Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 889 - Mechanical 1 woman

Five miles north of Bald Mountain. Watermark Advertising Test Watermark Advertising Test

“His Highness, it’s been half an hour, Bran no more reinforcements arrived. And just now the wild wolf came to report, the last batch of reinforcements from the other side, the heavy riding team has returned … It seems that they should give up this group of cloth Blue soldier. “

“Well, there is no righteousness, hypocritical Bran people!”

“Oh, can’t say that, Uncle Xiong. This is a war, and this is also a wise decision.”

“Yeah, you can’t really say that. You must know the relic we have in our hands, but also the credit of the Bran people.”

“Uh … well, I speak the vast majority of Bran …”

The above are all barbaric conversations, which sound a little vague, as if everyone has a walnut in their mouth.

Nowadays, due to the vigorous promotion of the Blan culture by the Northern Wilderness, Blan’s official words have been greatly promoted in the wild land. Among the people in the Beihuang who have a little identity, they can basically say something. Of course, there must be more young people in it. As for the elderly, for example, these veteran generals in the Northern Wilderness wearing high-level armors nowadays, because the habits are difficult to change, and their learning ability is indeed greatly reduced, so the most commonly spoken when they get together is familiar with brutal language.

Oh, by the way, not all North Veterans are here. There is still a young man, or a beautiful girl with soft facial features and a perfect approximation of the Bran people’s face. And it must be said that this level of beauty, even Bran domestic few people. It’s just that Xiu Ting’s nose has a strange appearance on her nose, which slightly conceals the perfect look.

Although she is young, she is wearing the highest-level armor, and from the surrounding northern veteran vaguely esteemed and respected posture, you can know her status is extraordinary. Listening to that “His Royal Highness” title, everything becomes obvious …

There are only two sons of Empress Beihuang. One man and one woman, Tiwu and Lansha. So this young beauty with the gentle face of the Bran people is naturally His Royal Highness Lansha!

Raising the bamboo tube in his hand, Lansha was just called Uncle Xiong’s veteran with two fingers. With a frantic expression of worship on his face: “Thank you for the gift of the Wild Great God. This is the best gift that the Beihuang people have received for hundreds of years.”

“The wild **** is on!” Everyone pointed at Heaven’s agreement. Then a middle-aged pretty man thought of something and looked at Lansha. He added with a smile, “I think we should also thank His Royal Highness Lansha. It was she who borrowed wisdom from the barbaric Great God to bring us this gift.”

“That makes sense!”

“And the old Bran … Horse, Xiu, Man.” The Bran name was grotesquely pronounced. Grinning, “Blanking Bran by the hands of Bran people, there is nothing better than that. Haha …”

In the laughter, Lan Sha pouted, and gently pushed the ancient monster thing on the bridge of the nose, that is, the spectacle frame, accompanied by a strange smile. Another figure flashed in my heart. Eyes of the wild **** … You invented the telescope. So you are a **** of the wild star? Ha ha……

Needless to say, Lansha now naturally thinks of Tang En.

The news about Tang En made a huge noise in him. After successfully escaping the imperial city, she was blocked by the Emperor Beihuang. Even the traces left by Tang En in the imperial imperial city, such as glasses and telescopes, were gradually cleared.

After all, the crazy eagle tribe is also one of the most important clans in Beihuang, but when Tang En left, he slapped and slapped the successor heir, the son of the crazy eagle, Lambite, and the feud broke out. Even the Emperor Beihuang had to consider the impact and simply erased the traces of Tang En …

It is precisely because of this that the honor of invention of glasses and telescopes can only fall on Lansha. As for Matthew Man, it was the result of Lansha’s fight. The idea is also very simple, that is, to give Tang En the only friend he met in the Northern Wasteland Imperial City, a chance to make peace. In this way, it can be regarded as her compensation after stealing the honor …

After a joke, I saw that there was indeed no sign of additional troops on Bran’s side. The uncle Xiong, who looks like a bear, looks at Bald Mountain in the distance, and respectfully asks, “His Royal Highness, can you order the children to level this hill now?”

Since the reinforcements are not coming, it is certainly useless to keep the bait. In such a simple situation, any low-level barbarian officer who wants to see it can understand it and can order it. But now this veteran barbarian who is obviously inferior is asking Lansha for this first, and he is very respectful. The things inside are worthy of fun …

You know, although status can win respect, it may not win respect. Especially now that the battle-hardened veteran generals are more pragmatic than the court royals, they undoubtedly pay more attention to the outcome of the war and the casualties of the soldiers.

But now, the barbarian veteran is asking for Lansha in a very low-minded manner, and the barbarian generals around him are a normal look like this … If there is a general Bran here, see this scene, Presumably you can see something from this.

Yes, Lansha’s current status is not only His Royal Highness, but also the Supreme Commander who led the Northern Wilderness Army to attack aggressively and defeat Bran!

Hundreds of thousands of barbarians gathered by all the tribes in Beihuang, but were commanded by a young woman who looked lovely. In such a situation, no one would choose to believe even if it was said to the soldiers of the Blanc Corps.

But that’s the truth!

Because the situation is now very good; because the place where they are standing is Bran, or the hinterland of the Zichen Army Defense Zone that they have never been to before; and because of the commander of Lansha, they have killed all the way. In less than half a month, we have achieved the long-term battle results of two months or even longer …

Therefore, the barbarian generals are convinced! This service has nothing to do with status, just because a general respects the marshal who can always lead them to victory!

But now that the marshal adult who has been perfectly recognized, at this time, he is a bit distracted and waits for the embarrassing barbarian veteran to call a few times before he returns to God.

Unconsciously, he looked up at Bald Mountain in the distance. Not many soldiers from the northern desert surrounded the mountain. They walked around leisurely and casually, and apparently did not intend to attack the mountain at one and a half. Bran soldiers fighting the beasts on the mountain seemed extremely busy, digging trenches, cutting trees and rudimentary fortifications.

Wave at will, “Offense! Pay attention to the intensity of control. The Shandong side leaves the other side a breakout. Remember, don’t make it too obvious. In addition, notify the Eastern Peripheral Army to open their mouths, if they run away with the small Bran team. Don’t Hunt. “

“Okay … why? Isn’t it better to kill them all?” I thought I asked a little bit stiffly. He scratched his head again, “Sorry. Your Highness, I just ask.”

“Oh, it’s okay, Uncle Xiong.” Lansha waved her hand. Explaining with a smile, “The reason is very simple. There are no signs of reinforcements from the Bran Army in the East. Well, if you are always trapped on the battlefield and isolated, the troops that should have been rescued have not been there. Finally, in In desperation, I had to abandon most of the soldiers after the break. I watched them surrounded and killed, and I could only lead the remnants desperately to break through. Then I fortunately returned and found that I had been abandoned by my superior … You always will How does it feel? “

The veteran veteran leader heard the words scarlet and suddenly shouted, “I will unscrew the head of the miscellaneous superior! Dare to yin Laozi behind. Find death …”

“Just an analogy, Uncle Xiong, and your superior is me.” Lan Sha helplessly stroked his forehead.

“Ah … I’m sorry, Your Highness, I didn’t mean that, really …” After returning to God, the barbarian veteran suddenly felt complacent, stumbling and constantly apologizing.

“Haha, just kidding, don’t mind Oh Uncle Xiong.” After blinking, Lansha suddenly asked, “Do you understand now?”

The barbarian veteran stunned his head and slaps his head, exclaiming, “I understand your Highness, and I will do it.”

After that, I licked my lips, and once again exposed some bloodthirsty vampire veteran generals who were about to turn around to find someone to convey the order. A middle-aged veteran stared at him with a gaze and wondered, “Oh, that’s Whose team? “

In the eastern wilderness of Baler Mountain, the black crowded about a thousand barbarian soldiers ran wild and ran across the battlefield, and the sword pointed directly at the foot of Baler Mountain.

This sudden barbarian army was significantly larger than expected by both parties. It could not help but make the Bran the Great Sword Group on the mountain more nervous, and also made the barbarian team besieged at the foot of the mountain scratching their heads. Suddenly, the latter sent a team of several people to meet the negotiations. However, this did not stop the opponent’s momentum of the charge. It only slowed down, and the more than a thousand barbarians who appeared later remained the same and quickly crossed the foot of the mountain. Immediately roaring, holding up the great axe of the iron rod, and killing the fragile defense of the Bran Corps in a hurry …

Besieged on the mountain is a Bran Great Sword Group. Although they are well located, their combat effectiveness is obviously weaker than that of a strong barbarian. In addition, the number of casualties before them is not light, and the number is not dominant. Naturally, it showed a rolling situation.

“Roar-this is the battle for victory!” Roared and roared, and saw the barbarian veteran who was in this state suddenly furious, “Which team is this special lady? Who asked him to come? I want to stab him!”

“Isn’t that messing up? You have to pack up!”

“It shouldn’t be, we have a team outside …”

Shouting roar, a group of barbarian senior generals were instantly angry at the group of more than a thousand barbarians who were polite to win the battle. To say that in the past, they were not surprised at such messy situations. Because the fighting style of the barbarian army at that time was a swarm of bees. As for the war effort, the hand is fast and the hand is slow, and whoever grabs is counted. However, after being taken care of by the army by Lansha, the generals tasted the sweetness, and then they resented this situation of disrupting military deployment.

At this moment, a hesitation sounded, “This … is it Her Highness Tiou’s team?”

The words were off, and the rage sounded annoying. The generals came back to God, and looked at each other, and all could not help but shut their mouths. Yes, because of the idea of ​​trapping the lonely army and killing the reinforcements, they are guarded by people in all directions around Baler Mountain. It stands to reason that this group of more than a thousand teams should not have appeared here, but if this group is made by His Highness Tiou, then it should not be surprising …

Of course, the Supreme Commander of the Northern Famine Army is indeed His Highness Lansha. But Tiu ’s identity is really tricky, although according to faint rumors, this Tiu should be born of the Queen Emperor and the demon Zi Yi, with half of the Blan people ’s blood, so-called hybrid. But as long as the Queen did not admit it for a day, they really had to respect the High Lord Tiu.

What’s more, this matter obviously involves the secrets of the royal family. Anyone with a little brain knows that they can’t chew their tongues, otherwise a great disaster will come.

“Even His Royal Highness Tiu can’t mess around.” Still angry. But the barbarian veteran’s tone was obviously weakened, and he took a secret glance at Lan Lansha’s face.

Lan Sha looked as usual, shook his head: “My brother is still fighting the Thunder Corps on the Western Front, this is certainly not his idea. It should be just his people acting privately. Forget it. It is not a big deal, let him go.”

Stuck. Zhengzheng said, “Okay, inform the army to start immediately, and be sure to advance the front line by fifty kilometers at night. Then Uncle Xiong will have a checkpoint in front of your troops. You can try to launch a few waves of attack. It is best to fight. Build a fortification in situ. It ’s okay if you ca n’t beat it. The main thing is to attract the Zichen who rides 30 kilometers away in the canyon. Then you, the uncle Hai, take the team into the town, attack the towns in the back and reinforce The team will arrive in two hours … “

There is no map in hand, and no followers provide relevant information. Or, no one needs to provide it. All the maps, information, etc. are in an orderly way in Lansha’s mind. Constantly stitching and combining, like a fine machine that works well, after deep processing these things, it turns into a very specific, even tedious command.

The whole scene was Lan Sha clearly speaking to the howling cold wind. Somewhat funny, even more ridiculous.

But the generals did not show any unusual look on the scene, listened carefully, remembered in detail, and did not make a sound in the meantime, lest they look like something disturbed. Like a group of well-behaved apprentices.

After a while, when Lansha’s last sentence confirmed that the question had landed, the generals nodded in unison, “Yes! Understand!”

Perhaps this action in front of Bald Mountain was really not Tiu’s idea, but if Tiu hadn’t said anything before, a low commander of the Little Thousands would dare to offend His Royal Highness Lansha? This is obviously unreasonable … However, the generals naturally wouldn’t say anything about it. Seeing that Lansha was deliberately diverging from the topic and talking about the war, he succumbed to returning to his army after taking command.

After the senior generals dispersed, the young barbarians who had been guarding near him came over.

He is also an old acquaintance, the guard of the Northern Wasteland City, Andrei. When Tang En first met Lansha, Andre was the guard beside Lansha. It can be considered that he doesn’t know each other, and Tang En’s friendship with him is not bad. After entering the Northern Wilderness Imperial City, he also received much attention from him.

“His Royal Highness, you should not tolerate it, Your Highness Tiu is demonstrating to you.” The relationship is different. Some senior generals dare not say something, but Andre, as a person around Lansha, did not take such care into account. It is a straightforward and straightforward way of saying.

“It’s not that serious, Andrei, it’s just a small battle.” Pushing the frame, Lansha said lightly.

“No, Your Highness. You are very clear. This is not only a question of fighting for victory, but a test of His Royal Highness Tiu. If His Highness gives in, he will be even more wanton …”

“Enough!” A little breath was taken, Lansha looked at the quiet mountain of Bald Mountain in the distance, and the figure of the soldier who cleaned the battlefield above, and said, “What do you want me to do? Take this thousand team, and then On this battlefield with Bran and Tiu are completely upset? “

After a meal, Andre still insisted: “At least, Your Highness should be a little tougher! Your Highness, you are the Supreme Commander of the Queen, personally, Your Highness Tiu is just your subordinate. But now, he crosses the line. It’s up! “

“I know … I know …” Lan Sha seemed to be perfunctory, and seemed to murmur repeatedly, and then suddenly turned his head, “I heard that after this war, you will propose to Xini?”

Xini, Lansha’s little follower, is also an old acquaintance.

“Uh … Your Highness, you are shifting the subject.” Alas, Andre sighed helplessly.

“Is that so obvious? But I’m really curious … otherwise, you answer my question first, and then I tell you what I think? Rest assured, I will never resort to it, and swear by a wild god!”

“Forget it … You said so last time …”

Okay, let’s stay away from the dishonest woman here.

What needs to be clear is that when this machine-like horror woman officially started to operate ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ a cold command without any feelings, like a sharp sharp knife with a bright dangling blade Bran’s defense line is so fragile and fragmented!

This is an incomparable talent, and this is also a natural battlefield talent!

There is no doubt that a handsome with such talents is definitely hard to come by for a century. Unfortunately, such characters did not appear in Bran, nor did they appear in the Gray Army.

So Bran’s situation is embarrassing. It is no exaggeration to say that they are now at the lowest point in the history of fighting against the Northern Famine in a century. What’s more terrible is that after losing the army **** Zi Yi, the invincible Zichen Army seems to have become less magical. In fact, among the frontline legions, the deepest retreat and the most casualties are precisely the Zichen Legion …

Therefore, the gray clothes are now in a somewhat awkward position. The gray-clad soldiers have a firm belief in combat that surpasses the soldiers of all forces in the mainland. Morale is even higher, and there is no shortage of generals. There is also a purple-bore gun, which can change the pattern of war. The prototype of the Changsheng division. However, they lacked a handsome man who can take an overall strategy. Therefore, after the momentum started, they had to enter a more difficult decision period …

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