Ugly Bastard

Chapter 206 – Infiltration

Two naked men lay on the floor sloppily making out, their noble attires scattered on the floor in one of the private rooms. A Dryad kneeled at their side with her eyes closed and a delighted smirk on her lips. Three other women sat in the room with calm expressions, not bothered by the two overexcited noblemen wreathing on the floor moaning in euphoria rubbing against each other.

Brianna sat with her eyes closed while Samantha sat quietly with a bored expression at her side. Kate sat on the other couch twirling in her hands a strange stick distantly reminding a scepter studying it with sparkling eyes.

“Will they remember any of this?” Asked Samantha looking at Aster.

“Nah. They’ll think they had an ultimate night with gorgeous women. At most, they’ll wonder in the morning why their asses hurt so much.” Said Aster, making Samantha smirk.

“How does it work though? I thought Dryads put people to sleep and manipulate dreams.” Asked Samantha.

“Oh. They do sleep. This is an enhanced version of sleepwalking. Only they…don’t walk. They crawl.” Said Aster, smiling.

“I see. By the way, what about the mansion barrier? Is it ok for the two of you to even be here?” Asked Samantha.

“No worries. We studied the barrier’s effect together with Mom when you three passed through it.” Answered Brianna with her eyes still closed. “It checks everyone that passes through it, and would have definitely sounded a monster alarm if we tried to walk through it, but once you’re inside there's no worry. It doesn’t make an active scan as our mansion's barrier now does. There is a space magic blocking layer in the barrier though, that could have posed a problem for us getting here. But it only prevents any attempt to open a waypoint into the barrier from outside the barrier. It does not take into consideration that a waypoint can be brought inside as we did with the medallion. It’s a barrier's blind spot so to say. So once we passed around the barrier we are now safe from being found.”

“I see. This skill is quite astonishing.” Said Samantha.

“It sure is.” Said Brianna smiling.

A few moments later a small spider quickly ran into the room from under the door and Brianna’s eyes snapped open.

“Found it. If you follow that little fella’s direction he’ll guide you to the armory. It’s in the basement of the Inner part of the Mansion quite away from here, but the servants' passes are free. It seems they let go all servants for today to keep privacy to this perverse party. My little friend says there are several layers of guards in that part of the mansion and the mercenary living quarters are just over it to the left from the stairs to the basement. There seems to be a pattern for the knock to open the door to that part of the mansion, that the guards from outside use to signal for those who are on the other side.” Explained Brianna before tapping the pattern. Samantha listened carefully before nodding.

“I’ll come out once you pass the first door. There are two guards in front of the door and two more in the room right behind it. Five guards over at the armory entrance. Four are playing cards and one is watching the stairs. If the guards at the front of the door disappear it may attract unwanted attention from anyone passing by. I’ll use my puppeteer skill to manipulate them to buy you two enough time to get to the armory.”  Explained Brianna before glancing at Aster. 

“Enough playing. Let’s go.” Said Brianna to the Dryad smirking at her disappointed face.

“Ooo. I was just about to make them do the dirty.” Said Aster, sounding disappointed and stood up to walk toward the other women. 

“What about Lilly?” Asked Samantha, glancing at Brianna.

“She is doing fine. Everything went just as planned. She made contact with William and managed to take him into the study room just as agreed. Don’t worry, I’ll keep my eyes on her.” Said Brianna, reassuring Samantha.

Aster grabbed Brianna's hand and they both disappeared into Noah’s mind realm leaving only a medallion on the couch.

Samantha picked up the round metal and stuffed it into the pocket before bending over and stretching her hand to a small spider.

The spider quickly crawled over her palm and to her shoulder where it hid in her hair.

They quietly slipped out of the room and sneaked out into the servants' hall leaving the main party hall and the two nobles that were just about ready to ‘deepen’ their relationship left alone in the private room.


“Fuhh.” Sighted the girl in delight, sitting down on the couch in her skimpy clothes and pulling off her shoes, before stretching her legs while William closed the door and locked it. 

He looked at the girl, his eyes sliding down those taut lean legs as she stretched them and gulped slightly before looking away.

“Better?” He asked, smiling at the girl as he walked to the armchair away from her.

“A lot. These things look good but to tell you the truth don’t feel good for the wearer.” Said the girl smiling as she pointed at the shoes with her toe noticing how William’s eyes skipped to her feet before quickly looking away, which brought a smile to her face.

“I am Melina by the way.” Said Girl.

“Oh…I am…” Started to stutter William surprised. Even her name was so close to his beloved Evelina.

“William O’Sullivan. Margrave Theodor O’Sullivan’s son. Yes, I am aware of who you are, young master. Our madam made sure we knew the host family members when she sent us here. I just thought that maybe you would wish to use my name instead of ‘hey’ or just ‘you’.” Said Melina with that cute smile of hers.

“Yes. Melina sounds very nice. Is this a real name? I heard women in your profession use pseudonyms.” Asked William.

“I…can’t answer that, Your Highness. We are forbidden to speak about private matters by the contract.” Said the girl meekly.

“Is that so? Alright. Melina suits you a lot anyway.” Said William smiling.

“But…” Said Girl smiling at him with a sly look. “I’ll tell you if you tell me something private. Let’s exchange a secret that we’ll keep for each other.” Said the girl squinting her eyes at him.

“Hmm.” Voiced William leaning back into the armchair with a raised eyebrow looking at her suspiciously. “And what secret would you like me to spill?”

“What’s she’s like?” Asked Melina.

“She?” Asked William confused.

“The girl that stole your heart.” Said the girl.

“How do you know there is one?” Asked William.

“Come on, this is obvious. There’s a hall full of gorgeous women that even I am feeling jealous of their looks. But not a single one of them caught your eye? I don’t think so. There must be a reason. You ogled my feet just now, so it confirms that you are attracted to women and proves that my initial guess that your heart was already with someone else, is right. That’s, actually, why I felt it was worth the risk to offer you my idea.” Said the girl seeing the red tin coming to the man’s cheeks. 

“I was right, wasn’t I? Tell me about her. We commoners always dream of princesses and what it would be like to live a noble life. But the clients we usually get are far from those romances that we read about. But you are the prime example of what we truly dreamed of. A romantic couple of nobles that are no different from prince and princess to us commoners. Humor me, please. Tell me about her.” Said Melina bending her legs to the side underneath herself on the couch and looking at William with excitement and curiosity.

“Her name is Evelina.” Muttered William.

“Oh! Beautiful name. Is she a beauty?” Asked the girl.

“Yeah. She’s incredibly beautiful but also very sweet and kind.” Said William, nodding. “She is really unlike any nobles that I’ve known.”

“You are not either.” Said Melina. “You two sound like a good match. How did you meet?” Asked the girl with excitement. Her face glowed in innocence, making William almost forget who this girl was and why she was here this evening. At this thought his eyes glided down from her face to her body where he noticed her barely hidden by the skimpy dress breasts pressed together as she leaned forward, creating a mesmerizing cleavage view.

He quickly looked away from her with his cheeks reddening from embarrassment.

“I don’t mind you looking, Young Master.” Said Melina, putting a hand on Williams' knee. “You don’t have to feel embarrassed. It actually makes me feel happy to think that even though you did not pay any attention to any of those girls in the main hall yet can’t help but look at me. It feels like a compliment, really.”

“I…I didn’t look…” Said William, reddening even more.

Melina laughed with a sweet voice covering her mouth with her hand.

“You are so sweet, Young Master. I know you agreed to come here with me just to hide from the crowd and I will not tell anyone that we did not do anything. This is our secret. If your father asks, I’ll say we had fun with each other. However even if not that kind of fun like they think we can still have a bit of fun in a much more innocent way. I am sure your fiance would not mind it if you just watched a bit. A man as faithful as you is allowed to at least wonder with his eyes. How about it? You tell me some more about your love story with your sweet Evelina and I’ll give you some eye candy just to sweeten our talk.” Said Melina putting both her legs on the couch so that her overly revealing dress flowed to the side showing off her legs clad in lace top stockings held by suspenders that ran down her legs and hid under the dress. She smiled at William wiggling up her eyebrows.

“So? You were telling me about how you and Lady Evelina met for the first time, Young Master.” Said Melina before turning to her side, putting one leg above the other, and sliding her index finger down her tight. 

William coughed into his hand before starting his story while watching the girl on the couch at the side changing through several positions, smiling at him with the same sweet smile that reminded him so much of his fiance.


Two girls in revealing attires turned the corner of a hall immediately attracting the attention of guards by the door at the furthest end of the hall. They both grabbed their sword handles as they gazed at the pair of approaching women for a few seconds before relaxing slightly as they noticed their drunken gait. Both women stumbled slightly as they walked holding to each other and giggled drunkenly, covering their laughter unsuccessfully.

Both guards looked at each other raising eyebrows with smirks on their lips.

“I am sorry, ladies, but you can’t come here. You went in the wrong direction. The banquet hall is on the other side of the mansion.” Said one of the doorguards.

“Oh, No. I told you.” Said one girl giggling.

“No. You said it’s this way. I am so sorry boys. It's all her fault.” Said the second girl.

“Well, I am not sorry at all. Look at these two strong warriors.” Said the first girl looking at the guards biting her lower lip. “I bet they are a lot more muscly than the men at the banquet. I love big, strong men.” She said coming over and rubbing her nail on the guard's chest armor plate.

“I bet you are all strong and hard beneath this armor.” She said, sighing as she gazed into his eyes lustfully.

The guard could not hide his smirk as he glanced at the second guard. But shook his head when he turned to look back at the girl.

“Sorry girls, we are at work. You shouldn’t be here. If someone sees you here we’ll have proble.e.e.e.e.eee…” The guard's whole body suddenly tenses so hard all his muscles were in pain while twitching in spasm. It lasted for a few seconds before passing, leaving him unconscious before he even hit the floor. 

Samantha turned the stick that she held in her right hand toward herself gazing at the blue sparks jumping at that end of the stick with a loud cracking sound and raised her eyebrows before looking toward Kate who was pressing a similar stick against the second guard that spasmed and twitched the same as the first one, before falling down unconscious when Kate moved the stick away from him

“Holy shit. I wish we had these earlier. The job would have been so much easier back then.” Said Samantha.

“Yeah. This thing is ingenious.” Said Kate watching the sparks on her own stick with an impressed expression on her face.

“How did Madam make it? The spark is so small but hits them so hard even through their magic enchantment armor.” Said Samantha with wonder.

“Didn’t you listen?” Said Kate, rolling her eyes. “Brianna just explained. It’s not a magical spark. It’s real lightning.”

“But it works on magic.” Said Samantha coming over to the double door that the guards were protecting and rapped several times in a strange pattern on the right door.

“Did I do it right?” Whispered Samantha standing at the left door while Kate brought her hand to the handle of the right door.

“I guess…” Said Kate shrugging before gazing at the handle in concentration.

A few seconds later they heard the lock of the doors open and right as the handle of the right door turned and started to open, Kate grabbed the handle and slammed at the door swinging it fully open and bashing with it the guard that was behind the door, making him fall.

Once the door swung open Samantha flashed into the room but saw that the second guard was not by the door and stood staring at the attackers in shock before grabbing the sword handle.

Before he could even pull his sword out, Samantha threw her stick at him bashing him right in the forehead, making his head snap back. The man took a step back dazed for a split second before firming his posture and turning his head forward but at that moment all he could see was a gorgeous leg filling his entire view showing him the view of sexy lace black panties before the view suddenly changed to the tiles of the floor from close up and then everything went black.

Flashing forward with her skill once again Samantha got into striking distance before the man could recover from the hit in the head and appeared in front of him already halfway turned, finishing her roundhouse kick to his head in a split second, toppling the man to the ground with one hit. While the man was falling she caught the stick that bounced off his forehead, twirled it in her hand, and pressed one end against the man's side while sending a bit of her magic into the stick. 

The end that was pressed against the man. Immediately started to crackle, sending spasms through the man’s whole body and knocking him off before his face hit the floor.

Once the guard was down Samantha stood up gazing toward the door and saw Kate pulling the sparking stick away from the guard that lay twitching on the ground.

“It works on magic but does not produce magic lightning on the end of the stick.” Said Kate continuing their discussion from before as if nothing happened.

“Magic produces none magic lightning?” Said Samantha walking over to Kate who bent to pick up the first guard that they knocked off and pulled him through the door.

“As Madam explained, the magic generates the lightning but sends it into a small device inside the handle that commutates electric charge in the secondary wire winding and produces a real electric discharge between the points of the stick….Are you fucking listening?” Huffed Kate angrily, seeing Samantha rolling her eyes in annoyance as she pulled the second guard.

“I lost you somewhere at comu…putates? Whatever nerd thing that even means.”

“Fuck you. You’re the one that asked how it works.” Said Kate, pouting.

“I did not ask you to explain how this shit works. I just don’t get why anti-magic enchantments on their armor that should dissolve lightning do not dissolve it?”

“As I explained it’s not magical, so it’s considered as a physical attack by the enchantment.

“I see. That’s what I wanted to hear. You could have just said so from the beginning.” Said Samantha, closing the door once all four unconscious guards were in the room and pulling out the medallion once again.

“Good job, girl.” Said Brianna, reappearing together with Aster once again. She bent down to the two guards that were guarding outside the door and started to weave her silk threads attaching them to their bodies, while Aster sprinkled them with a dose of sleeping pollen to make sure they would not wake up.

Hey guys. Been a long time. I have no excuse. I really was slacking. But not just slacking. I found that awesome series on Literotica with simply amazing plot called Satyr's Play and I tell you it was fucking amazing so I was hooked and could not stop reading. But then as I was about to start writing once again my dead project at work came back to life, even though as half-zombie. So I was super busy at work and too exhausted later at home to write anything. But now that I finally perfected it to such a degree that a monkey from a zoo can now handle it without my involvement, I am free once again. Sorry for the delay.🥲 Well, Enjoy.

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