Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 88: Trapster

Chapter 88: Trapster

Seeing Peter act like this, Benjamin felt like teasing him a bit.

“Wow, you got quite some grip there, young man.”


Peter realized that he was using his super strength and quickly retracted his hand.

“No, no. I’m just a normal high school student!”

…If you say things like that, it would be more suspicious you know?

Benjamin almost retorted out loud.

MJ rolled her eyes and whispered to Peter sarcastically.

“Nice save.”

“You think so?”


MJ didn’t even know what to say to that.

Still not reading the mood, May asked Peter curiously.

“What’s wrong, Peter? I thought you’d be more excited. You always talk about how great Captain Freed is whenever there’s an opportunity.


Benjamin raised an eyebrow at that and looked at Peter.

Was he actually a fanboy of his?

Peter was naturally embarrassed and quickly denied it.

“Wha-! I did not! Don’t make things up, Aunt May!”

“But just yesterday, you-”

“Ahhh! Those kids are playing with the dispenser again!”

Peter quickly pointed at the few kids playing around with the water dispenser behind them.

Seeing that, May’s face darkened, and started stomping her way to those kids.

“Hey! Stop playing with that!”

Benjamin smiled wryly as he watched May scold the kids. Although she looked quite angry, her tone was a bit gentle so it could be seen that she wasn’t really mad at them.

It was more of lecturing them in order to correct their manners.

Benjamin looked at them warmly for a bit before turning to Peter.

There was an awkward silence in the air…

Benjamin cleared his throat and asked.

“Ahem. So…do you want an autograph or something?”



MJ tried to hold back her laughter when she saw Peter’s expression.

Peter was about to retort something back but felt something with his spidey sense.

“Watch out!”

He quickly grabbed MJ and pulled her behind him while Benjamin merely glanced at the wall beside them and raised his hand.

Then…nothing happened.

MJ looked at Peter curiously.

“What happened?”’

“A car almost crashed the wall but…”

Peter glanced at Benjamin.

Benjamin smiled at him and explained.

“Don’t worry. I already stopped it. Let’s go see what’s happening.”

Just now, a car had almost crashed into the wall and destroyed it but Benjamin stopped it with telekinesis and prevented the building from suffering any damages.

It would be bad to see this place destroyed when he just donated money to it.

Waving his hand, a portal appeared on the wall which led directly outside.

Benjamin settled the car down gently and the people inside all sighed in relief as they got out.

Looking in the distance, they could see an armored truck and several other cars scattered on the street covered in…a yellow goo?

Then, from inside the armored truck, a figure appeared holding a bag of money on his left hand while on his right hand was what appeared to be a gun of some sort with a tube connected to a container on his back.

Seeing this guy, Benjamin was a bit speechless.

Is this guy…the Trapster?

This guy actually had the guts to show up when the EPD is quite active?

Benjamin then noticed a few figures in different suits also covered in yellow goo.

Oh, it seems some members tried to stop him but were glued down by the Trapster…

Well, this guy’s glue is indeed annoying to handle if you don’t have the right powerset.

It’s quite messy too.

Trapster looked at them and laughed.

“Wow, what a STICKY situation you guys are in.”

“Argh! Get us out of here!”

“Hahaha! Why would I? Isn’t it nice to BOND together?”

““Aaahhh! Enough with the glue jokes!””

Trapster chuckled at that.

“My, what a COHESIVE group.”

“Stop it!”

The group of young EPD members roared angrily.

Benjamin smiled wryly.

Right…this guy is also known for his annoying glue puns whenever he fights.

“Well, enough of that.”

To this small villain, Benjamin didn’t need to use all his powers. Telekinesis is enough.

First, he froze Trapster in place.

Then, he crushed the glue gun in his hand to prevent him from shooting anymore.

He then put the money back in the armored truck and controlled the surrounding area to fix themselves.’

Well, he can’t control the scattered goo since it’s stuck to wherever they are.

Speaking of, he still had that Casket of Ancient Winters.

It might be overkill but it will do the job to freeze the glue and break it.

Benjamin took out the casket and controlled the freezing chill that came out of it so it didn’t freeze the entire city.

After making sure all the glues were frozen, the EPD members stuck on it were able to easily break themselves free with their strength.

At first, they were confused as to what was happening.

But when they saw Benjamin, their eyes lit up, and quickly greeted him.

“Boss! You were here!”

“Thank you for saving us!”

Benjamin smiled and nodded to them.

“It’s fine. I happened to be nearby. Go ahead and cuff this guy up. Don’t worry, I already STUCK him in place.”




The EPD members and even the Trapster were speechless.

Did he just…make a glue pun too!?

Trapster was angered.

“Hey! Don’t steal my lines! Also, get me out of here!”

“Nope. You’re gonna STICK around for a long time in prison.”


“Stop getting so ATTACHED to things.”





The EPD members didn’t know what to say.

It was fine to scold Trapster for the bad jokes but…this is their boss.

Won’t they be in trouble if they scold him too?

But if they were to laugh…won’t it be too fake?

What are we supposed to do here!?

Not minding them, Benjamin scratched his chin.

“Hmm, I tried to quip like Spider-man would but as I thought, it’s pretty hard to do it right.”


Peter, who was listening in, was speechless to hear him suddenly mentioned.

The other members quickly shook their heads.

“No no no. Please don’t copy that guy.”

“Yeah. Spider-man’s not right in the head.”


Peter glared at the EPD members, deeply remembering their faces.

What do you mean not right in the head!? I’ll show you later what’s not right in the head!

After a while, the situation has been handled and everything was back to normal so Benjamin and the others went back inside FEAST.

Peter sighed, mentally exhausted at the events that happened this day.

“Man, what an eventful day…”

Beside him, MJ smirked.

“I guess you could say that it’s STUCK in your head now, huh?”

“MJ! Not you too!”


Benjamin looked at the two and also smiled.

At this time, May finally came back to them and looked at them in confusion.

“What’s wrong? What did I miss?”

“It’s nothing…”

Peter answered with a sigh.

May merely raised an eyebrow at that but shrugged.

“Anyway, we must celebrate today! Mr. Freed, would you mind joining us for dinner? Oh, MJ, you can come with too!”

“Oh! I wouldn’t miss May’s cooking for the world!”

MJ smiled and nodded.

Benjamin also nodded since there wasn’t anything urgent for him to do.

“Sure. I don’t mind.”



While May and MJ seemed excited, only Peter cheered weakly at the side.

Everything will be fine…right?


Inside a certain Oscorp lab.

A man barged in while huffing and puffing.

“Octavius! You promised me super soldiers! Where are they!?”

Inside the lab, a hunched man with unkept hair could be seen tinkering with something on the desk, unfazed by the brazen and arrogant attitude of the man who barged in.

“Almost done, Osborn…patience…”

“How long must I wait!?”

Norman asked angrily.

Octavius mouth curved into a thin smile.

“Not long now…”

As if right on cue, he finished up with his work and stood up with his back facing Norman.

Norman was surprised and looked excited.

“Is it done!?”

Octavius smiled.

“Yes…it’s done…you, that is.”


Suddenly, long tentacle-like tubes started to squirm on top of the desk which quickly moved and started to attach themselves behind Octavius!

Feeling that something was wrong, Norman started to step back.

“Octavius! What…what are you doing!?”


Four thumping sounds could be heard as the four tentacles started to push themselves from the ground, lifting Octavius who was attached to it on his back.

Slowly, Octavius turned to Norman.

“You wanted a super soldier…I’m giving you one…!”


Norman panicked when one of the arms shot towards him and grabbed him.

“Octavius! Stop this instant!”

“No. I’m still gonna have so much fun tormenting you…as you did to me…!”


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