Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 89: Birth of the Goblin

Chapter 89: Birth of the Goblin

Meanwhile, in the Parker household.

May just finished putting the lasagna in the oven and clapped her hands.

“And done! Now we just have to wait for a while then we can start eating!”

“Ooh! Should we play some games while we wait? Today’s game night! You can join in too Capt. Freed!”

MJ suggested. To which Peter tried to refuse.

“Uhh, I’m sure Mr. Freed is busy. I don’t think this is a good id-”

“Oh, that’s a good idea! I’m quite free today. What games do you play around here?”


Peter sighed and glared at Benjamin.

What’s wrong with this guy!? Is he really this free? Doesn’t he have like, a gajillion lovers to attend to!?

If Benjamin knew what he was thinking, he would just smile helplessly.

His relationship with his lovers was…a bit unique after all.

They all have things they’re busy with and even Nat enjoys chatting with Anna, or the other girls instead of him.

Actually, Benjamin tried to stay at home once to take care of the pregnant Natasha but it seems he was too enthusiastic about it that it just annoyed her. From then on, she told him to go busy himself instead.

Sulking, Benjamin went to find the other girls for comfort but they were also quite busy. He even looked for Amy and Rosa as well but they were also busy with police work.

Naturally, they each still spent a day together but that was it.

So after all that, Benjamin was quite free now.

The System even joked to him about finding more girls so he could rotate girls for each day in a month…

An hour later.

Benjamin smirked as he stared straight at MJ’s eyes and then…



MJ collapsed on her chair as she held onto a stack of cards.

Having placed his last card, Benjamin chuckled and relaxed.

Skipping MJ’s turn, it was May’s turn.

“+2! Uno!”


Peter grumbled and drew two more cards.

Since Benjamin was done, It was MJ’s turn who sighed and placed a number with the same color.

“Aha! I’m done!”

May laughed as she raised her hands up in celebration.

Peter grumbled and placed a normal number.

Seeing this, MJ’s gleamed.

“It’s over, Tiger! +4! +2! +4! +2! +2! Reverse! Skip! Skip! Skip! Reverse! +2! +4! Reverse! Skip! Reverse! +2! +4! And finally…7!”

“What the f…”

Peter was speechless at the sudden barrage of special cards and skipped his turn repeatedly.

Naturally, the result was his complete loss.

MJ smiled smugly.

“Heh! I knew I wasn’t going to win first place so I was saving up those cards for the last battle!”

Peter gritted his teeth.

“Once more! Again! I refuse to believe I will lose again!”

A few minutes later.

“Noooo! Why!? Why is it me again!?”

Peter collapsed onto the floor while grasping his held cards that was about as much as the deck.

Benjamin and the rest just laughed at him.

After a while, the timer on the oven rang.

“Oh, it’s done. Let’s eat!”

May clapped and everyone started to clear the table.

As they ate, Benjamin exclaimed.

“Mm! This is good. You could open a restaurant, May.”

“Haha, thank you.”

Peter added.

“You should see her wheat cakes. The best.”

“Oh? I’ll look forward to it someday then.”

May smiled as she looked at Benjamin.

“Feel free to come whenever you’re free. I’ll cook you some food if you want.”

“Ah. Sure. When I’m free.”

Feeling that there was something weird with her expression, Benjamin cleared his throat as he answered.

Peter looked at him and at May with narrowed eyes.

MJ saw Peter’s expression and could only smile wryly.

Should I help him out?

Thinking that, MJ started to ask Benjamin.

“Oh, Capt. Freed. I’ve been meaning to ask.”

“It’s fine to just call me Ben.”


Although Benjamin said that to MJ, it was May who uttered his name.

MJ also glanced at May who seemed to be thinking something. She coughed once and continued.

“Then, Ben. There’s some rumors about you having multiple girlfriends. Is it true? Off the record, of course.”

Benjamin could only smile helplessly at that.

It seems this MJ is one that is aspiring to be a reporter. She’s already asking him such a question…

Well, it was off the record anyway and Benjamin was also aware of some rumors floating around him.


“Really!? How many!? Who are they!?”

MJ’s eyes gleamed.

She was hungry for some gossip!

“Well, I suppose I can tell you some who most people know. There’s Natasha who you know as the Black Widow. And also Anna who is better known as Rogue. As for the others…well, not a lot of people know about my relationship with them so it’s better not to say.”

“But how many?”

“Uhh…16? But most of those are casual relationships which I am also not sure what they really think of me.”


Not just MJ. Even Peter and May were shocked.

May asked.

“How does that even work?”

“Oh. It’s fine. None of them are really clingy and I basically just come to them if they ask me or they come to me if they want. They all do their own thing so I just support them I guess?”

“And they know each other?”

“Yeah? I think they have a group chat or something but none of them wants me to know about it…”

The three were speechless.

May started to ponder on something.

MJ was also thinking something while muttering.

“I wonder if I can join that group chat. I’m sure I can get tons of juicy insider scoops!”


Peter quickly nudged her with a pale face.

“Haha. I’m just joking, Tiger. Don’t be so serious.”


Meanwhile. In the Oscorp secret lab.

After restraining Norman, Octavius placed him inside a pod filled with an unknown medical liquid.

Norman was strapped inside with an oxygen mask and several needles with tubes connected to him.

Octavius saw Norman glaring at him and chuckled.

“Hehe, don’t look so scary, Osborn. You wanted a super soldier, did you not? I’m giving it to you.”

His four metallic tentacles moved here and there as he pressed a few buttons and moved some levers.

“Now. I present you…your super soldier serum…!”

Octavius laughed and pressed on a red button.

Suddenly, Norman’s eyes widened and his pupils dilated.

One could see his veins popping out and throbbing as he shouted inside the tank in pain.

Well, only bubbles appeared from his mouth and his voice couldn’t be heard from outside the tank.

Still, one look at his expression and you can see that he was in great pain!

Suddenly, his body started to bulk up. His figure contorted into a different shape. His skin…turning into a shade of green…!

Octavius smiled madly.

“Fascinating! How marvelous! The serum was only meant to enhance the physical properties of a person but you, Osborn! It seems you really are a monster deep within! Hahahaha!”


The tank exploded and the glass shattered into pieces.

From inside it, a huge green figure could be seen.

Although not as big as the Hulk, this one looked more ferocious and monstrous.

Octavius quickly moved and used one of his metallic tentacles and attach a collar to the creature’s neck.

“Now you are mine to control, Osborn. No…you look more like a goblin now. My Green Goblin. Kukuku…Hahaha…HAHAHAHAHAHA!”

Octavius started to laugh madly.


The Green Goblin tried to charge at him but Octavius merely smiled coldly and pressed on a remote.

Suddenly, the collar on the goblin’s neck sparked and sent thousands of volts into him.


“Now now, my goblin. Patience. Soon, you will be able to rampage all you want. As soon as I figure out how you work, I will create an army of Green Goblins!”

Octavious laughed.

“Not even Be-...oops. That was close. Although I haven’t proven this hypothesis yet, there’s no reason not to be cautious. In any case, no one can stop me now!”

What he didn’t know though…

In a small corner of the lab. A small robotic black cat could be seen staring at him.

Inside the Freedom Corp. Felicia was looking through her tablet and was a bit speechless at the turn of events.

Although she just finished stealing from Norman, she left behind a small cat robot that Benjamin made for her to keep watch at Norman in case he did something.

Sure enough, something did indeed happen.

She just didn’t think that it would be something like this.

Felicia also wasn’t really watching from the start. She had only opened up the tablet now to check in on it and already found Octavius turning Norman into a monster.

“Well, shit.”

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