Ultimate Marvel System

Chapter 90: Doctor Octopus

Chapter 90: Doctor Octopus

Inside the Parker household, Benjamin’s phone rang.

Looking at the caller, Benjamin saw it was Felicia so he excused himself.

“I need to take this. One moment.”

Benjamin didn’t walk too far as he answered the call.

“Felicia? What’s up? Have you rested well?”

“I’m fine. But there’s been a situation regarding Osborn.”

“What happened?”

Benjamin frowned.

Felicia sighed and explained.

“I left one of those mini surveillance cats you made for me and well…some octopus guy just turned Osborn into an ugly version of the Hulk. Well, uglier.”


Benjamin was confused.

What do you mean ugly version of the Hulk?

…Wait, is she talking about the Green Goblin? The version like in Miles Morales’ universe where the Green Goblin is a hulking figure of a monster instead of a cosplay one?

Peter won’t die in this universe too right?

Benjamin glanced at Peter who was chatting with his aunt and MJ on the dining table.

Well, Benjamin was here so he wouldn’t let anything like that happen.

Rather than that, it seems that in this universe, Doctor Octopus was the one that caused Norman to transform into the Green Goblin?

How interesting.

Still, it’s better not to let either of those two continue to rampage.

“Alright. I’ll deal with this. You-”

“I’m coming too. I noticed it late so this one’s on me.”


Benjamin made an unimpressed sound.

Felicia continued.

“Also, this is the perfect chance to get deep inside Oscorp. A few things might get missing during the fight.”

“I knew it.”

Benjamin chuckled.

Felicia was the same as ever.

“Alright. Let’s meet up inside Oscorp then.”

Benjamin hung up and went back to May and the rest.

“Sorry, something came up. I’ll be leaving first.”

Peter was surprised. He didn’t get any emergency notification. Did something happen?

“Is it something you have to handle? I mean, aren’t there a lot of EPD members now?”

Benjamin thought for a moment.

“Hmm, well, it doesn’t have to be me but I just happen to be nearby. I also have some other things to take care of on that side. Well, maybe I can call Spider-Man. I recall he’s pretty active around this place too.”

Benjamin smiled and pulled out his phone.

Peter started to panic and quickly stood up.

“A-ahh! I remember I still have some homework! I’ll be going to my room now! Bye!”

“Ah? Peter!”

May shouted at Peter but he ignored her and quickly ran to his room upstairs.

MJ knew what Peter was up to and could only smile wryly.

Benjamin chuckled silently and continued to call Spider-Man.

Of course, he didn’t have Peter Parker’s number. He only had the number for Spider-Man’s EPD-issued phone.

But since Peter keeps both on his person in case of emergencies, his identity would be busted if it were to ring here.

While ringing, Benjamin looked up and thought.

He does know I can still hear it right?

Finally, Peter, or rather, Spider-Man answered.

“A-ahem. What can I do for you, Captain Freed sir?”

“...What’s with your voice?”

Benjamin asked since Spider-Man started to talk in a deep voice.

“What do you mean? This is how I always sound like.”


Benjamin rolled his eyes.

“Anyway, where are you at now?”

“I’m uhh…at a bar.”

“What bar? You’re barely 18.”

MJ almost laughed when he heard their conversation.

Benjamin thought of an idea and intentionally spoke in a loud tone.

“Oh, you’re with Spider-Woman? You two are really inseparable.”

“Wha-!? I’m not! I didn’t say that!”

At the side, MJ squinted her eyes when she heard that Spider-Man and Spider-Woman were inseparable.

Benjamin laughed.

“Alright, enough jokes. I’m sending you a location. Be there in five minutes.”

After ending the call, Benjamin nodded to May and MJ.

“Thank you for the dinner, May. I’ll drop by at FEAST from time to time. See you later.”

“Ah, don’t worry about it. Just come whenever you are free. You can also visit here if you want.”

May smiled and walked him off to the entrance.

“Oh right. Can I get your number? You know, for FEAST-related stuff.”

“Hm? Sure.”

Benjamin didn’t mind and exchanged numbers with her.

After bidding farewell, Benjamin left.

Meanwhile, MJ walked up to Peter’s room and saw him already wearing the Spider-Man suit.

Surprised to see the door open, Peter quickly jumped to the ceiling to hide. When he saw it was MJ, he sighed and fell back down.

“You scared me.”

MJ laughed.

“Were you afraid that I was May or Mr. Freed?”


Peter sighed.

“Anyway. I gotta go. Can you cover for me?”

“I’m always here for you, Tiger.”


“And when you’re done, we need to talk about this Spider-Woman situation.”

“T-there’s really nothing!”

Sensing MJ’s glare, Peter quickly shook his head and denied everything.

“Uhuh. We’ll see.”

MJ’s eyes narrowed but didn’t say anything more.

Peter could only smile helplessly as he put on his mask and jumped off from the window, shooting his web onto a street lamp, and swung away.

MJ looked at his back for a moment, deep in thought.

A few minutes later, Spider-Man landed on a building roof near Oscorp.

Benjamin was already there as well, waiting for him.

“Uhh, Capt.? What’s up? Is there any reason why we’re here?”

“Hmm, explaining it is a bit hard. Just have a look at this.”

Benjamin handed his phone to Spider-Man.

Felicia had already sent the footage from earlier to him and it was just as he had suspected. Norman Osborn has turned into the Green Goblin by Doctor Octopus.

Spider-Man was confused at first but as he continued watching, his face paled.

“W-what was that!? Why did Mr. Osborn turn into this…Green…Goblin…thing!?”

“Ooh, Green Goblin. Let’s call him that then.”

“Captain Freed! We need to save him! He…”

He’s my best friend Harry’s father!

Spider-Man didn’t continue those words.

Benjamin smiled, knowing what he was thinking, and placed his hand on his shoulder.

“Don’t worry. That’s what we’re here for.”

Although it looks bad right now, Benjamin has the System in his back and it has nearly everything the Marvel world has to offer…provided he has enough MP.

A cure for the Green Goblin was naturally included and it isn’t expensive either.

“Let’s go.”

Benjamin opened up a portal that led directly into Otto Octavius’ lab.

When the two of them went through it, Otto naturally noticed them and was visibly surprised.

“No! How can you be here!? I never uttered your name!”

“Oh? You knew about that?”

Benjamin was surprised.

He didn’t think someone would actually figure out He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named’s abilities.

If Doctor Octopus could figure it out. It would be better to think that there would be others who also figured it out.

Benjamin could think of a couple of names in his mind.

Those people are geniuses in their own right. Even if he was wrong, it was best to think that they knew about his ability as well.

I should visit those people soon.

Benjamin decided.

He sighed.

I guess I’ll be busy for a while.

After deciding his next course of action, Benjamin focused on the situation at hand.

“Anyway, you’re under arrest. Turn around. Hands and…tentacles where I can see them.”

When Benjamin started to speak, Spider-Man was also quick to add.

“You have the right to remain silent-!”

“Argh! Enough!”

Otto’s raged as he swung two tentacle arms onto both Benjamin and Spider-Man.

“I am Dr. Otto Octavius! Do not underestimate me, you insufferable fools!”

Benjamin rolled his eyes.

Why are you announcing your name like that?

On the other hand, Spider-Man laughed.

“Ha! You’re name is Otto Octavius? And you have tentacles? Is your zodiac sign an Octopus?”

While speaking, he crossed his hands and shot webs on each of the tentacles nearing them.

When the webs connected, he pulled on it hard, causing the two tentacles to slam into each other instead.

Otto gnashed his teeth.

“You think you’re so clever!? You’re just an insect!”

Mechanical tentacles kept shooting towards Spider-Man who dodged them with ease.

“Again, why do people keep calling me an insect? Spiders are arachnids! You should learn your animals properly Doc.”

Spider-Man started to realize something.

“Doc…Octopus…Doctor Octopus…Aha! Doc Ock!”


Angered by Spider-Man’s constant ridiculing quips, Doctor Octopus’ tentacles started to change at the tip, showing a rotating razor blade instead of a claw.

“Oh boy.”

Spider-Man was a bit scared but still managed to dodge by the hair.

When he turned to the side and saw Benjamin calmly watching, he shouted.

“Uhh, Captain!? Anytime now!?”

“Wait a sec. I’m still thinking of a good quip.”

Spider-Man almost slipped when he heard that.

“I know it’s not right for me to say it but…NOW’S NOT THE RIGHT TIME FOR THAT!”

“Ooh, I know.”

Benjamin placed his fist on his palm as he had an idea.

He then waved his hand and quickly froze Doctor Octopus in midair.

Then, with his telekinesis, he crammed Doctor Octopus and his tentacles into a ball-like shape.

Spider-Man saw how easily Benjamin dealt with him and was speechless.

Benjamin shrugged.

“What? Never seen a takoyaki before?”


“Get it? Cause, takoyakis are octopus in a ball and he’s-”

“An octopus shaped into a ball. I get it!”

Spider-Man facepalmed.

Doctor Octopus was visibly annoyed with their banter.

“Do you think you’ve beaten me!? Destroy them!”


A roar sounded from above.

Looking up, they saw a huge green figure smashing down on them.

Spider-Man’s eyes widened.

“Mr. Osborn!”

“Kukuku. Norman Osborn is gone. He is only a monster now. My monster!”

Benjamin looked at the Green Goblin and sighed.

He used his telekinesis again and halted the Green Goblin in midair.

Doctor Octopus was speechless.

“Honestly, what are you trying to achieve here, Doc? Did you really think creating monsters like this can do anything to me?”

“Impossible! Telekinesis shouldn’t be this strong!”

“That’s for normal people. My physical strength is on par with that of the Hulk. Naturally, my telekinesis is also just as strong.”

With the physical enhancement of the Refined Super Soldier Serum, plus the physical enhancement from the symbiosis of the Untainted Symbiote, his strength was around that of Hulk or Thor.

Regarding the power of telekinesis. It’s a combination of both the user’s physical prowess and their mental strength.

Lifting things that you can lift yourself with telekinesis doesn’t really consume any mental strength. Only when you try to lift something beyond your own strength will it start to depend on how powerful your mind is.

If it far surpasses even your mind, one would experience symptoms like nosebleeding, headache, or in the worst case, brain damage.

So for Benjamin who had high physical strength and a powerful mind…naturally, his Telekinesis is quite strong.

Doctor Octopus started breaking down.

“No! This can’t be! My plan was supposed to be perfect! You weren’t supposed to find me this early! I would gather four…no, five people by my side, and the six of us would destroy your precious EPD!”

Is he talking about the Sinister Six?

Benjamin chuckled.

“Six? And you want to destroy the EPD? What wishful thinking. Even Spider-Man can beat all six of you.”

“Huh? No no no! I can’t possibly handle six of these guys by myself!”

Spider-Man quickly shook his head.

Benjamin smiled and patted his shoulder.

“Don’t sell yourself short. You have the potential.”


“Anyway. Let’s get this farce over with.”

Benjamin pulled out a syringe from his Inventory.

It was something he bought in the System shop just a while ago. The Green Goblin cure.

This thing was just a few thousand MP since it’s not some all-powerful cure for all diseases. Only in this specific situation.

The only reason it was worth more was because of the tech behind it. But well, Benjamin had hundreds of millions of MP right now so he didn’t mind buying it.

As for why Benjamin wasn’t using any of the MP…well, it was simply because there wasn’t anything he wanted at the moment.

He did think of pouring it all into the gacha but…when he did, he only got a bunch of useless things. As for the guaranteed Red gacha on the 10-pulls…he only got a bunch of Untainted Symbiote.

Well, he gave some of those to his women since it was good for their protection.

The ones who have it now are Natasha, Anna, Susan, Ophelia, and Felicia. He still has one more in his Inventory since he didn’t know who to give it to.

Anyway, Benjamin decided to wait a bit to start doing gacha again when he was feeling luckier. Or maybe save up 10 Trillion for another System Infinity Stone.

Benjamin used the cure on the Green Goblin and sure enough, he started to revert back to Norman Osborn.

Seeing this, Spider-Man sighed in relief while Doctor Octopus was shocked and confused.

“Impossible! My formula is perfect! It shouldn’t be possible to revert him!”

Benjamin smiled.

“What’s wrong Doc? Aren’t you a scientist? Still can’t believe what you saw with your own eyes?”

“Impossible! I refuse to believe it! It must be a trick! An illusion!”

“Yeah yeah. Keep thinking that in your cell.”

“You can’t imprison me! What exactly are my crimes!? I’ve never hurt anyone!”

Doctor Octopus shouted.

Spider-Man tilted his head.

“Dude, you just turned someone into a goblin. I’m pretty sure that’s against the law.”

“What do you mean? I don’t see any goblin here.”


Spider-Man was speechless.

Benjamin chuckled.

“Hooh. Is that how you wanna play this?”

“You can’t tie me to any crime! You can’t detain me!”

Benjamin rolled his eyes.

“You know. That might work in a normal world and with an army of lawyers but…”

Benjamin pointed at Norman Osborn who was waking up slowly.

“Do you really think you can beat his lawyers?”

Norman gnashed his teeth as he glared angrily at Doctor Octopus.

“Otto! This I promise you! You will rot in jail for the rest of your life! Don’t even think of getting out!”


“Well, that’s that but…even without his lawyers, you are still charged with attempted murder, assaulting an officer, bad breath, annoying face, and so on and so forth.”

“...Those last few things are nonsense!”

“Nonsense is what you get for thinking nonsensical thoughts of still being free even after you turned someone into a monster and attempted to wreak havoc.”

Benjamin shrugged.


Benjamin moved behind Norman and cuffed him as well.

“You’re under arrest too.”



Both Norman and Spider-Man were confused.

“Hold on, Capt. This…”

“Cat. Did you get it?”

“Hehe, yep~”

Suddenly, from the shadows, a slim figure appeared holding a small notebook.

Norman’s eyes widened in horror when he saw that.


“Evidence of your involvement with the various gangs and underground crime groups. It’s really diligent of you to leave this record for us to collect.”

Felicia chuckled.

Most likely, this was something Norman kept as a last resort so that those various gangs and crime groups wouldn’t betray him.

It was hidden quite deep in the Oscorp building. It wasn’t even in his office either but in a separate, more inconspicuous area.

“Honestly, I was hoping to find some treasure but I guess this is fine too.”

Felicia shrugged.

She tossed the notebook to Benjamin who looked at it briefly then handed it to Spider-Man to take a look.

He still couldn’t believe that his best friend’s father would have such ties to the underworld like this but seeing what was written here…he could only believe.

What’s more, he was even involved in murders, human trafficking, and drug dealing…

Norman was someone who would use the various gangs and crime groups to target certain board members or competitors who got in his way.

Benjamin ignored Spider-Man who was still feeling quite conflicted. He turned to Felicia and nodded.

“There are some locations written on it.”

“I know. I’ll send the guild to deal with it.”

Spider-Man turned to them and asked.

“Guild? Don’t you mean the EPD?”

Benjamin shook his head while opening up a portal to the EPD prison.

Tossing the two in their cells, he closed the portal and answered.

“While it’s true that I can have the EPD raid those places, this requires a more…delicate touch. I’m leaving it to the Thieves Guild.”

“The Thieves Guild!?”

Spider-Man was shocked.

Isn’t that the group that’s been stealing money from various government officials and rich folks!?

They’re wanted by several organizations like FBI, Interpol, SHIELD, and even EPD!

But…why did it seem like Benjamin knew them!?

“Ah, is it fine to tell him that?”

Felicia asked Benjamin.

“It’s fine. This guy needs to know about the dark side of society sooner or later.”

“Hmm, I guess you have a point. He’s too gullible for his own good.”

Felicia chuckled.

Spider-Man was growing more and more confused.

“You guys…”

“Ah. Actually, I’m one of the bosses of the Thieves Guild.”

Felicia grinned, leaving Spider-Man at a loss for words.

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