Ugly Bastard

Chapter 208 – Two sided plan

I am testing Linguix for now. It's to my liking so far and the most closest to what Grammarly have been before that treachery they have commited. Thanx for the advice fellas. It's too bad this one would need money soon.😢 Why can't the damn Office with 3Gb do the same that 25Mb Proofreader does? Fucking microsoft needs ass cleaning.

Anyway, fuck it all. 

Btw, did you guys notice I updated Glossory a bit?

When Noah tried to use his dimension pocket ability through the medallion the previous night, it almost blew Ugy’s mind away. How did he not think of it? No he did think of it, but he did not think of using it this way.

Ugy tried to create a way to pass the skills through the medallion for quite some time now, but could not make it work, so he dropped the subject. But when Noah tried to let another person use his dimension pocket through the medallion, it dawned on Ugy that he tackled the problem from the wrong side all together. 

Now that he thought it over it was quite an obvious answer, yet it irked him that it was Noah that has found the solution even though he didn't even realize what he did at the moment. How could he not see this solution himself?

In his previous attempts, Ugy tried to pass the skill or connect it to medallion with established connection skill just as he did with the appearance changing skill, but it was the wrong concept and obviously would not work as he later understood.

The appearance changing skill was so to say a ‘Static’ skill. Once written into the medallion with all the settings it only needed to be activated and deactivated. There was no need for mana flow control.

The other skills, however, needed more in depth control over their setting. They needed back and forth communication between Noah and the one who used the medallion. They had to be dynamically changed and readjusted. So other skills could be said to have ‘Dynamic’ properties. It is this communication that was needed for this kind of connection that has stalled Ugy, making him drop the idea until he found any solution to the problem.

So when he saw Madam Irene use a medallion to store the object into Noah’s pocket, Ugy had a eureka moment. That was it. That was exactly what he was looking for, and it was right in front of his nose the entire time, and yet he failed to see it. It was Noah’s split moment idea to try it that opened Ugy’s eyes. The dimensional pocket skill even though having a ‘static’ property also allowed a kind of communication between Noah, medallion and the user of the medallion. If he used it he would overcome the bottleneck that he was stuck at.

And with this it opened a whole new direction of skill use that he was eager to study yet had to postpone. Now that the answer was in front of him, Ugy was excited to go all in with the study. 

He needed to make experiment as soon as possible and this event produced an opportunity that Ugy was all too happy to grab at, spurring even the recycled guide function, by forcing the Roleplay skill to produce a fake list of actions just to point Noah in the ‘right’ direction. 

Roleplay skill activated in the important for system advance situations and forcing it to activate in that situations could be seen as a deceit and system could not do that. But it wasn’t like Ugy outright deceived Noah, right? It really did help them in system advance in a way, and he did not force Noah to make decision. Noah came up to the conclusion of this event being important on his own….Ugy felt that he was clean. 

If this passed the rule of no deceit toward user, then it was not deceit. Right? It’s not Ugy’s fault that there was such a loop in a logic that allowed him to point Noah in a needed direction without outright lying to him.

For the start, there were two main questions that needed to be considered.

First, could humans use Noah’s abilities with medallion?

And second, could monsters use it. Monsters were special creatures. They had skills and abilities as humans, but they did not have systems. They had a set of skills that all their kin had in common. To gain different skills and abilities meant to be entirely new species for monsters. So would it be possible for a monster to use the set of skills not belonging to them?

So when Noah asked Ugy to make a plan to ruin the party, Ugy decided to integrate his study into the plan to the maximum. He quickly came up with a plan that would need the use of these new medallion types and lending it to Lily.

However, one study object was good, but he needed two.

“I still can’t believe Nu really agreed to do it this easily.” Said Noah with a sight while sitting on the couch in his mind realm, staring at the big TV screen divided into several sections.

“Sure she did. She’s a monster. Their moral principles are different from humans. There was no dilemma in it for her and the price was quite good.” Answered Ugy without looking in Noah’s direction, concentrating his all attention on the screen.

“Price eh…” Muttered Noah with uncomfortable expression on his face.

“Look…Normally, you humans are just tasty food for the monsters. They were made by Dark God with sole purpose of hunting down humans and for that they were made in such a way that humans would be their main ration. With their sentience, some monsters such as your mates or Nu, can rule over their instincts and go against their principle of creation, refusing to eat humans and finding other ways to replace the needed sustenance. However, it does not change the fact that the human body or their by-products are the tastiest thing they could feast on.

“For slimes like…”

“You’d better never call her that to the face.” Said Yuko sitting on the other couch to the side of Noah weaving something with her web.

“Khem…yes. For Doppelgangers that are very distant kin of slimes, ” said Ugy correcting himself. “ the liquids of human bodies, including mucous discharges, are like chocolate cake to a kid. So there was no reason for her to decline. On the contrary, this offer was very welcome. We basically offered her an all-you-can-eat banquette for free. What looks immoral for you is part of daily life for many monsters living among humans.” Said Ugy.

“Doesn’t it break the monster law of not feeding on humans?” Asked Noah, raising an eyebrow.

“No. In fact, as long as no one dies, this kind of act is considered as an alternative to feeding and viewed as harmless and is even better accepted than Vampire blood feeding. So it won’t be held against monsters. Besides don’t humans partake in this kind of things on their own quite often?” Said Ugy glancing at Noah with a raised eyebrow as if implying something.

Noah coughed into his fist looking away from Ugy, definitely understanding where he was leaning to with that implication.

“But still. Humans actually know that monsters do that and don’t hold it against them?”

“Not humans. Nobles. Remember only high noble society is privy to the secret. And they don’t just close their eyes on it, they even…actively encourage it…if you know what I mean.” Said Ugy whirling eyebrows.

“No way…Wait humans would do that with monsters just to…?” Asked Noah with shocked face. Well he was doing many things with his mates, and they were monsters. But it always stayed as a slight worry in the corner of his mind. How did humans look at this kind of bond between humans and monsters? Would many of his acquaintances be disgusted with him when they know?

But from what Ugy implied to, it seemed almost as if his relationship with monsters was actually was an object of envy to other nobles.

Ugy rolled his eyes.

“Look at it this way. What you people consider a sexual act for many sentient monsters is just that…lunch. They simply feed. And what is the most efficient way to get food? Be good at getting the food. So monsters have to be good at it. Like…very good. Which means there are monsters that are good at giving ‘joy’ to humans. And when you are good at giving joy you’ll definitely be sought after. At least that’s how it would be viewed by a high-noble society that is mostly adherent to hedonism.” Explained Ugy.

“Hold it….you mean nobles may be intentionally participating in acts because…”

“Because monsters would do it so good no human partner would stand a chance.”  Said Ugy

“Fucking hell. I feel like I just got my hands in the very piquant dark secret of humanity. Do they make…?”

“Monster human orgy parties? Yes. From your childhood memories I have found that your father once mentioned to your mother that he was privy to knowing such things happening on some banquets just to let her know what to expect from some of the high society members. But no. Today’s even would not have such type of entertainment. Monsters are given quite high status as you remember. They would not come entertain a noble crowd with a lesser status than theirs. But yeah, a bachelor party of a Marquise family may as well have this type of entertainment.”

“Human monster orgy party. Fucking hell. What would commoners think if they knew” Said Noah with a sigh.

“They are here.” Said Ugy pointing at one part of the screen interrupting Noah’s thoughts.

“Good. I feel almost drained already.” Said Noah glancing at the screen seeing a group of Black Mist Cat's there before standing up and walking out of the house.


When Lily worked on William on one side, according to Ugy’s plan, Nu was doing almost the same thing to his fiancé on the other side. 

How did Keneth McAlister come into the picture in all this? This was the most fun part.

While real Keneth McAlister was greatly delayed to the party, getting stuck in the middle of the road because of his broken carriage, Nu took his appearance and armed with the special medallion giving her the same set of Noah’s skills as Lily, drove up to the Count De la Cour residence in another part of a county. 

Riding a horse that breathed laboriously as if it was driven half to death, ‘Keneth’ looked very disheveled as if he was through hell and back. His once expensive formal attire was ripped in places, even having spots of blood on the side.

“Young Keneth?” Asked Dianne De la Cour the madam of the De la Cour house, walking up to the front door as she was called by the butler. She was followed from behind by her daughter Evelina. “What could come your way to have you in such a state? Where is your consort? You travelling alone?”

“Countess De la Cour. Please accept my apology for presenting myself in such a sorry state before you.” Said Keneth jumping off his horse allowing one of the servants to lead it away, before walking up to the Countess and kissing the back of her outstretched hand. “I have faced a disaster while on my way to the Margrave O’Sullivan son’s bachelor party. This was truly horrendous. My entire entourage most probably dead. I…” Keneth was breathing hard as he explained the situation in a distressed voice, his whole body shivering

“Hold on. Let’s not discuss it on the threshold. You are shivering. Come inside and tell us what happened to you, while having a drink.” Said Countess Dianne with a worried face while looking around at some of the servants that looked at them from the sides. She cought the butler's gaze, before nodding to him as if in a silent dialogue. The butler quickly shooed the gawking crowd away and led them to the private room.

"Oh no, no, Madam De la Cour, I don't wish to trouble you. If only you could provide me with a means of travel so that I could reach Margrave O'Sullivans mansion to report this to him." Said Keneth with worried face, shock of the incident still could be read all over his face.

"It will be done. But you need to calm down a bit. Please." Said Madam beckoning young noble inside.

"I feel uncomfortable to do it, Your Ladyship. I came without any invitation while your husband is away." Refused Keneth.

"Oh do not worry. McAlisters are always welcome guests in our house. As a Madam of the house I have all the right to extend an invitation instead of my husband as a gesture of courtesy even if the visit is unplanned. No etiquette rules would be broken. I insist. Please." Said Madam inviting Keneth once again.

"If you really invite, Madam...." Said Keneth still sounding doubtful. 

"I do."

"Forgive me for the trouble." Muttered Keneth reservedly.

"No problem. Came join us for a tea inside and tell us what exactly happened while we ready the carriage." Said Madam smiling amiably.

"Alright. A bit of tea would be very welcome, Madam. Lady Evelina." Said Keneth bowing to both ladies before walking into the mansion.

"This was a disaster." Thought Countess Dianne. She knew that her husband skimped on the security of their territory lately. Could it be that this young Noble son has been afflicted by disaster because of that? She did hear rumors that some bandit groups started to take root in nearby lands, feeling easy prey because of the lack of patrols in their territory, as wolves sensed wounded animals.

If this was the cause of Counts McAlister's trouble, their family would face not a small amount of backlash from all other families, which in their present family’s state could be a true disaster. She had to do something to mum the problem before it reached someone's ears. 

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