Ultimate Assassin System

v3 Chapter 931 - Just so wayward

For Woodin and his team, the so-called distance is not actually distance, but more about the ease of driving. ()

If you travel by land, the carriage will definitely not work because of the poor road conditions between the north and the south. And choosing to fly, it takes energy. But it is different to go by water by boat. Although the speed may not be faster than the carriage, but there is no need to consume. As long as there are no problems with seasickness, this road will be easy.

It is also the thought of the difference between these two. After seeing Woodin’s insistence on leaving, Haita thought of taking the waterway for the first time.

Of course, someone thinks the same way …

At the beginning of the new year, because of the ineffective suppression of the Northern Armed Services Department, the news of the unusually active army in the gray clothes spread to Bran.

At this time, inside Bran, there was an army of the Northern Wilderness watching outside, and a gray-clad army of fire raging in the sky. With internal and external concerns, the people in Bran South have lost their usual calmness. Although there may not be any panic, the anxiety is always indispensable. An unconfirmed rumor can cause a lot of commotion, and there is a lot of talk, and then people are worried …

Under this situation, the North and South economies are undoubtedly greatly affected. The usual flow of ships on the River Reinau, known as the Bran economy aorta, is now very deserted, and almost no large merchant ships are flowing north to south. Relatively speaking, there are more and more official ships transporting passengers from north to south …

Of course, this is not the point. The point is that in the recent past, among these few ships still traveling back and forth, there is an anecdote that in the officially designated safe waters, a humble boat stuck at a key river crossing. Days and nights. No sign of movement.

This situation is undoubtedly abnormal. At first the crew thought it was an abandoned hulk. But when I approached, I found someone on the boat, a young man. Most of the time, I was sitting on the bow of the boat, except for the shape of the ship, which showed no sign of movement … It ’s not that there was no kind boat approaching. The response was mostly that the young man smiled and shook his head without talking. Just sitting.

Over time, no one cares.

When things have come to an end, they can come to an end. After all, no one wants to go out and go out. Besides, this young man is obviously abnormal, maybe there is a problem in his mind and he can’t provoke him.

But then a message came out that once again made this weird boat and this weird young man come into view.

The source is no longer available. The general content is that a bandit ship occasionally saw this strange boat as it passed by the river crossing.

I saw it, I saw it, although this weird boat was stuck at the river crossing. But the river crossing was unusually wide, and the boat was not arrogantly running across the water. Does not affect anything at all. Moreover, this lonely boat stranger doesn’t look like there is oil and water, even the bandit who hasn’t opened in half a month won’t be noticeable.

But there are so many idle people in the world, and I don’t know which tendon is wrong. These passing bandits actually went to tease the weird young man. Then there is no more …

According to the crew on the passing boat, they only saw a flash of people at that time, and then the more than ten bandits approaching the boat with their feet overwhelmed the river, and soon sank in the floating river and disappeared.

Of course, rumors are always unreliable, this is just one of the most concise versions. It is also said that this young man is actually a water magician. He stayed here to experience the water elements up close. Those unlucky bandits were directly engulfed by the large rivers surrounded by magic … This is an advanced version. The most nonsense version. The young man was actually the incarnation of the evil spirit in the water. He stayed here to attract the curious, and then dragged into the river to demand …

Well, no matter whether these rumors are true or not, no matter what the strange young man’s identity is. The result is the same, that is, since then, no ship has dared to pass through the surrounding waters, let alone approach the lonely ship monster …

At noon on this day, the weather was gloomy and gloomy, and the gray sky began to drip raindrops since the early morning. By this time, the rain had shown signs of increasing. Looking around, the entire river surface is covered with a mist of mist, shrouding the floating river, but it has a somewhat hazy and freehand aesthetic.

Of course, this beauty has no mood to appreciate for the eccentric young man who has been sitting on the bow before and stays still. There is no pergola on the boat. After the rain hits him, if he doesn’t want to move his nest or take a bath in the river, he must get up and take a wooden scoop every time to spill the water stored in the cabin …

If you want to come to this somewhat embarrassing scene, if you let the crew who dare not approach it, then the rumours of such young water magicians, water ghosts and other outrageous identities will be self-defeating.

He got up and wiped his face with rainwater. After draining the water in the cabin again, the young man dropped the wooden scoop, with a depressed face, and sighed in the sky: “Hey, I ’m pretending to be a big fan! I already knew I bought a big ship and lay Yes, this is not sin. “

There is no need to guess that those who can be so round and free to destroy the current beauty with no lower bounds should be Tang En’s children’s shoes.

From the rumors circulating on this route, we can know that Tang En has actually come here. I also tasted the sweetness of the last farm, thinking about the novels and movies in the world, the protagonist often gets an opportunity to break through after seeing the famous mountains and rivers, and then his strength rises. So Tang En also made this, and deliberately bought such a boat and broke the boat, floating on the river all day, either entering system training, or sitting on the bow of the boat watching the rising sun and the tide …

As a result, she suddenly realized a truth-she looks like she is pretending to be a big fan!


“Nine days have passed, do you have to wait?” Just when Tang Enzheng was so indulged in this feeling that he couldn’t extricate himself, an old voice sounded loudly in his ears, and seemed impatient.

“Of course.” Waving at random towards the bleak sky above, Tang En sat back to the bow, and replied with certainty, “I have a hunch that Woodin is coming.”

“You said the same three days ago.”

“Ahem, this time is different.” Not everyone who exposes lies in public will feel complacent, at least never knowing what the lower limit is, Tang En won’t. Just coughed twice. Very open hands. Facing the cold wind and rain in the river, the tone was exaggerated, “Did you feel Ba Lao? Looking at such an atmosphere and such environmental climate, is there a kind of magnificent feeling in the mind that will rise from the war?”

“… Doesn’t it feel like you’re being sloppy?”

“No!” Simply refused, Tang En shook his head with regret, “Ba Lao, this is the professional gap. You are a master. You have an unusually keen sense. But unfortunately you are not an assassin, so the lack of points will be dangerous for you A sense of anticipation … believe me, wait, Woodin will come! “

“Oh, this excuse is fresh … then wait.”

“Bahrain is wise.”

The conversation is over. Gongshou, slap a fart without sincerity. Tang En continued to sit at the bow of the boat, squinting his chin, staring at the turbulent river sloshing … dazed.

That’s right, Tang En pretends that anything about the danger is imminent. He didn’t believe it himself. It is estimated that Balao did not believe it, just because he had waited for nine days. Both of them are a little bit hard to ride, and don’t want to give up easily.

It stands to reason that when seeing the gray-clad army suddenly as if it had taken the spring and medicine, it would surely be aware of the wrong side, and then raise the sword down the mountain to seize this excellent opportunity. And now all the northern teleportations that connect the south are destroyed by them. Between the only land and waterway, Tang En has 80% confidence that Woodin will choose to take the waterway …

Of course, all this is just guessing out of thin air, too many variables. For example, Woodin could not immediately see that the situation of the gray army was wrong, or that Woodin was not coming, or even if he came, he just wanted to take the road and so on.

No way … this is the so-called truth of doing things in people and accomplishing things in heaven.

However, this time God seems to have meant to stand on the side of Tang En …


There was a whisper of suspicion in his ears, and he suddenly stunned Tang En, who was in a daze, and grinned: “I said, Ba Lao, what do you want to do again. Or a master? Is it okay or not to calm down in everything? “

“Yes.” After a pause, a calm tone came. “Your assassin’s sense of judgment seems to be fulfilled.”

“Really, that’s really … eh ?!” casually, Tang En shuddered, his expression changed unexpectedly. The next moment, the corpse jumped up suddenly, yelling ecstatically, “Come here? Really here ?!”

“Calm down, you’re a master.”

“My shit! It’s calm! Is Woodin here?”

It seemed that I could n’t accept Tang En ’s shameless face. After a pause, I heard the bad voice of Bamtu, “I do n’t know. The distance is too far, the perception is vague, and I can only feel that there are many masters Come here. “

“Ba Lao, the master you said … above the air level?”


“Then they can’t run! They must be right!” The air-level powerhouse is not the cabbage in the field, just pick up any. The actual situation that Tang En knows is that the warriors who can break through to the air level are rare. Listening to Bamutu’s tone again, it is obvious that the air-level powerhouses coming over are not one or two. And in Bran, the only luxury lineups that can be made up are Bran King and the Temple of Light. In this combination, Tang En’s self-confidence in his judgment increased greatly.

Of course, these are not the focus now. “Where is Woodin? Did he come?” As soon as the words came out, Tang En knew he was asking a stupid question. The perception of masters is not everything, especially for masters of the same level. As long as you don’t show up, as long as the other party accidentally releases momentum, the other party will be difficult to detect.

Sure enough, Bamutu was angry and drank, “Crap! You ask me, who do I ask? I don’t even know when your kid sneaks into the girl’s room, do you make me sense Woodin at such a long distance?”

“Oh, just ask casually, don’t get angry.” He laughed twice, Tang En felt his chin for a while, and frowned slightly. “Not good, with the strength of Woodin, why does he need so much to come to the north? The master is with me … isn’t he here? “

Tang En and Bamutu rushed to the west to destroy the teleportation team. It took so much effort to create this scene, which was directed at Woodin. If he didn’t come, all of this would be meaningless.

But Bamutu said calmly: “It doesn’t matter, sooner or later. You can warm up before the next meeting, and send them to these masters. It is also a good start.”

Tang En heard the words think about it too. No longer tangled. Sit back to the bow and waved, “Since Ba Lao is so enthusiastic, these experts will leave it to you.”

“Why, don’t want to take the opportunity to try your strength after the breakthrough? You must know that masters are hard to find, and suitable rough stones are harder to find!”

“Forget it, I’m Bran.” What a joke, how can anyone try with a martial artist of the same level? This is not a pit … I’m not afraid. He died in the empty class in Tang En’s hands. There are several more. Just because it is not necessary. Why can you easily solve the problem, and you have to be next to yourself when you are injured?

Bamutu certainly did not believe Tang En’s casual reason, but seeing that Tang En really didn’t want to take a shot, he laughed twice, without entanglement.

However, it turned out that Tang En faced no use to hide …

At this time, more than ten nautical miles. A medium-sized empire transport ship was rushing through a huge expanse of waves. There are very few guests on board, just over a dozen. It seems a bit abnormal, but in fact no matter who it is. Have the energy to mobilize a large transport ship.

At the bow of the boat, Haita came up with a tarpaulin umbrella and walked quickly on the wet deck. While holding it up quickly, he complained: “Master, it’s raining, why are you here?”

“You, I’m just too careful. I’m not that old, your master, so that I can’t stand even this little wind and rain.” After a pause, Wooding narrowed his eyes to the gray river in the distance, frowning slightly, Looking for something.

“Master, is there anything wrong?”

“In the cabin just now, there seemed to be a faint sensation …” Woodin’s tone was uncertain, hesitated, and raised his hand to point to the right side of the river, “It seems to be that direction.”

Haita looked down for a moment, then paused, and asked tentatively, “Master, are you saying … a dozen kilometers away?”

Woodin silently, this is the reason why he is not sure. It is possible to cover the perception at such a long distance, even if it is only faint to almost negligible. It is also the ultimate power of his state. But is there such a strong player in Bran?

After hesitating, Woodin shook his head and said, “Let’s all come over just in case.”

“Yes.” Although it was an echo, Haita didn’t leave immediately. It seemed to think something, and looked stunned. “If someone is really waiting there … Master, are we counted?”

“You don’t have to be so anxious to make a conclusion, it’s just my vague feeling. It’s uncountable.” He waved his hand, Woodin’s eyes narrowed, “But now I want to come, it’s really not the time for the teleportation array to be bad …”

A quarter of an hour later, in the mist in the distance, a medium-sized empire transport vessel gradually showed a vague outline in Tang En’s vision.

He froze, looking at the bow position, Tang En narrowed his eyes narrowly and narrowed again, his expression changed, and slowly got up: “Ba Lao, it seems you don’t need to warm up.”

Perceived from a long distance, Tang En is not as good as Bamutu, which is determined by strength. However, accurate judgment at close range, whether it is Bamutu or Woodin, is not as good as Tang En, which is determined by Tang En’s relentless killing intentions.

Bamutu didn’t reply. He believed in Tang En’s judgment, so he didn’t need it.

The river was swaying lightly, and drizzle drove down the river. A stagnant atmosphere called the rise of the war followed the river surface, surging secretly …

Soon, when the empire transport ship in the distance approached a position parallel to Tang En’s boat, the speed gradually slowed down, and then the hull was slowly turned. The direction was exactly Tang En’s side.

Needless to say, there is no doubt that Tang En’s existence was discovered there!

I’m finally waiting for you, Mr. Wu … Tang En’s eyesight hasn’t changed, and he has been placed on the bow of the transport ship, the thin figure standing in the middle of the crowd and under the tarpaulin umbrella.

To be honest, it wasn’t clear, but Tang En knew that Woodin was watching him at the same time. The corners of his mouth were slightly raised and he smiled slightly. Tang En is really relaxed now, even if he knows that he is about to face the sword **** Woodin who is known as the first master of the mainland, his mood is unprecedentedly calm.

This faint hint of pride did not come from Bamu Tu hiding in the air, but from Tang En himself.

Tang En has reason to be proud. He came to this world in just a few years, and came as an incompetent third-rate scholarship. But now? His enemy is recognized as the number one in the world. Even this contrast is enough to make him full of confidence and pride!

At a distance of about twenty feet apart, the transport ship, which relied slowly on inertia, finally stagnated.

For a moment, Woodin looked down at Tang En, who stood on the boat like a straight spear. He did not reveal the unexpected look on the sea tower and Winsling’s face ~ www.mtlnovel.com ~ but patted the ship’s side, smirking and smirking: It really is you, Xiao Tang. “

The sentence is indeed you, and all questions will be solved naturally, and it will become less important.

Tang En also smiled and bowed to salute: “It’s been a long time, Wu Lao.”

Get up and spread your hands, “Have you eaten any old lunch?”

“Haha …” Among a group of masters with a stern look, Wu Ding laughed loudly and boldly, shook his head, and said with a smile, “Xiao Tang, how you greet … well, it is still so direct and polite. “

Have you eaten lunch? This is the greeting used by Down and Woodin for the first time. Now for the second official meeting, Tang En’s greetings remain unchanged. But this time is different from last time. Last time, Tang En invited Woodin for a lunch. This time, it is naturally impossible.

“Then for my kindness, can you always think about the possibility of going home?” Touching his nose, Tang En smiled with embarrassment, “I’m sorry, you know, I am So direct, so willful. “

………… (To be continued …)

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