Ugly Bastard

Chapter 29 – They paid for it

Noah appeared on his bed and immediately jumped up from it, rushing to the basin with water, where he threw up his whole dinner.

*Well that was a short ride, yet quite an interesting source of information. In my opinion it was several times more useful than that "Magician genius" story we read last time.*

"Shut up! Just shut up, please. God!" Said Noah with a half crying voice. "What the hell did I see? There was a woman that made people's wishes come true in the most wicked way. The girl had her hands turned to giant scissors, with which she killed her classmates! All those dead bodies, all that blood, all the innards laying on the floor. Their screams. They are still kids for Gods sake. Damn it, I've seen it as if I was really there. As if it happened in the real world. Who can make stories like that? What wicked mind is capable of producing this?" Cried Noah and threw up again. After that he wiped his mouth and sat on the floor.

"That girl that fell in love with a boy she bullied and tortured before. She wished to become good for him. But that creature made her an immortal and that boy…oh God. He tortured her, stabbed her, cut her parts off. HE PUT NEEDLES INSIDE HER…No, no I don't even want to remember this! And he even smacked with a frying pan to insert them deeper? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD THESE PEOPLE LIVE IN? It's no wonder the people in CS are so crazy. In their world they are used to such things?"

*In defence of their world, I might say that for them it's just stories they read. It is for you only these stories are compiled from the very thoughts the author put into it, making them no different from reality. You suffer far worse than any of them did. Well on the bright side, your gains from it are unimaginably larger too. You get real life skills.* Said system.

"I need a rest." Said Noah. "I can't repeat that again. Not so soon."

*I suggest we try them in changing order. A good for the soul story after every crazy dark and gore like this one. This might lessen the after effect.* Suggested system and Noah jumped up from the floor to throw up in a basin again.


Noah came to the guild in the morning with such a haggard look that Lina stressed over him being sick for a few minutes asking him to take a rest, however he just asked to register him for a hunt in the south hunting ground and went out without even bothering to talk with her. Still Noah did not forget to ask about North hunting ground again to not seem suspicious of knowing what happened there. When he was refused (like he expected) as this area was considered too dangerous for newbies until the investigation and hunt of unidentified high level monster in the area that was reported yesterday was complete. Noah then asked for another suitable hunting ground, which was the south hunting ground. 

It was also known as rocky mountains, as It was a difficult terrain with big stones and rocks everywhere. The ground was mainly hard barren and littered with gravel earth. The monsters there were different than in the forest that he was used to. He had to watch out for poisonous vipers that could blend with the surroundings so well, even good scouts sometimes get bitten. Although they were weak monsters, poison was quite potent and the people going here always had to have antidotes with them. That however did not apply to Noah as he had at least two methods of fighting it. First his skill /Cure poison with poison/, and the other is cute little green poisonous slime that could actually absorb the poison from within the body.

Other than that there were also rocky rats that hunted in groups. As long as you don't waltz in their nest, numbers should not be too overwhelming for a newbie.

As the wolf hunted, Noah sat on one of the rocks watching the terrain below. He opened the skill list that he did not manage to check with all the things happening and this time checked the details of all the new skills he got from yesterday's rampage.


//Raises the basic stats, instincts and reflexes of the user several times of their original. However, the user loses his rationality. Also becomes very aroused. Not recommended to use near females//

"I see. This ones quite clear in it's use and dangers to me already. Next." Said Noah.

//The source of all horny//

//User exudes the strong aura of arousal, making everyone nearby titillated and lustful. The closer to the user his target is the stronger the effect, with touching the target giving the most effect.//

"Oh! So that's why those women were so aroused. The longer they fought me in close combat the stronger the effect on them was. And those I directly touched were the quickest to succumb."

*Sigh. Heavily breathed out Noah.

"However, that skill name….System, why do I have this really, really bad feeling from it having only a one single word difference with the legendary demon lord's skill /The Source of all evil/?" Said Noah with a dispirited look. "What am I, a degenerated version of demon lord?"

*Or an upgraded.*

"So you ignore the "Demon Lord" part eh? The damned, the unholy, the blight of the world, rejected by the whole world ungodly, wicked monster part does not concern you as I see."


"As I thought." Muttered Noah and checked the next skill in the list.

//He who hears the call(Passive)//

"Bet that's another weirdo, ain it?" Said Noah before reading further.

//Can answer the call. Can only be used when in mind realm.//




*I am not sure myself. The information we gathered last night was the prerequisite to the skill. Also some data gathered from analyzing "that" thing also was used. I can theorize it as a way of connecting to other people through dreams.*

"That thing huh?" Said Noah thinking back to the thing, he and the system agreed to not discuss and touch. 

After the crazy woman barged into his dream and messed around within his head, there was one thing that was left as a long lasting after effect in the darkness of that world. A huge crack in space where that mad lady broke into his world from, was left there as a permanent occurrence. System tried to close it, however that crack exuded strong divine power that could mess even with the system's functionality. Moreover, while the crack seemed tranquil and harmless if not paid attention to, even just mentioning and paying attention to it, made that crack somehow lively and active, as if it roused the lost connection."

System had a theory on this occurrence. Whoever that lady was, she lost her connection from her side, when Noah disoriented her with his skill. Moreover her skill has a long cooldown. So she can't establish a connection again for a long time from her side. However it still was open from this side and skill has lots of leftover power of divinity that the woman poured into it. Also it operates by the power of thought. Concluding it all, if Noah put too much thought into it, he would reestablish connection to that crazy woman again. And Noah and the system both understood it well, that they might not live through another encounter with her. Hence the decision to not mention that thing ever again, until they find the way to close it or be confident in facing the doom lady.

*You are thinking about it.*

"Oh damn!" Said Noah and tried to move his thoughts elsewhere in a hurry. "So anyway this skill has something to do with establishing connection between minds then, right? But what does "answer the call" mean? Someone must call me to make a connection? Just like the wicked creature from last night's story, that could come if you called her? But in the story, there was some kind of legend circulating about that creature. That's how they knew how to call it out. How do I make people call for me too?"

*That is some food for your mind as a user. All I can do is gather information and give you the skill when all the prerequisites are met.* Answered system.

*Sigh. "It's always so difficult with you. Alright, the last skill…." Said Noah reading the next skills description.

//On the same wavelength//

//Allows to synchronize the minds//

"That's another one that's quite obscure."

*Not really. This one I can explain quite well.*

"Huh? Really? How so?"

*Well, you see, this skill we actually already used once so the effect is quite probed already.*

"We did?"

*Yes, in the berserk mode.*

"Oh. Then." Said Noah with a strange look on his face. He still did not know how to feel about it. From one point of view what he did was the worst kind of immoral shit move anyone could have ever done. From the other hand he did it to the wicked people that did a lot of immoral shit and quite deserved it. It could be said to be their karma. However, that did not make him feel better for doing such a thing. He was raised with ethics and morals. His father was an example of a great man of justice and honor. Noah always held his image as the moral compass of his own life. Now though, he had smeared all what he was taught by him.

"So what's the effect of it?"

*First thing, do you understand what the same wavelength means?*

"Not really."

*Well if explaining it simply. Imagine all your thoughts and state of mind as a kind of music you play. Every thought is a note you make. All your thoughts make one tune of your mind. This tune can be called wavelength in scientific terms.*

"I see."

*Good. Next imagine you trying to pretend to be someone. No matter how good you disguise yourself as that person, you can never be that person. It's the same with the tunes of your mind. Tunes are very complicated and never can be identical. However there is an exception.*

"Exception? But you just said there is no such thing as the same tune.*

*Well that's why it says ON the same wavelength. Not just THE same wavelength. The difference is that two people madly concentrate on one and the same thing. On one single thought. The tunes will be so similar they can almost be confused as to which one is whose."

"One thought? Like what?"

*Like: fuck*


*You see, when you madly slammed those girls. The need to fuck was the only thought that outclassed everything else. Making you and those women in tune.*

*Huuuugh. Breathed out Noah heavily, facepalming.

"I see. So how does that help?"

*Please check your homework folder*

Noah did. Then he suddenly jumped to his feet


"System what is that?" Said Noah looking at the screen with round eyes of pure shock.

*Loot.* Said system with a voice as if it shrugged its shoulder.

"Loot? You looted those women? How?"

*All items, like magic swords or space pocket rings, are locked by the user's imprint that can't be opened by other people. It has the principle of wavelength. Once you and that person have very similar wavelengths. Taking a peek at their wallets was as easy as taking a thought for me. So while you were busy "tuning" those women. I borrowed a few things from their magic space pocket items.*

"Not only I raped them! I also robbed them clean?"

*Well that is one point of view. The other point of view is they paid for the best fucking of their lives.*

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