Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 87: Peter and MJ

Chapter 87: Peter and MJ

“B-Benjamin Freed!? THAT Benjamin Freed!?”

May exclaimed in shock.

“Well, unless you know other Benjamin Freeds.”

“Oh wow! I didn’t think I’d get to meet you personally!”

Well, your nephew meets me most of the time…but she probably still doesn’t know that Peter’s Spider-man.

Spider-man is one of the few members of the EPD who always keeps his identity.

At first, there were a lot of them but after knowing each other on missions and getting comfortable with the other members, they no longer guard their identity too much.

Only Peter and a few others would always keep their identity a secret.

Benjamin just doesn’t know if he already told someone else or not. Maybe a friend? Does Ned exist here?

Well, I’m pretty sure Gwen knows it.

Considering she’s probably not from this universe…but since she’s been here for a while, it’s safe to say that the setting isn’t like that animated movie where they would glitch if they are in the wrong universe.

Benjamin still has no idea why she’s here but like he told her before. As long as it doesn’t really affect anything, he won’t bother about it.

It would be interesting to visit the multiverse one day though.

Maybe it’s even possible to go to the DC world?

[Host, are you sure about that?]

…Uhh, why are you asking, System? Is something bad going to happen?

[This System is the Ultimate Marvel System. Going to other Marvel worlds is not a big problem. But if you go to something like a DC World, the host of the Ultimate DC System will get notified and things may get complicated.]

Benjamin fell into deep thought.

That does sound bad…

Benjamin knew better than anyone how powerful this system could be. And from what the System said, it isn’t a unique existence in the multiverse…so how powerful would the others be?

What if they invade this world?

[Actually, Host does not need to worry too much. They all also have their own considerations. As long as host doesn’t offend them intentionally, there won’t be any problem.]

Well, I sure hope so…

Benjamin sighed.

Anyway, one problem at a time.

“So, do you mind showing me around?”

“Sure! It would be my pleasure!”

May nodded enthusiastically.

…Isn’t she a bit too excited?

Actually, Benjamin doesn’t fully understand his own fame.

Although many had already forgotten what he looked like since he rarely showed himself, the name Benjamin Freed is still a resounding name in the hearts of many people as it could be said that he is someone who signaled a new era.

It’s like…ask anyone what Jesus looks like and they would all give vague descriptions. But they still know the name itself.

…Okay, maybe that comparison is a bit…but you get the point!

While Benjamin follows May around the place, a couple were walking on the streets nearby.

One was a man with short brown hair and the other was a woman with long red hair.

It was none other than Peter Parker and Mary Jane.

“It’s such a shame Harry can’t come with us. Today’s game night!”

“It can’t be helped. You know Harry. It seems his father’s had some problems lately so he’s trying to help.”

MJ shrugged.

Peter sighed.

“Considering how bad his dad’s mood has been, I doubt this would end well…”

“That’s true…”

MJ nodded.

The two of them had long known the love-hate relationship with the Osborns.

Peter stretched his arms and looked around as they walked.

“Anyway…it sure is peaceful nowadays.”

“Isn’t that good?”

“Well, yeah. Of course. I just mean…you know, after that whole alien war thing, I expected like more aliens would come and invade us or something.”

“Don’t jinx it.”

MJ rolled her eyes.

She knew that Peter was Spider-man and knew that he had taken part in a crazy war some time ago.

She still couldn’t believe that something that scary and amazing happened without them knowing anything!

According to Peter, it was thanks to Benjamin Freed who had teleported the alien fleet just as it was about to enter the Earth’s atmosphere and sent them to a different planet.

Afterward, he assembled Earth’s mightiest and won the war!

How amazing was that!?

But at the same time, the fact that Earth had nearly brushed against death had also scared her.

It was fine not knowing about it but this stupid guy told her about it and now she’s worried all the time whether aliens would invade again so abruptly.

But well…after a few days of waiting and nothing happening, she had reverted back to her normal lifestyle.

Of course, it’s not that she had forgotten about it. But after thinking it through, the fact that nothing was happening meant that their planet was being protected by someone powerful.

“I’m kinda interested in meeting this Benjamin Freed.”

MJ mused.

Hearing that, Peter froze.

Meet that guy!?

No no no no no!

Peter knew about Benjamin and his expanding number of lovers.

If MJ meets him, what if…

Just the thought of it frightens Peter.

Peter coughed and quickly changed topics.

“A-ahem! Oh, we’re at FEAST! Let’s go say hi to Aunt May since we’re here.”

“Speaking of which, I haven’t visited the FEAST yet since it was established. Let’s go!”

MJ remembered that she wanted to visit before but there wasn’t a good time. Now that they were here, it was better to go.

She grabbed Peter’s hand and pulled him inside.

Inside, a staff noticed them and waved.

“Oh, Peter! Here to see your aunt?”

“Yeah. Where is she right now?”

“She’s showing a guest around the place. Said he was going to donate some money here.”

Hearing that a donor was present, Peter and MJ looked surprised and amazed.

“Wow! You guys found a donor so fast! That’s amazing!”

MJ clapped.

Peter smiled, also happy for his aunt.

He asked the staff.

“Any idea who he is?”

“I didn’t hear. I just heard he’s quite handsome and amazing or something.”

The staff shrugged.

He wasn’t there when Benjamin introduced himself but just overheard some things.

Peter’s eyes narrowed while MJ raised a brow and smirked.

She nudged Peter with her elbow and chuckled.

“Hehe, maybe he’s going to be your future uncle, Peter.”

“Hmph! I won’t acknowledge anyone but Uncle Ben!”

Peter hmphed and started to walk inside.

“Let’s go MJ. Let’s see who this guy is.”

“Look at you, so overprotective.”

MJ rolled her eyes again but still followed. She was a bit curious as to who this handsome fellow was.

At this moment, Benjamin had pretty much looked around the place and they were finishing up.

“And that’s pretty much it. What do you think?”

May asked.

Benjamin smiled and nodded.

“It’s pretty impressive considering the limited budget you had before. I’ll increase my donation to 5 million. I trust that you can put it to good use.”

Hearing his confirmation, May’s eyes brightened excitedly.

“That’s great! I promise that I’ll put every cent into good use!”

May promised.

Suddenly, a few kids playing nearby ran past behind May and accidentally pushed her forward, leaning onto Benjamin’s chest.

Benjamin was also surprised and unconsciously caught her by the arms.

As the two locked eyes for a brief moment, Benjamin’s mind retorted.

What is this!? A K-drama or something!?

Knowing how embarrassed May might be, Benjamin was about to gently push her away when suddenly, someone exclaimed beside them.


Confused, Benjamin and May snapped out of it and looked at the side at the same time.

There, they saw two people.

Benjamin recognized one of them as Peter Parker.

As for the other…that red hair and being beside Peter means it can only be Mary Jane Watson.

At the moment, Peter was pointing at them with his mouth agape in speechlessness.

“Y-you two…”

Benjamin looked at him, then at May. He knew this kid misunderstood them so he quickly stabilized May and took a big step back.

“Ahem, that was-”

“Oh, Peter! You’re here! There’s great news!”

Before Benjamin could explain, May greeted Peter excitedly.

Now, if Benjamin still insists on explaining, it will make him sound too rude…he had completely missed the timing.

Sighing, he just shrugged it off and calmed down.

“A-Aunt May…w-why is h-he….here…?”

“He’s the new donor of FEAST! You know him, right? He’s none other than Benjamin Freed! That one from the EPD! How amazing is that!?”

“R-really amazing…”

Peter forced a smile.

Dammit! Of course, I know him, I’m also a member of the EPD!

MJ saw his expression and nearly laughed out loud.

Smiling, she stepped forward and extended her hand towards Benjamin.

“So you’re the famous Benjamin Freed. You’re indeed as handsome as they say.”

Benjamin smiled wryly as he shook her hand.

“No no, that’s an exaggeration…”

[Host, how come you’re so gullible suddenly? Is MJ also your target? Are you also going to NTR Spider-man?]

System, shut up!

Peter saw the two shook hands and his mind exploded.

Oh no! Why did they have to meet!?

After shaking MJ’s hand, Benjamin suddenly felt a death stare from Peter.

…What is this guy thinking?

Not caring about the mood, May introduced the two.

“This is my nephew, Peter. This one is MJ, Peter’s girlfriend.”

Benjamin nodded. Although he already knew it, he acted as if it was his first meeting with Peter.

“Nice to meet you. I am Benjamin Freed.”

“...Nice to meet you.”

Peter said and shook his hand.

…Umm, Peter? Why are you using super strength? Aren’t you afraid of your cover being blown?

Benjamin smiled wryly again and sighed.

This guy definitely misunderstood and is now hostile to him…

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