Ugly Bastard

Chapter 207 – Suggestive voice

Guys need yer help. I used Grammarly for quite some time to proofread and it was fantastic. But they updated it to some AI bullsh1t without being able to use old version. I tried it and it was total crap. Did not even work well even so I fucking erased it and left them a raging 1 star comment. Then I used fucking dozen other proofreading apps finding all of them inadequate or very expensive in one case that I did like. So maybe someone knows a good app for proofreading and check my grammar you could suggest to me? I really don't want to go down the hill of re reading my texts 100 times and then presenting you a text with 1000 mistakes in it still present.😢

“I heard there's a hundred whores at that party.” Said a guard as he placed a card on the table.

“Yeah, each of them is incredibly gorgeous. Servants say there are only the best of the best gathered.” Said another guard as he placed another card on the table.

“Fuck. They could have spared one for us.” Said a third one.

“Hahah. Dream on.” Laughed the three other guards sitting around the table.

“Oi, don’t be loud you bastards or we will get chewed by the captain again.” Said a fifth man sitting aside from the other four while keeping watch on the stairs.

“Yeah, yeah.” Said one of the guards playing cards, but his voice went quieter.

After a few moments, the guard watching the stairs whistled shortly, calling for attention from the others.

The four guards quickly jumped up and hid the card before standing at attention.

“What?” Whispered one of the guards.

“Someone’s coming down the stairs.” Said the fifth guard, and just a few seconds later they all could hear muffled voices and giggles accompanied by the loud clicking of feet.

“Women?” Asked one of the guards, raising his eyebrows.

“Hey boys!” Said one of the women with a smile, coming down the stairs. “Don’t go pulling out your big, hard swords immediately. I’d love to get some foreplay before that.” She added making the second girl snicker.

“Who are you? What are you doing here?” Asked the guard keeping his hand on the sword handle.

“Oh? Didn’t anyone tell you boys? We are here to celebrate with you. There’s been a group of girls sent to your mercenary quarter for celebration. We are your entertainment for the night.” Said the second girl.

“Seriously?” Exclaimed one of the guards at the card table.

“Now that’s what I am talking about!” Said the second guy.

The four guards at the table had smiles from ear to ear, however, as they kept walking down, the guy at the stairs stared at two women with wariness. His eyes carefully scanned the women searching for anything strange, still holding his right hand on the sword handle.

“Is that blood?” He finally asked as his eyes slid to the shoes of the girl that was closest to him.

Samantha stopped with her delighted smile frozen for a second, looking down at her leg before raising her eyes back to the guard, all joy evaporating from her expression.

The guard's eyes widened in realization and he jerked his right hand to pull the sword, but her hand pressed on his, preventing him from unsheathe it. His left hand flashed on reflex, grabbing Samantha’s forearm and stopping the stick that suddenly appeared in it bare inch away from touching his body with a pointy end that had small sparks of lightning coursing over it with loud cracking noises.

“Fuck! Enemy!” He growled before Samantha’s elbow slammed his jaw with such a force it cracked his head to the side, making him sag down unconscious in a split second. 

Before the man even fully fell, Samantha dodged to the side while parrying the slash of another guard. Yet another one was close behind him rushing at her as well.

Kate blocked one guard with her magic shield, while slamming another with a wind blow making him stagger even though the majority of the force behind her magic wind gust was dispersed by his armor. 

The fight reminded Kate of the one they had in the forest when they were hunted by the Dark Association. These guys were no doubt no less stronger than the assassins that they fought back then, but with one major difference. There were no monsters by their side. And just as they overpowered their pursuers back then, these guards could not keep up with the two women for long. The difference in skill was too apparent.

Kate specifically used only wind magic to not make any loud noise that would have followed fireball’s explosions. For that reason, she also made a small wind gust field around her. It did not do much in the fight, but in this tight space it almost covered the entire room and all the noises of clashes and ringing of steel were strongly muffled, allowing them to fight without worrying of raising an alarm all over the mansion.

Samantha parried one strike, sliding herself close to the second guard, making him unable to slash at her from an uncomfortable posture. He tried to punch her instead, but she grabbed his hand while striking with her leg at the other guard, making him block and buying a moment of time. 

Then she hit the guard she held with her forehead, breaking his nose and whirled around, pulling him toward herself by the hand before bending and throwing him over her shoulder in the direction of the other guard. 

When the guard was in the air, she threw a powerful kick into his solar plexus, sending him flying into the second guard and making them both fall in the heap to the floor.

As the second guard struggled to get his colleague off himself, he saw a pointy end of a stick that shone with blue light of lightning that slammed into his forehead a second later, sending a torturous discharge through his body and knocking him out. The guard laying on top of him was in full contact with the one that Samantha electrocuted and was in no better state when she pulled the stick away from them.

Once she was done with her two opponents, Samantha jumped to assist Kate, who successfully stalled two guys to buy her time. Kate parried, blocked and dodged the strikes of two guards dancing between them with magic shields, sending occasional wind gust punches just to stall them but made no attempt to strike back or counter them to knock them off. There was no need to risk. She merely attracted their attention long enough for Samantha to take care of her opponents. Once Sam was done on her side. The two guards were done in and lay unconscious before the panic of realization that they were on their own could even settle in properly.

“Fucking blood on my shoe.” Said Samantha, breathing out. “I did not even spot it. What is he, gay? Two almost naked girls walk in on him and he study my fucking shoes.”

“Maybe he’s not into muscle gorillas.” Said Kate and immediately dodged the stick thrown by Samantha with eyes burning with anger.

“Who you call gorilla, you mage imitation.”

“The fuck you just called me?”

“Fake mage.” Said Samantha.

They both rushed at each other stopping a mere inch away, glaring into each other eyes in a standoff for several seconds before tsk’ing and turning away at the same time.

“Just open the damn lock.” Said Samantha. “We ain’t have a whole night.” 

Kate smiled as she walked to the armory door. She missed their usual banter lately. They seemed to walk on tiptoes while living in the mansion, afraid to cause trouble or offend their host, so they tended to avoid behaving in their usual mocking toward each other that would sometimes lead to spars or stand off glaring just like now. Somehow this felt like their normal team atmosphere, and she missed it quite a lot. 

“Wipe your smile and do the job, you barbarian mage. Use some magic of yours to open this God damned door already.” Said Samantha sighing and shaking her head, but a smile was plastered on her face as well.

“Does everything has to be solved by magic now that I am a mage? Look for the key. One of them must have a key to open the door.” Said Kate annoyed


“Oh yes. This feels so good, young Master. You’re doing it so well.” Moaned Lilly with half closed eyes and biting her lips, while squirming slightly. “Such good hands. You’re such a good man. I see why she loves you so much. I am jealous, mmMmm.” She breathed out half whispering in a sensual voice that sent shivers down Williams back, and reached directly into his dick, that started to swell some time ago and was almost tenting his pants now.

“You are amazing. I like it so, so much.” Whined Lilly lying on the couch with her legs across William’s lap while the young man held her delicate feet in his hands and gently stroked them, massaging her soles and toes.

Every word from Melina strangely reminded him of his dear Evelina and made him succumb to her pleas. He knew that she was not his beloved, he knew that he would normally not do something so intimate and sexually arousing for any woman other than his fiance, yet strangely felt inclined to obey Melina’s every request. 

First she asked him for a drink because she felt her throat was parched. On this evening prostitutes served the men in everything. Yet when Melina requested something from him in that sultry gentle voice he did not want to decline. Her requests seemed easy and harmless so he easily agreed. Not too long after she asked him something else. And then had a few more harmless requests but with every next one he felt more and more inclined to do her bidding and could not find it inside himself to refuse. 

Besides…he could not lie that after completing her requests, the thankfulness and approval of her voice made him excited, bringing him to arousal just from her voice alone.

He could not explain it but it felt very good and strangely made him anticipate her other requests.

William felt the strangeness behind these interactions and the very girl in particular but something pulled him away from questioning it all. He felt strangely dizzy as if drunk, although he did not drink very much that evening. This feeling made him very relaxed and for some reason also very submissive to the girl. 

In no time at all he found himself sitting at the same couch as her, massaging her feet with his cock struggling to tent his pants, which should have scared him as he would not normally do something like that easily with a stranger and yet he did not want to let go of this girl’s delicate feet and disappoint her.

“Good, good. You're doing great there, girl. Now we need a more intimate contact. Give him a handy.” Said the voice in Lilly’s head.

“What?” Exclaimed Lilly in her head in reply while looking into nothingness as if reading something.

“Jerk him.” Said the voice. “Massage his sausage. Milk his viener.”

“Shut up! I am not doing that!” Said Lilly in her head in outrage. “Why the hell did the choices become so weird?! Give me another list!” She thought angrily.

“We need it for the plan. We need him sexually excited. Close your eyes and give him a lefty.” Said Ugy almost commandingly.

“Fuck off, you pervert, I am not jerking him off! Period.” Said Lilly in her head.

“Footsy?” Asked Ugy almost pleading this time hearing Lilly’s grumble in reply. “Look it’s the least sexual choice there. Do him a feet rub. I did not offer you to blow him right? I know it’s unreasonable. But just footsy isn’t much right?”

“Fuck, we never agreed to something like that!” Said Lilly in her head.

“Come on. You’ll just rub him with your feet through the pants. No direct contact there. It’s not even sexual. It’s almost a friendly pat on the tight. Only just a bit higher and with a foot.” Said Ugy.

“Damn. Fine, I'll rub him just a bit, do the rest with your goddamn magic, you pervert.” Said Lilly in her head before biting her lower lip that looked to William as a lustful expression. In combination with her theatrical naive expression, it made him very excited and wanting, quickening his heart rate.

She slowly bent the foot that lay across William’s lap while looking him directly in the eyes and gently pressed the sole of her foot against his bulge while biting her lip and moaning slightly, feeling how his dick immediately swelled from her touch. She slowly kept increasing the weight, pressing at the bulge and making the young man squirm under her from both pleasure and pain.

As she felt him on the verge of feeling enough pain from the pressure that he would feel untollerable she lowered the pressure and gently rubbed her toes against his now swollen dick, tenting the pants.

“Such a manly tool. She’s a lucky girl. Having such a big, strong man to love her.” Whispered Lilly. “Why are you stopping, Master William? My feet need more rubbing. Please don’t stop.” She moaned beckoning the man to continue his massage.

As William continued to massage the ankle that he held in his hands, he breathed heavily making small moans as the girl gently rubbed her other foot on his crotch the entire time, slowly bringing him to the peak of pleasure.

“Now I know why Noah warned me about you. I don’t know who you are and how you can command all these Noah’s skills but now I am sure that you must be the reason for what Noah did to us back then in the forest. I always found it strange that Noah, being so caring, kind and gentlemanly, could do something like that. But now that I got to know you, I feel like I know the reason. It was you right? You forced him back then.” Said Lilly in her head.

“What?” Exclaimed Ugy in her head in outrage. “Of course not! I am the voice of reason in that guy’s head! I am the one stopping him from commiting crimes. You don’t know that guys true nature, dear Lilly, he’s a wolf in sheep's skin. He is a true villain. He is a vicious man. If not for me it would have been only worse back then. But you’re right it’s partly my fault. I could not stop that guy in time.” Said Ugy.

Lilly wanted to laugh from hearing that but this would have broken the charm that she and Ugy out he young Master O’Sullivan under. So she barely kept her face straight. This guy had no morals. He turned on Noah in a turn of a hat. But it seems Noah could not get rid of this voice easily. Or even needed it for some reasons. As for one reason it seemed that it was only thanks to this voice, Noah could produce such a miracle and loan his skills to her with the medallion.

Using the skills from Noah’s arsenal and the spiked drink given to William by one of the prostitutes previously, Lilky gradually mesmerized the man, putting him into a half-conscious state that made him submissive and open for suggestions. But it wasn’t very deep. If she pressed him too quickly or outright laughed, making him feel strange it would have made him pull away and break the hypnosis she spent almost half an hour to weave under Ugy’s instructions.

She did not know how this strange voice did it, but the medallion allowed her to use multiple skills belonging to Noah, that she previously did not even hear about. How could Noah even have so many skills at all?

Previously medallion only gave them the ability to change appearance when they used it at the Threadweaver mansion while Archduke and the Royal investigator visited, allowing them to hide identity. Even back then Lily thought this was simply amazing. But this time it was a lot different. 

Not only did it let her change appearance, making her look almost identical to the fiance of this young noble for the plan. But now armed her with a set of skills that did not belong to her system.

Noah did explain that there was a catch to that when he gave her the medallion that he said would let her hear a strange voice named Ugy speak directly into her head and guide her in their use. However Noah warned her to not do all what the voice requests and think with her own head as it would most likely incline her to do something she would regret. 

At first she did not care about it and honestly barely believed it. How could some voice do her what she did not want? She was more amazed by his statement of lending her his skills. But now after a while of working with this voice listening to his suggestions, Lilly was almost sure that Noah is possessed by a devil. 

This voice was too evil. Many time she had to tell him to fuck off, when he pushed her to jerk the guy off or fuck a few nobles to ‘not blow cover’ as he named it, but these suggestions were just too obvious and as she later found out served as distractions or reassurance for her to believe that she can make reasonable choice herself and decline his suggestions. While in truth he led her on.

Every time he would say it was important for the plan while asking something outrageous and only when Lily was about to call off the plan, did the voice ease off on his demands and suggest another solution as compromise. Only later she found it was not a compromise. The bastard was leading her on from the beginning. This voice seemed to understand her very VERY well.

Lilly agreed to help with the plan on conditions that Noah would give her access to his entire set of skills that would make her incredibly strong while he would be the one bearing the weight of their mana cost, giving her assurance. After just a small demonstration from him she was sure that with these skills she could fight off anyone and would be able to escape any dangerous situation. Even then, only after listening to the plan and the precautions very carefully did she agree to walk through the hall full of perverted nobles, pretending to be a gorgeous prostitute while hunting down the young Master William. 

She was supposed to just incline the young man of O’Sullivan family to come to this very room and needed to make him just one special thing for her at the right time. Yet still she found herself rubbing the guys dick with her feet, which was not in the plan from the beginning. 

She wondered how she found herself in that situation. And always came to the conclusion that that voice in her head played her. 

Her task seemed easy but it wasn't. First was a question of how to make that young man leave the room with her? The other problem was the very room full of perverted nobles where she was as a meat on the plate while pretending to be a prostitute. The obstacle course with very high stakes she managed to pass with not a few of Ugy’s tips.

It is relying on these tips that led her into this situation.

Lily was very eloquent and had some skill in understanding the kind of perverts that filled the room so she navigated through the room with minor setbacks almost easily avoiding any danger of being dragged into one of the rooms and being gang fucked in front of a crowd of men as some of the girls there were. But still one or two nobles would grab her and try to have their way with her who she could not easily refuse to not blow the cover.

Ugy’s help in that regard was very appreciated. Although he did push her to have some fun with nobles there, after just a few refusals from Lilly, he stuck to the plan and helped her get out of any sticky situation. This voice in her head that came from medallion was incredibly potent in understanding people and their psychology…or he was just very good at understanding all these perverts gathered in this mansion this evening.

Anyway with his help the plan went almost effortlessly easy.

Among the skills that Noah allowed her to use, were such strange things as: On the same wavelength, DOMINATION, Lust touch, Establishing connection, Mindbreak and Roleplay. Using a combination of these skills as the strange voice calling himself Ugy, dictated and her experience of seducing men she played all the men in that room as instruments. Making them do her biddings as a master seductress and slip away from them, finally getting hold of Young Master O’Sullivan. Now it was just the step of making him do one thing that she needed from him.

As Ugy explained the young man would not just start doing all her biddings so he needed ‘cooking’ as he called it. It sounded logical, so Lilly agreed to prepare the man. Allowing Ugy to ‘cook’ mostly as he desired. 

However, she was sure that with the effect of those skills there was no need for any sexual actions to hypnotize him. Even just doing simple biddings they slowly chipped away at the young man’s will to question her and slowly hypnotized him turning him into her slave ready to do all her biddings. He was almost like a pet ready to eat from her hand now.

However the set of requests that Ugy made her choose from the list of strange choices that the skill Roleplay showed her, in the end led her to this situation where they were almost ready to have an intercourse. 

“Fuck. He really led me on with his suggestions.” Thought Lilly. 

Worst of all was that Lilly felt that she was actually strongly aroused herself. And if things continued as they were, she felt that she might not be able to hold herself from actually fucking that scrawny virgin noble boy.

No, she was not aroused from the man himself. He wasn’t even her type. It was the actions she made him to take that strongly excited her. The way he submitted to her and did all her biddings. She never knew this about herself but now that she looked at it she could not lie to herself. 

Commanding this man made her wet more than any of his touches. Damn maybe more than any man’s touches. Moreover this whole plan felt as if it was tailor-made specifically for her. Whole evenings served just one reason - to make her realize her own desires. Surely it could not be so. How could this be? How could anyone know her desires even though she herself just realized them? That voice got into her head only when Noah gave her that special medallion. There was no way for him to form a plan based on her inner desires. Right?

Lilly shook her head slightly wiping away the strange thoughts from her head and looked at the clock on the wall, finding that it was luckily almost time for them to proceed to the next step, that would finalize her role in this plan and allow her to escape from there.

“Incredible. Thank you so, so much, Young Master William.” Said Lilly pulling her legs away from his lap, stopping the massage and leaving the young man breathing heavily, almost on the verge of blowing his load inti his pants.

“Your fiance is so lucky to have you all to herself. She must be so in love with you. I bet she must be calling you everyday just to hear your voice.” Said Lilly.

“Well…we do chat every day…I am the one calling her mostly though.” Said William with his eyes half-glazed.

“Is that so? Such a caring man. She is truly lucky. I have no doubt she’s waiting for your calls every day.”

“You think so?” Asked William doubt creeping into his mind, his mood visibly souring as his expression slowly took a dark shade. His glassy eyes started to slowly regain clarity.

“No good!” Said Ugy. “His mind is open right now and instinctual senses are very strong. He must have been feeling something about his fiance that made him doubt her sincerity instinctually for quite some time. And in this state these instincts out shadow his feelings that usually make him close his eyes on it. Quickly, lighten his mood. Reassure him of her.” Said Ugy.

“No doubt. Who wouldn’t.” Reassured him Lilly. “Girls love caring men. It gives them reassurance that you think of them while you are out of her reach.”

“Umm” said William with uncertainty in his voice. His eyes were getting glassy ince again as Lily sat up close to him and rubbed her finger on his hand, while Ugy worked the combination of skills on him.

“You seem doubtful. Did you sense something from her that makes you doubt it? You should know that no matter how often you call, it will not replace your touch and embrace. She must be feeling lonely not seeing you for long. That’s what you must have felt. Her displeasure from not being with you as much as she wants.” Said Lilly, gently rubbing his hand reassuringly.

“Is that so?” Asked William hopefully.

“I am sure of it. Have you called her today?”

“Ummm. No. Did not have the time for that.” Said William in a dreamy voice.

“No good!” Said Lilly. “This is not right, young Master William. You should call her. Girls need reassurance of your feelings on such a day more than any other. She must have been anxious the whole day. You need to call her.”

“Now?” Asked William with uncertainty.

“Yes. Do it. Give her a call. Let her hear your voice and know your feelings.”

“I am not sure it’s a good time…” Said William.

“Are you worried about me? I will be silent, and the door is closed. No one will interfere. Call her.” Said Lilly adding just a bit of dominance to her voice with the skill, forcefully dispelling all his doubts and pointing him at the magic far talking device.

“Go on.” She whispered into his ear.

This was the whole point of leading William to this room when Lily asked for a silent place. 

Noah has been in this mansion in the past, when he and William still were kids and considered each other friends. Their fathers interacted quite often back then and Noah visited here several times, so he knew the mansions layout to some degree. 

It did not take Ugy much time to pull the memory of this place from within Noah’s mind for his plan, finding the room that had a far-talking device in it and forming a plan to bring William here just to force him to make a call at the right time.

There was one private far talking device in William’s fathers working cabinet that they wanted to use at first, but they noticed that Margrave O’Sullivan led several of his guests there to discuss some matters privately with other Counts. 

There was, however, another device in this room. With just a bit of a suggestion implanted into his mind, Lilly successfully led him into this room although it was a bit more difficult to lead him so far away from the party hall.

“Alright. As you say.” Said William agreeing to her suggestion as he gazed at the device. He stood up from his seat and went to make a call.

A wide smile spread on Lily’s lips behind his back as she glanced at the clock. Her role here was done. It now depended on whether the plan in progress on the other side was successful as well.

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