Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 930 - Take the sword down the mountain

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This situation is not without, but rarely. As Tang En said before, the masters contend for the slightest line. In fact, the so-called slightest line is actually the difference of nature.

Tang En didn’t know whether the strength of Bamutu and Woodin was high or low, nor could he know. Without that height, it’s impossible to see completely. Just as a person on the middle of a mountain can never know the scenery on the mountain.

However, Tang En can guess that Ba Mutu was defeated under Woodin’s sword and kicked out of Bran a dozen years ago. Ten years later, although Bamutu worked hard, Woodin couldn’t make any progress. So when Tang En wanted to come, Bamutu’s current strength should still be a little worse than Woodin.

Of course, in the past, of course, it was irrelevant to Bamutu that he suffered a fiasco defeat, but now Bamutu was on the same boat as him, and all was damaged. Because of this, Tang En is now keen to engage in these pre-war small moves, and it’s really not just a joke …

If it is possible, if you are a master, you do n’t want to face it up. Even as a spectator, it ’s fun to watch?

However, now that the prospects for the survival of the gray-clad army are involved, it is even more critical that both Tang En and Bamutu have not grasped the whole wood and retreated. Tang En was decisively shameless, leaving nothing on the table, insignificant, despicable, and so on, all left aside. As long as you can think of it, as long as it works, Tang En doesn’t mind trying various small moves in turn.

There are killers, assassins, professional ethics. Tang En still has it, so there is no guilt at all. in contrast. Tang En thinks this is virtue!

Just go and do it. Even small gestures that seem inconspicuous. It always has some effect! It doesn’t matter if it’s weak or even ignored. It can slowly accumulate and slowly brew, and quantitative changes can always cause qualitative changes …

Isn’t it?

Okay, let’s look away for now.

Just in the gray clothing army killed the Quartet, stirred up the situation; just when Tang En was holding the spirit of Yu Gong to move the mountain, he rushed to the west for a limited time. Bland Metropolis, the teacher who is responsible for teaching the emperor Wang Ting. As the only contact person between Wang Ting and the sword **** Woodin, Haita set foot on Woodin again.

“… Master, this is the situation now. Tang En’s whereabouts are still unknown, but the Gray Army has made an unusually large offensive. It broke through the encirclement and penetrated into the northern hinterland. The Northern Armament Office is now unable to suppress, sending several reports of help … … “

“Talk about your judgment.”

“Two possibilities. One is that Tang En has an accident, and the gray-clad army retaliates. Master you know, that the gray-clad army leader, Johia, and Tang En are in a love relationship, so after confirming that Tang En’s accident happened, It is very possible to choose to ignore revenge on Bran. There is another possibility. That is, Tang En has returned safely. Josiah has no scruples, so he leads the gray army to provoke war … “

“Which one do you think?”

After a moment, Haita loosened the loose neck button and groaned for a while. She gritted her teeth and said, “First. Master, our previous calculation was still too one-sided. I thought that killing the barbarian commander-in-chief, the barbarian army would Retreat. But the situation at the border has deteriorated so much that even if Tang En succeeds, the barbarian army will not be able to choose to retreat after occupying the border line of defense. This is an excellent opportunity for them to wait for a long time … This is the actual situation now. Although the barbarian army has not drove straight forward, there is no sign of retreat. Instead, it is overhauling the city wall and intending to consolidate the rear … “

Pausing for a moment, glancing at the undeniable Woodin, Haita pouted again, “I also concluded in turn that Tang En had already lost his judgment, because if Tang En really killed the barbarian Supreme Commander, the tribe would definitely not He will give up, at least send troops to chase, rather than as calm as it is now. “

Wenslin, sitting quietly aside, heard the words and nodded, apparently agreeing with this inference.

And after being silent for a while, Woodin looked up at Haita’s look, but asked slowly: “You were a little hesitant before making a judgment, what else did you say?”

“Well, I can’t hide it from my master.” Heta nodded and frowned when he heard the response. “In fact, it’s not concealing, but I think it’s too much … too absurd!”

“Oh? Tell me.”

“Master, you know, although we also hung the gray clothing army by our mouth, we didn’t really care about it, we only identified the enemy of the Northern Waste Tribe. But now the gray clothing army has grown its wings, especially for a few days After officially breaking through the blockade and breaking into the hinterland of the north, it can now pose a real threat to the stability of the empire! The military side has also collected some information on the combat status of the gray army, ready to analyze it in detail, and then transfer it from the south. The paratroopers went to suppress. But … but the analysis was a bit ridiculous … “

After taking a breath, it should be that the result is indeed too amazing, and the sea tower, which has been known for a long time, is still looking strange now. “The previous battle situation is no problem … no problem. The combat effectiveness of the soldiers in the gray coat is really amazing. The military speculates that it is no less than Bran regular soldiers, especially they have a weapon called a purple rifle in their hands, the power is even more amazing. Of course, this is not the point, the focus is on the gray army after the breakout, that is, not long ago … … The military says that the commander’s style is very familiar, whether it is tactical command, soldier deployment, strategic thinking, etc., much like … much like the mysterious commander of the mysterious barbarian who previously fought with the frontline army. Or more accurately, it is gray Yi Jun’s commander style is simpler, more efficient, and more powerful than the mysterious barbarian commander! “

When Wen Silin heard the words for a moment, he immediately understood the hesitation before Hai Tower, and also looked ridiculously subconsciously: “Brother, do you mean … is that mysterious barbarian commander ran to the gray army to command the army?”

“Oh, it just feels similar … so I say it’s ridiculous …” He spread his hands, and apparently, Haita was also very speechless about the results given by the military, and put a smile on his face. But at this moment, Yu Guang swept to the look of Woodin, and suddenly hesitated.

Head down and frown. Woodin wearing a velvet blanket. There was no absurdity in the look. Instead, he meditated thoughtfully. His complexion changed.

“Master …” Haita froze when he saw the situation, and his thoughts were equally brilliant, but it was still incredibly common. He licked his lips and tentatively asked, “You don’t think the results given by the military … “

“Don’t say anything.” Looking up, Wooding’s mouth raised his lips. A few bitter smiles were revealed. He shook his head immediately, and the velvet blanket slipped off his shoulders, waving, “Go, get my sword and go down the mountain now.”


“This, this … this is impossible!” Wooding’s attitude undoubtedly endorsed the jokes that Winsling just said casually, but now of course the latter would not have any joy, shook his head absurdly, and shouted loudly. Yelling negation.

“I didn’t think anyone could successfully assassinate under my eyelids before, what happened?” Woodin shook his head with a grin. “This little Tang, don’t feel weird about what he does … But I’m so surprised that I haven’t reacted until now. Had been playing around, haha, it looks really old.”

Reluctant to suppress the terror in his heart, Haita frowned deeply: “Master, you say so, but what do you see?”

“No clue, or even if there is, we wouldn’t think about it. But …” Wooding rubbed his eyebrows. “No matter what Xiao Tang uses, if we assume he takes the mysterious barbarian commander before Go to the Grey Army. Cause by cause, and then watch the reaction of the barbarian army … Do you still feel abnormal? “

Haita and Winsling heard a shock, and their expressions gradually changed. I am afraid of everything from effect to cause. As long as the game is repeated, the mistakes and flaws will not be exposed, and they will be exposed one by one.

“Think slowly on the road.” Woodin slowly got up, his old and thin body gradually straightened, like a hatchet washed away with rust and stains, like ice water, “Now, take the sword down the mountain.”

Thinking of the guy named Xiao Tang, Wooding’s mood is a little complicated now. It’s like drinking soup with sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, and salty flavors, without deliberately trying out any one of the flavors, it’s just simple and complicated.

There is no talk of being deceived, nor of anger. The reason is this principle, you can’t just allow you to calculate the other party, and do not accept the fact that the other party will put you together. With Woodin’s demeanor, of course, this is not the case, so when thinking of what Tang En did, Woodin didn’t have any bad feelings, except that he was really old, with a helplessness similar to being beaten to death on the beach.

Of course, no matter how complicated this feels, it will not affect Woodin’s judgment. Since the gray-clad army is likely to join forces with the Beihuang tribe, it is the enemy for the old man who has guarded Bran all his life.

And since he is the enemy, of course, Woodin will not miss the opportunity to bring the leader of Johia to the mysterious commander of the Northern Wild Tribe.

Therefore, going down the mountain is an inevitable choice …

Just different from the last time I went down the mountain, Wooding who knew the opportunity was fleeting, did not go forward on foot, but went into Brando City with Winsling, and chose the most convenient and quick way to travel, remotely transmitting the array.

Of course, Wooding, who has always been unhappy with the appearance, even went to Brando City for decades, and did not want to see Wang Ting’s wealthy. He went directly to the space’s magic tower.

Outside the tower, first step back to the sea tower of the capital, and lead an old man with a magic wand quickly greeted: “Master, everything is ready, this is the space magician who took us to the north this time.”

Looking at the apparently hastily found old magician, Wooding nodded lightly, then glanced at the seven or eight warriors who bowed behind the tower, frowned slightly.

These warriors are not too young, and some have gray hair. The youngest and lightest are middle-aged people, and they all look stunned when they look at Wu Ding. With Woodin’s vision, of course, we can see that these people are uncompromisingly aggressive, and the middle-aged with the lowest strength has also entered the air-level threshold. It is no exaggeration to say that one person here is randomly selected to have the qualification to sit in the party.

Such a luxurious and terrifying lineup, even the top elites can’t afford it. However, Hai Tower was able to gather together in a short moment, which is undoubtedly abnormal. However, with the excitement and gaze of the other party, it seems that he knows the true identity of Woodin, so it is not difficult to guess where they came from …

Trill, “Master, bring these royal family offerings.” Seeing Woodin’s displeased emotions, Haita still insisted on making a request. Winsling on the side also bowed in the same way, silently expressing the same attitude.

Such a request with implicit coercion is undoubtedly rude. But Haita has a reason to do it.

Outsiders don’t know. But they are disciples. Of course, I know the Bran Sword God who has been in front of this continent for more than a hundred years and is invincible! No. 1 on the mainland! Now it’s really old …

As old as an ordinary old wrinkle, horizontal wrinkles can no longer find a foothold on the wrinkled old face carved by time. Instead, it is a block of dark or light brown old spots; old enough to feel the coldness of winter, Even if a thick cotton blanket is added, it gradually fails to maintain the warmth of the old body; all kinds of unthinkable and impossible injuries are as old as they are now. Even a little wind chill, a severe cough that can’t be stopped with the help of elixir …

Everything is devouring this once-invincible peerless powerhouse.

Everyone said that since ancient times, beauties are famous, and they are not allowed to see their heads. The beauty is so, the famous person is so, as strong as the sword god, in fact, it has to be so!

Heta knows that this is a great opportunity right now, but who can guarantee that Woodin will go down the mountain again, will he have to wield that last sword? He dare not bet. Don’t bet. That’s why there is a spectacular scene where these royal families worship and accompany them at the moment, playing with their shots. Replace Woodin’s idea to minimize risk.

For a moment, “Let’s go.” Wooding shook his head, crossed the sea tower, and stepped into the space magic tower. How could he not know the mind of this big disciple and refuse not to refuse, which is the default.

“Get off! Get off!” Sea Tower was overjoyed when she saw the situation, and quickly got up to greet the space magician and the royal families, and they rushed in.

After a while, a mysterious light emerged from the top of the tower, this luxurious lineup of horror teams officially embarked on the journey …

As mentioned earlier, the teleportation array is indeed the fastest and fastest way to get on the road. But of course this does not mean that you can reach the northern boundary from the south of Bran in an instant. The long-range teleportation array is not so abnormal. Maybe the ancient teleportation array can, but the ancient law arrays that have been circulated to this day are somewhat incomplete, and the effect is greatly reduced.

Basically, the road that Wooding and his party are taking is roughly the route that Tang En rushed from the south to the north not long ago. City-to-city transmission, the difference is that Tang En was using intimidation at the time, and Woodin and his team certainly did not do so. The space magicians sitting in the tower of the town did not dare to charge up and sign the money. After Haita showed their identity, after taking out the royal token, they had to take the initiative to present the space crystal, and bent down to give it at ninety degrees …

Oh, it’s a little different. It was when Woodin and his team arrived at the southern border, and they could easily step into the northern border with the next teleportation … stuck!

Honestly, the scene is a bit funny. Not to mention this magnificent luxury team, let’s say Woodin, it is rare to go down the mountain and make a long-range teleportation array. It is considered to be in a hurry, and the problem occurred in the first experience.

Turning to look at the old mage who was constantly waving his staff and the cold sweat gradually grew, and returned his gaze, Wooding looked at Haita somewhat inexplicably: “What’s going on?”

“Master, wait a moment.” Haita frowned and walked through the crowd, briefly communicating with the old mage in the space and the magician sitting here, turning around, “There is something wrong, this side cannot be connected to a predetermined northern teleportation array. But the problem should be small, just change the location. “

It turns out that the problem is big.

In the next period of time, everyone watched the old mage in this space waving his staff constantly, chanting mantras … sweating, trying all the connected places. Immediately jumped out of the array, and began to check the space crystals installed, as well as the line problems of the local transmission array …

Communicating the revolving sea tower again, some helplessness: “Master, it seems we need to wait again. There seems to be a problem with the teleportation array. It cannot be connected to any northern position and cannot be transmitted for the time being.”

As we all know, the teleportation array involving the mysterious space mystery is a very fine thing. Not to mention that there must not be a slight deviation in the transmission step, even the matrix itself is extremely prone to various problems. Therefore, no matter when or how bad this array is, it will not surprise you.

Therefore, when this law formation cannot be transmitted at present, Haita and others subconsciously think that there is something wrong with the law formation here, and they do not expect that a **** has destroyed all the northern transmission formations that can connect to the south …

Woodin frowned and asked, “How long does it take to fix it?”

“This … it’s hard to say ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ It’s still the problem, that is, it involves space, and it also involves ancient law formations. Haita can’t guarantee that this law formation can be repaired immediately, or it takes ten days and eight The Japanese side can operate normally.

After pondering for a while, Woodin asked again: “How far is it from here to the north?”

“There is still a long way, uh, master, do you want to …” After understanding Woodin’s meaning, Haita’s look suddenly changed, and he thought hard and resolutely shook his head against it, “No! Absolutely not!” Wooding’s downfall was a burden. If the road is bumpy and tired, then Woodin’s old body …

“You know how rare this opportunity is, it has something to do with the empire’s life and death! Moreover, I’m not too old to walk!” Shen Sheng shouted, and Woodin ignored the Haita and waved his hand and ordered, “Choose a recent The route comes out and starts immediately. “

He persisted for a while, and saw that Woodin’s expression became more gloomy, without any intention to change his mind. The old mage over there had no clue, and Haita had no choice but to bow his head: “Go to the nearest port to take the waterway, take the waterway closer …”

………… (To be continued …)

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