill huffing from strain while muttering something under his nose.

“Aah. The view is good.” Said the young man before turning to the side where on the edge of a cliff some strange tree, greatly reminding a woman’s shape was growing.

He walked over to that tree as Noah, like an unseen ghost, stalked him from behind. Noah noticed that the man was behaving oddly, smirking and laughing to himself as he pressed his hand against the strange human-shaped tree, right where it had been curved like a shapely woman’s butt. 

Smirking a few seconds as he stroked the ass-like shape of the tree the man opened the bag that he held in one hand and took out something soft and jiggly.

“Tofu!” Exclaimed the young man aloud. “Let’s see if it really has the feel of a real woman as they said in that video.” He said laughing crazily and stuffed the tofu-thing into the hole in the tree trunk that was right below the shapely but shaped part of it.

“What the hell is he doing?” Asked Noah his eyebrow rising in a bewildered expression but the next moment he saw that man pull down his trousers.

“No! He can’t be thinking of…” Said Noah in disbelief.

“Oh, this gonna be interesting.” Ugy’s excited voice as the man took the so-called smartphone out of the pocket of his trousers placing it right on the romp-shaped part of the tree trunk and swiped over its screen a few times until a video of two people having sex started to play.

“Alright! This is better.” Said the crazy guy pulling off his underwear and stroking himself to hardness as he gazed at the video.

“Ugy what the hell is this? There has never been something like thi….” Exclaimed Noah stopping his words as he saw the man slamming his now hard cock into the tree trunk hole stuffed with the soft thing he called tofu.

“Whaaat in the flying fuuck.” Said Noah in shock.

“This dude, I think I might get along with.” Said Ugy’s laughing voice as they both watched the mad lad slamming his dick into the tree trunk with abandon.

Noah stood rooted in place, his eyes wide open from such a crazy display when the crazy guy groaned and bent over cumming into the tree.

“Ok, stop! Ugy, stop it. Turn this shit off.” Shouted Noah

“What? Why? It just started.” Said Ugy’s disappointed voice. 

“What the hell is this? What kind of sick shit that guy recommended me to see. What is the name of this story?” Asked Noah in anger.

“I cummed inside the World Tree.”

“What the…OK. Turn that crap off there is no point in seeing it. This was definitely recommended to us as a joke. Those people like to troll others so no wonder we got a code like that. But still and outright perverted shit like that. That’s the first one we saw in stories….wait…” Noah stopped his words as an idea dawned on him. “Could it be? Do all those six-digit codes lead to something like this?”

“It may be just our stroke of luck. Not enough information to make a definite conclusion.” Said Ugy.

“Ok, let me out, we are going to check the next code if it turns out the same…” Said Noah without finishing his sentence.

As the story abruptly stopped, Noah returned to his comment section screen and read the next nuke code that was given in the reply to his post. He pasted it into the incognito mode search bar and the next story began.

But watching this story as Noah later found out, was a great mistake.

He appeared in the forest among the group of people traveling with carts like a caravan. Some of these carts were filled with supplies but mostly they had women. Enslaved women. Women of different races and species. There were humans, cat people, wolf people, and even a pair of elf twins. Which reminded Noah of Firria and Bullmen clan Beastwomen sending shiver down his body as very bad premonition settled in his gut.

The caravan stopped at some clearing in the forest and men started to pull the women out of the carts, before pushing them into the forest ordering them to walk in groups in the same direction. Each group was watched by several men as if they were shepherds driving cattle to the pasture.

The groups walked around the forest in silence for some time until one group gave a signal to others. Quickly all other groups drove their women back to the carts, locking them again, while the caravan leader went to check the group that signaled the others about something.

Noah followed that man until they reached the small clearing in the woods where the group of four women stood ramrod still as if frozen.

Once the leader walked up to the men who sat watching the frozen women he nodded approvingly with a happy smile and sent the men away ordering them to start the camp.

“Boss, what are we doing here?” Asked a young guy walking over to the leader. “I thought we came to search for that incredibly expensive tree. And all these slave women. What’s the point of them?” 

“Yes, we did come for that. And we found it.” Said the leader. “Look.” the leader pointed at the feet of the four frozen women.

Both Noah and the young fellow stared at the spot he was pointing at with squinting eyes trying to see what he was supposed to see there but saw only grass.

It took a few seconds before they saw some movement between the grass stalks. Something very slowly wiggled like worms among the stalks, barely discernible from the grass. Strange sprouts rose from the ground right below the women and clung to their legs, gradually squirming over their tights upward and borrowing into their pussies.

““What the fuck is that?!”” Exclaimed both Noah and the young man in shock at the same time.

“That my boy is a Parasite Tree, that we came looking for.” Said the leader smirking at the young fellow's reaction.

“It doesn’t look like a tree at all.” Muttered the young guy.

“Indeed. That’s because it is just a sprout. It should grow to an adult tree to be of value to us.”

“Sprout? What does it do to those women?” Asked the young man, seeing as the previously frozen women started to shake and moan, one of them even collapsed on the ground as her legs shook too much.

“What do you know of the Parasite Tree?” Asked leader.

“Umm. Not much. Only that it costs a hell of a lot on the black market, "said the young guy.

“Black market?” Thought Noah. “This world also has this kind of thing.”

“Yeah. That’s true. But why does it cost so much?” 

“Dunno,” said the young guy.

“One of the strongest aphrodisiacs can be extracted from this tree. And of course, after we cut it and extract all the valuable liquid it can be sold as a luxurious decoration. For Nobles, it has an artistic value. Many Nobles like to have a full-grown grown cut-down Parasite Tree in their house as decoration.

“Aphrodisiac? Is that why these women are standing there allowing it to do this to them?”

“Indeed. The Parasite Tree is a unique plant that leaves its seed in the ground to lie in wait until a prey it could attach to would walk by. This sprout exudes a small dose of a very potent aphrodisiac that works only on women. Once a woman is in its proximity she will be instantly hypnotized by the intoxicating smell and stop in place, so lost in pleasure she is unable to even think. Then this sprout would leave its hiding spot and try to invade their bodies.” Explained the man to Noah's shock and terror.

“They were using the women as bait for that abominable creature? What the hell is wrong with these people? How cruel can they be?” Said Noah aloud.

“Weh. That’s kind of creepy.” Said the young man calmly. It is this calmness of the people gazing at the women being entwined and invaded through their holes by the sprouts growing from the ground, that shocked Noah the most. 

“You said we need to wait until it grows to an adult tree? How long does it take?”

“Approximately two months.” 

“Two months? We are staying here that long?”

“Parasite Tree is quite fragile until it reaches adulthood. We need to make sure nothing harms it and lowers its value. The camp will be built around them so that we can protect it in the middle of the camp warding off all animals.”

“And these women will be staying there this whole time?” Asked the young man.

“Oh no. Not just staying. Growing into the trees. That’s what a Parasite Tree is. It feeds off the liquids discharged by the excited women that’s why it will fill them with such a dose of aphrodisiac they will be sent to paradise. See what’s happening to them? They are climaxing. Over and over again. It makes these women cum nonstop so that they would produce those liquids. In return, it takes over their life-support. From now on it will extract minerals from the ground and inject them with enough nourishment to sustain them in a healthy condition until it fully parasitizes their bodies, becoming one entity with them. These women will be just a part of it. They will become an organ of the tree producing needed liquids. Once it is done it will sprout a new seed inside their wombs. When it does the tree will be soaked through with the aphrodisiac. Then we will cut the tree off.”

“What the fuck is wrong with these people?” Screamed Noah in horror, feeling nausea settling in his head. “What kind of sick perverted mind can think up a story like that?” He screamed, feeling bile coming over to his throat. However, this was not even the beginning of the horror that he would witness.

“What about other women? We brought so many. Will they be sent to search for more sprouts?” Asked the young man, reminding Noah that there were several carts full of women there with them.

“No. The sprout's aphrodisiac is still a bit weak. It does not work on all women. One out of five get hypnotized instantly. On others, it would not work at all. That’s why we bring so many. The fact that only these four were attracted to this place and hypnotized means that others were not affected by it. So they are now useless to us. Bringing supplies to feed them all for two months would not even cover the cost of their resale so we did not bring food to sustain them that long.“ Said the leader with a smirk patting the young guy on the shoulder.

“You, lot, can do whatever you want with them. Have fun with them to your soul's content, boy. But I give you some advice. Choose some for yourself for private use and keep them in your tent. Try to prolong their lives as much as you can. Usually, guys tend to break and kill them off too quickly so they have nothing to fuck for the last few weeks of staying here.” Said the leader and started to laugh as if he said the funniest joke.

“Oh God, no!” Whispered Noah in desperation. “No! No! Son of a bitch! What kind of horror you recommended to me, you sick fuck!” Noah screamed cursing the guy that sent him the code of this hentai. But even more, he cursed the sick mind of the one who made up this madness into a story.

After that, Noah witnessed two months of pure vicious cruelty. While the four trees were growing from the bodies of the four hypnotized women, slowly turning into something that looked like horrendous wooden sculptures with women's faces and body parts growing out of tree trunks, the men in the caravan were busy having fun with the leftover slave women.

Their meaning of fun, however, made Noah sick to the degree of puking. 

There seemed to be no limit to the torture methods these men could come up with to subject these women. They had no sympathy, no mercy. The women were humiliated, raped, beaten, broken, cut, drugged, and killed in so many vicious ways, that there was not a single repeat of the torture every woman was subjected to. This was pure cruelty. Pure fucking evil. Tears streamed through Noah’s eyes like rivers as he witnessed this horror. 

After two months when the human body parts sticking out of the four tree trunks that absorbed the women, fully calcified turning into barks, turning them into simple horrendous tree trunks with faces, the men cut down the trees and rode away in joyful moods. By that time none of the leftover women had been left alive.

Noah left his mind realm in a hurry immediately barfing all over the floor in his room, unable to even reach the basin placed at the side specifically for a situation like this. He screamed in agony, unable to erase the faces of all those horrendously murdered women, to the degree of hyperventilation. He gulped down air as if he could not breathe when he felt Tessa’s hands on his head, embracing him to her chest and shooing him into calmness for several minutes. Then he started to cry. 

As with all horrors that Noah had been unfortunate to witness, this story also left a mark on his mind in the form of a Nightmare. Noah was too lost in his sickness to do anything about it. He managed to only ask Ugy to take care of it, believing he would seal it under the mountain where Noah hid all his nightmares. He never even expected that Ugy would have other plans for it. Taking care of it for the next two weeks only in a much different way than Noah meant it.

Sick plush bastard let it hide in Noah’s mind, making a deal with it. 

The nightmare that this story left was the very Parasite Tree sapling that now grew somewhere inside Noah’s mind.

I had to reread that horrendous story just for this chapter. And I tell you that shit is just not my cup of thing, so I did it 100% for research purpose.

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