Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 176: Always The Nice Guy

Exhausted, Max fell asleep the moment his head hit the pillow.

Tanila understood and agreed to the plan even if she didn’t like it. With the skills he now possessed and the items waiting to be crafted, Max needed to learn how it worked so that he could actually attempt crafting the dragon tooth.

“It’s about time you woke up.”

Max smiled and nodded, sensing Tanila sitting in a chair reading a book from across their room.

“How did it go?”

Sitting up, Max rubbed his eyes and turned to see her relaxing on the padded chair. Her red hair wasn’t in a braid yet, and every time he saw it undone, it always made his heart beat a little faster.

“Better than I expected,” he replied as he got up from the bed. “I need to go once more sometime soon and finish an item for someone, but I made a rare and epic item.”

Tanila’s eyebrows raised as she watched Max start to pull some clothes out of a drawer of the dresser near the bed.

“Already? That seems hard to believe for your first two times.”

“It really wasn’t me doing anything. The skill told me exactly how and where to do everything. Combined with my strength and dexterity, nothing seemed impossible. I think I finally realize why the tooth doesn’t do much right now. I know I need items that will combine with the tooth and even better ones to somehow forge it.”

Tanila stood up as Max was getting dressed and talking to her. Slipping her arms around his waist as he pulled his shirt over, she gently bit his ear. “What are we going to do with two more days to ourselves? Surely you could find some time to take me into the city for a nice meal—unless you’re ashamed of me.”

Groaning, Max spun in her arms and encircled her with his. Now, why would I ever be ashamed of you? I think we can make that happen tonight if you want. We won’t even invite Batrire or Fowl—just the two of us.”

She smiled and nodded, winking at him for a moment before gently pushing back from him. “I’ll hold you to that. Now, then, tell me what you plan on doing for the rest of the day.”

Max tried to read her expression, but Tanila had mastered the art of giving no clues. Her face looked like she didn’t have a care in the world. The slight curve of her lips, the loose jaw muscles, and eyes that seemed to just be waiting for his words flustered his attempts at not messing up.

“Perhaps you and Batrire could find somewhere in town to get a massage and your hair and nails done before dinner? I know you two haven’t had any real girl time either.”

She shook her head and smiled, unable to hold back the grin that always made her look amazing. “Seth, you’re a rare breed… I know that you probably picked that option for more than one reason, but I’ll gladly take you up on it. Should I guess where you’ll be headed in the meantime?”

Shaking his head, Max gave her a kiss. “It would be better if you didn’t, but be ready by four. I’ll be here to ensure we have a place for us.”

Letting him go, Tanila sighed, knowing his mind was currently on crafting.

“Fine, but you better not be late, or there will be hell to pay.”

Grabbing his necklace from the dresser, Max nodded and moved for the door.

“Just be ready at four!”

Delegation was becoming one of Max’s strong suits as he had Everett’s secretary getting a reservation for him and Tanila tonight as well as a cart. His outfit for special occasions was in his storage, and only needed a blink of an eye to be dressed.

With those things taken care of, he was out the door and soon darted down alleys, changing his appearance and outfit and making his way quickly to Zach’s forge.

The hours had gone by quickly, and Zach had given Max access to his own private forge in the back. Brian was bubbling with excitement at another chance to watch and work with him. Soon, the afternoon was passing, and Max was almost done with the process.

“Last cut,” Max said as Zach held out his finger.

The dwarf didn’t react as the blade cut his skin, blood coming freely from the wound, and Max put it on the metal and shaft. He had skipped the rune this time, wanting instead to see what else would happen. Working the metal, the skill had led him in a different direction, and as he was still learning to trust it, only time would tell how it impacted the final part. Instead, he had infused fire magic into the hammer, watching as it poured from his hand into the metal. It had sped up the process, requiring less time reheating the metal and tempering it.

The author's narrative has been misappropriated; report any instances of this story on Amazon.

[ 5 Experience ]

[ Rare Hammer Created ]

[ Bonded ]

[ + 5 STR/DEX/CON ]

[ Worked metal cools at -50% normal rate ]

[ Indestructible ]

Max smiled, seeing that a hammer like this would be a boon for any weaponsmith. Not needing to reheat it as often would provide a better return for Zach.

He handed the dwarf the finished work and smiled.

“As promised. I think you might find this to be worthy of our bargain.”

The dwarf began to gasp and grunt, words trying to form as he saw the stats and enchantment on it.

“Joshua… I… this… it’s too much…” His eyes were wide, and his strong hand shook as he held the hammer.

“Keep serving Ockrim, and do not forget that promise you made. Those two things are worth everything,” Max replied, giving the dwarf’s shoulder a solid pat. “Now, if you two will excuse me, I need to leave.”

“What about your tools?” Brian called out as Max started to walk off, leaving the ingredients and tools still on the bench.

“You can have them!” Max shouted as he moved toward the doorway. “Just remember to pay it forward!”

Both the young teen and the older dwarf stood there slack-jawed, watching Max walk away, a leather tarp falling back into place over the exit.

It took a few moments for the two of them to come to their senses, and Zach quickly stored his hammer and gave the red-headed boy a gentle pat on the back.

“Someday when you’re famous, remember this moment. The gods themselves came and blessed us both.”

Max was rushing around town. He still had time, and there were a few things he needed to finish doing. The flowers he had picked out were ready, and he paid, tipping well and earning a deep bow from the florist. A small treat of candy was already tucked away, and all that was needed was a quick wash before he was ready for his date.

Striding along the street, Max felt something odd. His mind was preoccupied with the date, but after the last two blocks, he was certain someone was following him.

On the crowded sidewalks, a man was behind him, moving with a gait that told Max all he needed to know. Whoever it was didn’t walk like most. Instead, they were confident in themselves, each step perfectly placed as they moved. If they dodged someone, there was never a moment they didn’t keep their balance.

Spotting a building up ahead on the right, Max quickened up his pace, noticing his tail was staying with him, stride for stride. The perfume shop came closer, and Max entered immediately, using the chance to gaze back over his right shoulder as if nothing was out of the ordinary, yet no one was there.

He could sense the man, still where he had been, frozen in place and shifting around the moving people on the sidewalk, yet no one was to be seen.

Going inside without hesitating longer, Max let the door shut behind him.

He picked up a few of the bottles near the window that looked outside, ignoring the worker coming toward him, and pretended to sniff them, eyes always glancing carefully at the passing crowd. No one walked by the front. Whoever the man was, they were waiting, obviously watching from outside. His sonar didn’t pierce the walls of the place, and it left him blind to what might be waiting for him.

“How can I help you, sir?”

Spinning around, Max moved from the windows, walking along the wall of the shop and smiling at the elf. He was dressed in nice clothes and wore a very clean apron.

“I’m looking for a perfume for a female friend. An elf woman. Any recommendations?”

The man smiled, nodding as he motioned Max toward the counter. “I have a few that might be just perfect. Describe her to me, and I’ll help you find the matching scent.”

Ten minutes later, Max had a tiny bottle of perfume and was moving out the door to the alley. The elf had been a little confused about the request, but Max’s story of making sure he wasn’t seen leaving so as to ruin the surprise was more than enough, combined with a few extra silvers to be shown a different way out.

As the door’s lock clicked behind him, Max entered Stealth and moved quickly down the alley. No one was close that he could see, but he didn’t want to take a chance. Too many things about what he felt were bothering him, and there was no time for risks.

I can’t get into another fight in the city… the guards would probably kick me out if that happened.

Maneuvering through the maze of alleys, Max let stealth fall and ran, bounding off one wall and then against the side of another building, parkouring up the sides until he was on the roof. From up here, he would stand out, but he didn’t care, running and jumping along the buildings with ease until he was a few more streets along.

Dropping to the ground and entering stealth once more, Max made his way to a different side street, activating his disguise necklace and choosing to have blond hair this time.

“Is everything ok?”

Max nodded at Tom who was watching a few of the Faction members that were training. The older man had seen him coming and could tell something was up by how he walked.

“Nothing, I hope. Just felt like I was being followed.”

Tom frowned at Max’s reply. “What do you mean by felt?”

Taking a deep breath and letting it out, Max motioned for Tom to stay put. He then moved behind the older man. “You know I’m here, but can you feel me?”

Bobbing his head, Tom turned and smiled. “You have a warrior's perception. That usually comes way later in the tower, but as always, I shouldn’t be surprised that you already possess it. What was it that you felt?”

“A person was following me, but when I turned to enter a building and checked to see who it was without showing my hand, no one was there. I could still feel them but–”

Tom’s face went white, which was not something Max expected, stopping him mid-sentence.

“You couldn’t see them but were certain they were there?”

The tone of Tom’s voice told Max something wasn’t right.

“I’d bet five hundred gold they were there, watching me. I left the building through a side door, not wanting to risk anything, and made my way here a different way. Why? What am I missing?”

Frowning, Tom motioned at the members still dueling and shook his head.

“I know you have a date tonight. Be smart. I’ll talk to Everett, but I’m not certain the elves have forgiven you,” Tom replied before snorting. “Or perhaps the noble family whose son you killed is making a move, realizing the window of opportunity for revenge is closing quickly if you are in the tower. Either way, just be safe.”

Max nodded and found himself anxious at those two possibilities.

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