Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 68: Frost Sisters

AN: Thank you Noname09 for the subscription!


Chapter 68: Frost Sisters

After a while, the seven girls separated. Emma then looked toward Benjamin gratefully.

“Thank you…Captain Freed…”

Benjamin chuckled and joked.

“Does that mean you won’t be suing me anymore?”

“Haha, I won’t.”

Benjamin smiled and looked at the quintuplet as he asked Emma.

“So. You guys have any plans now?”


Emma sighed.

Actually, she has no idea what to do with the situation.

She wanted to take the girls in but she doesn’t know if she can handle the responsibility. After all, she doesn’t have any experience in becoming a ‘mother’.

She’s afraid that she might do something wrong and end up making things worse.

The five girls also looked at each other worriedly.

They were afraid that Emma wouldn’t see them as ‘people’ given their ‘birth’ circumstances.

At the same time, they also didn’t want to be a burden to her.

Both sides were obviously overthinking things but because of that, an awkward silence was formed between them.

Benjamin sighed as he saw the expressions of Emma and the five girls.

Since none of them were speaking up, he decided to intervene.

“How about this? We can let them study in Charles’ school for now. Although they look to be in their teens-”

“Our bodies are designed to be 19 years old.”

One of the girls interjected.

“Well, even if they look to be 19 years old, it doesn’t change the fact that they are born recently. They can go to school for now, learn some things, meet some friends, and decide their own future by themselves. If, by the time they graduate, they still don’t know what to do, they can join the EPD so they would at least have some income.”

The girls looked at each other without speaking.

Although they weren’t speaking, they seem to be talking to each other telepathically.

‘What do you girls think?’

‘Why are you asking what we think? What do you think?’

‘I don’t really wanna go to school with a bunch of kids…’

‘Please, we’re barely 1 year olds.’

‘Yeah, but we have all those knowledge already. There’s no need for school.’

‘How about we just directly join EPD?’

‘Why not? Seems more fun.’

‘Dibs on Captain Hottie!’

‘Hey, who said that!? That’s cheating!’

‘It’s me!’

‘What do you mean!? It was obviously me!’

‘Okay, talking telepathically when we all sound and look the same is really not a good idea. By the way, I was the one who called dibs.’

‘No that was me! Stop trying to take my dibs!’

‘On the subject of looking the same and sounding the same, what do we call each other by the way?’

‘Good point. Let’s ask Captain Hottie to name us.’

‘Wait, does that make him our ‘father’ then?’

‘Depends. Do you have fathercon?’

‘Ask yourself. We’re all the same anyway.’


Once their telepathic council was done, they all turned to Benjamin.

“We don’t want to enroll in any school.”

“Our minds already have the sufficient knowledge of a graduate student.”

“But we’re interested in joining the EPD. It’s more fun.”

“Yeah! We get to kick some ass legally!”

“She meant the bad guys’ ass.”

Benjamin nodded.

“Alright. As for where you girls will stay…Do you girls want to live together or separately?”


“But different rooms.”


“I can’t imagine us sleeping all in one room.”


Benjamin smiled wryly at the girls’ banter.

He then turned to Emma.

“Well, I doubt Emma has a house that can fit everyone?”

“Well…can’t we just use this place?”

Emma pointed at the floor.

Everyone looked around and saw the nicely decorated hall.

“...Good point.”

Benjamin nodded.

It’s true that without the Hellfire Club now, this place would be up for grabs and it would be a waste not to use it.

“Well, first thing’s first then.”

Suddenly, one of the girls walked toward the huge emblem of the Hellfire Club.

She then turned into her diamond form like Emma and smashed the emblem with her fist.


The emblem cracked and fell apart under her fist.

Satisfied, she turned back to normal and patted her palms together.

“That was so satisfying!”

The other girls turned to each other with grins.

They then ran off looking for more of those emblems to destroy them.

With each emblem destroyed, they felt more and more in control of their own fate.

They were free!

Benjamin, Emma, and Mystique smiled as they watched the five girls run off.

While they were gone, Benjamin asked Emma.

“How about you? Any plans?

Emma thought for a moment then answered.

“I’d like to continue to be the Headmistress of Massachusetts Academy. Being a teacher has always been my dream and I don’t want to give up a position where I can teach more than just a class. However, should you need my help, feel free to give me a call. I will be there.”

“Actually, I have a suggestion for that.”


“How about partnering with Charles’ school?”

“How so?”

“Well, as much as a school for only mutants sounds good for mutants, in the end, it will only isolate them further from other humans. We can arrange some exchange students from both sides and be a bridge towards human-mutant relations. EPD will also invest in both schools and support them financially. What do you say?”

This will probably create more work for Nick Fury but it doesn’t matter. He’ll just have to deal with it.

Emma pondered about it for a moment while Mystique looked at Benjamin gratefully.

The discrimination between humans and mutants has been going on for a very long time…but everything changed when this guy appeared.

Somehow, the discrimination was getting thinner and thinner…

Mystique smiled wryly.

She remembered the days when it was just her, Charles, and Eric.

The three of them against the world…

Back then, they were so youthful and their dreams were big.

But alas…none of them were able to realize their dream.

In fact, they even grew apart.

Charles had his idealistic views while Eric had his arrogance.

Caught in the middle of it, Mystique sided with Eric, hoping to lessen the casualties as Eric’s voice of reason.

In the end, she wasn’t able to stop some of his more…destructive actions.

But now, Eric is at peace with his life. Mutants were no longer discriminated against as much and he even has two of his own children.

And she had Benjamin to thank for that.

Now it seems that Benjamin still has more ways to lessen the discrimination even more.

Mystique sighed.

We mutants…really owe Benjamin a lot…

Meanwhile, Emma had also come to a decision.

“I do not mind this arrangement. But will Charles agree?”

“It’s fine. I’ll break his legs if he doesn’t agree.”


“That was a joke.”


“Cause, you know…he used to be in a wheelchair…”


“You know what, never mind.”

Benjamin coughed a few times and turned to the five girls who had just returned. Their expressions had that kind of satisfied afterglow after sex.

[As expected of the sex maniac to think that way.]

…System, aren’t you talking too much these days? Rather, aren’t you dissing me a little too much recently!?

[Host is imagining things.]

One of the girls heaved a sigh of relief and reported.

“All emblems of the Hellfire Club have been destroyed!”

“We also went ahead and picked our rooms.”

“Also, there’s another thing we want to ask of you…”

One of the girls then approached Benjamin looking a bit hesitant.

Benjamin asked.

“What’s up?”

“That…can you name us?”


Benjamin looked surprised.

He turned to Emma.

“Can’t Emma do it?”

“Well, we’re thinking of using her last name already…is it okay?”

She turned to Emma and asked.

Emma smiled and nodded.

“It’s more than okay. Please use it as much as you like.”


Having said that, the girls then turned to Benjamin again.

“Well, even if you say that…”

Benjamin used his HUD Contacts to identify them but their names were all ??? at this point.

He tried to recall the names of the quintuplet in the comics.

“Fine…then, you’ll be Sophie, Phoebe, Irma, Celeste, and Esme.”

The girls looked at each other and asked.

“Is there any reason for the name?”

“Umm…if you combine them, it would be SPICE?”

Benjamin smiled wryly.

I can’t really say those were your names in the comic right?

Well, it was true that he doesn’t need to use it but…at the same time, he was also unable to think of a name for them so he just ended up using it.

The girls looked at each other speechlessly for a while then burst into laughter.


“SPICE? Haha!”

“What kind of reason is that!? Hahaha!”

“Well, I don’t hate it though.”

“I like it too!”

After they said that, Benjamin saw their information change the name from ??? to their respective names.

Good, he won’t be able to confuse them for each other with this…

Well, this only applied to him.

Beside him, Mystique asked.

“That’s good and all but…how do we even tell them apart?”

Esme grinned.

“You just have to deal with it!”

Clearly, she was the troublemaker of the group.

Sophie rolled her eyes and spoke up.

“Don’t mind her. We’ll think of something to differentiate us. Alternatively, you can just use our last name to call us out. Unless you need one of us for a very specific reason, I don’t see any other reason to call us by our individual names.”

Oh, and Sophie seems to be the responsible type among them.

Everyone then talked some more before finally separating.

Benjamin had the Frost sisters to rest for the day for now and tomorrow, he’ll show them the EPD headquarters.

As for Mystique and Emma, they both followed Benjamin through the portal and returned to Massachusetts Academy where they first met Emma, intending to drop her off here.

After the portal closed behind them, Mystique asked.

“Well, that’s the last of the Brotherhood problems. I don’t know about you two but this calls for some celebration. Anyone wants to drink with me?

Mystique smiled.

After dealing with everything related to the Brotherhood of Mutants, she feels like she can finally close that chapter in her life and move on.

“Oh, count me in. An organization I trusted ended up being a gathering of criminals so…I need that drink.”

Emma sighed.

After everything that happened, she wanted to drink to unwind.

Although she put up a strong front before, it was really a huge blow to her. Especially since she really thought she was doing some good.

Not to mention suddenly gaining five ‘daughters’...

Drinking by herself is useless but since there was someone to drink with her, might as well join in.

The two then looked at Benjamin.

“Well if you two are looking at me like that, I can’t really say no now can I?”

Benjamin chuckled.

Emma smiled.

“My house is nearby. We can buy some drinks and takeout on the way for dinner.”

Benjamin and Mystique nodded.

After a while, they reached her house and unpacked the drinks and food they bought as they settled down in her living room.

They just sat on the rug on the floor and used the coffee table in the middle as their table.

They even opened the TV and played some movies.

And then…

The next morning, Benjamin woke up and stared at the ceiling for a while.

He turned his head to his right and saw a red-haired, blue-skinned, beauty naked beside him.

He then turned his head to his left and saw a blonde beauty naked beside him as well.

Benjamin faced the ceiling again and sighed.

…Damn, I went and did it again!

[As expected from the sex maniac.]

I don’t want to hear that from the Ultimate Stud System!


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