Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 890 - Dazzling and bright

The grey-clad army, the Chinese army’s big account, and all the high-ranking generals were listed.

“… According to the information from the secret agency, the barbarian offensive was very fierce this time, Bran’s front line was frequently anxious, and the situation was not optimistic. Because of this, the resistance encountered by our army when we attacked was not great. The problem now is that we do Cavalry, so as long as the team advances in the field, they will be attacked by the opponent’s continuous arch cavalry … Although the purple cannon can repel the opponent, this is not a long-term solution. And a small team of arch cavalry in exchange for some of our explosive crystals This is very uneconomical. Of course, this is not the main problem we face now … “

“Wait, here’s our logistics department. I want to say … Boss, there are not many explosive crystals in the arsenal. This thing belongs to Bran’s official prohibited items. It can’t be purchased on the market. There is stock. The black market merchants also left early before breaking the city, and occasionally found that it was too much to pay, and it was not enough to meet the consumption speed. So I suggest that the limited supply of explosive crystals can only be used in attacking towns, otherwise our purple cannons Will be reduced to a pile of scrap iron golems. “

“What! Limited supply? What are you kidding about Pfizer! Our ministry is sweeping the theater outside. There are no explosive crystals. What do you want us to do to deal with the four legs that are constantly coming and attacking? No! Absolutely not!”

“That’s right. If you don’t, you’ll get us horses to form cavalry, or you will continue to supply explosive crystals. It’s not discussed …”

“Don’t be thrilled, you generals. I’m just talking about it, I don’t mean it to you … Well, anyway, explosive crystals can no longer be supplied unconditionally, as for war horses … Look what we have in our logistics department with four legs . It’s all gone. “

“My aunt! What do you mean by this iron **** …”

“It’s not yours who dare to lose …”

“Apart from the desks, chairs, and benches in your logistics department. What other four-legged ones? You can show me a ride …”

Beat the table, blame, yell at cursing … instantly. The army’s large account was in a mess, and dozens of armored generals were all angry and clamoring. The young man being the subject of reproach, that is, Ferry with a few freckles on his face, seems to have long been accustomed to this scene of siege. The old **** was sitting there, holding up the tea cup, blowing hot air, turning a deaf ear.

“Quiet!” Sighed softly. Sitting in the first place, Johia frowned slightly, and Xiumu looked around with shame, and immediately pressed down more than a dozen angry generals. He then turned to look at the previously reported middle-aged officer and nodded his head: “Keep talking.”

“Yes … the most important issue we are facing now is where should the army fight next? If we continue to go deep into the northern hinterland in accordance with our original plan, it will inevitably smash Sharon’s official road not far from the front. That is one of the important military routes connecting Bran’s north to the frontier border … Everyone should be aware of the current situation on the front line. Bran will certainly not allow us to occupy this military route. “

“Hum!” Lengheng sighed. A burly general heard a scornful dismissal when he heard the words, “so that now Bran will treat us the same.”

Middle-aged officers helplessly spread their hands: “You know. I didn’t mean that. Now the situation is different, and public opinion on the world is also increasingly unfavorable to us …”

The situation is indeed different. In the past, the gray clothing army adhered to the principle of seeking benefits for the civilians and stood up against the oppression of the Blan aristocracy. Occupy the stability of the site. But now they are unfortunately invaded by foreign enemies. If they then take a salary at the bottom and take over Bran’s military principle, then the statement will be different.

Very simple logic Anyway, everyone is Bran. Just like the two brothers who are in conflict, even if the other person is not pleasing to the eye, the relationship of blood dissolved in water is always there, can’t they help outsiders bully their brothers?

Of course, the gray-clad army people dismiss this statement. No matter what kind of family they are, Bran nobles don’t treat them as people, and they try their best to put them to death. Why bother with hot faces and cold ass, and recognize this ‘brother’!

However, this kind of statement is now arrogant, and it is undeniable that there must be a shadow of the official Bran behind this, but it is indeed an indisputable fact that it has been recognized by many people. Even in the cities and towns passing by by the army, there are already so-called ‘compassionate people’ who are persuading them to put down their prejudices and chant the unanimous slogan …

Just as believers are the foundation of the Temple of Light, civilians are also an important cornerstone of what can be done by the Grey Clothes. Once this cornerstone cracked or even collapsed, the gray-clad army became a tree without roots and water without a source, and it was difficult to recruit troops, let alone overthrow the Blan noble class.

So, even though they feel very fucking, they now have to sit down patiently and value the issue of deliberation.

Enter, completely tore his face with Bran, and the cornerstones shook.

Withdraw, don’t think about it, that is absolutely impossible!

What’s wrong?

“It’s my fault.” In the silence, Frey, sitting on the left side of Johia, looked a little sighed, and sighed, “It’s my intention. I didn’t take this military principle into account when I formulated the battle plan. Put us in the embarrassing situation of where we are today. “

“No!” Ferry shook his head and denied it. “The battle plan was made by us in the 100,000 Mountains. At that time, the barbarians had not attacked the front line, and we had not received any information on this matter. On your head? “

“Yeah, General Frey, you think more, we blame us all.” Josiah nodded, soothing. A number of high-ranking generals next to each other also offered relief. It was just Frey himself, still shaking his head with a bitter smile and silently.

His family knew his family affairs, and after becoming Marshal Marshal, Frei became more aware that his strategic vision was ultimately insufficient. Others, for the time being, take this Sharon military gist. Because of the secret agency, the Northern Barbarians had invaded the intelligence, and the Gray Army almost knew with Bran. If at that time he could notice this sensitive main point, decisively adjust the main attack direction, whether to avoid it or not. It is still a step before the news of the barbaric invasion spreads. Seize this main point. Cause established facts. The impact of this matter will be much smaller …

But at that time he didn’t notice that, only when the army advanced all the way here, he found that there was a large pit in front of it! At this time, trying to occupy it has become a hot potato. If not, the overall strategy will inevitably need to be adjusted. In this way, the army will cause chaos, and the previous series of deployments will all be abolished. Can’t pit anymore!

Seeing that the atmosphere was dull again, the middle-aged officer who had previously reported hesitated. “The news came from Bran, the negotiating team from the capital is in the nearest town, and hinted that if we are willing to talk, they are willing to make the greatest concession in any aspect …”

“Let the damselfly be jerk!” A hot-tempered general couldn’t hear it, interrupted rudely, glaring at the bull’s eyes and yelling, “Joke! We want them now? Let’s go to the capital, everything is not us of?”

The words are not rough, and the situation of the gray-clad army is now very good. Taking control of the initiative, how can Bran come to the icing on the cake? Then again. The tragic consequences of the previous cooperation are still vivid. Even if it is for revenge for Luosha, they can not negotiate with Bran.

After discussing for a while, it was clear that he would not negotiate with Bran. However, there are three factions about the military main line in front of account.

The generals in uniforms all agreed that since the meat was delivered to their mouths, they would naturally have to eat it.

Most of the senior civilian staff in the gray clothing disagree. They do not understand the military, but they care about the reaction of the people. They also started from this, knowing that water can carry boats, and they can also overturn boats.

There are also decisive leaders such as Josiah and Frey, who remain silent in unison, but if they open their mouths, it will basically be settled. Oh, it does n’t include the equally silent Ferry, I do n’t know if it ’s all about himself, or he is thinking about something. This guy, known by Tang En as a wise man, holds a tea cup and has a thoughtful look … …

Immediately, when a group of civilian and military high-level soldiers in the gray clothes shot the table and stared, when they had nowhere to single out, Johia opened her mouth.

Knocking on the table, the sound is not loud, but it quiets down the lively scene just now. Looking around, the reactionary aristocratic lady of that time now has her own powerful figure of power.

“I decided that the original strategic battle plan would not change.”

“Boss …” The original plan was unchanged, and that was to agree to fight and take over the military mainline named Sharon. A gray-clad army officer was anxious when he heard that, and opened his mouth to say something. But I saw Johemia waving his hand: “Let me say it, I know what you want to say. The good reputation of the gray clothing is that it sacrificed the lives of countless gray clothing soldiers and the people, and it took more than a hundred years to build up. It ’s hard to come by, and cherish it! “

“But compared to our original intention of coming out of the 100,000 Mountains this time, to overthrow the Bran Empire that has decayed into bones, it is not worth mentioning!”

“Honestly, although we came out this time with the banner of revenge and the road was like bamboo shoots, but I always felt that my work was not easy, I was restricted everywhere, and my own restrictions. It was like walking with a precious porcelain, that is, to get praise from passers-by. And I’m afraid that I might break the porcelain. So when we propagate, we only talk about how much grievance we have suffered, we want revenge, but not about the fact that we want to overthrow the Bran Empire and rebuild a new country. Intent. What are we afraid of? We are afraid that those Bran people do not support us and think that this is for our own selfishness and we want to usurp the superior ambition. “

After a pause, Josiah took a deep breath. “This is not right, but also deceiving. That is, deceiving those people, and deceiving ourselves.”

The high-ranking generals heard the words silently. This is the fact. The problem at hand is, on the surface, a question of occupying or not occupying the main point of the military, but it is not. They are well aware that the Gray Army and Bran are now cut off, saying that they are two hostile nations. The people in the family are not excessive. In this case, of course, they do not need to care about the life and death of the other country. They want to occupy this military principle. But the actual situation is that they dare not say this relationship explicitly. They are afraid that once they have made it clear, they also supported and welcomed the Bran people yesterday. Today they will look at them with the same hatred as the barbarians …

“I don’t know how you feel, but I don’t like this feeling, like a thief.” Josiah said to herself, “So, this time I decided to hit it upright. Take up this military main point … and then announced to the world. We are the new Grey-clad Army. We have nothing to do with the Bran Empire that is so rotten in our bones. Bran soldiers come, we will fight. North barbarians come, we will fight, But this has nothing to do with the outside world, just because they broke into our territory! “

Bang, slap at the table, the hot-tempered general just said with excitement: “Well, that’s the truth! No wonder I always feel uncomfortable. Or is it the boss who speaks transparently … uh, hug, sorry, boss Look at my broken mouth! I’m not really swearing at you, I … “

“Haha …” In the large account of the army, just now, because of Josiah’s remarks, the atmosphere was a little indifferent, and was immediately destroyed by the stammered general who apologized.

Josiah waved indifferently and continued: “From now on, we must show our banner. Fight for ourselves. As for the reactions of the Bran people, we welcome them if they continue to support them. If they are strongly opposed We are not in trouble, and they will be arranged to go to the Bran Empire after the war is … Of course, if there is still the Bran Empire at that time. “

“Haha, I love to hear that!


“The leader is mighty …”

Most of the people sitting here are flat-bottomed men, not the members of the Parliament of the Bran Empire. So as long as the atmosphere eases, then the rhythm of serious deviation is very happy.

In the applause, Ferry applauded and clapped his palms, and got up and laughed: “Since it is two hostile countries. Home, there is nothing to say. Isn’t Bran’s uneasy and want to see our joke. Why not let us know The news said that it was Bran’s army who came forward provocatively, and then we logically took up this military principle? “

“Uh …” Johia couldn’t help but hesitated, and quickly thought about the gains and losses, and found that it was good for them. And it doesn’t conflict with her plan, it just happens to be a good supplement … Well, it’s just that the method is a bit detrimental.

“Well, that’s a good idea. Not only has the reputation gained, but the military principle hasn’t fallen, it’s the reason why the division is famous.” Although Johia’s words have already opened the hearts of the people, the senior civilian officials at the half-time meeting still do not want to be thorough Lost his fame, now he hears Ferry’s idea of ​​doing both things, and he is overjoyed in favor.

The generals have no opinion on this, but they don’t think so complicated. They just think that this way they can occupy the main point of the military and be angry with each other, which is great.

Frei patted Pfizer’s thin shoulders, with a serious face: “Consume, don’t do it in the logistics department, which is where men should be. It’s better to be transferred to the combat team, believe me, you It has the potential to be a sly fox on the battlefield! “

“Hehe …” Ferry heard a smile without saying anything, and made a joke. With his small physique, he was transferred to the combat team. It is difficult to say whether he can become a fox on the battlefield, but the dead fox should be properly thought of.

Frey just made a joke, seeing that Ferry didn’t respond and didn’t care, and continued to laugh and asked: “Since all the ideas have come out, then incidentally solved the remaining problems together. Then the provocative Bran army Where … uh, wouldn’t you want our soldiers to pretend? “

“How can that be, the sword has no eyes.” Ferry’s eyes flickered with goblin, waving his hand quickly, “I’ve thought about it, that’s not the military way. Now that Bran’s front line is so tight, there must be many The material team passed here and was transported to the front line. This is the ‘provocative Bran Army’. We intercepted the past and not only occupied the military mainstay, but also made a fortune. Haha, look at this idea How about … huh? Why don’t you talk and give some advice … “

Not only was Frei speechless, in fact, when Ferry entrusted the plan and the plan, the army’s big account was silent. Everyone looked at the guy who mentioned Da Lao for a while, and even his eyes were radiating gold coins, and he was completely speechless.

A moment later, Frei shook his head silently: “I was wrong, you are not a sly fox on the battlefield, you are an eternal rooster forever. Still be honest to show your talents in the logistics department, the combat team can’t stand your great god!”


“Haha …”

There is no doubt that ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ the problem belonging to the gray clothing is solved, then the trouble comes to Bran.

I have to say that Bran has been really bad in the past few years. Today’s Beihuang tribe, the gray clothing army. One is outside, the other is inside, there is no connection between the two, but now they are tacitly doing the same thing, that is, constantly shaking and destroying the foundation of this behemoth.

Time is really interesting.

Bran Empire, the king who stood for hundreds of years on the Nishizawa continent. With the accumulation of years, it has become luxuriant and ingrained. But it is also because of the elapsed time that it also becomes more like a broken ship, full of scars and crumbling.


(Ps: This chapter and the previous chapter may not be pleasing to write. But this is a necessary pavement. So, book friends, please be quiet and quiet. Also, please ask for a recommendation. This writes to Now basically there are no regrets, but the number of recommended votes is a bit shaky. So-called people must be kind-hearted ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ to vote. So I hope that you can develop the daily chapters after reading the updated chapters, and then log in The raccoon cat voted for recommendation. Well, the principle is that two are not too few, ten or eight are not too many, ha … to be continued …)

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