Ugly Bastard

Chapter 30 – The will of D

The door slid open bringing the sound of music and laughter into their room. The woman that entered held a tray with plates of food. She came over to the table in the middle of the room and placed the tray on it.

"Eat something. You look like you'll fall over any moment now." Said the woman in the long shiny dress with a big decollete showing off the deep valley of her opulent chest. Her long hair was made into an elegant bun. Every move she made exuded sensuality and temptation exiting the basic instincts in any male that saw leaving none that would not be seduced with her beauty. After placing the tray she sat on the chair behind the table.

"Thanks." Said Samantha, slightly lifting the head of sleeping on her lap, Lilly and placing the head on the pillow she took from behind her back. Once she was sure that girl did not wake up from her movements. She stood up and went toward the table, sitting on one of the chairs in front of the gorgeous woman that brought food.

"So you want to talk about it?" Asked the woman when Samantha sat in front of her and picked some food from the tray and started to slowly eat.

"Not now, Bell. We need to clear our heads after the shit we were through." Said Samantha.

"Okay. But you can always talk to me Sam. I'll always be there for you and your sister." Said the woman.

"I know." Said Samantha and her voice started to quiver. "Just give us some time please."

"Alright. You can stay in this room tonight. No one will bother you here. I'll get the money later tomorrow." Said Bell.

"Thank you. I will return everything, once we get to the base. I promise." Said Samantha

"Don't worry about that now, girl. Just get some rest. You were there for me when I was at my lowest. I will not let you suffer alone now. Just make sure you and your girls get better." Said Bell.

Samantha stood up from her chair and came over to her friend hugging her dearly.

"Thank you Isabella." Whisperer Sam not trusting her own voice to be firm. "Thank you."

"Shhh. Shhh. It's ok my dear" Said Isabella hugging her back. "It will be alright. You'll get the son of bitches that hurt you. You always get them. You will get them this time too." Said Isabella soothing her friend and heard a few sobs. In her mind however swore to gutter a bastard that hurt her friend like that if she ever got the chance to.

"So how's business?" Asked Samantha, letting go of her friend and wiping the wet spot at the corners of her eyes.

"Oh it's very good actually thanks to you. After you helped me with that old fool that owned us, I changed our business model a bit here and there. Turned the place into an elite establishment. The city lord himself comes here on occasions. I am even thinking of expanding the business."

"I am glad. The girls are happy?"

"Happy? They are ecstatic. They were lowlife whores mistreated as rubbish on the streets. But now they are all ladies that are being sought after. Many of them are receiving marriage proposals from high rank adventurers and even nobles. Can you imagine that? No one dares to call one of my girls a whore to the face inside my establishment now. And all of this thanks to you my dear." Said Isabella.

"I did nothing much. You are just this wonderful. I always knew you would achieve far more than me one day."

"Well no matter how high class this establishment now is, the fact remains the fact that I am just a whore while you are a high rank adventurer. A free spirit. I can't compare to that."

"Ex-adventurer. And look what this free spirit led me to? Hiding under the skirt of my childhood friend while afraid for my life." Answered Samantha.

"Oh. I don't mind having you under my skirt however much you want." Said Isabella with a flirty voice.

"Oh shut up." Said Sam, finally making a smile. Seeing that Isabella relaxed a bit. It will be ok. She will be fine now. Now one can break Sam.

They chatted a little bit more until Isabella was called away on the establishment issues. The brothel needed the attention of its madam all the time. Isabella stood up and saying, that she'll be back to chat later and walked away. 

"Please try to get some rest, dear." Said Isabella before closing the door behind herself.

Samantha was left sitting in the silent room, accompanied only by the sounds of the other three people. Lilly and Kate were put to sleep with some of Isabella's concocted brews. Dany though lay on the bed with vacant eyes in the same position Sam placed her when they came here. From the forest to the dark associations village and then to the town, right up to this red light street, she never uttered a single sound. As if her "home" was totally empty. But at least she fulfilled all the requests Sam gave her. That gave her hope, that she's not out of it entirely.

Samantha looked at her friend and sighed, shaking her head.

She opened her system window to see how her healing went. When they escaped she found out that her dimensional pocket ring was empty. Not only that thing fucked them senseless, it also stole all their belongings. She could not check the rings of her companions, but was sure it was this way for all of them. Well it was not too much of a loss. They had only enough money for the mission and essentials in it. A few spare weapons too. Nothing they could not buy when they got back to their home. They had a few bases and many stashes all over the country. They were an elite team not some bunch of road side robbers that could be done with easily. Many years of adventuring taught them well. Once they get to the base and stash they'll be back on the horse. And then they'll have their revenge.

She checked her system screen and noticed something else. A notification on the title tab. She opened it and saw the phrase that made her eyes open wide.

/Title: Dragon rider/

Elite title of the most reputable knights squad in the country? Only achieved when being chose by a dragon kin as partner and riding through skies with it, looking down at the mortal below as if they were ants. However the reason she got it was not for the "riding" that it usually occurs for. More like she was "the ridden" one. Even that was like a slap to her. She gained elite title yet was too ashamed of even mentioning the way she got it. After that she remembered the way she got it again. All the details of it. The joy of being "ridden" is the satisfaction of it.

Unknowingly to her, water started to stream over her cheeks. She tried to wipe it away but tears only intensified. Soon she started to sob aloud. She placed both hands on her mouth while shaking from her bowling, afraid to wake up her friends. She did not want to see their roused states. Those vacant and dumb eyes they had. So she shaked from her cry in silence. 

A hand slipped around her, startling her. Samantha looked at the person that hugged her with surprise. Danny stood behind her, silently hugging her over her shaking shoulders crossing them on Sam's chest.

Samantha smiled at her and hugged her back. Crying even more intensely now.

Yeah. She will be alright. We all will be! Promised herself Samantha while pressing into her friend's embrace.


"The dragons will?" Read aloud the last skills name Noah.

"How'd that get here? What do I have to do with dragons? I've never seen one even!" Said Noah exasperated. 

*Well, this one is mostly your own fault. I barely had anything to do to achieve this one. It has something to do with an unbound spirit defying heavens or something like that. There is too little information on it even when I consult the Great Library so I am afraid I can't help with deciphering that cryptic description. We can only figure it out with analyzing it yourself when we get more information 

//The dragons will (Passive)//

//Your will makes you worthy of being called a dragon//

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