Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 69: EPD Tour

Chapter 69: EPD Tour

It didn’t take long for the two sleeping beauties to wake up.

Mystique didn’t care that she was naked as she sat up and raised her arm upwards to stretch her body, revealing her beautiful curves as she did so.

Seeing as Benjamin was looking at her body, she smirked.

“What? Already up for another round are we?”


Are you kidding me!? After showing me that, how can I not!?

At this time, Emma also sat up and lifted her blanket to cover her chest.

Benjamin glanced at it unconsciously but Emma noticed it and smirked as well.

“Still wanna look?”


Being caught red-handed, Benjamin cleared his throat and asked instead.

“About what happened last night…”

Emma rolled her eyes.

“If you’re gonna say you’re going to take responsibility, there’s no need. We’re all adults here. Although I may be a bit drunk last night, it was still my choice.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure you already have a girlfriend, can you really take responsibility for me and break up with her?”

Before Benjamin could answer, Mystique answered for him.

“Oh, you don’t need to mind that. He’s got like, a dozen girlfriends already.”


Emma was speechless.

Benjamin hurriedly denied.

“No no! I don’t think it’s a dozen already?...I think?”

Benjamin tried to count mentally the number of women he had slept with already and wondered.

Wait, has it already reached a dozen?

[Host, you have slept with 17 women to be precise. Including these two. Your current Harem Points is 135]


But well…some of those are just a one-time thing.

Then again…I’m not sure about the others.

Beside him, Emma looked at him in confusion.

“You think?”

“Well…I don’t really know my exact relationship with some of them.”

“...But the body count has reached a dozen and you didn’t have any breakups at all with them?”

“Well…other than this one girl who is in prison right now…yeah, pretty much?”

Emma was silent for a while before suddenly pushing Benjamin down.

“Then that changes things! Hurry up and take responsibility!”


This time, Benjamin was the speechless one.

Actually, Emma doesn’t normally go around having one-night stands. Naturally, she wanted to do it with someone she approved.

Benjamin gave her a good feeling.

Of course, it was just a good feeling and she knew that him saving her is just a byproduct of his original goal which was to end the Hellfire Club.

That’s why she was prepared to leave it as a one-night stand. Just enjoy his love for one night and forget about it the next day.

But after hearing that Benjamin has multiple lovers…well, one more shouldn’t hurt, right?

Not only was Benjamin handsome and powerful, he’s kind and doesn’t discriminate against her mutant-kind. Not to mention how he’s been helping their kind remove the discrimination against them.

Also…as much as she hated to admit it…last night was too amazing. She didn’t think she would be able to forget it at all!

Emma licked her lips and without waiting for Benjamin’s answer, she straddled above him and insert his tall hard dick inside her.

Do you still need an answer when his dick was already shouting a big hard yes?

Seeing the two who were about to start without her, Mystique chuckled and joined by sitting on Benjamin’s face.

“Hey, don’t forget about me.”

Benjamin sighed inwardly and thought about how he’ll explain this one to Nat and the others. However, he soon stopped thinking about it and attacked the two of them fiercely!

He let them sit above him for a while before turning and tossing them to the bed underneath him.

After all, he couldn’t let them keep taking the lead.

Benjamin chuckled and stacked the two of them on top of each other.

Suddenly, Mystique’s body morphed and turned into another Emma.

Benjamin’s eyes lit up seeing two Emmas stacked on top of each other.

“Do you like it?”

“I fucking love it!”

Without further ado, he rammed his dick inside Mystique first then to Emma as he interchanged between the two in regular intervals.

Like that, the three of them continued their battle for over an hour or so.

After some time, they finally stopped and got dressed as they still have work to do.

They all went to see the quintuplet first before Emma had to return to her Academy to do some paperwork.

Benjamin also led the quintuplet to the headquarters of the EPD together with Mystique to give them a tour.

They garnered a lot of eyes on them as they walked. Naturally, it was because of how unusual it is to see five identical beautiful girls side by side.

While Benjamin showed them around, in the main hall of the headquarters, several people in colorful costumes were hanging out.

The main hall looked mostly like a lounge with several couches and tables here and there, a few vending machines for all sorts of drinks and snacks at the side, an open bar, and a few monitor screens on one wall.

If one were to look closely, one would see that the scenes on the monitor aren’t movies or shows, instead, it shows a few people fighting.

For example, on one of the screens, they would see three figures in armor fighting. One had red and gold paint, another had black paint, and another one had electric whips coming out from his arms.

Beneath the screens, a bald man with one eye stood and watched the monitors. This was none other than Nick Fury.

“Ironman and Warmachine are about to defeat Whiplash. Get ready to sortie and restrain Whiplash.”

“Yes sir.”

An EPD agent beside him nodded and left to gather some people.

Nick saw the situation was about to end so he switched to look at the other monitors.

“A building is on the verge of collapsing in Southern Europe. Quicksilver, help evacuate the civilians. Iceman, stabilize the building. Support the other heroes in the scene.”

““On it!””

Quicksilver who was resting on the sofa and Iceman who was getting a drink from the vending machine answered and left to the side where they reached a circular platform.

There was a magic formation on it that Benjamin made to teleport to other EPD branches. This was to ensure a faster response from them should it be needed.

Nick nodded and turned to the other screens that suddenly showed activity.

He saw two figures running rampant as they fought. Both of them seemed to be able to shrink somehow. However, since both of them aren’t registered in the EPD database, they’re both seen to be causing trouble.

He turned to the other heroes.

“Two potentially enhanced individuals with the ability to shrink are causing problem downtown. Anyone wanna take them?”

““I’m on it!””

Two figures shouted at the same time.

The two looked at each other and one of them glared at the other while the other just sighed while shaking her head.

“You again! It’s one thing to steal my spider-themed name and powers, why are you stealing my bad guys too!?”

“It’s not my fault you’re too slow in defeating them.”

These two were none other than Spider-man and Spider-woman. Or rather, Peter Parker and Gwen Stacy.

The two bickered as they ran to the teleporter at the side.

Seeing the two leave, everyone laughed.

Suddenly, one person stood up and shouted.

It was Jake Peralta.

“Alright, everyone! Place your bets! Who will get the bad guy this time, Spider-man or Spider-woman!? Come, come! Place your bets now!”

Everyone quickly placed their bets.

“I bet it’s Spider-man this time!”

“My money’s on Spider-woman!”

Nick watched this and could not help but sigh and facepalm. However, he secretly placed his money on Spider-woman.

At this time, Benjamin arrived with Mystique and the girls.

Naturally, he saw this scene and was speechless.

Are you guys so free as to bet like this?

Benjamin could only smile wryly.

Since the birth of the EPD, there were fewer crimes. However, every now and then, a supervillain will pop up and need them to deal with.

The screens here don’t show every crime happening in the world but just the major ones.

For small-time crimes, they are left to those on patrol duty as it is hard to monitor them exactly when they happen.

Benjamin’s group naturally got the others’ attention.

Jake hurriedly waved his hand.

“Ben! Just in time! Who are you betting this time?”

Benjamin rolled his eyes at him but placed his money on Spider-woman.

It can’t be helped, Spider-man kept losing before so he naturally learned his lesson!

Jake then saw that there were five unfamiliar faces behind Benjamin.

Jake clicked his tongue.

“Tsk tsk. Did you pick up a quintuplet this time? Or does she have some kind of cloning ability?”

The others also approached and looked curious so Benjamin introduced them.

“They’re new recruits. From left to right, Sophie, Phoebe, Irma, Celeste, and Esme Frost. If you get confused about who is who, just call out their last name. They’re all basically the same anyway since they’re clones of someone.”


Jake grinned.

“There were 1000 of them but since the 995 were unsuccessful, they were killed by their creator.”

“Not…cool. I was going to say not cool.”

Jake tried to save himself.

At the side, Nick frowned.

“Who made them?”

“I’m about to go and find out. You don’t need to worry about it. I’ll personally deal with this one.”


Nick nodded and was no longer bothered about it.

He looked at the quintuplet and nodded to them.

“Welcome aboard.”

The girls nodded to him as well as they looked around them curiously.

Benjamin looked around and found Wanda so he called her out.

“Girls, this is Wanda. She’ll be helping you guys train on how to use your powers. For hand-to-hand training, you can ask Mystique to teach you. Any questions?”

A few of them raised their hands.

Benjamin pointed to one.


“Yes! When do we get cool codenames?”

“Uhh, it’s mostly the media or yourselves who will come up with the name. Next.”

Benjamin pointed to another girl.


“Umm, is it fine not to learn hand-to-hand combat?”

“It’s completely up to you. But training your powers is mandatory if you want to be out in the field. We need to make sure you won’t rampage or lose control when out in the field. Of course, if you want to do some desk work instead, that’s also fine.”

Benjamin went to the last girl who raised her hand.


“Can we operate as a group in the future or do we need to act separately?”

“That’s entirely up to you. Even in the EPD, there are people who prefer to act in a group like the Defenders or the Fantastic Four. Of course, when they feel like it, they can go solo or join others. It’s usually depending on the situation.”

Seeing as no one had any more questions, Benjamin nodded.

“Alright, this is where I’ll be leaving you. You can go ahead and familiarize yourself with the place. I’m off to question some prisoners.”

After Benjamin left, everyone quickly surrounded the girls and asked them some questions.

Mainly it was the other girls who kept chatting with the quintuplets.

Nick sighed again after seeing this and shook his head.

He returned to monitoring the screens.

Although these guys can be quite willful and a handful sometimes, they can at least be depended on when it comes to saving people.

A small smile escaped his lips.

It was more fun here than when he was in SHIELD. Everyone was always so serious there.

At this moment, Benjamin went down several levels into the prison area of the headquarters.

This place is still just temporary as Benjamin planned to create a more special place to hold the prisoners.

As Benjamin went down, he was reading the report on the tablet in his hand regarding the prisoners.

When the elevator door opened, he walked out and found Callisto’s cell first.

Benjamin then opened her cell.

“Alright, you’re free to go.”

“...That’s it?”

Callisto was surprised.

“Yeah. Everything checks out. Although you lied when you said you joined only recently, you haven’t really done anything so there’s no reason to hold you here.”

Benjamin read her background detail just now.

Basically, she was a normal person before suddenly discovering her mutant power. Although Benjamin called it mutant power, she basically has superhuman senses. Sight, smell, taste, touch, balance, sensing, and all that. She also has night vision and a minor healing factor.

The healing factor isn’t as exaggerated as Deadpool’s or Wolverines in a way that she’s unable to regenerate lost limbs but it’s still pretty impressive.

Basically, she’s a mutant that doesn’t really look like a mutant…if that makes sense.

But well, she was still found to be a mutant and an accident happened, causing her to lose her right eye.

With nowhere to go, the Hellfire Club found her and trained her to be an assassin.

But before she could take any assassination jobs, Benjamin appeared and destroyed the Hellfire Club.

It’s a bit of a pity that her skills were never used.

“Although I say I’m releasing you, I’d like to hire you as well.”

“Oh? What’s the job? Do you want me to join this EPD of yours?”

Callisto asked, already expecting him to nod.

She didn’t really have a problem with joining. As long as she will have a place to stay and earn money. It’s all the same.

However, Benjamin shook his head.

“No. Instead, I want you to join HYDRA.”


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