Ultimate Level 1

Chapter 177: Date Night

Max waited downstairs as he had been informed to, sitting in his suit that he had only worn a few times. A few of the other faction members had nodded and smiled, some wondering what he was doing dressed up as much as he was.

When Tanila came down the stairs, her hair braided with decorations in them again, a green dress that hugged her in all the right places and accented her curves, red lipstick that made her lips beg for attention, and a smile that set his heart beating faster, Max forgot for a moment the worries that had been gnawing at him.

Rising from his spot and almost rushing to the stairs, Max waited at the bottom, grinning like a fool at the woman his heart ached for every day.

“You look amazing,” he said, his eyes trying to take in all of her at once.

“I bet you say that to all the elf women you meet,” she replied with a wink.

Shrugging, Max pulled out the bouquet of flowers and held it out, seeing Tanila react to the orchids he had in his hand.

“How did you… Batrire,” she said with a slight chuckle. “That little devil.”

Nodding, Max helped her down the last few stairs and gave her a kiss on the cheek. “You do look amazing. Ready to go?”

Tanila nodded and slid her arm into Max’s. “Forgive me if I fall asleep, though. That massage was relaxing. Batrire even got her beard steamed.”

Trying not to laugh, Max held back the chuckles, and Tanila’s face turned red for a moment when she realized how that sounded.

“Her facial beard!” she exclaimed.

“I figured, but still, either way, I’m sure Fowl will be excited.”

Rolling her eyes, they both smiled at the members who were downstairs and watching the two of them. All eyes were clearly on Tanila, not the lucky man walking with her.

“You’ve done exceptionally well tonight,” Tanila said as she patted her lips carefully with her napkin. “The food here is exceptional, and I haven’t seen this caliber of cooking in a long time.”

“I might have asked for a little help,” Max admitted. “All I’ve known are inns and taverns. Everett was kind enough to let me borrow his secretary for a few ideas.”

Smiling, she picked up the crystal glass, sipping the wine that was in it, enjoying the flavor and body of it. “I’ll need to tell her a thank you tomorrow.”

Glancing around the restaurant that they were in, Max couldn’t help but feel unprepared for this place. The silverware, utensils, and glasses were worth more than his entire family’s property he imagined. The food they ate and the wine they drank cost more than he would have ever earned in a lifetime. A group of musicians played on their stringed instruments, creating a gentle, peaceful, calming sound. The noise of others was minimal as the space between tables was almost two-thirds of his sonar range.

“Excuse me, sir.” Max turned to the waiter who stood there, the slightest smile on their lips as they held a bottle of wine in their hands for him to see. “A gift from the one who paid for the meal. He said to enjoy the night and cherish it always.”

“I would have turned it down, but it appears you have already opened it,” Max replied.

“Yes. It needed to breathe as all do. If I had known, I would have kept it sealed, and you two could have shared it at a later date.”

Unable to tell anything about the wine or its taste by looking at the bottle once more, Max nodded and motioned to his glass. The man poured it carefully, showing practice and precision.

He held the bottle out to Tanila, but she waved him away. “I am good right now. Still working on this glass. Besides, I’m not certain I would continue to act ladylike if I had another glass at the moment.”

The slightest chuckle came from the waiter, who nodded his head and set the bottle on the table. “Enjoy it. If needed, it can be stored in dimensional storage for you two and enjoyed at a later date. We offer that service free of charge.”

With that, the waiter turned and left them alone.

“I guess I’ll owe Everett a thank you as well,” Max said as he picked up the glass. “I didn’t expect him to pay for this. Now I feel like I’m being cheap on our date.”

Tanila shook her head and smiled. “I would never imagine you as the kind to be cheap. Flowers, chocolates, and perfume. That doesn’t sound like someone who wanted me to forget tonight anytime soon.”

Max smiled and lifted the cup to his nose, practicing what he had seen the other patrons do with their drinks. An earthy tone, a hint of some fruit, and a spice filled his nostrils, and he winked at Tanila before taking a sip.

It was dry, yet so many flavors came across his tongue. A hint of smoke was present, and as he swallowed the wine, his throat burned slightly.

[ Poison Detected ]

Max’s eyes flew open, and his throat roared with pain. In a moment, his stomach began to feel like someone was tearing it apart from the inside.

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His lungs felt like they were starting to stop working, and his brain began to panic.

[ Regeneration ]


Tanila’s shout filled his ears, and the sounds of tables and chairs scaping along the tiled floor came from everywhere. A glass broke on the floor, and some silverware made a very clear sound as they bounced on the tiles.

Footsteps and other noises were coming as people began to race toward him.

Glass was held to his lips, and Max tried to drink but couldn’t. His mind wasn’t working, and his body was in a state of convulsions.

His eyes were looking straight ahead, and Max saw Tanila staring at him, her mouth moving; no more noise was coming from her. He was being jostled, and someone was trying to move him, but Tanila wasn’t letting go. Tears were coming down her cheeks, and the perfect makeup she had put on was beginning to run down her cheeks.

This is not good. I’m not certain your Regeneration skill will be able to help here. The damage is magical and moving fast.

The voice rang out inside his mind over the quietness of the world around him. Max struggled to focus, knowing it was his skill.

Let go… let the wall down. I will deal with this.

As if the skill could sense Max’s will to fight it, even when death was close, there was a bit of frustration in the tone.

Now is not the time to worry. I do this for us. Give in. Let me do what I must to ensure our survival. If you do not, tonight will be the last time you see that woman again.

Max’s heart stopped, not because of the fear of that but because of the poison. Panic and dread were replaced by one thing: being there for Tanila.


Darkness overtook him.

It appears you may have been found. Someone is either very upset with you, or there is no doubt that those hunting us have tracked their quarry.

Swimming in space, Max saw what looked like a night filled with stars all around him. He was weightless, struggling to turn and move. Glancing over his shoulder were more stars that seemed to go on forever.

Where am I?

A place that is between life and death. I almost wasn’t able to stop that poison. Had you not been as strong as you are, with the skills you have, and if I had not evolved, we would both be gone from this moment.

But who could have tracked me? How could they have found me?

A mirror image of himself appeared before him, only it didn’t struggle to move. It floated there as if it were the most natural thing in the universe. Those dark eyes stared back at him, studying him intently.

There are powers far beyond what you can imagine, and you and I are a threat to many. Not just that, fool Phaius and any others who might believe they stand a chance to stop us. You met that dragon. He is more powerful than you can imagine, but he also knows that if nothing stops you and I, together, we could cut him down like a stalk of wheat during harvest. That is why he made that pact.

Max’s mind felt foggy, but he could remember that moment with great effort.

So what do we do? How often will this happen?

His image stared at him but said nothing for a while. In silence, they stood there, floating in the midst of darkness.

What matters is who attacked us. If they are not of your world, it will have cost them much, and failing will have been for naught. They might not try again, or they might. No doubt their actions here will have caught the attention of the three gods of your world, and they will not be happy, no matter the reason given.

Won’t they tell the gods who I am?

Laughter echoed in the void.

No. To do that would be foolish for any of them. No doubt your three gods will cause trouble in a world or two of the other, seeking to extract some form of vengeance. If it wasn’t from outside your world, then they likewise played a very powerful card. The poison they used cannot be made easily and is worth a kingdom.

For them to have failed will not bode well for them. Those who hired them will want results, but both parties will find themself in a bad position.

Because it failed?


Max’s clone turned and pointed off in the distance, and a star began to come closer, gaining size until Max realized they were above a world and not a star at all. Clouds hovered over water and land masses, and the size of it almost overwhelmed Max’s mind to comprehend what he was seeing.

This is one of many worlds. You live on one such as this. Wars are fought for power every day, and many would balk at what was given to kill you. For them to fail, reporting that would be bad for the god they worship.

A hand appeared on his shoulder, and Max shivered, staring so closely into his own eyes.

We have a small window of time before they might make another move. They will fear us, and the next attack that comes will be even worse. You are lucky Tanila did not drink from that bottle. Had she… she would be dead.

Pain surged through his chest as Max considered the truth of that statement.

Go… you need to wake up. Get stronger. I will help and not ask for too much. Just know that a time will come. You will not like it, but when it does, I will need to do what must be done. The world will flow with blood in order for us to survive.

Max wanted to reply, but his body started to fall into the darkness. Pulling him downward.

He coughed, and his body ached. Pain wracked him as he blinked. A cold, wet cloth over his forehead and a death grip from someone held his hand.


Tanila’s voice was sweeter than he could remember. He heard the sound of chairs scraping against the floor and began to sense the number of people in the room.

His eyes finally worked, and he focused on Tanila, frowning. Her eyes were red and puffy. She looked tired. Massive bags were under her eyes, and her red hair was in a mess, even though it was still in braids.

“He’s alive! Thank Ockrim, he’s alive!”

Tanila nodded as Fowl and Batrire pressed against the edge of the bed.

“You all look terrible,” Max managed to say. His voice sounded raspy, and his throat was drier than he could remember. “A drink?”

A cup of water appeared, and he tried to sit up.

“Slow down,” Tanila said, holding the cup to his lips. “You don’t need to rush. We got time.”

Gulping down water and trying not to choke, Max felt the cool water begin to soothe his aching neck.

[ Regeneration ]

Each drink he took sent the liquid quickly to the edges of his body, making him feel alive and amazing, the pain and headache vanishing almost immediately.

“Another,” he said, this time his voice sounding strong and determined. “Give me the pitcher.”

Fowl handed it to him, and Max took it into his own hands, gulping down the water and ignoring the protests Tanila was trying to raise.

With the entire clay pot empty, Max handed it back to Fowl and pushed himself up.

“Seth, slow down!” Tanila pleaded. “You need to rest!”

Cupping her cheek in his hand, Max frowned and shook his head. “No. I need to get stronger. They're going to come again, and I need to be ready.”

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